path: root/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 802 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index d641041d2..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
- [monad #+ do])
- (data [bit]
- [number (#+ hex) ("int/" Interval<Int>)]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Monad<List>]))
- [macro]
- (macro [code]
- ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
- [io #+ Process])
- [//]
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang (host [r #+ SVar Expression @@]))))
-(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
-(def: #export unit Expression (r.string //.unit))
-(def: full-32 (hex "+FFFFFFFF"))
-(def: half-32 (hex "+7FFFFFFF"))
-(def: post-32 (hex "+100000000"))
-(def: (cap-32 input)
- (-> Nat Int)
- (cond (n/> full-32 input)
- (|> input (bit.and full-32) cap-32)
- (n/> half-32 input)
- (|> post-32 (n/- input) .int (i/* -1))
- ## else
- (.int input)))
-(def: high-32 (bit.logical-right-shift +32))
-(def: low-32 (|>> (bit.and (hex "+FFFFFFFF"))))
-(def: #export (int value)
- (-> Int Expression)
- (let [value (.nat value)
- high (|> value ..high-32 cap-32)
- low (|> value ..low-32 cap-32)]
- (r.named-list (list [//.int-high-field (r.int high)]
- [//.int-low-field (r.int low)]))))
-(def: (flag value)
- (-> Bit Expression)
- (if value
- (r.string "")
- r.null))
-(def: (variant' tag last? value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.named-list (list [//.variant-tag-field tag]
- [//.variant-flag-field last?]
- [//.variant-value-field value])))
-(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
- (-> Nat Bit Expression Expression)
- (variant' (r.int (.int tag))
- (flag last?)
- value))
-(def: #export none
- Expression
- (variant +0 #0 unit))
-(def: #export some
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(def: #export left
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +0 #0))
-(def: #export right
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(type: Runtime Expression)
-(def: declaration
- (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)])
- (p.either (p.seq s.local-identifier (p/wrap (list)))
- (s.form (p.seq s.local-identifier (p.some s.local-identifier)))))
-(syntax: (runtime: {[name args] declaration}
- definition)
- (let [implementation (code.local-identifier (format "@@" name))
- runtime (format prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name))
- $runtime (` (r.var (~ (code.text runtime))))
- @runtime (` (@@ (~ $runtime)))
- argsC+ (list/map code.local-identifier args)
- argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name (format "LRV__") code.text (~) (r.var) (`))
- args)
- declaration (` ((~ (code.local-identifier name))
- (~+ argsC+)))
- type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` r.Expression)))
- r.Expression))]
- (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration)
- (~ type)
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- @runtime
- _
- (` (r.apply (list (~+ argsC+)) (~ @runtime)))))))
- (` (def: (~ implementation)
- r.Expression
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- (` (r.set! (~ $runtime) (~ definition)))
- _
- (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+)
- (list/map (function (_ [left right])
- (list left right)))
- list/join))]
- (r.set! (~ $runtime)
- (r.function (list (~+ argsLC+))
- (~ definition)))))))))))))
-(syntax: #export (with-vars {vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-identifier))}
- body)
- (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
- (list/map (function (_ var)
- (list (code.local-identifier var)
- (` (r.var (~ (code.text (format "LRV__" (lang.normalize-name var)))))))))
- list/join))]
- (~ body))))))
-(def: high-shift (r.bit-shl (r.int 32)))
-(runtime: f2^32 (|> (r.int 2) (r.** (r.int 32))))
-(runtime: f2^63 (|> (r.int 2) (r.** (r.int 63))))
-(def: (as-double value)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "as.double")))
-(def: (as-integer value)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "as.integer")))
-(runtime: (int//unsigned-low input)
- (with-vars [low]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! low (|> (@@ input) (r.nth (r.string //.int-low-field))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ low) (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ low)
