path: root/server/lib/Cafp
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-13 19:19:22 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-13 19:19:22 +0200
commit8d5c0405565ad4afd976efd1262b3224efd6ee2f (patch)
tree8d24ecb97212d54943d104ed95f1fda4dea7c1fd /server/lib/Cafp
parenta39fe7ff759a552c64a060f0d98a0d4e8a577b01 (diff)
cafp -> uplcg
Diffstat (limited to 'server/lib/Cafp')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/server/lib/Cafp/CookieSocket.hs b/server/lib/Cafp/CookieSocket.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5770a3b..0000000
--- a/server/lib/Cafp/CookieSocket.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
--- | Allows websockets to reconnect and recover state by storing a cookie client
--- side.
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Cafp.CookieSocket
- ( Handle
- , withHandle
- , CookieName
- , acceptRequest
- , persist
- ) where
-import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
-import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
-import Control.Monad (forever, guard)
-import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
-import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-import qualified Data.Time as Time
-import Data.UUID (UUID)
-import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
-import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID.V4
-import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
-type CookieName = T.Text
-newtype Secret = Secret UUID deriving (Eq, Hashable)
-data Handle v = Handle
- { hMinutes :: Int -- Minutes after which expiry happens
- , hStore :: MVar (HashMap Secret (Time.UTCTime, v))
- }
-withHandle :: Int -> (Handle v -> IO a) -> IO a
-withHandle minutes f = do
- store <- MVar.newMVar HMS.empty
- Async.withAsync (reaper store) $ \_ -> f $ Handle minutes store
- where
- -- This is really shitty and we should probably do something with
- -- monotonic time.
- reaper store = forever $ do
- threadDelay $ minutes * 60 * 1000 * 1000
- now <- Time.getCurrentTime
- MVar.modifyMVar_ store $ pure . HMS.filter ((> now) . fst)
-parseCookie :: CookieName -> WS.PendingConnection -> Maybe T.Text
-parseCookie name pc = listToMaybe $ do
- (header, values) <- WS.requestHeaders $ WS.pendingRequest pc
- guard $ header == "Cookie"
- part <- T.split (== ';') $ T.decodeUtf8 values
- let (key, val) = T.break (== '=') part
- guard $ T.strip key == name
- guard $ "=" `T.isPrefixOf` val
- pure . T.strip $ T.drop 1 val
-makeCookie :: CookieName -> T.Text -> WS.Headers
-makeCookie name val = [("Set-Cookie", T.encodeUtf8 $ name <> "=" <> val)]
- :: Handle a -> CookieName -> WS.PendingConnection
- -> IO (WS.Connection, Secret, Maybe a)
-acceptRequest h name pc = case parseCookie name pc >>= UUID.fromText of
- Just uuid -> do
- conn <- WS.acceptRequest pc
- store <- MVar.readMVar (hStore h)
- pure (conn, Secret uuid, snd <$> HMS.lookup (Secret uuid) store)
- Nothing -> do
- uuid <- UUID.V4.nextRandom
- conn <- WS.acceptRequestWith pc WS.defaultAcceptRequest
- { WS.acceptHeaders =
- makeCookie name (UUID.toText uuid) <>
- WS.acceptHeaders WS.defaultAcceptRequest
- }
- pure (conn, Secret uuid, Nothing)
-persist :: Handle a -> Secret -> a -> IO ()
-persist h key x = MVar.modifyMVar_ (hStore h) $ \store -> do
- expiry <- Time.addUTCTime diffTime <$> Time.getCurrentTime
- pure $ HMS.insert key (expiry, x) store
- where
- diffTime = fromIntegral (60 * hMinutes h)
diff --git a/server/lib/Cafp/Game.hs b/server/lib/Cafp/Game.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed3cc1..0000000
--- a/server/lib/Cafp/Game.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Cafp.Game
- ( PlayerId
- , Table (..)
- , Player (..)
- , Game (..)
