path: root/rnv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rnv')
3 files changed, 892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rnv/disc-five.tex b/rnv/disc-five.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6db3267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rnv/disc-five.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+\setmainfont{Atkinson Hyperlegible}
+\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{times.csv}\data
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angleone\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#2}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angletwo\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius+0.1*#3}
+ \let\radius\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[ultra thick, color=#4] (\angleone:\radius) arc [start angle=\angleone, end angle=\angletwo, x radius=\radius, y radius=\radius];
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Stop}\of\data
+ \let\name\pgfplotsretval
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{#2*0.1}
+ \let\width\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius+(#3*0.1)}
+ \let\radius\pgfmathresult
+ \node[anchor=east, rotate=\angle] at (\angle:\circleradius-0.5+0.05) {\footnotesize\name};
+ % \draw[thick, fill=white] (\angle:5cm) circle [radius=0.5ex] {};
+ \draw[rounded corners=0.05cm, thick, fill=white, rotate=\angle, shift={(-0.05, -0.05)}] (0:\radius) rectangle ++(\width,0.1cm);
+ % Circle for the legend
+ \draw circle [radius=0.15cm];
+ \draw[draw, color=black] circle [radius=\circleradius+2];
+ \draw[thick] circle [radius=#1];
+ \pgfmathparse{#1+0.2}
+ \let\rmajor\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{#1+0.1}
+ \let\rminor\pgfmathresult
+ % Major ticks clockwise
+ \draw[thick] (90:#1) -- (90:\rmajor);
+ \foreach \i in {5,10,...,65} {
+ \pgfmathparse{90-\i * 2.6277}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[thick] (\angle:#1) -- (\angle:\rmajor);
+ \node[anchor=west, rotate=\angle] at (\angle:\rmajor) {\scriptsize \i~min};
+ }
+ % Minor ticks clockwise
+ \foreach \i in {1,2,...,65} {
+ \pgfmathparse{90-\i * 2.6277}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[thick] (\angle:#1) -- (\angle:\rminor);
+ }
+ % Major ticks anti-clockwise
+ \foreach \i in {5,10,...,65} {
+ \pgfmathparse{90+\i * 2.6277}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[thick] (\angle:#1) -- (\angle:\rmajor);
+ \node[anchor=east, rotate=\angle-180] at (\angle:\rmajor) {\scriptsize \i~min};
+ }
+ % Minor ticks anti-clockwise
+ \foreach \i in {1,2,...,65} {
+ \pgfmathparse{90+\i * 2.6277}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[thick] (\angle:#1) -- (\angle:\rminor);
+ }
+ % Extra marks
+ \draw[thick] (-90:#1) -- (-90:\rmajor);
+ \node [isosceles triangle, anchor=east, fill=red, rotate=-90] (tringle) at (90:#1){};
+ \node[anchor=south, rotate=0, color=red] at (tringle.west) {\footnotesize 0~min};
+ % First angle
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angletwo\pgfmathresult
+ % Second angle
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975+#2*\halfminute}
+ \let\anglethree\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius+#3*0.1}
+ \let\radius\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[ultra thick, color=#5, rounded corners=#4*.5ex]
+ (\angletwo:\radius) -- (\anglethree:\radius) -- (\anglethree:\circleradius-0.5)
+ ;
+ % First angle
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angletwo\pgfmathresult
+ % Second angle
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975+#2*\halfminute}
+ \let\anglethree\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius+#3*0.1}