- (|> (@@ low) (r.+ f2^32))))))
-(runtime: (int//to-float input)
- (let [high (|> (@@ input)
- (r.nth (r.string //.int-high-field))
- high-shift)
- low (|> (@@ input)
- int//unsigned-low)]
- (|> high (r.+ low) as-double)))
-(runtime: (int//new high low)
- (r.named-list (list [//.int-high-field (as-integer (@@ high))]
- [//.int-low-field (as-integer (@@ low))])))
-(template [<name> <value>]
- [(runtime: <name>
- (..int <value>))]
- [int//zero 0]
- [int//one 1]
- [int//min int/bottom]
- [int//max int/top]
- )
-(def: #export int64-high (r.nth (r.string //.int-high-field)))
-(def: #export int64-low (r.nth (r.string //.int-low-field)))
-(runtime: (bit//not input)
- (int//new (|> (@@ input) int64-high r.bit-not)
- (|> (@@ input) int64-low r.bit-not)))
-(runtime: (int//+ param subject)
- (with-vars [sH sL pH pL
- x00 x16 x32 x48]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sH (|> (@@ subject) int64-high))
- (r.set! sL (|> (@@ subject) int64-low))
- (r.set! pH (|> (@@ param) int64-high))
- (r.set! pL (|> (@@ param) int64-low))
- (let [bits16 (r.code "0xFFFF")
- move-top-16 (r.bit-shl (r.int 16))
- top-16 (r.bit-ushr (r.int 16))
- bottom-16 (r.bit-and bits16)
- split-16 (function (_ source)
- [(|> source top-16)
- (|> source bottom-16)])
- split-int (function (_ high low)
- [(split-16 high)
- (split-16 low)])
- [[s48 s32] [s16 s00]] (split-int (@@ sH) (@@ sL))
- [[p48 p32] [p16 p00]] (split-int (@@ pH) (@@ pL))
- new-half (function (_ top bottom)
- (|> top bottom-16 move-top-16
- (r.bit-or (bottom-16 bottom))))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! x00 (|> s00 (r.+ p00)))
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x00) top-16 (r.+ s16) (r.+ p16)))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x16) top-16 (r.+ s32) (r.+ p32)))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x32) top-16 (r.+ s48) (r.+ p48)))
- (int//new (new-half (@@ x48) (@@ x32))
- (new-half (@@ x16) (@@ x00))))))))
-(runtime: (int//= reference sample)
- (let [n/a? (function (_ value)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "is.na")))
- isTRUE? (function (_ value)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "isTRUE")))
- comparison (: (-> (-> Expression Expression) Expression)
- (function (_ field)
- (|> (|> (field (@@ sample)) (r.= (field (@@ reference))))
- (r.or (|> (n/a? (field (@@ sample)))
- (r.and (n/a? (field (@@ reference)))))))))]
- (|> (comparison int64-high)
- (r.and (comparison int64-low))
- isTRUE?)))
-(runtime: (int//negate input)
- (r.if (|> (@@ input) (int//= int//min))
- int//min
- (|> (@@ input) bit//not (int//+ int//one))))
-(runtime: int//-one
- (int//negate int//one))
-(runtime: (int//- param subject)
- (int//+ (int//negate (@@ param)) (@@ subject)))
-(runtime: (int//< reference sample)
- (with-vars [r-? s-?]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! s-? (|> (@@ sample) int64-high (r.< (r.int 0))))
- (r.set! r-? (|> (@@ reference) int64-high (r.< (r.int 0))))
- (|> (|> (@@ s-?) (r.and (r.not (@@ r-?))))
- (r.or (|> (r.not (@@ s-?)) (r.and (@@ r-?)) r.not))
- (r.or (|> (@@ sample)
- (int//- (@@ reference))
- int64-high
- (r.< (r.int 0))))))))
-(runtime: (int//from-float input)
- (r.cond (list [(r.apply (list (@@ input)) (r.global "is.nan"))
- int//zero]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.<= (r.negate f2^63)))
- int//min]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.+ (r.float 1.0)) (r.>= f2^63))
- int//max]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.< (r.float 0.0)))
- (|> (@@ input) r.negate int//from-float int//negate)])
- (int//new (|> (@@ input) (r./ f2^32))
- (|> (@@ input) (r.%% f2^32)))))
-(runtime: (int//* param subject)
- (with-vars [sH sL pH pL
- x00 x16 x32 x48]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sH (|> (@@ subject) int64-high))
- (r.set! pH (|> (@@ param) int64-high))
- (let [negative-subject? (|> (@@ sH) (r.< (r.int 0)))
- negative-param? (|> (@@ pH) (r.< (r.int 0)))]
- (r.cond (list [negative-subject?
- (r.if negative-param?
- (int//* (int//negate (@@ param))
- (int//negate (@@ subject)))
- (int//negate (int//* (@@ param)
- (int//negate (@@ subject)))))]
- [negative-param?