- , gameLog, gameCards, gamePlayers, gameNextPlayerId
- , newGame
- , joinGame
- , leaveGame
- , processClientMessage
- , gameViewForPlayer
- ) where
-import Cafp.Messages
-import Control.Lens (Lens', at, iall, ifor_, imap, ix,
- orOf, to, (%%=), (%=), (%~), (&),
- (+=), (.=), (.~), (^.), (^..),
- (^?), _1, _2, _3)
-import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses, makePrisms)
-import Control.Monad (guard)
-import Control.Monad.State (State, execState, modify,
- runState, state)
-import Data.Bifunctor (first)
-import Data.Foldable (for_)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
-import Data.List (sort)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Ord (Down (..), comparing)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge as V
-import Data.Vector.Instances ()
-import System.Random (StdGen)
-import VectorShuffling.Immutable (shuffle)
-type PlayerId = Int
-type Proposal = V.Vector WhiteCard
-data Table
- = TableProposing
- !BlackCard
- !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Proposal)
- | TableVoting
- !BlackCard
- !(V.Vector (Proposal, [PlayerId]))
- !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Int)
- | TableTally
- !BlackCard
- !(V.Vector VotedView)
- deriving (Show)
-data Player = Player
- { _playerId :: !PlayerId
- , _playerName :: !Text
- , _playerHand :: !(V.Vector WhiteCard)
- , _playerAdmin :: !Bool
- , _playerPoints :: !Int
- } deriving (Show)
-data Game = Game
- { _gameCards :: !Cards
- , _gameSeed :: !StdGen
- , _gameLog :: ![Text]
- , _gameBlack :: ![BlackCard]
- , _gameWhite :: ![WhiteCard]
- , _gamePlayers :: !(HMS.HashMap PlayerId Player)
- , _gameTable :: !Table
- , _gameNextPlayerId :: !Int
- } deriving (Show)
-makePrisms ''Table
-makeLenses ''Player
-makeLenses ''Game
- :: (Cards -> V.Vector t) -> (Int -> c) -> Lens' Game [c]
- -> State Game c
-popCard getDeck mk queue = state $ \game -> case game ^. queue of
- (x : xs) -> (x, game & queue .~ xs)
- [] ->
- let deck = game ^. gameCards . to getDeck
- idxs = V.imap (\i _ -> mk i) deck
- (cs, seed) = first V.toList $ shuffle idxs (game ^. gameSeed) in
- case cs of
- [] -> error "popCard: Cards are empty"
- x : xs -> (x, game & queue .~ xs & gameSeed .~ seed)
-popBlackCard :: State Game BlackCard
-popBlackCard = popCard cardsBlack BlackCard gameBlack
-popWhiteCard :: State Game WhiteCard
-popWhiteCard = popCard cardsWhite WhiteCard gameWhite
-newGame :: Cards -> StdGen -> Game
-newGame cards gen = flip execState state0 $ do
- black <- popBlackCard
- gameTable .= TableProposing black HMS.empty
- where
- state0 = Game
- { _gameCards = cards
- , _gameSeed = gen
- , _gameLog = []
- , _gameBlack = []
- , _gameWhite = []
- , _gamePlayers = HMS.empty
- , _gameTable = TableProposing (BlackCard 0) HMS.empty
- , _gameNextPlayerId = 1
- }
-defaultHandSize :: Int
-defaultHandSize = 8
-drawNewWhiteCards :: Game -> Game
-drawNewWhiteCards game = flip execState game $ do
- ifor_ (game ^. gamePlayers) $ \pid player -> do
- let num = defaultHandSize - V.length (player ^. playerHand)
- new <- V.replicateM num popWhiteCard
- gamePlayers . ix pid . playerHand %= (<> new)
-assignAdmin :: Game -> Game
-assignAdmin game
- -- Admin already assigned.