+ \let\radius\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ \draw[ultra thick, color=#5, rounded corners=#4*.5ex]
+ (\angletwo:\radius) -- (\anglethree:\radius) -- (\anglethree:\circleradius+0.5)
+ ;
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angleone\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#2}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975}
+ \let\angletwo\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{(\angleone+\angletwo)/2+#3}
+ \let\angle\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[ultra thick, color=#4] (\angle:\circleradius-0.5) -- (\angle:\circleradius+0.5);
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975+\halfminute}
+ \let\angleone\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfplotstablegetelem{#2}{Time Angle}\of\data
+ \pgfmathparse{\pgfplotsretval-30.975-\halfminute}
+ \let\angletwo\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{2}
+ \let\radius\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[very thick, color=#3] (\angleone:\radius) arc [start angle=\angleone, end angle=\angletwo, x radius=\radius, y radius=\radius];
+ % Circle for the line
+ \draw[ultra thick, color=five] circle [radius=\circleradius];
+ \crossing{18}{19}{-0.6*\halfminute}{five}
+ \crossing{18}{19}{0}{two}
+ \crossing{18}{19}{0.6*\halfminute}{seven}
+ \crossing{28}{29}{0}{five}
+ % Other lines
+ % Mannheim
+ \bendout{15}{-1}{1}{1}{six}
+ \bendout{20}{1}{1}{1}{seven}
+ \arcbetween{20}{24}{1}{seven} % 7 (again)
+ \arcbetween{20}{25}{-1}{fifteen} % 15 (again)
+ \bendin{20}{2.8}{-1}{4}{fifteen}
+ \arcbetween{20}{25}{-2}{one} % 1
+ \bendin{20}{2.2}{-2}{3}{one}
+ \arcbetween{20}{22}{-3}{four}
+ \bendin{20}{1.6}{-3}{2}{four}
+ \arcbetween{20}{22}{-4}{three}
+ \bendin{20}{1}{-4}{1}{three}
+ % Paradeplatz
+ \arcbetween{22}{25}{2}{six} % 6
+ \arcbetween{24}{26}{-3}{four} % 4
+ \bendout{22}{-1.0}{-3}{2}{four}
+ \bendout{22}{-1.3}{-4}{2}{three}
+ \bendout{22}{-0.7}{3}{1}{two}
+ \bendin{22}{1.6}{3}{2}{two}
+ \bendin{22}{1}{2}{1}{six}
+ \bendin{24}{-1}{1}{1}{seven}
+ \bendin{24}{1}{-3}{1}{four}
+ % Main station
+ \bendin{25}{-1.4}{-2}{1}{one}
+ \arcbetween{25}{26}{1}{three}
+ \bendin{25}{-2}{2}{2}{six}
+ \bendin{26}{2}{2}{2}{six}
+ \bendout{26}{-0.5}{2}{1}{six}
+ \bendout{26}{-0.8}{1}{1}{three}
+ \bendout{26}{-1.1}{-3}{1}{four}
+ \arcbetween{27}{30}{-1}{two}
+ \bendout{27}{0.6}{-1}{1}{two}
+ \arcbetween{28}{30}{-2}{seven}
+ \bendout{28}{1}{-2}{1}{seven}
+ % Universitätsklinikum
+ \bendin{30}{-1}{-2}{1}{seven}
+ \bendin{30}{-1.6}{-1}{2}{two}
+ \bendout{30}{1.6}{1}{2}{fifteen}
+ \bendout{30}{1}{2}{1}{four}
+ \arcbetween{30}{36}{1}{fifteen}
+ \arcbetween{30}{32}{2}{four}
+ \bendout{32}{-1}{2}{1}{four}
+ \bendin{36}{-1.4}{1}{2}{fifteen}
+ \bendin{36}{-0.8}{0}{1}{five}
+ \bendout{37}{-1}{1}{1}{sixteen}
+ % Heidelberg
+ % Hans-Thoma Pl.
+ \arcbetween{63}{64}{-1}{twentyfour} % 24
+ \bendin{64}{-1}{-2}{1}{twentyone} % 21
+ \bendin{64}{-1.6}{-1}{2}{twentyfour} % 24
+ \arcbetween{63}{69}{1}{twentysix} % 26
+ % Bismarckplatz
+ \arcbetween{70}{73}{1}{twentyone} % 21
+ \bendin{69}{-1.7}{1}{1}{twentysix} % 26 towards kirchheim
+ \bendin{70}{1.7}{1}{1}{twentyone} % 21 towards hans-thoma (north)
+ \bendin{73}{-0.8}{1}{1}{twentyone} % 21 towards hans-thoma (south)
+ \arcbetween{69}{71}{2}{twentythree} % 23
+ \arcbetween{69}{71}{3}{twentytwo} % 22
+ % Stadtbücherei
+ \bendout{71}{-0.7}{3}{1}{twentytwo} % 22 towards eppelheim
+ \bendout{71}{-1}{2}{1}{twentythree} % 23 towards leimen
+ \bendout{72}{0.7}{2}{1}{twentyfour}
+ \arcbetween{72}{73}{2}{twentyfour} % 24 (again)
+ \bendin{73}{-1.4}{2}{2}{twentyfour}
+ % \arcbetween{64}{64}{1}{red} % 21 (again)
+ % Stops
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,14} { \stop{\i}{1}{0} }
