path: root/lux-bootstrapper/src/lux/type.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'lux-bootstrapper/src/lux/type.clj')
1 files changed, 973 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lux-bootstrapper/src/lux/type.clj b/lux-bootstrapper/src/lux/type.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8853224b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lux-bootstrapper/src/lux/type.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+(ns lux.type
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [deref apply merge bound?])
+ (:require [clojure.template :refer [do-template]]
+ clojure.core.match
+ clojure.core.match.array
+ (lux [base :as & :refer [|do return* return assert! |let |case]])
+ [lux.type.host :as &&host]))
+(declare show-type
+ type=)
+;; [Utils]
+(defn |list? [xs]
+ (|case xs
+ (&/$Nil)
+ true
+ (&/$Cons x xs*)
+ (|list? xs*)
+ _
+ false))
+(def max-stack-size 256)
+(def empty-env &/$Nil)
+(def I64 (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "I64"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Primitive "#I64" (&/|list (&/$Parameter 1))))))
+(def Nat* (&/$Primitive &&host/nat-data-tag &/$Nil))
+(def Rev* (&/$Primitive &&host/rev-data-tag &/$Nil))
+(def Int* (&/$Primitive &&host/int-data-tag &/$Nil))
+(def Bit (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Bit"]) (&/$Primitive "#Bit" &/$Nil)))
+(def Nat (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Nat"]) (&/$Apply Nat* I64)))
+(def Rev (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Rev"]) (&/$Apply Rev* I64)))
+(def Int (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Int"]) (&/$Apply Int* I64)))
+(def Frac (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Frac"]) (&/$Primitive "#Frac" &/$Nil)))
+(def Text (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Text"]) (&/$Primitive "#Text" &/$Nil)))
+(def Ident (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Ident"]) (&/$Product Text Text)))
+(defn Array [elemT]
+ (&/$Primitive "#Array" (&/|list elemT)))
+(def Nothing
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Nothing"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Parameter 1))))
+(def Any
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Any"])
+ (&/$ExQ empty-env
+ (&/$Parameter 1))))
+(def IO
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux/control/io" "IO"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Primitive "lux/type/abstract.Abstraction lux/control/io.IO" (&/|list (&/$Parameter 1))))))
+(def List
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "List"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; lux;Nil
+ Any
+ ;; lux;Cons
+ (&/$Product (&/$Parameter 1)
+ (&/$Apply (&/$Parameter 1)
+ (&/$Parameter 0)))))))
+(def Maybe
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Maybe"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; lux;None
+ Any
+ ;; lux;Some
+ (&/$Parameter 1))
+ )))
+(def Type
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Type"])
+ (let [Type (&/$Apply (&/$Parameter 1) (&/$Parameter 0))
+ TypeList (&/$Apply Type List)
+ TypePair (&/$Product Type Type)]
+ (&/$Apply Nothing
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Primitive
+ (&/$Product Text TypeList)
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Sum
+ TypePair
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Product
+ TypePair
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Function
+ TypePair
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Parameter
+ Nat
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Var
+ Nat
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; Ex
+ Nat
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; UnivQ
+ (&/$Product TypeList Type)
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; ExQ
+ (&/$Product TypeList Type)
+ (&/$Sum
+ ;; App
+ TypePair
+ ;; Named
+ (&/$Product Ident Type)))))))))))
+ )))))
+(def Location
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Location"])
+ (&/$Product Text (&/$Product Nat Nat))))
+(def Meta
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Meta"])
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Product (&/$Parameter 3)
+ (&/$Parameter 1))))))
+(def Code*
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Code'"])
+ (let [Code (&/$Apply (&/$Apply (&/$Parameter 1)
+ (&/$Parameter 0))
+ (&/$Parameter 1))
+ Code-List (&/$Apply Code List)]
+ (&/$UnivQ empty-env
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Bit"
+ Bit
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Nat"
+ Nat
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Int"
+ Int
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Rev"
+ Rev
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Frac"
+ Frac
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Text"
+ Text
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Identifier"
+ Ident
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Tag"
+ Ident
