path: root/client/src
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt2020-07-31 12:49:43 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt2020-07-31 12:49:43 +0200
commita92864d1aceb2e8070916d5caa51286629d3faa9 (patch)
tree82610bb1a40103ff47590c78e1fd22f67a19420e /client/src
parentc92c0f65c733c9aba5c56313a4bc313a299e1230 (diff)
Allow selecting cards
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Client.elm b/client/src/Client.elm
index 194fd80..ea1a737 100644
--- a/client/src/Client.elm
+++ b/client/src/Client.elm
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Html.Events
import Html exposing (Html)
import Json.Decode
import Json.Encode
-import Messages exposing (GameView)
+import Messages exposing (BlackCard, WhiteCard, GameView)
import Url exposing (Url)
port webSocketIn : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
@@ -20,19 +20,24 @@ type Msg
-- Name changes
| ChangeMyName String
| SubmitMyName
+ -- Card selection
+ | SelectWhiteCard WhiteCard
type alias Cards = {black : Array String, white : Array String}
+type alias GameState =
+ { cards : Cards
+ , view : GameView
+ , changeMyName : String
+ , selectedWhiteCard : Maybe WhiteCard
+ }
type Model
= Error String
| Connecting
{ roomId : String
- | Game
- { cards : Cards
- , view : GameView
- , changeMyName : String
- }
+ | Game GameState
parseRoomId : Url -> Result String String
parseRoomId url = case String.split "/" url.path of
@@ -72,29 +77,61 @@ view model = case model of
[Html.text "change"]
] ++
- [viewTable game.cards game.view.table] ++
- (List.map (whiteCard game.cards) game.view.hand)
-viewTable : Cards -> Messages.TableView -> Html a
-viewTable cards (Messages.Proposing c my) = Html.div [] <|
- [ blackCard cards c
- ] ++
- (case my of
- Nothing -> []
- Just mc -> [whiteCard cards mc])
-blackCard : Cards -> Messages.BlackCard -> Html a
-blackCard cards (Messages.BlackCard idx) =
- let blank = Html.span [Html.Attributes.class "blank"] [] in
+ [viewTable game] ++
+ (List.map
+ (\c -> whiteCard game.cards c (cardIsSelected game c))
+ game.view.hand)
+selectedWhiteCard : GameState -> Maybe WhiteCard
+selectedWhiteCard game = case game.view.table of
+ Messages.Proposing _ (Just my) -> Just my
+ _ -> game.selectedWhiteCard
+cardIsSelected : GameState -> WhiteCard -> Bool
+cardIsSelected game card = selectedWhiteCard game == Just card
+viewTable : GameState -> Html Msg
+viewTable game = case game.view.table of
+ Messages.Proposing c my -> Html.div [] <|
+ [ blackCard game.cards c <| case selectedWhiteCard game of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just wc -> [wc]
+ ]
+intersperseWith : List a -> a -> List a -> List a
+intersperseWith values def list = case list of
+ [] -> []
+ x :: [] -> x :: []
+ x :: y :: t -> case values of
+ [] -> x :: def :: intersperseWith values def (y :: t)
+ v :: vs -> x :: v :: intersperseWith vs def (y :: t)
+blackCard : Cards -> BlackCard -> List WhiteCard -> Html a
+blackCard cards (Messages.BlackCard idx) whites =
+ let blank mbWhite = Html.span
+ [Html.Attributes.class "blank"] <|
+ case mbWhite of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just w -> [Html.text <| whiteCardContent cards w] in
Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "card", Html.Attributes.class "black"] <|
- List.intersperse blank <| List.map Html.text <|
+ intersperseWith (List.map (\c -> blank (Just c)) whites) (blank Nothing) <|
+ List.map Html.text <|
String.split "\\BLANK" <| Maybe.withDefault "" <|
Array.get idx cards.black
-whiteCard : Cards -> Messages.WhiteCard -> Html a
-whiteCard cards (Messages.WhiteCard idx) = Html.div
- [Html.Attributes.class "card", Html.Attributes.class "white"]
- [Html.text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| Array.get idx cards.white]
+whiteCardContent : Cards -> WhiteCard -> String
+whiteCardContent cards (Messages.WhiteCard idx) =
+ Maybe.withDefault "" <| Array.get idx cards.white
+whiteCard : Cards -> WhiteCard -> Bool -> Html Msg
+whiteCard cards c selected = Html.div
+ [ Html.Attributes.class "card"
+ , Html.Attributes.class "white"
+ , Html.Attributes.class <| if selected then "selected" else ""
+ , Html.Events.onClick <| SelectWhiteCard c
+ ]
+ [ Html.text <| whiteCardContent cards c
+ ]
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model = webSocketIn WebSocketIn
@@ -120,6 +157,7 @@ update msg model = case msg of
{ cards = {black = Array.empty, white = Array.empty}
, view = gameView
, changeMyName = gameView.myName
+ , selectedWhiteCard = Nothing
, Cmd.none
@@ -139,6 +177,10 @@ update msg model = case msg of
Game game -> (model , send <| Messages.ChangeMyName game.changeMyName)
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ SelectWhiteCard card -> case model of
+ Game game -> (Game {game | selectedWhiteCard = Just card}, Cmd.none)
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
main : Program () Model Msg
main = Browser.application
{ init = \() url key -> case parseRoomId url of