path: root/stdlib/source/lux/target/lua.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/lux/target/lua.lux')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/target/lua.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/target/lua.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dde357cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/target/lua.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+ [lux (#- Code int if cond function or and not let)
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]
+ [parser
+ ["s" code]]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["." frac]]
+ ["." text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor fold)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]
+ ["." code]
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
+ [type
+ abstract]])
+(def: input-separator ", ")
+(def: statement-suffix ";")
+(def: nest
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (|>> (format text.new-line)
+ (text.replace-all text.new-line (format text.new-line text.tab))))
+(abstract: #export (Code brand)
+ {}
+ Text
+ (def: #export manual
+ (-> Text Code)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export code
+ (-> (Code Any) Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with-expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export (<brand> brand) {} Any))
+ (`` (type: #export (<type> brand)
+ (<super> (<brand> brand)))))]
+ [Expression Code]
+ [Computation Expression]
+ [Location Computation]
+ )
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with-expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export <brand> {} Any))
+ (`` (type: #export <type> (<super> <brand>))))]
+ [Literal Computation]
+ [Var Location]
+ [Access Location]
+ [Statement Code]
+ )
+ (def: #export nil
+ Literal
+ (:abstraction "nil"))
+ (def: #export bool
+ (-> Bit Literal)
+ (|>> (case> #0 "false"
+ #1 "true")
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (int value)
+ (-> Int Literal)
+ (:abstraction (.if (i/< +0 value)
+ (%i value)
+ (%n (.nat value)))))
+ (def: #export float
+ (-> Frac Literal)
+ (|>> (cond> [(f/= frac.positive-infinity)]
+ [(new> "(1.0/0.0)" [])]
+ [(f/= frac.negative-infinity)]
+ [(new> "(-1.0/0.0)" [])]
+ [(f/= frac.not-a-number)]
+ [(new> "(0.0/0.0)" [])]
+ ## else
+ [%f])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: sanitize
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (`` (|>> (~~ (template [<find> <replace>]
+ [(text.replace-all <find> <replace>)]
+ ["\" "\\"]
+ [text.tab "\t"]
+ [text.vertical-tab "\v"]
+ [text.null "\0"]
+ [text.back-space "\b"]
+ [text.form-feed "\f"]
+ [text.new-line "\n"]
+ [text.carriage-return "\r"]
+ [text.double-quote (format "\" text.double-quote)]
+ ))
+ )))
+ (def: #export string
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ (|>> ..sanitize (text.enclose' text.double-quote) :abstraction))
+ (def: #export array
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) Literal)
+ (|>> (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ (text.enclose ["{" "}"])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export table
+ (-> (List [Text (Expression Any)]) Literal)
+ (|>> (list@map (.function (_ [key value])
+ (format key " = " (:representation value))))
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ (text.enclose ["{" "}"])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (nth idx array)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) Access)
+ (:abstraction (format (:representation array) "[" (:representation idx) "]")))
+ (def: #export (the field table)
+ (-> Text (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (:abstraction (format (:representation table) "." field)))
+ (def: #export length
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|>> :representation
+ (text.enclose ["#(" ")"])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (apply/* args func)
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|> args
+ (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"])
+ (format (:representation func))
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (do method table args)
+ (-> Text (Expression Any) (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (|> args
+ (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"])
+ (format (:representation table) ":" method)
+ :abstraction))
+ (template [<op> <name>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> parameter subject)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (:abstraction (format "("
+ (:representation subject)
+ " " <op> " "
+ (:representation parameter)
+ ")")))]
+ ["==" =]
+ ["<" <]
+ ["<=" <=]
+ [">" >]
+ [">=" >=]
+ ["+" +]
+ ["-" -]
+ ["*" *]
+ ["/" /]
+ ["//" //]
+ ["%" %]
+ [".." concat]
+ ["or" or]
+ ["and" and]
+ ["|" bit-or]
+ ["&" bit-and]
+ ["~" bit-xor]
+ ["<<" bit-shl]
+ [">>" bit-shr]
+ )
+ (def: #export (not subject)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (:abstraction (format "(not " (:representation subject) ")")))
+ (def: #export var
+ (-> Text Var)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export statement
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (|>> :representation (text.suffix ..statement-suffix) :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (then pre! post!)
+ (-> Statement Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation pre!)
+ text.new-line
+ (:representation post!))))
+ (def: locations
+ (-> (List (Location Any)) Text)
+ (|>> (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)))
+ (def: #export (local vars)
+ (-> (List Var) Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format "local " (..locations vars) ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (set vars value)
+ (-> (List (Location Any)) (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format (..locations vars) " = " (:representation value) ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (let vars value)
+ (-> (List Var) (Expression Any) Statement)
+ ($_ ..then
+ (local vars)
+ (set vars value)))
+ (def: #export (if test then! else!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format "if " (:representation test)
+ text.new-line "then" (..nest (:representation then!))
+ text.new-line "else" (..nest (:representation else!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (when test then!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format "if " (:representation test)
+ text.new-line "then" (..nest (:representation then!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (while test body!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while " (:representation test) " do"
+ (..nest (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (for-in vars source body!)
+ (-> (List Var) (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "for " (|> vars
+ (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator))
+ " in " (:representation source) " do"
+ (..nest (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (for-step var from to step body!)
+ (-> Var (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any) Statement
+ Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "for " (:representation var)
+ " = " (:representation from)
+ ..input-separator (:representation to)
+ ..input-separator (:representation step) " do"
+ (..nest (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (return value)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format "return " (:representation value) ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (closure args body!)
+ (-> (List Var) Statement (Expression Any))
+ (|> (format "function " (|> args
+ ..locations
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
+ (..nest (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line "end")
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (function name args body!)
+ (-> Var (List Var) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "function " (:representation name)
+ (|> args
+ ..locations
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
+ (..nest (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line "end" ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export break
+ Statement
+ (|> "break"
+ (text.suffix ..statement-suffix)
+ :abstraction))
+ )
+(def: #export (cond clauses else!)
+ (-> (List [(Expression Any) Statement]) Statement Statement)
+ (list@fold (.function (_ [test then!] next!)
+ (..if test then! next!))
+ else!
+ (list.reverse clauses)))