path: root/client/src
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authorJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-02 18:33:04 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt2020-08-02 18:33:04 +0200
commitfd2ef8609852058ddb7dc7450fb16da0e95cd40a (patch)
treed7f6f62883beee79637cc4727bf2b8a2709f7e9d /client/src
parentaf9ba36883d902d2415811377e4a67fab4d11226 (diff)
Submit votes
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Client.elm b/client/src/Client.elm
index 246748b..aa6194e 100644
--- a/client/src/Client.elm
+++ b/client/src/Client.elm
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ type Msg
-- Card selection
| SelectWhiteCard WhiteCard
| ProposeWhiteCards
+ -- Voting
+ | SelectVote Int
+ | SubmitVote
type alias Cards = {black : Array String, white : Array String}
@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ type alias GameState =
, view : GameView
, changeMyName : String
, selectedWhiteCards : List WhiteCard
+ , selectedVote : Maybe Int
type Model
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ cardIsSelected game card = List.member card <| selectedWhiteCards game
viewTable : GameState -> Html Msg
viewTable game = case game.view.table of
Messages.Proposing c my -> Html.div [] <|
- [ blackCard game.cards c <| selectedWhiteCards game
+ [ blackCard [] game.cards c <| selectedWhiteCards game
, Html.button
[ Html.Attributes.disabled <|
List.length my > 0 ||
@@ -117,13 +121,31 @@ viewTable game = case game.view.table of
[Html.text "Propose"]
- Messages.Voting black myProposal proposals myVote -> Html.div [] <|
- [ Html.h2 [] [Html.text "Your proposal"]
- , blackCard game.cards black myProposal
- ] ++
+ Messages.Voting black proposals myProposal myVote -> Html.div [] <|
[ Html.h2 [] [Html.text "Opponent proposals"]
] ++
- List.map (blackCard game.cards black) proposals
+ List.indexedMap (\i proposal ->
+ let attrs =
+ if i == myProposal then
+ [Html.Attributes.class "mine"]
+ else if Just i == myVote || Just i == game.selectedVote then
+ [Html.Attributes.class "voted"]
+ else
+ [ Html.Events.onClick <| SelectVote i
+ , Html.Attributes.class "votable"
+ ] in
+ blackCard attrs game.cards black proposal) proposals ++
+ [ Html.button
+ [ Html.Attributes.disabled <|
+ (case myVote of
+ Just _ -> True
+ Nothing -> case game.selectedVote of
+ Just _ -> False
+ Nothing -> True)
+ , Html.Events.onClick SubmitVote
+ ]
+ [Html.text "Vote"]
+ ]
intersperseWith : List a -> a -> List a -> List a
intersperseWith values def list = case list of
@@ -141,12 +163,14 @@ blackCardBlanks : Cards -> BlackCard -> Int
blackCardBlanks cards c = List.length (blackCardContent cards c) - 1
capitalizeFirst : List String -> List String
-capitalizeFirst l = case l of
- x :: xs -> (String.toUpper (String.left 1 x) ++ String.dropLeft 1 x) :: xs
- _ -> l
+capitalizeFirst = List.indexedMap <| \i x -> if i == 0
+ then String.toUpper (String.left 1 x) ++ String.dropLeft 1 x
+ else x
-blackCard : Cards -> BlackCard -> List WhiteCard -> Html a
-blackCard cards black whites =
+ : List (Html.Attribute a) -> Cards -> BlackCard -> List WhiteCard
+ -> Html a
+blackCard attrs cards black whites =
let blackParts = blackCardContent cards black
whiteParts = List.map (whiteCardContent cards) whites |>
case blackParts of
@@ -155,7 +179,8 @@ blackCard cards black whites =
blank txt = Html.span
[Html.Attributes.class "blank"]
[Html.text txt] in
- Html.div [Html.Attributes.class "card", Html.Attributes.class "black"] <|
+ Html.div
+ (List.map Html.Attributes.class ["card", "black"] ++ attrs) <|
intersperseWith (List.map blank whiteParts) (blank "") <|
List.map Html.text blackParts
@@ -198,6 +223,7 @@ update msg model = case msg of
, view = gameView
, changeMyName = gameView.myName
, selectedWhiteCards = []
+ , selectedVote = Nothing
