path: root/client
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-03 15:37:00 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-03 15:37:00 +0200
commitf2683ace66da18c374166ad35a920ed0b27b5663 (patch)
treec8eea8e0e9f3cdafeebd0a57160674a041511bee /client
parent4914d8bf2a3d686d1955128e27fa06782517b990 (diff)
Full game flow
Diffstat (limited to 'client')
3 files changed, 82 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Client.elm b/client/src/Client.elm
index e3ecbf6..7cac663 100644
--- a/client/src/Client.elm
+++ b/client/src/Client.elm
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ type Msg
-- Voting
| SelectVote Int
| SubmitVote
+ -- Tally
+ | ConfirmTally
type alias Cards = {black : Array String, white : Array String}
@@ -49,12 +51,12 @@ parseRoomId url = case String.split "/" url.path of
_ :: "rooms" :: roomId :: _ -> Ok roomId
_ -> Err <| "Invalid path: " ++ url.path
-viewOpponent : Messages.Opponent -> Html msg
-viewOpponent opponent = Html.div [] <|
- [ Html.text opponent.name
+viewPlayer : Messages.PlayerView -> Html msg
+viewPlayer player = Html.div [] <|
+ [ Html.text player.name
] ++
- (if opponent.admin then [Html.text " 👑"] else []) ++
- (if opponent.ready then [Html.text " ✅"] else [])
+ (if player.admin then [Html.text " 👑"] else []) ++
+ (if player.ready then [Html.text " ✅"] else [])
view : Model -> List (Html Msg)
view model = case model of
@@ -67,10 +69,10 @@ view model = case model of
[Html.text <| "Connecting to room " ++ state.roomId ++ "..."]
Game game ->
- [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Opponents"]
+ [ Html.h1 [] [Html.text "Players"]
, Html.ul [] <| List.map
- (\o -> Html.li [] [viewOpponent o])
- game.view.opponents
+ (\o -> Html.li [] [viewPlayer o])
+ game.view.players
, Html.h1 [] [Html.text "You"]
, Html.form
[ Html.Attributes.action ""
@@ -84,7 +86,8 @@ view model = case model of
, Html.button
[ Html.Attributes.type_ "submit"
, Html.Attributes.disabled <|
- game.view.myName == game.changeMyName
+ game.view.me.name == game.changeMyName ||
+ String.length game.changeMyName > 32
[Html.text "Update name"]
@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ tableBlackCard : GameState -> Maybe BlackCard
tableBlackCard game = case game.view.table of
Messages.Proposing b _ -> Just b
Messages.Voting b _ _ _ -> Just b
+ Messages.Tally b _ -> Just b
selectedWhiteCards : GameState -> List WhiteCard
selectedWhiteCards game = case game.view.table of
@@ -148,6 +152,23 @@ viewTable game = case game.view.table of
[Html.text "Vote"]
+ Messages.Tally black results -> Html.div [] <|
+ [Html.h2 [] [Html.text "Vote results"]] ++
+ List.map (\voted ->
+ let attrs =
+ if List.length voted.winners > 0 then
+ [Html.Attributes.class "winner"]
+ else
+ [] in
+ blackCard attrs game.cards black voted.proposal)
+ results ++
+ if not game.view.me.admin then
+ []
+ else
+ [ Html.button
+ [Html.Events.onClick ConfirmTally] [Html.text "Next round"]
+ ]
intersperseWith : List a -> a -> List a -> List a
intersperseWith values def list = case list of
[] -> []
@@ -222,7 +243,7 @@ update msg model = case msg of
( Game
{ cards = {black = Array.empty, white = Array.empty}
, view = gameView
- , changeMyName = gameView.myName
+ , changeMyName = gameView.me.name
, selectedWhiteCards = []
, selectedVote = Nothing
@@ -280,6 +301,8 @@ update msg model = case msg of
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ ConfirmTally -> (model, send <| Messages.ConfirmTally)
main : Program () Model Msg
main = Browser.application
{ init = \() url key -> case parseRoomId url of
diff --git a/client/src/Messages.elm b/client/src/Messages.elm
index 3324886..a100dbf 100644
--- a/client/src/Messages.elm
+++ b/client/src/Messages.elm
@@ -56,25 +56,51 @@ jsonEncCards val =
-type alias Opponent =
+type alias PlayerView =
{ name: String
, admin: Bool
, ready: Bool
+ , points: Int
-jsonDecOpponent : Json.Decode.Decoder ( Opponent )
-jsonDecOpponent =
- Json.Decode.succeed (\pname padmin pready -> {name = pname, admin = padmin, ready = pready})
+jsonDecPlayerView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( PlayerView )
+jsonDecPlayerView =
+ Json.Decode.succeed (\pname padmin pready ppoints -> {name = pname, admin = padmin, ready = pready, points = ppoints})
|> required "name" (Json.Decode.string)
|> required "admin" (Json.Decode.bool)
|> required "ready" (Json.Decode.bool)
+ |> required "points" (Json.Decode.int)
-jsonEncOpponent : Opponent -> Value
-jsonEncOpponent val =
+jsonEncPlayerView : PlayerView -> Value
+jsonEncPlayerView val =
[ ("name", Json.Encode.string val.name)
, ("admin", Json.Encode.bool val.admin)
, ("ready", Json.Encode.bool val.ready)
+ , ("points", Json.Encode.int val.points)
+ ]
+type alias VotedView =
+ { proposal: (List WhiteCard)
+ , score: Int
+ , winners: (List String)
+ }
+jsonDecVotedView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( VotedView )