- | orOf (gamePlayers . traverse . playerAdmin) game = game
- -- Assign to first player
- | (p1 : _) <- sort (game ^. gamePlayers . to HMS.keys) =
- game & gamePlayers . ix p1 . playerAdmin .~ True
- -- No players
- | otherwise = game
-joinGame :: Maybe Player -> Game -> (PlayerId, Game)
-joinGame mbPlayer = runState $ do
- player <- case mbPlayer of
- Nothing -> do
- pid <- gameNextPlayerId %%= (\x -> (x, x + 1))
- let name = "Player " <> T.pack (show pid)
- hand <- V.replicateM defaultHandSize popWhiteCard
- pure $ Player pid name hand False 0
- Just p -> pure $ p & playerAdmin .~ False
- gamePlayers %= HMS.insert (player ^. playerId) player
- modify assignAdmin
- pure $ player ^. playerId
-leaveGame :: PlayerId -> Game -> (Maybe Player, Game)
-leaveGame pid game = case game ^? gamePlayers . ix pid of
- Nothing -> (Nothing, game)
- Just p -> (Just p, assignAdmin $ game & gamePlayers %~ HMS.delete pid)
-blackCardBlanks :: Cards -> BlackCard -> Int
-blackCardBlanks cards (BlackCard c) =
- maybe 0 (length . T.breakOnAll "\\BLANK") $ cardsBlack cards V.!? c
-maximaOn :: Ord o => (a -> o) -> [a] -> [a]
-maximaOn f = \case [] -> []; x : xs -> go [x] (f x) xs
- where
- go best _ [] = reverse best
- go best bestScore (x : xs) =
- let score = f x in
- case compare score bestScore of
- LT -> go best bestScore xs
- EQ -> go (x : best) bestScore xs
- GT -> go [x] score xs
- :: Game
- -> (V.Vector (Proposal, [PlayerId]))
- -> (HMS.HashMap PlayerId Int)
- -> (V.Vector VotedView, [PlayerId])
-tallyVotes game shuffled votes =
- let counts :: HMS.HashMap Int Int -- Index, votes received.
- counts = HMS.fromListWith (+) [(idx, 1) | (_, idx) <- HMS.toList votes]
- best = map fst . maximaOn snd $ HMS.toList counts in
- ( byScore $ V.imap (\i (proposal, players) -> VotedView
- { votedProposal = proposal
- , votedScore = fromMaybe 0 $ HMS.lookup i counts
- , votedWinners = V.fromList $ do
- guard $ i `elem` best
- p <- players
- game ^.. gamePlayers . ix p . playerName
- })
- shuffled
- , [player | idx <- best, player <- snd $ shuffled V.! idx]
- )
- where
- byScore = V.modify $ V.sortBy . comparing $ Down . votedScore
--- | Create nice messages about the winners in the logs.
-votedMessages :: Cards -> BlackCard -> V.Vector VotedView -> [T.Text]
-votedMessages cards (BlackCard black) voteds = do
- voted <- V.toList voteds
- guard $ V.length (votedWinners voted) > 0
- pure $
- T.intercalate ", " (V.toList $ votedWinners voted) <> " won with " <>
- cardsBlack cards V.! black <> " | " <>
- T.intercalate " / "
- [ cardsWhite cards V.! i
- | WhiteCard i <- V.toList $ votedProposal voted
- ]
-stepGame :: Bool -> Game -> Game
-stepGame skip game = case game ^. gameTable of
- TableProposing black proposals
- -- Everyone has proposed.
- | skip || iall (const . (`HMS.member` proposals)) (game ^. gamePlayers) ->
- let proposalsMap = HMS.fromListWith (++) $ do
- (pid, proposal) <- HMS.toList proposals
- pure (proposal, [pid])
- (shuffled, seed) = shuffle
- (V.fromList $ HMS.toList proposalsMap) (game ^. gameSeed) in
- -- There's a recursive call because in some one-player cases we
- -- skip the voting process entirely.
- stepGame False $ game
- & gameSeed .~ seed
- & gameTable .~ TableVoting black shuffled HMS.empty
- & gamePlayers %~ imap (\pid player ->
- let used = fromMaybe V.empty $ HMS.lookup pid proposals in
- player & playerHand %~ V.filter (not . (`V.elem` used)))
- | otherwise -> game
- TableVoting black shuffled votes
- -- Everyone has voted.
