path: root/lib/CheckMap.hs
diff options
authorstuebinm2023-10-23 23:18:34 +0200
committerstuebinm2023-10-24 01:21:52 +0200
commit9110064fe62f98dd3ecc5fb4c3915a843492b8fb (patch)
tree6a8e3d54bef365bf1c6c4f72a7a75dd5d1f05d40 /lib/CheckMap.hs
parenta4461ce5d73a617e614e259bfe30b4e895c38a19 (diff)
a year went byHEADmain
This does many meta-things, but changes no functionality: - get rid of stack, and use just cabal with a stackage snapshot instead (why did I ever think stack was a good idea?) - update the stackage snapshot to something halfway recent - thus making builds work on nixpkgs-23.05 (current stable) - separating out packages into their own cabal files - use the GHC2021 set of extensions as default - very slight code changes to make things build again - update readme accordingly - stylish-haskell run
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CheckMap.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CheckMap.hs b/lib/CheckMap.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a2a0f9f..0000000
--- a/lib/CheckMap.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
--- | Module that contains the high-level checking functions
-module CheckMap (loadAndLintMap, MapResult(..), ResultKind(..), Optional,shrinkMapResult) where
-import Universum
-import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (toJSON))
-import qualified Data.Aeson as A
-import Data.Aeson.Types ((.=))
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import Badges (Badge)
-import Data.Tiled (Layer (layerLayers, layerName),
- Tiledmap (tiledmapLayers, tiledmapTilesets),
- loadTiledmap)
-import LintConfig (LintConfig (..), LintConfig')
-import LintWriter (LintResult, invertLintResult,
- resultToAdjusted, resultToBadges,
- resultToCWs, resultToDeps, resultToJitsis,
- resultToLints, resultToOffers, runLintWriter)
-import Properties (checkLayer, checkMap, checkTileset)
-import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
-import Types (Dep (MapLink),
- Hint (Hint, hintLevel, hintMsg), Level (..),
- lintsToHints)
-import Util (PrettyPrint (prettyprint), prettyprint)
-data ResultKind = Full | Shrunk
-type family Optional (a :: ResultKind) (b :: Type) where
- Optional Full b = b
- Optional Shrunk b = ()
--- | What this linter produces: lints for a single map
-data MapResult (kind :: ResultKind) = MapResult
- { mapresultLayer :: Map Hint [Text]
- -- ^ lints that occurred in one or more layers
- , mapresultTileset :: Map Hint [Text]
- -- ^ lints that occurred in one or more tilesets
- , mapresultDepends :: [Dep]
- -- ^ (external and local) dependencies of this map
- , mapresultProvides :: [Text]
- -- ^ entrypoints provided by this map (needed for dependency checking)
- , mapresultAdjusted :: Optional kind (Maybe Tiledmap)
- -- ^ the loaded map, with adjustments by the linter
- , mapresultBadges :: [Badge]
- -- ^ badges that can be found on this map
- , mapresultCWs :: [Text]
- -- ^ collected CWs that apply to this map
- , mapresultJitsis :: [Text]
- -- ^ all jitsi room slugs mentioned in this map
- , mapresultGeneral :: [Hint]
- -- ^ general-purpose lints that didn't fit anywhere else
- } deriving (Generic)
-instance NFData (Optional a (Maybe Tiledmap)) => NFData (MapResult a)
-instance Eq (MapResult a) where
- a == b =
- mapresultLayer a == mapresultLayer b &&
- mapresultTileset a == mapresultTileset b &&
- -- mapresultBadges a == mapresultBadges b &&
- mapresultGeneral a == mapresultGeneral b
-instance ToJSON (MapResult a) where
- toJSON res = A.object
- [ "layer" .= CollectedLints (mapresultLayer res)
- , "tileset" .= CollectedLints (mapresultTileset res)
- , "general" .= mapresultGeneral res
- ]
-newtype CollectedLints = CollectedLints (Map Hint [Text])
-instance ToJSON CollectedLints where
- toJSON (CollectedLints col) = toJSON
- . M.mapKeys hintMsg
- $ M.mapWithKey (\h cs -> A.object [ "level" .= hintLevel h, "in" .= truncated cs ]) col
- where truncated cs = if length cs > 10
- then take 9 cs <> [ "..." ]
- else cs
-shrinkMapResult :: MapResult Full -> MapResult Shrunk
-shrinkMapResult !res = res { mapresultAdjusted = () }
--- | this module's raison d'être
--- Lints the map at `path`, and limits local links to at most `depth`
--- layers upwards in the file hierarchy
-loadAndLintMap :: LintConfig' -> FilePath -> Int -> IO (Maybe (MapResult Full))
-loadAndLintMap config path depth = loadTiledmap path <&> \case
