path: root/luxc/src/lux/compiler/cache/ann.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'luxc/src/lux/compiler/cache/ann.clj')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/cache/ann.clj b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/cache/ann.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d50c02465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/cache/ann.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
+;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+;; If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+;; You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+(ns lux.compiler.cache.ann
+ (:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]]
+ [string :as string])
+ [clojure.core.match :as M :refer [matchv]]
+ clojure.core.match.array
+ (lux [base :as & :refer [|let |do return* return fail fail* |case]])))
+(def ^:private stop (->> 7 char str))
+(def ^:private cons-signal (->> 5 char str))
+(def ^:private nil-signal (->> 6 char str))
+(def ^:private ident-separator ";")
+(defn ^:private serialize-seq [serialize-ann params]
+ (str (&/fold (fn [so-far param]
+ (str so-far cons-signal (serialize-ann param)))
+ ""
+ params)
+ nil-signal))
+(defn ^:private serialize-text [value]
+ (str "T" value stop))
+(defn ^:private serialize-ident [ident]
+ (|let [[module name] ident]
+ (str "@" module ident-separator name stop)))
+(defn serialize-ann
+ "(-> Ann-Value Text)"
+ [ann]
+ (|case ann
+ (&/$BoolM value)
+ (str "B" value stop)
+ (&/$NatM value)
+ (str "N" value stop)
+ (&/$IntM value)
+ (str "I" value stop)
+ (&/$FracM value)
+ (str "F" value stop)
+ (&/$RealM value)
+ (str "R" value stop)
+ (&/$CharM value)
+ (str "C" value stop)
+ (&/$TextM value)
+ (serialize-text value)
+ (&/$IdentM ident)
+ (serialize-ident ident)
+ (&/$ListM elems)
+ (str "L" (serialize-seq serialize-ann elems))
+ (&/$DictM kvs)
+ (str "D" (serialize-seq (fn [kv]
+ (|let [[k v] kv]
+ (str (serialize-text k)
+ (serialize-ann v))))
+ kvs))
+ _
+ (assert false)
+ ))
+(defn serialize-anns
+ "(-> Anns Text)"
+ [anns]
+ (serialize-seq (fn [kv]
+ (|let [[k v] kv]
+ (str (serialize-ident k)
+ (serialize-ann v))))
+ anns))
+(declare deserialize-ann)
+(do-template [<name> <signal> <ctor> <parser>]
+ (defn <name> [^String input]
+ (when (.startsWith input <signal>)
+ (let [[value* ^String input*] (.split (.substring input 1) stop 2)]
+ [(<ctor> (<parser> value*)) input*])))
+ ^:private deserialize-bool "B" &/$BoolM Boolean/parseBoolean
+ ^:private deserialize-nat "N" &/$NatM Long/parseLong
+ ^:private deserialize-int "I" &/$IntM Long/parseLong
+ ^:private deserialize-frac "F" &/$FracM Long/parseLong
+ ^:private deserialize-real "R" &/$RealM Double/parseDouble
+ ^:private deserialize-char "C" &/$CharM (fn [^String input] (.charAt input 0))
+ ^:private deserialize-text "T" &/$TextM identity
+ )
+(defn ^:private deserialize-ident* [^String input]
+ (when (.startsWith input "@")
+ (let [[ident* ^String input*] (.split (.substring input 1) stop 2)
+ [_module _name] (.split ident* ident-separator 2)]
+ [(&/T [_module _name]) input*])))
+(defn ^:private deserialize-ident [^String input]
+ (when (.startsWith input "@")
+ (let [[ident* ^String input*] (.split (.substring input 1) stop 2)
+ [_module _name] (.split ident* ident-separator 2)]
+ [(&/$IdentM (&/T [_module _name])) input*])))
+(defn ^:private deserialize-seq [deserializer input]
+ (cond (.startsWith input nil-signal)
+ [&/$Nil (.substring input 1)]
+ (.startsWith input cons-signal)
+ (when-let [[head ^String input*] (deserializer (.substring input 1))]
+ (when-let [[tail ^String input*] (deserialize-seq deserializer input*)]
+ [(&/$Cons head tail) input*]))
+ ))
+(do-template [<name> <deserialize-key>]
+ (defn <name> [input]
+ (when-let [[key input*] (<deserialize-key> input)]
+ (when-let [[ann input*] (deserialize-ann input*)]
+ [(&/T [key ann]) input*])))
+ ^:private deserialize-kv deserialize-text
+ ^:private deserialize-ann-entry deserialize-ident*
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <signal> <type> <deserializer>]
+ (defn <name> [^String input]
+ (when (.startsWith input <signal>)
+ (when-let [[elems ^String input*] (deserialize-seq <deserializer>
+ (.substring input 1))]
+ [(<type> elems) input*])))
+ ^:private deserialize-list "L" &/$ListM deserialize-ann
+ ^:private deserialize-dict "D" &/$DictM deserialize-kv
+ )
+(defn ^:private deserialize-ann
+ "(-> Text Anns)"
+ [input]
+ (or (deserialize-bool input)
+ (deserialize-nat input)
+ (deserialize-int input)
+ (deserialize-frac input)
+ (deserialize-real input)
+ (deserialize-char input)
+ (deserialize-text input)
+ (deserialize-ident input)
+ (deserialize-list input)
+ (deserialize-dict input)
+ (assert false "[Cache error] Can't deserialize annocation.")))
+(defn deserialize-anns [^String input]
+ (deserialize-seq deserialize-ann-entry input))