- | skip || iall hasVoted (game ^. gamePlayers) ->
- let (voted, wins) = tallyVotes game shuffled votes in
- flip execState game $ do
- for_ wins $ \win -> gamePlayers . ix win . playerPoints += 1
- gameTable .= TableTally black voted
- gameLog %= (votedMessages (game ^. gameCards) black voted ++)
- | otherwise -> game
- where
- hasVoted pid _ = HMS.member pid votes ||
- -- The person cannot vote for anything since all the proposals
- -- are theirs. This can happen when the game starts out with a
- -- single person.
- V.all (\(_, pids) -> pid `elem` pids) shuffled
- TableTally _ _ -> game
-processClientMessage :: PlayerId -> ClientMessage -> Game -> Game
-processClientMessage pid msg game = case msg of
- ChangeMyName name
- | T.length name > 32 -> game
- | otherwise -> game & gamePlayers . ix pid . playerName .~ name
- ProposeWhiteCards cs
- -- Bad card(s) proposed, i.e. not in hand of player.
- | any (not . (`elem` hand)) cs -> game
- -- Proposal already made.
- | Just _ <- game ^? gameTable . _TableProposing . _2 . ix pid -> game
- -- Not enough cards submitted.
- | Just b <- game ^? gameTable . _TableProposing . _1
- , blackCardBlanks (game ^. gameCards) b /= length cs -> game
- -- All good.
- | otherwise -> stepGame False $
- game & gameTable . _TableProposing . _2 . at pid .~ Just cs
- SubmitVote i -> case game ^. gameTable of
- TableProposing _ _ -> game
- TableTally _ _ -> game
- TableVoting _ shuffled votes
- -- Vote out of bounds.
- | i < 0 || i >= V.length shuffled -> game
- -- Already voted.
- | pid `HMS.member` votes -> game
- -- Can't vote for self.
- | pid `elem` snd (shuffled V.! i) -> game
- -- Ok vote.
- | otherwise -> stepGame False $ game
- & gameTable . _TableVoting . _3 . at pid .~ Just i
- AdminConfirmTally
- | TableTally _ _ <- game ^. gameTable, admin ->
- flip execState game $ do
- black <- popBlackCard
- gameTable .= TableProposing black HMS.empty
- modify drawNewWhiteCards
- | otherwise -> game
- AdminSkipProposals
- | TableProposing _ _ <- game ^. gameTable, admin -> stepGame True $
- game & gameLog %~ ("Admin skipped proposals" :)
- | otherwise -> game
- AdminSkipVotes
- | TableVoting _ _ _ <- game ^. gameTable, admin -> stepGame True $
- game & gameLog %~ ("Admin skipped votes" :)
- | otherwise -> game
- where
- hand = game ^.. gamePlayers . ix pid . playerHand . traverse
- admin = fromMaybe False $ game ^? gamePlayers . ix pid . playerAdmin
-gameViewForPlayer :: PlayerId -> Game -> GameView
-gameViewForPlayer self game =
- let playerView pid player = PlayerView
- { playerViewName = player ^. playerName
- , playerViewAdmin = player ^. playerAdmin
- , playerViewReady = case game ^. gameTable of
- TableProposing _ proposals -> HMS.member pid proposals
- TableVoting _ _ votes -> HMS.member pid votes
- TableTally _ _ -> False
- , playerViewPoints = player ^. playerPoints
- }
- table = case game ^. gameTable of
- TableProposing black proposals ->
- Proposing black . fromMaybe V.empty $ HMS.lookup self proposals
- TableVoting black shuffled votes -> Voting
- black
- (fst <$> shuffled)
- (V.findIndex ((self `elem`) . snd) shuffled)
- (HMS.lookup self votes)
- TableTally black voted -> Tally black voted in
- GameView
- { gameViewPlayers = V.fromList . map snd . HMS.toList
- . HMS.delete self . imap playerView $ game ^. gamePlayers
- , gameViewMe = maybe dummy (playerView self) $
- game ^? gamePlayers . ix self
- , gameViewTable = table
- , gameViewHand = fromMaybe V.empty $
- game ^? gamePlayers . ix self . playerHand
- }
- where
- dummy = PlayerView "" False False 0