+jsonDecVotedView =
+ Json.Decode.succeed (\pproposal pscore pwinners -> {proposal = pproposal, score = pscore, winners = pwinners})
+ |> required "proposal" (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard))
+ |> required "score" (Json.Decode.int)
+ |> required "winners" (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.string))
+jsonEncVotedView : VotedView -> Value
+jsonEncVotedView val =
+ Json.Encode.object
+ [ ("proposal", (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) val.proposal)
+ , ("score", Json.Encode.int val.score)
+ , ("winners", (Json.Encode.list Json.Encode.string) val.winners)
@@ -82,12 +108,14 @@ jsonEncOpponent val =
type TableView =
Proposing BlackCard (List WhiteCard)
| Voting BlackCard (List (List WhiteCard)) Int (Maybe Int)
+ | Tally BlackCard (List VotedView)
jsonDecTableView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( TableView )
jsonDecTableView =
let jsonDecDictTableView = Dict.fromList
[ ("Proposing", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map2 Proposing (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard)))))
, ("Voting", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map4 Voting (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard)))) (Json.Decode.index 2 (Json.Decode.int)) (Json.Decode.index 3 (Json.Decode.maybe (Json.Decode.int)))))
+ , ("Tally", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map2 Tally (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecVotedView)))))
in decodeSumObjectWithSingleField "TableView" jsonDecDictTableView
@@ -96,30 +124,31 @@ jsonEncTableView val =
let keyval v = case v of
Proposing v1 v2 -> ("Proposing", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) v2]))
Voting v1 v2 v3 v4 -> ("Voting", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard)) v2, Json.Encode.int v3, (maybeEncode (Json.Encode.int)) v4]))
+ Tally v1 v2 -> ("Tally", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list jsonEncVotedView) v2]))
in encodeSumObjectWithSingleField keyval val
type alias GameView =
- { opponents: (List Opponent)
- , myName: String
+ { players: (List PlayerView)
+ , me: PlayerView
, table: TableView
, hand: (List WhiteCard)
jsonDecGameView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( GameView )
jsonDecGameView =
- Json.Decode.succeed (\popponents pmyName ptable phand -> {opponents = popponents, myName = pmyName, table = ptable, hand = phand})
- |> required "opponents" (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecOpponent))
- |> required "myName" (Json.Decode.string)
+ Json.Decode.succeed (\pplayers pme ptable phand -> {players = pplayers, me = pme, table = ptable, hand = phand})
+ |> required "players" (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecPlayerView))
+ |> required "me" (jsonDecPlayerView)
|> required "table" (jsonDecTableView)
|> required "hand" (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard))
jsonEncGameView : GameView -> Value
jsonEncGameView val =
- [ ("opponents", (Json.Encode.list jsonEncOpponent) val.opponents)
- , ("myName", Json.Encode.string val.myName)
+ [ ("players", (Json.Encode.list jsonEncPlayerView) val.players)
+ , ("me", jsonEncPlayerView val.me)
, ("table", jsonEncTableView val.table)
, ("hand", (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) val.hand)
@@ -157,6 +186,7 @@ type ClientMessage =
ChangeMyName String
| ProposeWhiteCards (List WhiteCard)
| SubmitVote Int
+ | ConfirmTally
jsonDecClientMessage : Json.Decode.Decoder ( ClientMessage )
jsonDecClientMessage =
@@ -164,6 +194,7 @@ jsonDecClientMessage =
[ ("ChangeMyName", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map ChangeMyName (Json.Decode.string)))
, ("ProposeWhiteCards", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map ProposeWhiteCards (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard))))
, ("SubmitVote", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map SubmitVote (Json.Decode.int)))
+ , ("ConfirmTally", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.succeed ConfirmTally))
in decodeSumObjectWithSingleField "ClientMessage" jsonDecDictClientMessage
@@ -173,6 +204,7 @@ jsonEncClientMessage val =
ChangeMyName v1 -> ("ChangeMyName", encodeValue (Json.Encode.string v1))
ProposeWhiteCards v1 -> ("ProposeWhiteCards", encodeValue ((Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) v1))
SubmitVote v1 -> ("SubmitVote", encodeValue (Json.Encode.int v1))
+ ConfirmTally -> ("ConfirmTally", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity []))
in encodeSumObjectWithSingleField keyval val
diff --git a/client/style.css b/client/style.css
index 4a134c6..e3824b6 100644
--- a/client/style.css
+++ b/client/style.css
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ html {
background: #003300;
+.winner {
+ background: #701e58;
.white {
color: black;
background: white;