path: root/src/lang/interpreter.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lang/interpreter.clj')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/src/lang/interpreter.clj b/src/lang/interpreter.clj
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c3f5af35..000000000
--- a/src/lang/interpreter.clj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-(ns lang.interpreter
- (:refer-clojure :exclude [eval resolve -' *'])
- (:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
- (lang [util :as &util :refer [exec return* return fail fail*
- repeat-m try-m try-all-m map-m
- apply-m]]
- [parser :as &parser]
- [lexer :as &lexer]
- [compiler :as &compiler])
- :reload)
- )
-(declare eval-form)
-;; (defonce _init_
-;; (do (alter-var-root #'clojure.core/prn
-;; (constantly #(.println System/out (apply pr-str %&))))))
-(defprotocol Function
- (apply [f x]))
-(defrecord Tagged [tag data])
-;; (def <=' (fn [x] (fn [y] (<= x y))))
-;; (def -' (fn [x] (fn [y] (- x y))))
-;; (def +' (fn [x] (fn [y] (+ x y))))
-;; (def *' (fn [x] (fn [y] (* x y))))
-;; [Utils]
-(def ^:private +state+
- {:globals {"*" (reify Function
- (apply [f x]
- (reify Function
- (apply [f y]
- (* x y)))))
- "-" (reify Function
- (apply [f x]
- (reify Function
- (apply [f y]
- (- x y)))))
- "+" (reify Function
- (apply [f x]
- (reify Function
- (apply [f y]
- (+ x y)))))
- "<=" (reify Function
- (apply [f x]
- (reify Function
- (apply [f y]
- (<= x y)))))}
- :stack {}
- :forms '()})
-;; (def ^:private +state+
-;; {:globals {"*" (fn [x] (fn [y] (* x y)))}
-;; :stack {}
-;; :forms '()})
-(defn wrap [x]
- (update-in +state+ [:forms] conj x))
-(defn wrap-in [state x]
- (assoc state :forms (list x)))
-(defn resolve [ident]
- (fn [state]
- ;; (prn 'resolve ident (get-in state [:globals ident]) (get-in state [:globals]))
- (if-let [value (get-in state [:globals ident])]
- (return* state value)
- (fail* (str "Unrecognized identifier: " ident)))))
-(defn define [name value]
- (fn [state]
- ;; (prn 'define name value (assoc-in state [:globals name] value))
- (return* (assoc-in state [:globals name] value) nil)))
-(defn fn-call [f args]
- ;; (prn 'fn-call/call f args (first args) (second args))
- ;; (prn 'fn-call/output* (f (first args)))
- ;; (prn 'fn-call/output* ((f (first args)) (second args)))
- (let [output (reduce #(%1 %2) f args)]
- ;; (prn 'fn-call/output output)
- (return output)))
-(defmacro ^:private defeval [name match return]
- `(def ~name
- (fn [state#]
- (let [~'*token* (first (:forms state#))]
- ;; (prn '~name ~'*token*)
- ;; (prn '~name state#)
- (match ~'*token*
- ~match
- (let [output# (~return (update-in state# [:forms] rest))]
- ;; (prn "output#" output#)
- output#)
- _#
- (do ;; (println "Unknown syntax: " (pr-str ~'*token*))
- (fail* (str "Unknown syntax: " (pr-str ~'*token*)))))))))
-(defeval eval-ident
- [::&parser/ident ?ident]
- (resolve ?ident))
-(defeval eval-int
- [::&parser/int ?int]
- (return ?int))
-(defeval eval-float
- [::&parser/float ?float]
- (return ?float))
-(defeval eval-def
- [::&parser/def ?form ?body]
- (exec [;; :let [_ (prn 'eval-defdata ?form ?cases)]
- =value (apply-m &compiler/compile-form (wrap *token*))
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'eval-def 'DONE =value)]
- :let [=name (match ?form
- [::&parser/fn-call [::&parser/ident ?name] ?args]
- ?name
- [::&parser/ident ?name]
- ?name)
- =value* (clojure.core/eval =value)
- ;; _ (prn '=value* =value*)
- ]
- ]
- (define =name =value*)))
-(defeval eval-defdata
- [::&parser/defdata ?form & ?cases]
- (exec [;; :let [_ (prn 'eval-defdata ?form ?cases)]
- _ (apply-m &compiler/compile-form (wrap `[::&parser/defdata ~?form ~@?cases]))
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'eval-defdata 'DONE)]
- ]
- (return nil)))
-(defeval eval-get
- [::&parser/get ?tag [::&parser/ident ?record]]
- (exec [=record (resolve ?record)]
- (return (get =record ?tag))))
-(defeval eval-set
- [::&parser/set ?tag ?value [::&parser/ident ?record]]
- (exec [state &util/get-state
- =value (apply-m eval-form (wrap-in state ?value))
- =record (resolve ?record)]
- (return (assoc =record ?tag =value))))
-(defeval eval-remove
- [::&parser/remove ?tag [::&parser/ident ?record]]
- (exec [=record (resolve ?record)]
- (return (dissoc =record ?tag))))
-(defeval eval-fn-call
- [::&parser/fn-call ?fn ?args]
- (exec [state &util/get-state
- =fn (apply-m eval-form (wrap-in state ?fn))
- ;; :let [_ (prn '=fn ?fn =fn)]
- =args (map-m (fn [arg] (apply-m eval-form (wrap-in state arg)))
- ?args)
- ;; :let [_ (prn '=args =args)]
- ]
- (return (reduce #(%1 %2) =fn =args))
- ;; (fn-call =fn =args)
- ))
-(def eval-form
- (try-all-m [eval-int
- eval-float
- eval-ident
- eval-def
- eval-defdata
- eval-get
- eval-set
- eval-remove
- eval-fn-call]))
-(defn eval [text]
- (match ((repeat-m eval-form) text)
- [::&util/ok [?state ?forms]]
- (if (empty? (:forms ?state))
- ?forms
- (assert false (str "Unconsumed input: " ?state)))
- [::&util/failure ?message]
- (assert false ?message)))
- (let [source-code (slurp "src/example/test1.lang")
- tokens (&lexer/lex source-code)
- ;; _ (prn 'tokens tokens)
- syntax (&parser/parse tokens)
- ;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax)
- ]
- (eval (update-in +state+ [:forms] concat syntax)))
- ;; TODO: Add meta-data to top-level vars/fns.
- ;; TODO:
- ;; TODO:
- ;; (defdata (List x)
- ;; (#Nil [])
- ;; (#Cons [x] (List x)))
- ;; (def (** base exp)
- ;; (fold * 1 (repeat exp base)))
- ;; Syntax for chars: #"a"
- ;; (set@ {#z 30} bar) (set@ {#z 30 #w "YOLO"} bar)
- ;; (remove@ [#x #y] bar)
- ;; (get@ [#x #y] bar)
- ;; (class (BiFunctor bf)
- ;; (: bimap (All [a b c d]
- ;; (-> [(-> [a] b) (-> [c] d) (bf a c)] (bf b d)))))
- ;; (instance (BiFunctor Either)
- ;; (def (bimap f1 f2 either)
- ;; (case either
- ;; (#Left l) (#Left (f1 l))
- ;; (#Right r) (#Right (f2 r)))))
- )