path: root/stdlib/source/lux/world/db/sql.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/lux/world/db/sql.lux')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/world/db/sql.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/world/db/sql.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c9bce9b2..000000000
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/world/db/sql.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
- [lux (#- Source Definition function and or not type is? int)
- [control
- [monad (#+ do)]]
- [data
- [number
- ["i" int]]
- ["." text ("#\." equivalence)
- ["%" format (#+ format)]]
- [collection
- ["." list ("#\." functor)]]]
- [type
- abstract]])
-(def: parenthesize
- (-> Text Text)
- (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
-## Kind
-(template [<declaration>]
- [(abstract: #export <declaration> Any)]
- [Literal']
- [Column']
- [Placeholder']
- [(Value' kind)]
- [Function']
- [Condition']
- [Index']
- [Table']
- [View']
- [Source']
- [DB']
- [No-Limit] [With-Limit]
- [No-Offset] [With-Offset]
- [Order']
- [No-Order] [With-Order]
- [No-Group] [With-Group]
- [(Query' order group limit offset)]
- [Command']
- [No-Where] [With-Where] [Without-Where]
- [No-Having] [With-Having] [Without-Having]
- [(Action' where having kind)]
- [(Schema' kind)]
- [Definition']
- [(Statement' kind)]
- )
-(type: #export Alias Text)
-(def: #export no-alias Alias "")
-(abstract: #export (SQL kind)
- Text
- ## SQL
- (template [<declaration> <kind>]
- [(type: #export <declaration> (SQL <kind>))]
- [Literal (Value' Literal')]
- [Column (Value' Column')]
- [Placeholder (Value' Placeholder')]
- [Value (Value' Any)]
- [Function Function']
- [Condition Condition']
- [Index Index']
- [Table Table']
- [View View']
- [Source Source']
- [DB DB']
- [Order Order']
- [(Schema kind) (Schema' kind)]
- [(Query where having order group limit offset) (Statement' (Action' where having (Query' order group limit offset)))]
- [(Command where having) (Statement' (Action' where having Command'))]
- [(Action where having kind) (Statement' (Action' where having kind))]
- [Definition (Statement' Definition')]
- [Statement (Statement' Any)]
- )
- (def: Base-Query (.type (Query No-Where No-Having No-Order No-Group No-Limit No-Offset)))
- (def: Any-Query (.type (Query Any Any Any Any Any Any)))
- (def: #export read
- {#.doc (doc "Only use this function for debugging purposes."
- "Do not use this function to actually execute SQL code.")}
- (-> (SQL Any) Text)
- (|>> :representation))
- (def: #export (sql action)
- (-> Statement Text)
- (format (:representation action) ";"))
- (def: enumerate
- (-> (List (SQL Any)) Text)
- (|>> (list\map (|>> :representation))
- (text.join-with ", ")))
- ## Value
- (def: #export ? Placeholder (:abstraction "?"))