diff --git a/server/lib/Cafp/Main/GenerateElmTypes.hs b/server/lib/Cafp/Main/GenerateElmTypes.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf19e8..0000000
--- a/server/lib/Cafp/Main/GenerateElmTypes.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Cafp.Main.GenerateElmTypes
- ( main
- ) where
-import Cafp.Messages
-import Data.Proxy
-import Elm.Module
-main :: IO ()
-main = putStrLn $ makeElmModule "Messages"
- [ DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy BlackCard)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy WhiteCard)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy Cards)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy PlayerView)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy VotedView)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy TableView)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy GameView)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy ServerMessage)
- , DefineElm (Proxy :: Proxy ClientMessage)
- ]
diff --git a/server/lib/Cafp/Main/Server.hs b/server/lib/Cafp/Main/Server.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2425d..0000000
--- a/server/lib/Cafp/Main/Server.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Cafp.Main.Server
- ( main
- ) where
-import qualified Cafp.CookieSocket as CookieSocket
-import Cafp.Game
-import Cafp.Messages
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
-import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar
-import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, TVar, atomically)
-import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
-import Control.Exception (bracket)
-import Control.Lens ((^.), (&), (.~))
-import Control.Monad (forever, when)
-import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
-import Data.Foldable (for_)
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
-import Data.String (fromString)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
-import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
-import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WaiWs
-import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
-import System.Environment (getEnv)
-import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL
-import System.Random (StdGen, newStdGen)
-import qualified Web.Scotty as Scotty
-type RoomId = T.Text
-type Sink = BL.ByteString -> IO ()
-data Room = Room
- { roomId :: RoomId
- , roomGame :: TVar Game
- , roomSinks :: TVar (HMS.HashMap PlayerId Sink)
- }
-data Server = Server
- { serverLogger :: FL.FastLogger
- , serverCookieSocket :: CookieSocket.Handle Player
- , serverCards :: Cards
- , serverRooms :: MVar (HMS.HashMap RoomId Room)
- }
-readCards :: IO Cards
-readCards = Cards
- <$> fmap parseCards (T.readFile "assets/black.txt")
- <*> fmap parseCards (T.readFile "assets/white.txt")
- where
- parseCards = V.fromList . filter (not . T.null) . map dropComment . T.lines
- dropComment = T.strip . fst . T.break (== '#')
-withServer :: FL.FastLogger -> (Server -> IO a) -> IO a
-withServer fl f = CookieSocket.withHandle 5 $ \cs -> do
- f =<< Server fl cs <$> readCards <*> MVar.newMVar HMS.empty
-newRoom :: RoomId -> Cards -> StdGen -> STM Room
-newRoom rid cards gen = Room rid
- <$> STM.newTVar (newGame cards gen)
- <*> STM.newTVar HMS.empty
-parseRoomId :: T.Text -> Either String T.Text
-parseRoomId txt
- | T.all isAlphaNum txt && T.length txt >= 6 = Right txt
- | otherwise = Left "Bad room name"
-scottyApp :: IO Wai.Application
-scottyApp = Scotty.scottyApp $ do
- Scotty.get "/rooms/:id/" $ do
- rid <- Scotty.param "id"