+ \stop{15}{2}{0}
+ \foreach \i in {16,...,19} { \stop{\i}{1}{0} }
+ \foreach \i in {20,...,21} { \stop{\i}{6}{-4} }
+ \stop{22}{8}{-4}
+ \stop{23}{5}{-2}
+ \stop{24}{6}{-3}
+ \stop{25}{6}{-3}
+ % \foreach \i in {24,...,25} { \stop{\i}{4}{-1} }
+ % \stop{25}{4}{-2}
+ \stop{26}{6}{-3}
+ \stop{27}{2}{-1}
+ \stop{28}{3}{-2}
+ \stop{29}{3}{-2}
+ \stop{30}{5}{-2}
+ \foreach \i in {31,...,32} { \stop{\i}{3}{0} }
+ \foreach \i in {33,...,35} { \stop{\i}{2}{0} }
+ \stop{36}{2}{0}
+ \stop{37}{2}{0}
+ \foreach \i in {38,...,62} { \stop{\i}{1}{0} }
+ \stop{63}{3}{-1}
+ \stop{64}{4}{-2}
+ \foreach \i in {65,...,68} { \stop{\i}{2}{0} }
+ \stop{69}{4}{0}
+ \stop{70}{4}{0}
+ \stop{71}{4}{0}
+ \stop{72}{3}{0}
+ \stop{73}{3}{0}
+ % \draw[very thick, color=black] (-338.4202:2cm) arc [start angle=-338.4202, delta angle=-42.6014-30, x radius=2cm, y radius=2cm];
+ % \citybetween{63}{9}{black}{}
+ % \citybetween{16}{38}{black}{}
+ % \citybetween{39}{43}{black}{}
+ % \citybetween{44}{50}{black}{}
+ % \citybetween{57}{59}{black}{}
+ % \citybetween{60}{62}{black}{}
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius-0.5}
+ \draw[color=black] circle [radius=\pgfmathresult];
+ \pgfmathparse{\circleradius+0.5}
+ \draw[color=black] circle [radius=\pgfmathresult];
+ \legend{\circleradius+0.6}
+ \legend{\circleradius+0.6}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{polaraxis}[
+% xtick=data,
+% ytick=\empty,
+% xticklabels from table={\data}{Stop},
+% xticklabel style={
+% sloped like x axis={
+% allow upside down=true,
+% % execute for upside down=\tikzset{right},
+% % reset nontranslations=false,
+% },
+% left,
+% font=\scriptsize,
+% rotate=60,
+% },
+% xmin=-360,
+% xmax=0,
+% rotate=-30,
+% ]
+% \addplot[draw=none, mark=none] table [x=Time Angle, y=Index] {\data};
+% \end{polaraxis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% vim: conceallevel=0 nospell
diff --git a/rnv/heidelberg.tex b/rnv/heidelberg.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a33f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rnv/heidelberg.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+\usepackage[left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt]{geometry}
+\setmainfont{Atkinson Hyperlegible}
+ river/.style = {
+ line width=0.5cm,
+ cyan!50,
+ rounded corners=0.5cm,
+ -{Triangle Cap},
+ },
+ railway line/.style = {
+ color=gray,
+ line width=0.075cm,
+ rounded corners=0.5cm,
+ },
+ railway/.style = {
+ railway line,
+ {Latex[length=5mm]}-{Latex[length=5mm]},
+ },
+ stop/.style = {
+ rounded corners=0.1cm,
+ line width=0.05cm,
+ fill=white,
+ draw,
+ shape=stop,
+ anchor=center,
+ minimum height=0.2cm,
+ },
+ stop1/.style = {
+ stop,
+ minimum width=0.2cm,
+ },
+ stop2/.style = {
+ stop,
+ minimum width=0.4cm,
+ },
+ stop3/.style = {
+ stop,
+ minimum width=0.6cm,
+ },
+ stop4/.style = {
+ stop,
+ minimum width=0.8cm,
+ },
+ line/.style = {
+ line width=0.15cm,
+ rounded corners=0.1cm,
+ },
+ label/.style = {
+ font=\scriptsize,
+ },
+ line name/.style = {
+ label,
+ color=white,
+ minimum width=1em,
+ minimum height=1em,
+ inner sep=0pt,
+ },
+ ]
+ % \begin{pgfonlayer}{legend}
+ % % \draw[railway line] (-7,-8.5) -- ++(0,0.5);
+ % \node[stop2] (Legend2) at (-7,-8.5) {};
+ % \node[stop1, above=0.4cm of Legend2.two half] (Legend1) {};
+ % \node[stop1, above=0.3cm of Legend1] (Legend0) {};
+ % \draw[line] (Legend2.south two half) -- (Legend1.north center) -- (Legend0);
+ % \draw[line] (Legend2.south one half) -- ++(0,0.5) -- ++(-0.3,0);
+ % \node[stop2] (Legend2) at (-7,-8.5) {};
+ % \node[stop1, above=0.4cm of Legend2.two half] (Legend1) {};
+ % \node[stop1, above=0.3cm of Legend1] (Legend0) {};
