O kama pona!
Welcome to my site! I sometimes write about things that interest me on here, but don't expect frequent posts.
2025-01-25Git Annex & the reMarkable 2 tabletWhat to do if rmfakecloud doesn't scratch the itch
2024-10-24A line map for Milano's trams in TEXI got on a box built in the 1920ies and realised I didn't know where it was going
2023-11-29Am selben Bahnsteig gegenüber?Platform data for bahnhof.name via OverpassQL
2023-01-05Run yourself a local telephone network with Asterisk and NixOSA description of the phones used at 22f3
2022-05-22Hacking on Isabelle/MLAn attempt at helpful notes for beginners
2021-11-13Are Nix Expressions Pacman-Complete?Things to not make and do with Nix-the-language
Other Things
backend of a passenger information system for the Ilztalbahn, which generates and publishes real-time data by tracking running vehicles with GNSS.
a little web site for train nerds in search of station info.
a linter for workadventure maps, checking for common mistakes and probable errors. Used by online chaos events during the pandemic.
a small command-line client for travelynx, which I use when travelling.
hacc Munich &
places where I volunteer to help with Nix expressions & video stuff
this website
which generates an explanation of how it works from its own hakyll configuration file. Guaranteed up-to-date!
Most of my code is published on my own instance of cgit. Unfortunately there’s no obvious way to e.g. create an issue on one of my repositories if you’ve found a bug.
Tbh I’m still trying to figure out what a good alternative might look like; in the meantime, feel free to ping me (via mail or on the fediverse) for issues/bugs, and I’ll also be delighted to receive feedback & patches via email.
These books were published under an open license by other people; I’ve merely converted them into a format I find easier to read:
- The Definitive Guide to GTFS, by Quentin Zervaas
- The Definitive Guide to GTFS-Realtime, by Quentin Zervaas
- The Lux Programming Language, by the Lux Developers
(notes on exact license & link to original publication are are in the introduction of each book)