path: root/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/analysis/inference.lux
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Diffstat (limited to 'new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/analysis/inference.lux')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/analysis/inference.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/analysis/inference.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bc668050..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/analysis/inference.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
- (data [maybe]
- [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]))
- [macro "macro/" Monad<Meta>]
- (lang [type]
- (type ["tc" check])))
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang ["la" analysis #+ Analysis]
- (analysis ["&." common]))))
-(do-template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [Cannot-Infer]
- [Cannot-Infer-Argument]
- [Smaller-Variant-Than-Expected]
- [Invalid-Type-Application]
- [Not-A-Record-Type]
- [Not-A-Variant-Type]
- )
-(def: (cannot-infer type args)
- (-> Type (List Code) Text)
- (format " Type: " (%type type) "\n"
- "Arguments:"
- (|> args
- list.enumerate
- (list/map (function (_ [idx argC])
- (format "\n " (%n idx) " " (%code argC))))
- (text.join-with ""))))
-(def: (replace-bound bound-idx replacementT type)
- (-> Nat Type Type Type)
- (case type
- (#.Primitive name params)
- (#.Primitive name (list/map (replace-bound bound-idx replacementT) params))
- (^template [<tag>]
- (<tag> left right)
- (<tag> (replace-bound bound-idx replacementT left)
- (replace-bound bound-idx replacementT right)))
- ([#.Sum]
- [#.Product]
- [#.Function]
- [#.Apply])
- (#.Bound idx)
- (if (n/= bound-idx idx)
- replacementT
- type)
- (^template [<tag>]
- (<tag> env quantified)
- (<tag> (list/map (replace-bound bound-idx replacementT) env)
- (replace-bound (n/+ +2 bound-idx) replacementT quantified)))
- ([#.UnivQ]
- [#.ExQ])
- _
- type))
-(def: new-named-type
- (Meta Type)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [[_module _line _column] macro.cursor
- [ex-id exT] (&.with-type-env tc.existential)]
- (wrap (#.Primitive (format "{New Type @ " (%t _module)
- "," (%n _line)
- "," (%n _column)
- "} " (%n ex-id))
- (list)))))
-## Type-inference works by applying some (potentially quantified) type
-## to a sequence of values.
-## Function types are used for this, although inference is not always
-## done for function application (alternative uses may be records and
-## tagged variants).
-## But, so long as the type being used for the inference can be treated
-## as a function type, this method of inference should work.
-(def: #export (general analyse inferT args)
- (-> &.Analyser Type (List Code) (Meta [Type (List Analysis)]))
- (case args
- #.Nil
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ (&.infer inferT)]
- (wrap [inferT (list)]))
- (#.Cons argC args')
- (case inferT
- (#.Named name unnamedT)
- (general analyse unnamedT args)
- (#.UnivQ _)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [[var-id varT] (&.with-type-env tc.var)]
- (general analyse (maybe.assume (type.apply (list varT) inferT)) args))
- (#.ExQ _)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [[var-id varT] (&.with-type-env tc.var)
- output (general analyse
- (maybe.assume (type.apply (list varT) inferT))
- args)
- bound? (&.with-type-env
- (tc.bound? var-id))
- _ (if bound?
- (wrap [])
- (do @
- [newT new-named-type]
- (&.with-type-env
- (tc.check varT newT))))]
- (wrap output))
- (#.Apply inputT transT)
- (case (type.apply (list inputT) transT)
- (#.Some outputT)
- (general analyse outputT args)
- #.None
- (&.throw Invalid-Type-Application (%type inferT)))
- ## Arguments are inferred back-to-front because, by convention,
- ## Lux functions take the most important arguments *last*, which
- ## means that the most information for doing proper inference is
- ## located in the last arguments to a function call.
- ## By inferring back-to-front, a lot of type-annotations can be
- ## avoided in Lux code, since the inference algorithm can piece
- ## things together more easily.
- (#.Function inputT outputT)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [[outputT' args'A] (general analyse outputT args')
- argA (&.with-stacked-errors
- (function (_ _)
- (ex.construct Cannot-Infer-Argument
- (format "Inferred Type: " (%type inputT) "\n"
- " Argument: " (%code argC))))
- (&.with-type inputT
- (analyse argC)))]
- (wrap [outputT' (list& argA args'A)]))
- (#.Var infer-id)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [?inferT' (&.with-type-env (tc.read infer-id))]
- (case ?inferT'
- (#.Some inferT')
- (general analyse inferT' args)
- _
- (&.throw Cannot-Infer (cannot-infer inferT args))))
- _
- (&.throw Cannot-Infer (cannot-infer inferT args)))
- ))
-## Turns a record type into the kind of function type suitable for inference.
-(def: #export (record inferT)
- (-> Type (Meta Type))
- (case inferT
- (#.Named name unnamedT)
- (record unnamedT)
- (^template [<tag>]
- (<tag> env bodyT)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [bodyT+ (record bodyT)]
- (wrap (<tag> env bodyT+))))
- ([#.UnivQ]
- [#.ExQ])
- (#.Apply inputT funcT)
- (case (type.apply (list inputT) funcT)
- (#.Some outputT)
- (record outputT)
- #.None
- (&.throw Invalid-Type-Application (%type inferT)))
- (#.Product _)
- (macro/wrap (type.function (type.flatten-tuple inferT) inferT))
- _
- (&.throw Not-A-Record-Type (%type inferT))))
-## Turns a variant type into the kind of function type suitable for inference.
-(def: #export (variant tag expected-size inferT)
- (-> Nat Nat Type (Meta Type))
- (loop [depth +0
- currentT inferT]
- (case currentT
- (#.Named name unnamedT)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [unnamedT+ (recur depth unnamedT)]
- (wrap unnamedT+))
- (^template [<tag>]
- (<tag> env bodyT)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [bodyT+ (recur (n/inc depth) bodyT)]
- (wrap (<tag> env bodyT+))))
- ([#.UnivQ]
- [#.ExQ])
- (#.Sum _)
- (let [cases (type.flatten-variant currentT)
- actual-size (list.size cases)
- boundary (n/dec expected-size)]
- (cond (or (n/= expected-size actual-size)
- (and (n/> expected-size actual-size)
- (n/< boundary tag)))
- (case (list.nth tag cases)
- (#.Some caseT)
- (macro/wrap (if (n/= +0 depth)
- (type.function (list caseT) currentT)
- (let [replace! (replace-bound (|> depth n/dec (n/* +2)) inferT)]
- (type.function (list (replace! caseT))
- (replace! currentT)))))
- #.None
- (&common.variant-out-of-bounds-error inferT expected-size tag))
- (n/< expected-size actual-size)
- (&.throw Smaller-Variant-Than-Expected
- (format "Expected: " (%i (nat-to-int expected-size)) "\n"
- " Actual: " (%i (nat-to-int actual-size))))
- (n/= boundary tag)
- (let [caseT (type.variant (list.drop boundary cases))]
- (macro/wrap (if (n/= +0 depth)
- (type.function (list caseT) currentT)
- (let [replace! (replace-bound (|> depth n/dec (n/* +2)) inferT)]
- (type.function (list (replace! caseT))
- (replace! currentT))))))
- ## else
- (&common.variant-out-of-bounds-error inferT expected-size tag)))
- (#.Apply inputT funcT)
- (case (type.apply (list inputT) funcT)
- (#.Some outputT)
- (variant tag expected-size outputT)
- #.None
- (&.throw Invalid-Type-Application (%type inferT)))
- _
- (&.throw Not-A-Variant-Type (%type inferT)))))