+ % \node[line name, fill=black, above=0.2cm of Legend0] {\bf E};
+ % \node[label, left=0.05cm of Legend1] {Karlsplatz};
+ % \node[label, left=0.05cm of Legend0] {Museum};
+ % \node[label, left=0.05cm of Legend2] {Bahnhof};
+ %
+ % \node[label, anchor=west] at (-6.7,-8.5) {Halt mit Umstieg};
+ % \node[label, anchor=west] at (-6.7,-8.0) {Halt};
+ % \node[label, anchor=west] at (-6.7,-7.5) {Endhaltestelle};
+ % \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{bg}
+ \draw[help lines, color=gray!10] (-10, -15) grid[step=0.1] (10, 10);
+ \draw[help lines, color=gray!50] (-10, -15) grid (10, 10);
+ \draw[river] (10,1.5) -- (-1.5, 1.5) -- ++(-5.5,5.5);
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{stops}
+ \node[stop3, rotate=90] (Hauptbahnhof) at (-0.5, -1.4) {};
+ \node[stop3, rotate=90] (Betriebshof) at (-0.5, 0.4) {};
+ \node[stop2] (Jahnstr) at (0, 2.1) {};
+ \node[stop2, above=0.3cm of Jahnstr] (Bunsengymnasium) {};
+ \node[stop2, above=0.3cm of Bunsengymnasium] (Technologiepark) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=-45] (Heiligenbergschule) at ($(Technologiepark)+(0.7,0.9)$) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=90] (Volkshochschule) at (0.5,0.5) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=90] (Campus Bergheim) at (1.2,0.5) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=90] (Altes Hallenbad) at (1.9,0.5) {};
+ \node[stop4, rotate=-45] (Bismarckplatz) at ($(3.1,0.5)+(45:0.1)$) {};
+ \node[stop2] (Brückenstr) at (3.2,2.1) {};
+ \node[stop2, above=0.3cm of Brückenstr] (Kußmaulstr) {};
+ \node[stop2, above=0.3cm of Kußmaulstr] (Blumenthalstr) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=45] (Kapellenweg) at ($(Blumenthalstr)+(-0.7,0.9)$) {};
+ \node[stop4] (Hans-Thoma-Platz) at ($(Heiligenbergschule)!0.5!(Kapellenweg)+(0,0.9)$) {};
+ \node[stop3, above=0.6cm of Hans-Thoma-Platz.two quarter, anchor=one half] (Biethsstr) {};
+ \node[stop3, above=0.6cm of Biethsstr.center, anchor=center] (Burgstr) {};
+ \node[stop4, rotate=90] (Seegarten) at (2.3,-1.5) {};
+ \node[stop4, rotate=90] (Stadtbücherei) at (1.8,-1.5) {};
+ \node[stop3, rotate=90] (Stadtwerke) at (0.7,-1.4) {};
+ \node[stop1,rotate=45] (Gneisenaustr Süd) at ($(Hauptbahnhof.center)-(2.4,-1.5)$) {};
+ \node[stop1, rotate=45, above left=0.5cm of Gneisenaustr Süd.center, anchor=center] (Berufsschule) {};
+ \node[stop1, rotate=45, above left=0.5cm of Berufsschule.center, anchor=center] (Ochsenkopf) {};
+ \node[stop1] (SRH Campus) at ($(Ochsenkopf.center)-(0.3,-0.6)$){};
+ \node[stop1, above=0.3cm of SRH Campus] (Wieblingen Mitte) {};
+ \node[stop1, above=0.3cm of Wieblingen Mitte] (Taubenfeld) {};
+ \node[stop2] (Römerkreis Süd) at (1.3,-2.1) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=45] (Christuskirche) at ($(Römerkreis Süd)-(-0.5,0.7)$) {};
+ \node[stop2] (S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt) at ($(Christuskirche)-(-0.5,0.7)$) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt] (Bergfriedhof) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Bergfriedhof] (Bethanienkrankenhaus) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Bethanienkrankenhaus] (Rheinstr) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Rheinstr] (Markscheide) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Markscheide] (Eichendorffplatz) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Eichendorffplatz] (Rohrbach Markt) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Rohrbach Markt] (Ortenauer Str) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Ortenauer Str] (Freiburger Str) {};