- (int//negate (int//* (int//negate (@@ param))
- (@@ subject)))])
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sL (|> (@@ subject) int64-low))
- (r.set! pL (|> (@@ param) int64-low))
- (let [bits16 (r.code "0xFFFF")
- move-top-16 (r.bit-shl (r.int 16))
- top-16 (r.bit-ushr (r.int 16))
- bottom-16 (r.bit-and bits16)
- split-16 (function (_ source)
- [(|> source top-16)
- (|> source bottom-16)])
- split-int (function (_ high low)
- [(split-16 high)
- (split-16 low)])
- new-half (function (_ top bottom)
- (|> top bottom-16 move-top-16
- (r.bit-or (bottom-16 bottom))))
- x16-top (|> (@@ x16) top-16)
- x32-top (|> (@@ x32) top-16)]
- (with-vars [s48 s32 s16 s00
- p48 p32 p16 p00]
- (let [[[_s48 _s32] [_s16 _s00]] (split-int (@@ sH) (@@ sL))
- [[_p48 _p32] [_p16 _p00]] (split-int (@@ pH) (@@ pL))
- set-subject-chunks! ($_ r.then (r.set! s48 _s48) (r.set! s32 _s32) (r.set! s16 _s16) (r.set! s00 _s00))
- set-param-chunks! ($_ r.then (r.set! p48 _p48) (r.set! p32 _p32) (r.set! p16 _p16) (r.set! p00 _p00))]
- ($_ r.then
- set-subject-chunks!
- set-param-chunks!
- (r.set! x00 (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p00))))
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x00) top-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p00))))))
- (r.set! x32 x16-top)
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x16) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p16))))))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) (r.+ x16-top) (r.+ (|> (@@ s32) (r.* (@@ p00))))))
- (r.set! x48 x32-top)
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p16))))))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x48) (r.+ x32-top)))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p32))))))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x48) (r.+ x32-top)
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s48) (r.* (@@ p00))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s32) (r.* (@@ p16))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p32))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p48))))))
- (int//new (new-half (@@ x48) (@@ x32))
- (new-half (@@ x16) (@@ x00))))))
- )))))))
-(def: (limit-shift! shift)
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (r.set! shift (|> (@@ shift) (r.bit-and (r.int 63)))))
-(def: (no-shift-clause shift input)
- (-> SVar SVar [Expression Expression])
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ input)])
-(runtime: (bit//left-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (let [mid (|> (int64-low (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or mid))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (@@ shift)))]
- (int//new high low))])
- (let [high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))]
- (int//new high (r.int 0))))))
-(runtime: (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 shift input)
- (let [top-bit (|> (@@ input) (r.bit-and (r.int (hex "80000000"))))]
- (|> (@@ input)
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or top-bit))))
-(runtime: (bit//arithmetic-right-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (let [mid (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-shl (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 (@@ shift)))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or mid))]
- (int//new high low))])
- (let [low (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))
- high (r.if (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (r.int 0)
- (r.int -1))]
- (int//new high low)))))
-(runtime: (int/// param subject)
- (let [negative? (|>> (int//< int//zero))
- valid-division-check [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//zero))
- (r.stop (r.string "Cannot divide by zero!"))]
- short-circuit-check [(|> (@@ subject) (int//= int//zero))
- int//zero]]
- (r.cond (list valid-division-check
- short-circuit-check
- [(|> (@@ subject) (int//= int//min))
- (r.cond (list [(|> (|> (@@ param) (int//= int//one))
- (r.or (|> (@@ param) (int//= int//-one))))
- int//min]
- [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//min))
- int//one])
- (with-vars [approximation]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximation
- (|> (@@ subject)
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift (r.int 1))
- (int/// (@@ param))
- (bit//left-shift (r.int 1))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ approximation) (int//= int//zero))
- (r.if (negative? (@@ param))
- int//one
- int//-one)
- (let [remainder (int//- (int//* (@@ param) (@@ approximation))
- (@@ subject))]
- (|> remainder
- (int/// (@@ param))
- (int//+ (@@ approximation))))))))]
- [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//min))
- int//zero]
- [(negative? (@@ subject))
- (r.if (negative? (@@ param))
- (|> (int//negate (@@ subject))
- (int/// (int//negate (@@ param))))
- (|> (int//negate (@@ subject))
- (int/// (@@ param))
- int//negate))]
- [(negative? (@@ param))
- (|> (@@ param)
- int//negate
- (int/// (@@ subject))
- int//negate)])
- (with-vars [result remainder approximate approximate-result log2 approximate-remainder]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! result int//zero)