- when (T.length rid < 6) $
- Scotty.raise "Room ID should be at least 6 characters"
- Scotty.setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html"
- Scotty.file "assets/client.html"
- Scotty.get "/assets/client.js" $ do
- Scotty.setHeader "Content-Type" "application/JavaScript"
- Scotty.file "assets/client.js"
- Scotty.get "/assets/style.css" $ do
- Scotty.setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css"
- Scotty.file "assets/style.css"
-routePendingConnection :: WS.PendingConnection -> Maybe RoomId
-routePendingConnection pending =
- let path = T.decodeUtf8 . WS.requestPath $ WS.pendingRequest pending in
- case splitPath path of
- ["rooms", txt, "events"] | Right r <- parseRoomId txt -> Just r
- _ -> Nothing
-getOrCreateRoom :: Server -> RoomId -> IO Room
-getOrCreateRoom server rid = MVar.modifyMVar (serverRooms server) $ \rooms ->
- case HMS.lookup rid rooms of
- Just room -> pure (rooms, room)
- Nothing -> do
- gen <- newStdGen
- serverLogger server $ "[" <> FL.toLogStr rid <> "] Created room"
- room <- atomically $ newRoom rid (serverCards server) gen
- pure (HMS.insert rid room rooms, room)
-deleteRoom :: Server -> RoomId -> IO ()
-deleteRoom server rid = do
- serverLogger server $ "[" <> FL.toLogStr rid <> "] Deleting room"
- MVar.modifyMVar_ (serverRooms server) $ pure . HMS.delete rid
-joinRoom :: Room -> Sink -> Maybe Player -> STM PlayerId
-joinRoom room sink mbRecovered = do
- pid <- STM.stateTVar (roomGame room) $ joinGame mbRecovered
- STM.modifyTVar' (roomSinks room) $ HMS.insert pid sink
- pure pid
-leaveRoom :: Room -> PlayerId -> STM (Bool, Maybe Player)
-leaveRoom room pid = do
- player <- STM.stateTVar (roomGame room) $ leaveGame pid
- STM.stateTVar (roomSinks room) $ \sinks ->
- let sinks' = HMS.delete pid sinks in
- ((HMS.null sinks', player), sinks')
-syncRoom :: Server -> Room -> IO ()
-syncRoom server room = do
- (game, sinks) <- atomically $ (,)
- <$> STM.stateTVar (roomGame room) (\g -> (g, g & gameLog .~ []))
- <*> STM.readTVar (roomSinks room)
- for_ (reverse $ game ^. gameLog) $ \msg ->
- serverLogger server $ "[" <> FL.toLogStr (roomId room) <> "] " <>
- FL.toLogStr msg
- for_ (HMS.toList sinks) $ \(pid, sink) -> do
- let view = gameViewForPlayer pid game
- sink . Aeson.encode $ SyncGameView view
-wsApp :: Server -> WS.ServerApp
-wsApp server pc = case routePendingConnection pc of
- Nothing -> WS.rejectRequest pc "Invalid URL"
- Just rid -> do
- room <- getOrCreateRoom server rid
- (conn, secret, mbRecovered) <-
- CookieSocket.acceptRequest (serverCookieSocket server) rid pc
- let sink = WS.sendTextData conn
- WS.withPingThread conn 30 (pure ()) $ bracket
- (do
- pid <- atomically $ joinRoom room sink mbRecovered
- serverLogger server $ "[" <> FL.toLogStr rid <>
- "] Player " <> FL.toLogStr pid <>
- if isNothing mbRecovered then " joined" else " rejoined"
- pure pid)
- (\pid -> do
- (roomEmpty, mbPlayer) <- atomically $ leaveRoom room pid
- serverLogger server $ "[" <> FL.toLogStr rid <>
- "] Player " <> FL.toLogStr pid <> " left"
- if roomEmpty
- then deleteRoom server rid
- else do
- for_ mbPlayer $ CookieSocket.persist
- (serverCookieSocket server) secret
- syncRoom server room)
- (\playerId -> do
- sink . Aeson.encode $ Welcome rid
- syncRoom server room
- cards <- fmap (^. gameCards) . atomically . STM.readTVar $
- roomGame room
- sink . Aeson.encode $ SyncCards cards
- loop conn rid playerId)
- where
- loop conn rid playerId = forever $ do
- msg <- WS.receiveData conn
- case Aeson.decode msg of
- Just cm -> do
- room <- getOrCreateRoom server rid -- TODO: only get?