+ \node[stop2, below=0.3cm of Freiburger Str] (Rohrbach Süd) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.4cm of Rohrbach Süd.two half] (Zementwerk) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Zementwerk] (Johannes-Reidel-Str) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Johannes-Reidel-Str] (Georgi-Marktplatz) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Georgi-Marktplatz] (Kurpfalzcentrum) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Kurpfalzcentrum] (Moltkestr) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Moltkestr] (Leimen Friedhof) {};
+ \node[stop1] (Ringstr) at ($(Stadtwerke.one half)-(-0.1,0.2)-(0.6,0.6)$) {};
+ \node[stop1, below left=0.3cm of Ringstr] (Montpellierbrücke) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=45, anchor=two half] (Hauptbahnhof Süd) at (-1.5, -2.5) {};
+ \node[stop1] (Czernybrücke) at (-1.6, 0.2) {};
+ \node[stop2, rotate=45, anchor=two half] (Gadamerplatz) at (-2.7,-1.3) {};
+ \node[stop1, rotate=45, above left=0.7cm of Gadamerplatz.two half, anchor=center] (Eppelheimer Terrasse) {};
+ \node[stop1, anchor=center] (Henkel Teroson Str) at ($(Eppelheimer Terrasse)+(-0.5,0.5)-(0.3,0.0)$){};
+ \node[stop1, left=0.3cm of Henkel Teroson Str] (Marktstr) {};
+ \node[stop1, left=0.3cm of Marktstr] (Kranichweg Stotz) {};
+ \node[stop1, left=0.3cm of Kranichweg Stotz] (Jakobsgasse) {};
+ \node[stop1, left=0.3cm of Jakobsgasse] (Eppelheimer Rathaus) {};
+ \node[stop1, left=0.3cm of Eppelheimer Rathaus] (Eppelheim Kirchheimer Str) {};
+ \node[stop1] (Rudolf-Diesel-Str) at ($(Hauptbahnhof Süd.one half)-(-0.8,0.8)-(0,0.3)$) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Rudolf-Diesel-Str] (Messplatz) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Messplatz] (Ilse-Krall-Str) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Ilse-Krall-Str] (Albert-Fritz-Str) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Albert-Fritz-Str] (Odenwaldstr) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Odenwaldstr] (Kirchheim Rathaus) {};
+ \node[stop1, below=0.3cm of Kirchheim Rathaus] (Kirchheim Friedhof) {};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{lines}
+ \pgfmathparse{0.1*tan(45/2)}
+ \let\offset\pgfmathresult
+ \draw[railway] ($(0.1,-3.5)-(7.2,-7.2)$)
+ node[label, above, anchor=south west] {Mannheim}
+ -- (0.1,-3.5)
+ -- ++(3,0)
+ -- ++(4.5,4.5)
+ -- ++(1,0)
+ node[label, below, anchor=north] {Neckargemünd};
+ \draw[railway] ($(0.1,-3.5)-(7.2,-7.2)$)
+ -- (0.1,-3.5)
+ -- ++(0,-3)
+ -- ++(0,-4.7)
+ node[label, right, anchor=south west] {Karlsruhe};
+ \draw[line, twentysix]
+ (Burgstr.center)
+ -- (Biethsstr.center)
+ -- (Hans-Thoma-Platz.three quarter)
+ -- ($(Hans-Thoma-Platz.south three quarter)-(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Kapellenweg.one half)
+ -- ($(Blumenthalstr.north one half)-(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Kußmaulstr.one half)
+ -- (Brückenstr.one half)
+ -- (Bismarckplatz.north one half)
+ -- (Bismarckplatz.one half)
+ % -- ($(Bismarckplatz.one half)-(45:0.10)$)
+ -- ($(2.7,0.6)+(2*\offset,0)$)
+ % -- ($(Altes Hallenbad.south two half)+(0.9,0)$)
+ {[rounded corners=0.2cm]
+ % -- ($(Bismarckplatz.south one half)-(0,0.1)$)
+ -- (Altes Hallenbad.two half)
+ }
+ -- (Campus Bergheim.two half)
+ -- (Volkshochschule.two half)
+ -- (Betriebshof.two half)
+ % -- ($(Betriebshof.two half)-(1.0,0)$);
+ -- ($(Czernybrücke)+(0.4,0.4)$)
+ -- (Czernybrücke)
+ -- ($(Gadamerplatz.one half)+(-0.2,0.2)$)
+ -- (Gadamerplatz.one half)
+ -- (Hauptbahnhof Süd.one half)
+ -- ($(Hauptbahnhof Süd.one half)-(-0.8,0.8)$)
+ -- (Rudolf-Diesel-Str)
+ -- (Messplatz)
+ -- (Ilse-Krall-Str)
+ -- (Albert-Fritz-Str)
+ -- (Odenwaldstr)
+ -- (Kirchheim Rathaus)
+ -- (Kirchheim Friedhof)
+ ;
+ % \draw (Technologiepark.north center) --