, Cmd.none
@@ -237,6 +263,22 @@ update msg model = case msg of
_ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ SelectVote i -> case model of
+ Game game -> case game.view.table of
+ Messages.Voting _ _ _ Nothing ->
+ (Game {game | selectedVote = Just i}, Cmd.none)
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ SubmitVote -> case model of
+ Game game -> case game.selectedVote of
+ Just vote ->
+ ( Game {game | selectedVote = Nothing}
+ , send <| Messages.SubmitVote vote
+ )
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
main : Program () Model Msg
main = Browser.application
{ init = \() url key -> case parseRoomId url of
diff --git a/client/src/Messages.elm b/client/src/Messages.elm
index 3979587..40a04a2 100644
--- a/client/src/Messages.elm
+++ b/client/src/Messages.elm
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ jsonEncOpponent val =
type TableView =
Proposing BlackCard (List WhiteCard)
- | Voting BlackCard (List WhiteCard) (List (List WhiteCard)) (Maybe Int)
+ | Voting BlackCard (List (List WhiteCard)) Int (Maybe Int)
jsonDecTableView : Json.Decode.Decoder ( TableView )
jsonDecTableView =
let jsonDecDictTableView = Dict.fromList
[ ("Proposing", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map2 Proposing (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard)))))
- , ("Voting", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map4 Voting (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard))) (Json.Decode.index 2 (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard)))) (Json.Decode.index 3 (Json.Decode.maybe (Json.Decode.int)))))
+ , ("Voting", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map4 Voting (Json.Decode.index 0 (jsonDecBlackCard)) (Json.Decode.index 1 (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard)))) (Json.Decode.index 2 (Json.Decode.int)) (Json.Decode.index 3 (Json.Decode.maybe (Json.Decode.int)))))
in decodeSumObjectWithSingleField "TableView" jsonDecDictTableView
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ jsonEncTableView : TableView -> Value
jsonEncTableView val =
let keyval v = case v of
Proposing v1 v2 -> ("Proposing", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) v2]))
- Voting v1 v2 v3 v4 -> ("Voting", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) v2, (Json.Encode.list (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard)) v3, (maybeEncode (Json.Encode.int)) v4]))
+ Voting v1 v2 v3 v4 -> ("Voting", encodeValue (Json.Encode.list identity [jsonEncBlackCard v1, (Json.Encode.list (Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard)) v2, Json.Encode.int v3, (maybeEncode (Json.Encode.int)) v4]))
in encodeSumObjectWithSingleField keyval val
@@ -153,12 +153,14 @@ jsonEncServerMessage val =
type ClientMessage =
ChangeMyName String
| ProposeWhiteCards (List WhiteCard)
+ | SubmitVote Int
jsonDecClientMessage : Json.Decode.Decoder ( ClientMessage )
jsonDecClientMessage =
let jsonDecDictClientMessage = Dict.fromList
[ ("ChangeMyName", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map ChangeMyName (Json.Decode.string)))
, ("ProposeWhiteCards", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map ProposeWhiteCards (Json.Decode.list (jsonDecWhiteCard))))
+ , ("SubmitVote", Json.Decode.lazy (\_ -> Json.Decode.map SubmitVote (Json.Decode.int)))
in decodeSumObjectWithSingleField "ClientMessage" jsonDecDictClientMessage
@@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ jsonEncClientMessage val =
let keyval v = case v of
ChangeMyName v1 -> ("ChangeMyName", encodeValue (Json.Encode.string v1))
ProposeWhiteCards v1 -> ("ProposeWhiteCards", encodeValue ((Json.Encode.list jsonEncWhiteCard) v1))
+ SubmitVote v1 -> ("SubmitVote", encodeValue (Json.Encode.int v1))
in encodeSumObjectWithSingleField keyval val