- atomically . STM.modifyTVar' (roomGame room) $
- processClientMessage playerId cm
- syncRoom server room
- Nothing -> do
- serverLogger server $ "Could not decode client message: " <>
- FL.toLogStr (show msg)
-splitPath :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
-splitPath = filter (not . T.null) . T.split (== '/')
-baseUrl :: [T.Text] -> Wai.Middleware
-baseUrl prefix application = \req ->
- case L.stripPrefix prefix (Wai.pathInfo req) of
- Nothing -> application req
- Just path -> application req
- { Wai.pathInfo = path
- , Wai.rawPathInfo = fromMaybe (Wai.rawPathInfo req) .
- B.stripPrefix bs $ Wai.rawPathInfo req
- }
- where
- bs = T.encodeUtf8 $ "/" <> T.intercalate "/" prefix
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- host <- fromString <$> getEnv "CAFP_HOSTNAME"
- port <- read <$> getEnv "CAFP_PORT"
- base <- splitPath . T.pack <$> getEnv "CAFP_BASE"
- let settings = Warp.setPort port . Warp.setHost host $ Warp.defaultSettings
- timeCache <- FL.newTimeCache FL.simpleTimeFormat
- FL.withTimedFastLogger timeCache
- (FL.LogStderr FL.defaultBufSize) $ \tfl ->
- let fl s = tfl (\time -> FL.toLogStr time <> " " <> s <> "\n") in
- withServer fl $ \server -> do
- sapp <- scottyApp
- Warp.runSettings settings $ baseUrl base $
- WaiWs.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions (wsApp server) sapp
diff --git a/server/lib/Cafp/Messages.hs b/server/lib/Cafp/Messages.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5066447..0000000
--- a/server/lib/Cafp/Messages.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Cafp.Messages
- ( BlackCard (..)
- , WhiteCard (..)
- , Cards (..)
- , PlayerView (..)
- , VotedView (..)
- , TableView (..)
- , GameView (..)
- , ServerMessage (..)
- , ClientMessage (..)
- ) where
-import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Vector (Vector)
-import Elm.Derive
-import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-data BlackCard = BlackCard Int deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
-instance Hashable BlackCard
-data WhiteCard = WhiteCard Int deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
-instance Hashable WhiteCard
-data Cards = Cards
- { cardsBlack :: !(Vector Text)
- , cardsWhite :: !(Vector Text)
- } deriving (Show)
-data PlayerView = PlayerView
- { playerViewName :: !Text
- , playerViewAdmin :: !Bool
- , playerViewReady :: !Bool
- , playerViewPoints :: !Int
- } deriving (Show)
-data VotedView = VotedView
- { votedProposal :: !(Vector WhiteCard)
- , votedScore :: !Int
- , votedWinners :: !(Vector Text)
- } deriving (Show)
-data TableView
- = Proposing !BlackCard !(Vector WhiteCard)
- | Voting
- !BlackCard
- !(Vector (Vector WhiteCard)) -- ^ Proposals to vote for
- !(Maybe Int) -- ^ My proposal
- !(Maybe Int) -- ^ My vote
- | Tally !BlackCard !(Vector VotedView)
- deriving (Show)
-data GameView = GameView
- { gameViewPlayers :: !(Vector PlayerView)
- , gameViewMe :: !PlayerView
- , gameViewTable :: !TableView
- , gameViewHand :: !(Vector WhiteCard)
- } deriving (Show)
-data ServerMessage
- = Welcome !Text
- | SyncCards !Cards
- | SyncGameView !GameView
- deriving (Show)
-data ClientMessage
- = ChangeMyName !Text
- | ProposeWhiteCards !(Vector WhiteCard)
- | SubmitVote !Int
- | AdminSkipProposals
- | AdminSkipVotes
- | AdminConfirmTally
- deriving (Show)
-deriveBoth defaultOptions ''BlackCard
-deriveBoth defaultOptions ''WhiteCard
-deriveBoth (defaultOptionsDropLower 5) ''Cards
-deriveBoth (defaultOptionsDropLower 10) ''PlayerView
-deriveBoth (defaultOptionsDropLower 5) ''VotedView
-deriveBoth defaultOptions ''TableView
-deriveBoth (defaultOptionsDropLower 8) ''GameView
-deriveBoth defaultOptions ''ServerMessage
-deriveBoth defaultOptions ''ClientMessage