+ % node[rotate=-45,stop2,name=Heiligenbergschule] {} (Hans-Thoma-Platz.south center);
+ \draw[line, twentyone]
+ (Hauptbahnhof.two half)
+ -- ($(Hauptbahnhof.north two half)-(0.1,0)$)
+ |- (Betriebshof.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.2cm]
+ -| (Jahnstr.one half)
+ }
+ -- (Bunsengymnasium.one half)
+ -- (Technologiepark.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.15cm]
+ -- ($(Technologiepark.north one half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Heiligenbergschule.south one half)
+ }
+ -- (Heiligenbergschule.north one half)
+ -- ($(Hans-Thoma-Platz.south one half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Hans-Thoma-Platz.one half)
+ ;
+ \draw[line, twentyone]
+ (Jahnstr.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.3cm]
+ |- (Volkshochschule.one half)
+ }
+ -- (Campus Bergheim.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.2cm]
+ -- (Altes Hallenbad.one half)
+ % -- ($(Altes Hallenbad.south one half)+(1.3,0.0)$)
+ }
+ {[rounded corners=0.2cm]
+ -| ($(Seegarten.south two half)+(0.2,0)$)
+ }
+ -- (Stadtbücherei.two half)
+ -- (Stadtwerke.two half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.2cm]
+ -- (Hauptbahnhof.two half)
+ }
+ ;
+ \draw[line, twentytwo]
+ (Bismarckplatz.two half)
+ -- (3.3,0.3)
+ {[rounded corners=0.8cm]
+ |- (Stadtbücherei.north one half)
+ }
+ -- (Stadtbücherei.one half)
+ -- ($(Stadtwerke.one half)-(-0.1,0.2)$)
+ -- (Ringstr)
+ -- (Montpellierbrücke)
+ -- ($(Hauptbahnhof Süd.two half)+(0.8,-0.8)$)
+ -- (Hauptbahnhof Süd.two half)
+ -- (Gadamerplatz.two half)
+ -- (Eppelheimer Terrasse)
+ -- ($(Eppelheimer Terrasse)+(-0.5,0.5)$)
+ -- (Henkel Teroson Str)
+ -- (Marktstr)
+ -- (Kranichweg Stotz)
+ -- (Jakobsgasse)
+ -- (Eppelheimer Rathaus)
+ -- (Eppelheim Kirchheimer Str)
+ ;
+ \draw[line, twentythree]
+ (Bismarckplatz.three quarter)
+ -- ($(3.1,0.3)+(0,\offset)$)
+ {[rounded corners=0.6cm]
+ |- (Stadtbücherei.north two quarter)
+ }
+ -- (Stadtbücherei.two quarter)
+ -| ($(Römerkreis Süd.south two half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Christuskirche.two half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.15cm]
+ -- ($(S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt.north two half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ }
+ -- (S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt.two half)
+ -- (Bergfriedhof.two half)
+ -- (Bethanienkrankenhaus.two half)
+ -- (Rheinstr.two half)
+ -- (Markscheide.two half)
+ -- (Eichendorffplatz.two half)
+ -- (Rohrbach Markt.two half)
+ -- (Ortenauer Str.two half)
+ -- (Freiburger Str.two half)
+ -- (Rohrbach Süd.two half)
+ -- (Zementwerk)
+ -- (Johannes-Reidel-Str)
+ -- (Georgi-Marktplatz)
+ -- (Kurpfalzcentrum)
+ -- (Moltkestr)
+ -- (Leimen Friedhof)
+ ;
+ \draw[line, twentyfour]
+ (Rohrbach Süd.one half)
+ -- (Freiburger Str.one half)
+ -- (Ortenauer Str.one half)
+ -- (Rohrbach Markt.one half)
+ -- (Eichendorffplatz.one half)
+ -- (Markscheide.one half)
+ -- (Rheinstr.one half)
+ -- (Bethanienkrankenhaus.one half)
+ -- (Bergfriedhof.one half)
+ -- (S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt.one half)
+ -- ($(S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt.north one half)-(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Christuskirche.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.15cm]
+ -- ($(Römerkreis Süd.south one half)-(0,\offset)$)
+ }
+ % (Römerkreis Süd.one half)
+ |- (Stadtwerke.one half)
+ {[rounded corners=0.3cm]
+ -- ($(Hauptbahnhof.south one half)+(0.1,0)$)
+ -| ($(Betriebshof.north center)-(0.3,0)$)
+ }
+ {[rounded corners=0.5cm]
+ -| (Jahnstr.two half)
+ }
+ -- (Bunsengymnasium.two half)
