path: root/Main.lhs
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diff --git a/Main.lhs b/Main.lhs
index cffb4c7..3799fbe 100644
--- a/Main.lhs
+++ b/Main.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ example of the haskell websockets library.
> import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
> import Control.Exception (finally)
> import Control.Monad (forM_, forever)
-> import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_, readMVar)
+> import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_, modifyMVar, readMVar, takeMVar, putMVar)
> import qualified Data.Text as T
> import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ example of the haskell websockets library.
> import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
> import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
+Application State
We only show slides, so clients can be represented entirely by their
websocket connection and some id, which is only necessarry for bookkeeping
@@ -36,9 +38,11 @@ end up with invalid values).
> type Room = ([Client], Int)
-The entire server state is a map of room names to rooms:
+The entire server state is a map of room names to rooms, which are each
+wrapped in a MVar, so we can change room states without touching the
+global server state:
-> type ServerState = HashMap Text Room
+> type ServerState = HashMap Text (MVar Room)
Since rooms are created dynamically, the initial server state is just
an empty map:
@@ -46,28 +50,6 @@ an empty map:
> initialState :: ServerState
> initialState = M.empty
-Since all clients should be notified of all state changes, we define
-a function to broadcast messages to all clients in one room:
-> broadcast :: Text -> [Client] -> IO ()
-> broadcast message cs = do
-> --T.putStrLn message
-> forM_ cs $ \(_,conn) -> WS.sendTextData conn message
-Then there are some bookkeeping functions:
-> addClient :: Client -> Maybe Room -> Room
-> addClient c room = case room of
-> Nothing -> ([c],0)
-> Just (cs,n) -> (c:cs,n)
-> removeClient :: Int -> Room -> Room
-> removeClient i (cs,n) = (filter ((/= i) . fst) cs, n)
@@ -113,29 +95,49 @@ dropped), and then start processing:
> Left err -> putStrLn $ "error while join: " <> err
> Right join -> do
-Once we now that a new client wants to join, retrieve the current slide
-number and a new, free index, perform some housekeeping, and send the
-new client the current state.
+Once we now that a new client wants to join, we can start actually
+processing the connection. First, we can fork a pinging thread to
+the background:
+> WS.withPingThread conn 30 (return ()) $ do
+Then we can retrieve the global server state. Note that rooms are
+ephemeral — they just get created as soon as someone joins them;
+so we also have to check if the room already exists, and, if not,
+create a new MVar to store that room's state.
+> s <- takeMVar state
+> (i,n, roomstate) <- case M.lookup (room join) s of
+> Nothing -> do
+> room' <- newMVar ([(0,conn)],0)
+> let s' = M.insert (room join) room' s
+> putMVar state s'
+> return (0,0, room')
+> Just room' -> do
+> (i,n) <- modifyMVar room' (\state -> return $ insertClient conn state)
+> putMVar state s
+> return (i,n, room')
+Now the client has joined, and we can print some debug output, send the
+new client the current state so it can update its view, and hand over
+to the usual message handling loop, which just needs the room's state,
+not the server's global state:
-Additionally, we can fork a pinging thread to the background:
-> s <- readMVar state
-> let (i,n) = getNewIndex s
-> WS.withPingThread conn 30 (return ()) $ flip finally (disconnect i) $ do
> putStrLn $ show i <> " joined room " <> (show $ room join)
> WS.sendTextData conn (T.pack $ "state " <> show n)
-> modifyMVar_ state $ \map -> return (M.insert (room join) (addClient (i,conn) $ M.lookup (room join) map) map)
-> talk (i,conn) (room join) state
+> talk (i, conn) roomstate
+Only one thing is still left to do, which is to define the `insertClient`
+function that was used above for brevity. It gets an already-existing
+room, adds a client to it, and then returns the new room along with
+the new client's index and the room's current slide, to make the call
+of `modifyMVar` above look nicer.
> where
-> getNewIndex :: ServerState -> (Int, Int)
-> getNewIndex s = case M.lookup (room join) s of
-> Nothing -> (0,0)
-> Just (cs,n) -> case cs of
-> [] -> (0,0)
-> (i,c):_ -> (i+1,n)
-> disconnect i = do
-> modifyMVar_ state $ \map -> return (M.adjust (removeClient i) (room join) map)
-> putStrLn $ show i <> " disconnected"
+> insertClient :: WS.Connection -> Room -> (Room, (Int,Int))
+> insertClient client room = case room of
+> ([],n) -> (([(0,client)], 0), (0,0))
+> ((i,conn'):cs,n) -> (((i+1,conn):(i,conn'):cs, n), (i+1,n))
@@ -144,18 +146,43 @@ Message Loop
Still todo: how to dynamically handle different incoming data types via Aeson?
-> talk :: Client -> Text -> MVar ServerState -> IO ()
-> talk (i,conn) room s = forever $ do
+Before we start the message loop, we first set up a disconnect handler
+which will remove the client from the room's state once the socket closes.
+After that, we just read in new messages, parse them as json messages,
+and change the room's state accordingly (note: currently, this server is
+"nice" and does not drop clients which send garbage instead of json; this
+isn't really much of a concern here, but it would probably be better if
+it did drop them).
+> talk :: Client -> MVar Room -> IO ()
+> talk (i,conn) roomstate = flip finally (disconnect i) $ forever $ do
> msg <- WS.receiveData conn
> let d = (eitherDecode msg) :: (Either String State)
> case d of
> Left err -> putStrLn $ "json malformed" <> err
> Right new -> do
-> modifyMVar_ s $ \map -> return $ M.adjust (\(cs,_) -> (cs, state new)) room map
-> state <- readMVar s
-> case M.lookup room state of
-> Nothing -> putStrLn $ "whoops, room " <> show room <> " somehow got lost"
-> Just (cs,n) -> broadcast ("state " <> (T.pack $ show n)) cs
+> peers <- modifyMVar roomstate $ \(cs,n) -> return ((cs, state new), cs)
+> broadcast ("state " <> (T.pack $ show $ state new)) peers
+> where
+> disconnect i = do
+> modifyMVar_ roomstate (\room -> return $ removeClient i room)
+> putStrLn $ show i <> " disconnected"
+> removeClient :: Int -> Room -> Room
+> removeClient i (cs,n) = (filter ((/= i) . fst) cs, n)
+Broadcasting is equivalent to just going through the list of clients.
+Note that this is a linked list (i.e. may be slow and cause some cache
+misses while iterating), but it's probably going to be fine unless there's
+a couple thousand clients in a room.
+> broadcast :: Text -> [Client] -> IO ()
+> broadcast message cs = do
+> --T.putStrLn message -- log messages
+> forM_ cs $ \(_,conn) -> WS.sendTextData conn message