- (def: literal
- (-> Text Literal)
- (|>> :abstraction))
- (def: #export null Literal (..literal "NULL"))
- (def: #export (int value)
- (-> Int Literal)
- (..literal (if (i.< +0 value)
- (%.int value)
- (%.nat (.nat value)))))
- (def: #export function
- (-> Text Function)
- (|>> :abstraction))
- (def: #export (call function parameters)
- (-> Function (List Value) Value)
- (:abstraction (format (:representation function)
- (..parenthesize (..enumerate parameters)))))
- ## Condition
- (template [<name> <sql-op>]
- [(def: #export (<name> reference sample)
- (-> Value Value Condition)
- (:abstraction
- (..parenthesize
- (format (:representation sample)
- " " <sql-op> " "
- (:representation reference)))))]
- [= "="]
- [<> "<>"]
- [is? "IS"]
- [> ">"]
- [>= ">="]
- [< "<"]
- [<= "<="]
- [like? "LIKE"]
- [ilike? "ILIKE"]
- )
- (def: #export (between from to sample)
- (-> Value Value Value Condition)
- (:abstraction
- (..parenthesize
- (format (:representation sample)
- " BETWEEN " (:representation from)
- " AND " (:representation to)))))
- (def: #export (in options value)
- (-> (List Value) Value Condition)
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation value)
- " IN "
- (..parenthesize (enumerate options)))))
- (template [<func-name> <sql-op>]
- [(def: #export (<func-name> left right)
- (-> Condition Condition Condition)
- (:abstraction
- (format (..parenthesize (:representation left))
- " " <sql-op> " "
- (..parenthesize (:representation right)))))]
- [and "AND"]
- [or "OR"]
- )
- (template [<name> <type> <sql>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> <type> Condition)
- (|>> :representation ..parenthesize (format <sql> " ") :abstraction))]
- [not Condition "NOT"]
- [exists Any-Query "EXISTS"]
- )
- ## Query
- (template [<name> <type> <decoration>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> <type> Source)
- (|>> :representation <decoration> :abstraction))]
- [from-table Table (<|)]
- [from-view View (<|)]
- [from-query Any-Query ..parenthesize]
- )
- (template [<func-name> <op>]
- [(def: #export (<func-name> columns source)
- (-> (List [Column Alias]) Source Base-Query)
- (:abstraction
- (format <op>
- " "
- (case columns
- #.Nil
- "*"
- _
- (|> columns
- (list\map (.function (_ [column alias])
- (if (text\= ..no-alias alias)
- (:representation column)
- (format (:representation column) " AS " alias))))
- (text.join-with ", ")))
- " FROM " (:representation source))))]
- [select "SELECT"]
- [select-distinct "SELECT DISTINCT"]
- )
- (template [<name> <join-text>]
- [(def: #export (<name> table condition prev)
- (-> Table Condition Base-Query Base-Query)
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation prev)
- " " <join-text> " "
- (:representation table)
- " ON " (:representation condition))))]
- [inner-join "INNER JOIN"]
- [left-join "LEFT JOIN"]
- [right-join "RIGHT JOIN"]
- [full-outer-join "FULL OUTER JOIN"]
- )
- (template [<function> <sql-op>]
- [(def: #export (<function> left right)
- (-> Any-Query Any-Query (Query Without-Where Without-Having No-Order No-Group No-Limit No-Offset))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation left)
- " " <sql-op> " "
- (:representation right))))]
- [union "UNION"]
- [union-all "UNION ALL"]
- [intersect "INTERSECT"]
- )
- (template [<name> <sql> <variables> <input> <output>]
- [(def: #export (<name> value query)
- (All <variables>
- (-> Nat <input> <output>))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation query)
- " " <sql> " "
- (%.nat value))))]
- [limit "LIMIT" [where having order group offset]
- (Query where having order group No-Limit offset)
- (Query where having order group With-Limit offset)]
- [offset "OFFSET" [where having order group limit]
- (Query where having order group limit No-Offset)
- (Query where having order group limit With-Offset)]
- )
- (template [<name> <sql>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- Order
- (:abstraction <sql>))]
- [ascending "ASC"]
- [descending "DESC"]
- )
- (def: #export (order-by pairs query)
- (All [where having group limit offset]
- (-> (List [Value Order])
- (Query where having No-Order group limit offset)
- (Query where having With-Order group limit offset)))
- (case pairs
- #.Nil
- (|> query :representation :abstraction)
- _
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation query)
- " ORDER BY "
- (|> pairs
- (list\map (.function (_ [value order])
- (format (:representation value) " " (:representation order))))
- (text.join-with ", "))))))
- (def: #export (group-by pairs query)
- (All [where having order limit offset]
- (-> (List Value)
- (Query where having order No-Group limit offset)
- (Query where having order With-Group limit offset)))
- (case pairs
- #.Nil
- (|> query :representation :abstraction)
- _
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation query)