+ -- (Technologiepark.two half) -- ($(Technologiepark.north two half)-(0,\offset)$)
+ -- (Heiligenbergschule.south two half) -- (Heiligenbergschule.north two half)
+ -- ($(Hans-Thoma-Platz.south two quarter)-(0,\offset)$) -- (Hans-Thoma-Platz.two quarter)
+ -- (Biethsstr.one half)
+ -- (Burgstr.one half)
+ ;
+ \draw[line, five, -{Latex[length=5mm]}]
+ (Burgstr.two half)
+ -- ($(Burgstr.two half)+(0,1.0)$)
+ node[right, anchor=west, label] {Weinheim}
+ node[below right=0.3cm, line name, fill=five, rounded corners=0pt] {\bf 5}
+ ;
+ \draw[line, five, -{Latex[length=5mm]}]
+ (Taubenfeld)
+ -- ++(0,0.3)
+ -- ++(-0.5,0.5)
+ node[above left=-0.2cm, label, anchor=south east] {Mannheim}
+ node[below left, line name, fill=five, rounded corners=0pt, anchor=north east] {\bf 5}
+ ;
+ \draw[line, five]
+ (Burgstr.two half)
+ -- (Biethsstr.two half)
+ -- (Hans-Thoma-Platz.two half)
+ -- ($(Hans-Thoma-Platz.south two half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ {[rounded corners=0.15cm]
+ -- (Kapellenweg.two half)
+ -- ($(Blumenthalstr.north two half)+(0,\offset)$)
+ }
+ -- (Blumenthalstr.two half)
+ -- (Kußmaulstr.two half)
+ -- (Brückenstr.two half)
+ -- ($(3.3,0.9)+(0,2*\offset)$)
+ -- (Bismarckplatz.north two quarter)
+ -- (Bismarckplatz.two quarter)
+ -- ($(2.9,0.3)+(0,2*\offset)$)
+ {[rounded corners=0.4cm]
+ |- (Seegarten.north three quarter)
+ }
+ -- (Stadtbücherei.three quarter)
+ -- (Stadtwerke.three quarter)
+ -- (Hauptbahnhof.three quarter)
+ -- ($(Hauptbahnhof.center)-(0.9, 0)$)
+ -- (Gneisenaustr Süd.center)
+ -- (Berufsschule.center)
+ -- (Ochsenkopf.center)
+ -- ($(Ochsenkopf.center)-(0.3,-0.3)$)
+ -- (SRH Campus.center)
+ -- (SRH Campus.center)
+ -- (Wieblingen Mitte.center)
+ -- (Taubenfeld.center)
+ ;
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{labels}
+ \node[font=\scriptsize, color=white] at (4.0,1.5){Neckar};
+ \node[font=\scriptsize, color=white, rotate=-45] at (-3.5,3.5) {Neckar};
+ \foreach\stop/\placement/\anchor/\rotate in {
+ Hauptbahnhof/left/north/0,
+ Betriebshof/above left/north west/0,
+ Jahnstr/left/east/0,
+ Brückenstr/right/west/0,
+ Kußmaulstr/right/west/0,
+ Blumenthalstr/right/west/0,
+ Kapellenweg/right/west/0,
+ Bismarckplatz/below right/north west/0,
+ Jahnstr/left/east/0,
+ Bunsengymnasium/left/east/0,
+ Technologiepark/left/east/0,
+ Heiligenbergschule/left/east/0,
+ Hans-Thoma-Platz/right/west/0,
+ Biethsstr/right/west/0,
+ Volkshochschule/above right/west/60,
+ Campus Bergheim/above right/west/60,
+ Altes Hallenbad/above right/west/60,
+ Seegarten/right/east/-30,
+ Stadtbücherei/right/east/-30,
+ Stadtwerke/right/east/-30,
+ Römerkreis Süd/right/west/0,
+ Ringstr/below right/west/-45,
+ Montpellierbrücke/below right/west/-45,
+ Gneisenaustr Süd/right/west/45,
+ Berufsschule/right/west/45,
+ Ochsenkopf/right/west/45,
+ SRH Campus/left/east/0,
+ Wieblingen Mitte/left/east/0,
+ Taubenfeld/left/east/0,
+ Christuskirche/right/west/0,
+ S-Bahnhof Weststadt-Südstadt/right/west/0,
+ Bergfriedhof/right/west/0,
+ Bethanienkrankenhaus/right/west/0,
+ Rheinstr/right/west/0,
+ Markscheide/right/west/0,
+ Eichendorffplatz/right/west/0,
+ Rohrbach Markt/right/west/0,
+ Ortenauer Str/right/west/0,
+ Freiburger Str/right/west/0,
+ Rohrbach Süd/right/west/0,
+ Zementwerk/right/west/0,
+ Johannes-Reidel-Str/right/west/0,
+ Georgi-Marktplatz/right/west/0,
+ Kurpfalzcentrum/right/west/0,
+ Moltkestr/right/west/0,
+ Leimen Friedhof/right/west/0,
+ Hauptbahnhof Süd/left/north east/0,
+ Gadamerplatz/left/east/45,
+ Eppelheimer Terrasse/left/east/45,
+ Czernybrücke/above/south/45,
+ Henkel Teroson Str/below/east/45,
+ Marktstr/below/east/45,
+ Kranichweg Stotz/below/east/45,
+ Jakobsgasse/below/east/45,
+ Eppelheimer Rathaus/below/east/45,
