path: root/lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php
diff options
authorderchris2019-02-02 15:35:30 +0100
committerderchris2019-02-02 15:35:30 +0100
commit7ad9f272a482802da2d43fe83841adbe9bcd8cb4 (patch)
tree75b43a2a8c3ab3dbdcb0694d135f4729c90b8af7 /lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php
parenteb6601b2520d48a0be91634fada0389faadde31d (diff)
update less.php to PHP 7.x compatible fork
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php b/lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aaca96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/less.php/Visitor/toCSS.php
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ * toCSS Visitor
+ *
+ * @package Less
+ * @subpackage visitor
+ */
+class Less_Visitor_toCSS extends Less_VisitorReplacing{
+ private $charset;
+ public function __construct(){
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root
+ */
+ public function run( $root ){
+ return $this->visitObj($root);
+ }
+ public function visitRule( $ruleNode ){
+ if( $ruleNode->variable ){
+ return array();
+ }
+ return $ruleNode;
+ }
+ public function visitMixinDefinition($mixinNode){
+ // mixin definitions do not get eval'd - this means they keep state
+ // so we have to clear that state here so it isn't used if toCSS is called twice
+ $mixinNode->frames = array();
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function visitExtend(){
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function visitComment( $commentNode ){
+ if( $commentNode->isSilent() ){
+ return array();
+ }
+ return $commentNode;
+ }
+ public function visitMedia( $mediaNode, &$visitDeeper ){
+ $mediaNode->accept($this);
+ $visitDeeper = false;
+ if( !$mediaNode->rules ){
+ return array();
+ }
+ return $mediaNode;
+ }
+ public function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){
+ if( isset($directiveNode->currentFileInfo['reference']) && (!property_exists($directiveNode,'isReferenced') || !$directiveNode->isReferenced) ){
+ return array();
+ }
+ if( $directiveNode->name === '@charset' ){
+ // Only output the debug info together with subsequent @charset definitions
+ // a comment (or @media statement) before the actual @charset directive would
+ // be considered illegal css as it has to be on the first line
+ if( isset($this->charset) && $this->charset ){
+ //if( $directiveNode->debugInfo ){
+ // $comment = new Less_Tree_Comment('/* ' . str_replace("\n",'',$directiveNode->toCSS())." */\n");
+ // $comment->debugInfo = $directiveNode->debugInfo;
+ // return $this->visit($comment);
+ //}
+ return array();
+ }
+ $this->charset = true;
+ }
+ return $directiveNode;
+ }
+ public function checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ){
+ if( !$rulesetNode->firstRoot ){
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach($rulesetNode->rules as $ruleNode){
+ if( $ruleNode instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && !$ruleNode->variable ){
+ $msg = "properties must be inside selector blocks, they cannot be in the root. Index ".$ruleNode->index.($ruleNode->currentFileInfo ? (' Filename: '.$ruleNode->currentFileInfo['filename']) : null);
+ throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode, &$visitDeeper ){
+ $visitDeeper = false;
+ $this->checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode );
+ if( $rulesetNode->root ){
+ return $this->visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode );
+ }
+ $rulesets = array();
+ $rulesetNode->paths = $this->visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode);
+ // Compile rules and rulesets
+ $nodeRuleCnt = $rulesetNode->rules?count($rulesetNode->rules):0;
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $nodeRuleCnt; ){
+ $rule = $rulesetNode->rules[$i];
+ if( property_exists($rule,'rules') ){
+ // visit because we are moving them out from being a child
+ $rulesets[] = $this->visitObj($rule);
+ array_splice($rulesetNode->rules,$i,1);
+ $nodeRuleCnt--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ // accept the visitor to remove rules and refactor itself
+ // then we can decide now whether we want it or not
+ if( $nodeRuleCnt > 0 ){
+ $rulesetNode->accept($this);
+ if( $rulesetNode->rules ){
+ if( count($rulesetNode->rules) > 1 ){
+ $this->_mergeRules( $rulesetNode->rules );
+ $this->_removeDuplicateRules( $rulesetNode->rules );
+ }
+ // now decide whether we keep the ruleset
+ if( $rulesetNode->paths ){
+ //array_unshift($rulesets, $rulesetNode);
+ array_splice($rulesets,0,0,array($rulesetNode));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( count($rulesets) === 1 ){
+ return $rulesets[0];
+ }
+ return $rulesets;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function for visitiRuleset
+ *
+ * return array|Less_Tree_Ruleset
+ */
+ private function visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ){
+ $rulesetNode->accept( $this );
+ if( $rulesetNode->firstRoot || $rulesetNode->rules ){
+ return $rulesetNode;
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function for visitRuleset()
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode){
+ $paths = array();
+ foreach($rulesetNode->paths as $p){
+ if( $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' ){
+ $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator = '';
+ }
+ foreach($p as $pi){
+ if( $pi->getIsReferenced() && $pi->getIsOutput() ){
+ $paths[] = $p;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $paths;
+ }
+ protected function _removeDuplicateRules( &$rules ){
+ // remove duplicates
+ $ruleCache = array();
+ for( $i = count($rules)-1; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ){
+ $rule = $rules[$i];
+ if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){
+ if( !isset($ruleCache[$rule->name]) ){
+ $ruleCache[$rule->name] = $rule;
+ }else{
+ $ruleList =& $ruleCache[$rule->name];
+ if( $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){
+ $ruleList = $ruleCache[$rule->name] = array( $ruleCache[$rule->name]->toCSS() );
+ }
+ $ruleCSS = $rule->toCSS();
+ if( array_search($ruleCSS,$ruleList) !== false ){
+ array_splice($rules,$i,1);
+ }else{
+ $ruleList[] = $ruleCSS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function _mergeRules( &$rules ){
+ $groups = array();
+ //obj($rules);
+ $rules_len = count($rules);
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ){
+ $rule = $rules[$i];
+ if( ($rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $rule->merge ){
+ $key = $rule->name;
+ if( $rule->important ){
+ $key .= ',!';
+ }
+ if( !isset($groups[$key]) ){
+ $groups[$key] = array();
+ }else{
+ array_splice($rules, $i--, 1);
+ $rules_len--;
+ }
+ $groups[$key][] = $rule;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($groups as $parts){
+ if( count($parts) > 1 ){
+ $rule = $parts[0];
+ $spacedGroups = array();
+ $lastSpacedGroup = array();
+ $parts_mapped = array();
+ foreach($parts as $p){
+ if( $p->merge === '+' ){
+ if( $lastSpacedGroup ){
+ $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup);
+ }
+ $lastSpacedGroup = array();
+ }
+ $lastSpacedGroup[] = $p;
+ }
+ $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup);
+ $rule->value = self::toValue($spacedGroups);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static function toExpression($values){
+ $mapped = array();
+ foreach($values as $p){
+ $mapped[] = $p->value;
+ }
+ return new Less_Tree_Expression( $mapped );
+ }
+ public static function toValue($values){
+ //return new Less_Tree_Value($values); ??
+ $mapped = array();
+ foreach($values as $p){
+ $mapped[] = $p;
+ }
+ return new Less_Tree_Value($mapped);
+ }