- (r.set! remainder (@@ subject))
- (r.while (|> (|> (@@ remainder) (int//< (@@ param)))
- (r.or (|> (@@ remainder) (int//= (@@ param)))))
- (let [calc-rough-estimate (r.apply (list (|> (int//to-float (@@ remainder)) (r./ (int//to-float (@@ param)))))
- (r.global "floor"))
- calc-approximate-result (int//from-float (@@ approximate))
- calc-approximate-remainder (|> (@@ approximate-result) (int//* (@@ param)))
- delta (r.if (|> (r.float 48.0) (r.<= (@@ log2)))
- (r.float 1.0)
- (r.** (|> (@@ log2) (r.- (r.float 48.0)))
- (r.float 2.0)))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximate (r.apply (list (r.float 1.0) calc-rough-estimate)
- (r.global "max")))
- (r.set! log2 (let [log (function (_ input)
- (r.apply (list input) (r.global "log")))]
- (r.apply (list (|> (log (r.int 2))
- (r./ (log (@@ approximate)))))
- (r.global "ceil"))))
- (r.set! approximate-result calc-approximate-result)
- (r.set! approximate-remainder calc-approximate-remainder)
- (r.while (|> (negative? (@@ approximate-remainder))
- (r.or (|> (@@ approximate-remainder) (int//< (@@ remainder)))))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximate (|> delta (r.- (@@ approximate))))
- (r.set! approximate-result calc-approximate-result)
- (r.set! approximate-remainder calc-approximate-remainder)))
- (r.set! result (|> (r.if (|> (@@ approximate-result) (int//= int//zero))
- int//one
- (@@ approximate-result))
- (int//+ (@@ result))))
- (r.set! remainder (|> (@@ remainder) (int//- (@@ approximate-remainder)))))))
- (@@ result)))
- )))
-(runtime: (int//% param subject)
- (let [flat (|> (@@ subject) (int/// (@@ param)) (int//* (@@ param)))]
- (|> (@@ subject) (int//- flat))))
-(def: runtime//int
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@int//zero
- @@int//one
- @@int//min
- @@int//max
- @@int//=
- @@int//<
- @@int//+
- @@int//-
- @@int//negate
- @@int//-one
- @@int//unsigned-low
- @@int//to-float
- @@int//*
- @@int///
- @@int//%))
-(runtime: (lux//try op)
- (with-vars [error value]
- (r.try ($_ r.then
- (r.set! value (r.apply (list ..unit) (@@ op)))
- (..right (@@ value)))
- #.None
- (#.Some (r.function (list error)
- (..left (r.nth (r.string "message")
- (@@ error)))))
- #.None)))
-(runtime: (lux//program-args program-args)
- (with-vars [inputs value]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! inputs ..none)
- (<| (r.for-in value (@@ program-args))
- (r.set! inputs (..some (r.list (list (@@ value) (@@ inputs))))))
- (@@ inputs))))
-(def: runtime//lux
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@lux//try
- @@lux//program-args))
-(def: current-time-float
- Expression
- (let [raw-time (r.apply (list) (r.global "Sys.time"))]
- (r.apply (list raw-time) (r.global "as.numeric"))))
-(runtime: (io//current-time! _)
- (|> current-time-float
- (r.* (r.float 1,000.0))
- int//from-float))
-(def: runtime//io
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@io//current-time!))
-(def: minimum-index-length
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (|>> @@ (r.+ (r.int 1))))
-(def: (product-element product index)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> product (r.nth (|> index (r.+ (r.int 1))))))
-(def: (product-tail product)
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (|> (@@ product) (r.nth (r.length (@@ product)))))
-(def: (updated-index min-length product)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> min-length (r.- (r.length product))))
-(runtime: (product//left product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (r.var "index_min_length")]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $index_min_length (minimum-index-length index))
- (r.if (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.> (@@ $index_min_length)))
- ## No need for recursion
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))
- ## Needs recursion
- (product//left (product-tail product)
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product)))))))
-(runtime: (product//right product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (r.var "index_min_length")]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $index_min_length (minimum-index-length index))
- (r.cond (list [## Last element.
- (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.= (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))]
- [## Needs recursion
- (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.< (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product//right (product-tail product)
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product)))])
- ## Must slice
- (|> (@@ product) (r.slice-from (@@ index)))))))
-(runtime: (sum//get sum wanted_tag wants_last)
- (let [no-match r.null
- sum-tag (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-tag-field)))
- sum-flag (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-flag-field)))
- sum-value (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-value-field)))
- is-last? (|> sum-flag (r.= (r.string "")))
- test-recursion (r.if is-last?
- ## Must recurse.