- Left err -> Just (MapResult mempty mempty mempty mempty Nothing mempty mempty mempty
- [ Hint Fatal . toText $ "Fatal: " <> err
- ])
- Right waMap ->
- Just (runLinter (takeFileName path == "main.json") config waMap depth)
--- | lint a loaded map
-runLinter :: Bool -> LintConfig' -> Tiledmap -> Int -> MapResult Full
-runLinter isMain config@LintConfig{..} tiledmap depth = MapResult
- { mapresultLayer = invertThing layer
- , mapresultTileset = invertThing tileset
- , mapresultGeneral =
- [Hint Warning "main.json should link back to the lobby"
- | isMain && not (any linksLobby layerDeps)]
- <> lintsToHints (resultToLints generalResult)
- , mapresultDepends = resultToDeps generalResult
- <> layerDeps
- <> concatMap resultToDeps tileset
- , mapresultProvides = concatMap resultToOffers layer
- , mapresultAdjusted = Just adjustedMap
- , mapresultCWs = resultToCWs generalResult
- , mapresultJitsis = concatMap resultToJitsis tileset
- <> concatMap resultToJitsis layer
- , mapresultBadges = concatMap resultToBadges layer
- <> resultToBadges generalResult
- }
- where
- linksLobby = \case
- MapLink link ->
- ("/@/"<>configEventSlug<>"/lobby") `T.isPrefixOf` link
- || configAssemblyTag == "lobby"
- _ -> False
- layerDeps = concatMap resultToDeps layer
- layer = checkLayerRec config depth (V.toList $ tiledmapLayers tiledmap)
- tileset = checkThing tiledmapTilesets checkTileset
- generalResult = runLintWriter config tiledmap depth checkMap
- checkThing getter checker = V.toList . runCheck $ getter tiledmap
- where runCheck thing = runLintWriter config thing depth checker
- -- | "inverts" a LintResult, i.e. groups it by lints instead of
- -- layers / maps
- invertThing thing = M.unionsWith (<>) $ fmap invertLintResult thing
- adjustedMap = (resultToAdjusted generalResult)
- { tiledmapLayers = V.fromList
- . fmap resultToAdjusted
- $ take (length (tiledmapLayers tiledmap)) layer
- , tiledmapTilesets = V.fromList
- . fmap resultToAdjusted
- $ tileset
- }
--- | Recursively checks a layer.
--- This is apparently necessary because someone thought it would be a good
--- idea to have group layers, even if their entire semantics appear to be
--- "they're group layers"; they don't seem to /do/ anything …
--- Note that this will flatten the layer structure and give them all back
--- in a single list, but the ones that were passed in will always be at
--- the head of the list.
-checkLayerRec :: LintConfig' -> Int -> [Layer] -> [LintResult Layer]
-checkLayerRec config depth layers =
- -- reordering to get the correct ones back up front
- (\rs -> fmap fst rs <> concatMap snd rs)
- -- map over all input layers
- $ flip fmap layers $ \parent ->
- case layerLayers parent of
- -- not a group layer; just lint this one
- Nothing ->
- (runLintWriter config parent depth checkLayer,[])
- -- this is a group layer. Fun!
- Just sublayers ->
- (parentResult, subresults)
- where
- -- Lintresults for sublayers with adjusted names
- subresults :: [LintResult Layer]
- subresults =
- take (length sublayers)
- . fmap (fmap (\l -> l { layerName = layerName parent <> "/" <> layerName l } ))
- $ subresults'
- -- Lintresults for sublayers and subsublayers etc.
- subresults' =
- checkLayerRec config depth sublayers
- -- lintresult for the parent layer
- parentResult = runLintWriter config parentAdjusted depth checkLayer
- -- the parent layer with adjusted sublayers
- parentAdjusted =
- parent { layerLayers = Just (fmap resultToAdjusted subresults') }
--- human-readable lint output, e.g. for consoles
-instance PrettyPrint (Level, MapResult a) where
- prettyprint (_, mapResult) = if complete == ""
- then " all good!\n" else complete
- where
- complete = T.concat $ prettyGeneral
- <> prettyLints mapresultLayer
- <> prettyLints mapresultTileset
- -- | pretty-prints a collection of Hints, printing each
- -- Hint only once, then a list of its occurences line-wrapped
- -- to fit onto a decent-sized terminal
- prettyLints :: (MapResult a -> Map Hint [Text]) -> [Text]
- prettyLints getter = fmap
- (\(h, cs) -> prettyprint h
- <> "\n (in "
- <> snd (foldl (\(l,a) c -> case l of
- 0 -> (T.length c, c)
- _ | l < 70 -> (l+2+T.length c, a <> ", " <> c)
- _ -> (6+T.length c, a <> ",\n " <> c)
- )
- (0, "") cs)
- <> ")\n")
- (M.toList . getter $ mapResult)
- prettyGeneral :: [Text]
- prettyGeneral = map
- ((<> "\n") . prettyprint)
- $ mapresultGeneral mapResult