- " GROUP BY "
- (..enumerate pairs)))))
- ## Command
- (def: #export (insert table columns rows)
- (-> Table (List Column) (List (List Value)) (Command Without-Where Without-Having))
- (:abstraction
- (format "INSERT INTO " (:representation table) " "
- (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns))
- " VALUES "
- (|> rows
- (list\map (|>> ..enumerate ..parenthesize))
- (text.join-with ", "))
- )))
- (def: #export (update table pairs)
- (-> Table (List [Column Value]) (Command No-Where No-Having))
- (:abstraction (format "UPDATE " (:representation table)
- (case pairs
- #.Nil
- ""
- _
- (format " SET " (|> pairs
- (list\map (.function (_ [column value])
- (format (:representation column) "=" (:representation value))))
- (text.join-with ", ")))))))
- (def: #export delete
- (-> Table (Command No-Where No-Having))
- (|>> :representation (format "DELETE FROM ") :abstraction))
- ## Action
- (def: #export (where condition prev)
- (All [kind having]
- (-> Condition (Action No-Where having kind) (Action With-Where having kind)))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation prev)
- " WHERE "
- (:representation condition))))
- (def: #export (having condition prev)
- (All [where kind]
- (-> Condition (Action where No-Having kind) (Action where With-Having kind)))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation prev)
- " HAVING "
- (:representation condition))))
- ## Schema
- (def: #export type
- (-> Text (Schema Value))
- (|>> :abstraction))
- (template [<name> <attr>]
- [(def: #export (<name> attr)
- (-> (Schema Value) (Schema Value))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation attr) " " <attr>)))]
- [unique "UNIQUE"]
- [not-null "NOT NULL"]
- [stored "STORED"]
- )
- (def: #export (default value attr)
- (-> Value (Schema Value) (Schema Value))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation attr) " DEFAULT " (:representation value))))
- (def: #export (define-column name type)
- (-> Column (Schema Value) (Schema Column))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation name) " " (:representation type))))
- (def: #export (auto-increment offset column)
- (-> Int (Schema Column) (Schema Column))
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation column) " AUTO_INCREMENT=" (:representation (..int offset)))))
- (def: #export (create-table or-replace? table columns)
- (-> Bit Table (List (Schema Column)) Definition)
- (let [command (if or-replace?
- (:abstraction
- (format command " " (:representation table)
- (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns))))))
- (def: #export (create-table-as table query)
- (-> Table Any-Query Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format "CREATE TABLE " (:representation table) " AS " (:representation query))))
- (template [<name> <sql>]
- [(def: #export (<name> table)
- (-> Table Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format <sql> " TABLE " (:representation table))))]
- [drop "DROP"]
- [truncate "TRUNCATE"]
- )
- (def: #export (add-column table column)
- (-> Table (Schema Column) Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format "ALTER TABLE " (:representation table) " ADD " (:representation column))))
- (def: #export (drop-column table column)
- (-> Table Column Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format "ALTER TABLE " (:representation table) " DROP COLUMN " (:representation column))))
- (template [<name> <type>]
- [(def: #export (<name> name)
- (-> Text <type>)
- (:abstraction name))]
- [column Column]
- [table Table]
- [view View]
- [index Index]
- [db DB]
- )
- (template [<name> <type> <sql>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> <type> Definition)
- (|>> :representation (format <sql> " ") :abstraction))]
- [create-db DB "CREATE DATABASE"]
- [drop-db DB "DROP DATABASE"]
- [drop-view View "DROP VIEW"]
- )
- (template [<name> <sql>]
- [(def: #export (<name> view query)
- (-> View Any-Query Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format <sql> " " (:representation view) " AS " (:representation query))))]
- [create-view "CREATE VIEW"]
- [create-or-replace-view "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW"]
- )
- (def: #export (create-index index table unique? columns)
- (-> Index Table Bit (List Column) Definition)
- (:abstraction
- (format "CREATE " (if unique? "UNIQUE" "") " INDEX " (:representation index)
- " ON " (:representation table) " " (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns)))))
- (def: #export (with alias query body)
- (All [where having order group limit offset]
- (-> Table Any-Query
- (Query where having order group limit offset)
- (Query where having order group limit offset)))
- (:abstraction
- (format "WITH " (:representation alias)
- " AS " (..parenthesize (:representation query))
- " " (:representation body))))
- )