- (sum//get sum-value
- (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.- sum-tag))
- (@@ wants_last))
- no-match)]
- (r.cond (list [(r.= sum-tag (@@ wanted_tag))
- (r.if (r.= (@@ wants_last) sum-flag)
- sum-value
- test-recursion)]
- [(|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.> sum-tag))
- test-recursion]
- [(|> (|> (@@ wants_last) (r.= (r.string "")))
- (r.and (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.< sum-tag))))
- (variant' (|> sum-tag (r.- (@@ wanted_tag))) sum-flag sum-value)])
- no-match)))
-(def: runtime//adt
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@product//left
- @@product//right
- @@sum//get
- ))
-(template [<name> <op>]
- [(runtime: (<name> mask input)
- (int//new (<op> (int64-high (@@ mask))
- (int64-high (@@ input)))
- (<op> (int64-low (@@ mask))
- (int64-low (@@ input)))))]
- [bit//and r.bit-and]
- [bit//or r.bit-or]
- [bit//xor r.bit-xor]
- )
-(runtime: (bit//logical-right-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (with-vars [$mid]
- (let [mid (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-shl (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift)))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or (r.if (r.apply (list (@@ $mid)) (r.global "is.na"))
- (r.int 0)
- (@@ $mid))))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $mid mid)
- (int//new high low))))]
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.= (r.int 32)))
- (let [high (int64-high (@@ input))]
- (int//new (r.int 0) high))])
- (let [low (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))]
- (int//new (r.int 0) low)))))
-(def: runtime//bit
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@bit//and
- @@bit//or
- @@bit//xor
- @@bit//not
- @@bit//left-shift
- @@bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32
- @@bit//arithmetic-right-shift
- @@bit//logical-right-shift
- ))
-(runtime: (frac//decode input)
- (with-vars [output]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! output (r.apply (list (@@ input)) (r.global "as.numeric")))
- (r.if (|> (@@ output) (r.= r.n/a))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ output))))))
-(def: runtime//frac
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@frac//decode))
-(def: inc (-> Expression Expression) (|>> (r.+ (r.int 1))))
-(template [<name> <top-cmp>]
- [(def: (<name> top value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> (|> value (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (r.and (|> value (<top-cmp> top)))))]
- [within? r.<]
- [up-to? r.<=]
- )
-(def: (text-clip start end text)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list text start end)
- (r.global "substr")))
-(def: (text-length text)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list text) (r.global "nchar")))
-(runtime: (text//index subject param start)
- (with-vars [idx startF subjectL]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! startF (int//to-float (@@ start)))
- (r.set! subjectL (text-length (@@ subject)))
- (r.if (|> (@@ startF) (within? (@@ subjectL)))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! idx (|> (r.apply-kw (list (@@ param) (r.if (|> (@@ startF) (r.= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ subject)
- (text-clip (inc (@@ startF))
- (inc (@@ subjectL))
- (@@ subject))))
- (list ["fixed" (r.bool #1)])
- (r.global "regexpr"))
- (r.nth (r.int 1))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ idx) (r.= (r.int -1)))
- ..none
- (..some (int//from-float (|> (@@ idx) (r.+ (@@ startF)))))))
- ..none))))
-(runtime: (text//clip text from to)
- (with-vars [length]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! length (r.length (@@ text)))
- (r.if ($_ r.and
- (|> (@@ to) (within? (@@ length)))
- (|> (@@ from) (up-to? (@@ to))))
- (..some (text-clip (inc (@@ from)) (inc (@@ to)) (@@ text)))
- ..none))))
-(def: (char-at idx text)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list (text-clip idx idx text))
- (r.global "utf8ToInt")))
-(runtime: (text//char text idx)
- (r.if (|> (@@ idx) (within? (r.length (@@ text))))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! idx (inc (@@ idx)))
- (..some (int//from-float (char-at (@@ idx) (@@ text)))))
- ..none))
-(def: runtime//text
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@text//index
- @@text//clip
- @@text//char))
-(def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.if (|> idx (r.<= (r.length array)))
- body
- (r.stop (r.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))
-(runtime: (array//new size)
- (with-vars [output]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! output (r.list (list)))
- (r.set-nth! (|> (@@ size) (r.+ (r.int 1)))
- r.null
- output)
- (@@ output))))
-(runtime: (array//get array idx)
- (with-vars [temp]
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! temp (|> (@@ array) (r.nth (@@ idx))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ temp) (r.= r.null))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ temp)))))))
-(runtime: (array//put array idx value)
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set-nth! (@@ idx) (@@ value) array)
- (@@ array))))
-(def: runtime//array
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@array//new
- @@array//get
- @@array//put))
-(runtime: (box//write value box)
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set-nth! (r.int 1) (@@ value) box)
- ..unit))
-(def: runtime//box
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@box//write))
-(def: runtime
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- runtime//lux
- @@f2^32
- @@f2^63
- @@int//new
- @@int//from-float
- runtime//bit
- runtime//int
- runtime//adt
- runtime//frac
- runtime//text
- runtime//array
- runtime//box
- runtime//io
- ))
-(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix ".r"))
-(def: #export translate
- (Meta (Process Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ //.init-module-buffer
- _ (//.save runtime)]
- (//.save-module! artifact)))