+ Eppelheim Kirchheimer Str/below/east/45,
+ Rudolf-Diesel-Str/left/east/0,
+ Messplatz/left/east/0,
+ Ilse-Krall-Str/left/east/0,
+ Albert-Fritz-Str/left/east/0,
+ Odenwaldstr/left/east/0,
+ Kirchheim Rathaus/left/east/0,
+ Kirchheim Friedhof/left/east/0,
+ Burgstr/right/west/0%
+ } \node[label, \placement=0.05cm of \stop, rotate=\rotate, anchor=\anchor] {\contour{white}{\stop}};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentytwo, left=0.2cm of Eppelheim Kirchheimer Str] {\bf 22};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentysix, right=0.2cm of Kirchheim Friedhof] {\bf 26};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentythree, left=0.2cm of Leimen Friedhof] {\bf 23};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentyfour, left=0.2cm of Rohrbach Süd] {\bf 24};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentyone, left=0.2cm of Hans-Thoma-Platz] {\bf 21};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentysix, left=0.2cm of Burgstr] {\bf 26};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentyfour, left=0.6cm of Burgstr] {\bf 24};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentytwo, right=0.2cm of Bismarckplatz] {\bf 22};
+ \node[line name, fill=twentythree, right=0.6cm of Bismarckplatz] {\bf 23};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+% vim: nospell conceallevel=0
diff --git a/rnv/times.csv b/rnv/times.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf063e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rnv/times.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Index,Stop,Time 1,Time 2,Time 3,Time 4,Time Minutes,Time Angle
+1,Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof,0,,,,0,-0
+1,Gneisenaustraße Süd,1,,,,1,-2.62773722627737
+1,SRH Campus,4,,,,4,-10.5109489051095
+1,Wieblingen Mitte,7,,,,7,-18.3941605839416
+1,Wieblingen Taubenfeld,8,,,,8,-21.021897810219
+1,Edingen Bahnhof,11,,,,11,-28.9051094890511
+1,Edingen West,15,,,,15,-39.4160583941606
+1,Neu-Edingen Gewerbegebiet,17,,,,17,-44.6715328467153
+1,Seckenheim OEG-Bahnhof,21,,,,21,-55.1824817518248
+1,Seckenheim Rathaus,23,,,,23,-60.4379562043796
+1,Deutscher Hof,24,,,,24,-63.0656934306569
+1,Pforzheimer Straße,26,,,,26,-68.3211678832117
+1,Duale Hochschule,27,,,,27,-70.9489051094891
+1,Mannheim Marktplatz,41,,,,41,-107.737226277372
+1,Mannheim Schloss,44,,,,44,-115.620437956204
+1,Mannheim Hauptbahnhof,48,0,,,48,-126.131386861314
+1,Lange Rötterstraße,,9,,,57,-149.78102189781
+1,Käfertal Süd,,13,,,61,-160.29197080292
+1,Mannheimer Straße,,14,,,62,-162.919708029197
+1,Käfertal Bahnhof,,19,,,67,-176.058394160584
+1,Bensheimer Straße,,20,,,68,-178.686131386861
+1,Platz der Freundschaft,,21,,,69,-181.313868613139
+1,Viernheim Tivoli,,24,,,72,-189.197080291971
+1,Viernheim Kapellenberg,,25,,,73,-191.824817518248
+1,Viernheim Bahnhof,,29,,,77,-202.335766423358
+1,Viernheim Ost,,30,,,78,-204.963503649635
+1,Viernheim Walter-Gropius-Allee,,31,,,79,-207.591240875912
+1,Weinheim Freiburger Straße,,34,,,82,-215.474452554745
+1,Weinheim Hauptbahnhof,,41,,,89,-233.868613138686
+1,Weinheim Alter OEG-Bahnhof,,43,0,,91,-239.124087591241
+1,Lützelsachsen Pilgerhaus,,,2,,93,-244.379562043796
+1,Lützelsachsen Bergstraße,,,4,,95,-249.63503649635
+1,Großsachsen Bahnhof,,,7,,98,-257.518248175182
+1,Großsachsen Süd,,,8,,99,-260.14598540146
+1,Leutershausen Bahnhof,,,11,,102,-268.029197080292
+1,Schriesheim Bahnhof,,,18,,109,-286.423357664234
+1,Schriesheim Süd,,,19,,110,-289.051094890511
+1,Dossenheim Nord,,,21,,112,-294.306569343066
+1,Dossenheim Bahnhof,,,23,,114,-299.56204379562
+1,Dossenheim Süd,,,24,,115,-302.189781021898
+1,Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof,,,,7,137,-360