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Form"
+ Code-List
+ (&/$Sum ;; "lux;Tuple"
+ Code-List
+ ;; "lux;Record"
+ (&/$Apply (&/$Product Code Code) List)
+ ))))))))))
+ ))))
+(def Code
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Code"])
+ (let [w (&/$Apply Location Meta)]
+ (&/$Apply (&/$Apply w Code*) w))))
+(def Macro
+ (&/$Named (&/T ["lux" "Macro"])
+ (&/$Primitive "#Macro" &/$Nil)))
+(defn bound? [id]
+ (fn [state]
+ (if-let [type (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) (&/|get id))]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Some type*)
+ (return* state true)
+ (&/$None)
+ (return* state false))
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Unknown type-var: " id))
+ state))))
+(defn deref [id]
+ (fn [state]
+ (if-let [type* (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) (&/|get id))]
+ (|case type*
+ (&/$Some type)
+ (return* state type)
+ (&/$None)
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Un-bound type-var: " id))
+ state))
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Unknown type-var: " id))
+ state))))
+(defn deref+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (deref id)
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Type is not a variable: " (show-type type)))
+ ))
+(defn set-var [id type]
+ (fn [state]
+ (if-let [tvar (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) (&/|get id))]
+ (|case tvar
+ (&/$Some bound)
+ (if (type= type bound)
+ (return* state nil)
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Cannot re-bind type var: " id " | Current type: " (show-type bound)))
+ state))
+ (&/$None)
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context (fn [ts] (&/update$ &/$var-bindings #(&/|put id (&/$Some type) %)
+ ts))
+ state)
+ nil))
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Unknown type-var: " id " | " (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) &/|length)))
+ state))))
+(defn reset-var [id type]
+ (fn [state]
+ (if-let [tvar (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) (&/|get id))]
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context (fn [ts] (&/update$ &/$var-bindings #(&/|put id (&/$Some type) %)
+ ts))
+ state)
+ nil)
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Unknown type-var: " id " | " (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) &/|length)))
+ state))))
+(defn unset-var [id]
+ (fn [state]
+ (if-let [tvar (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) (&/|get id))]
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context (fn [ts] (&/update$ &/$var-bindings #(&/|put id &/$None %)
+ ts))
+ state)
+ nil)
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Unknown type-var: " id " | " (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-bindings) &/|length)))
+ state))))
+;; [Exports]
+;; Type vars
+(def reset-mappings
+ (fn [state]
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context #(->> %
+ (&/set$ &/$var-counter 0)
+ (&/set$ &/$var-bindings (&/|table)))
+ state)
+ nil)))
+(def create-var
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [id (->> state (&/get$ &/$type-context) (&/get$ &/$var-counter))]
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context #(->> %
+ (&/update$ &/$var-counter inc)
+ (&/update$ &/$var-bindings (fn [ms] (&/|put id &/$None ms))))
+ state)
+ id))))
+(def existential
+ ;; (Lux Type)
+ (fn [compiler]
+ (return* (&/update$ &/$type-context
+ (fn [context]
+ (&/update$ &/$ex-counter inc context))
+ compiler)
+ (->> compiler
+ (&/get$ &/$type-context)
+ (&/get$ &/$ex-counter)
+ &/$Ex))))
+(defn with-var [k]
+ (|do [id create-var]
+ (k (&/$Var id))))
+(defn clean* [?tid type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Var ?id)
+ (if (= ?tid ?id)
+ (|do [? (bound? ?id)]
+ (if ?
+ (deref ?id)
+ (return type)))
+ (|do [? (bound? ?id)]
+ (if ?
+ (|do [=type (deref ?id)
+ ==type (clean* ?tid =type)]
+ (|case ==type
+ (&/$Var =id)
+ (if (= ?tid =id)
+ (|do [_ (unset-var ?id)]
+ (return type))
+ (|do [_ (reset-var ?id ==type)]
+ (return type)))
+ _
+ (|do [_ (reset-var ?id ==type)]
+ (return ==type))))
+ (return type)))
+ )
+ (&/$Primitive ?name ?params)
+ (|do [=params (&/map% (partial clean* ?tid) ?params)]
+ (return (&/$Primitive ?name =params)))
+ (&/$Function ?arg ?return)
+ (|do [=arg (clean* ?tid ?arg)
+ =return (clean* ?tid ?return)]
+ (return (&/$Function =arg =return)))
+ (&/$Apply ?param ?lambda)
+ (|do [=lambda (clean* ?tid ?lambda)
+ =param (clean* ?tid ?param)]
+ (return (&/$Apply =param =lambda)))
+ (&/$Product ?left ?right)
+ (|do [=left (clean* ?tid ?left)
+ =right (clean* ?tid ?right)]
+ (return (&/$Product =left =right)))
+ (&/$Sum ?left ?right)
+ (|do [=left (clean* ?tid ?left)
+ =right (clean* ?tid ?right)]
+ (return (&/$Sum =left =right)))
+ (&/$UnivQ ?env ?body)
+ (|do [=env (&/map% (partial clean* ?tid) ?env)
+ body* (clean* ?tid ?body)] ;; TODO: DO NOT CLEAN THE BODY
+ (return (&/$UnivQ =env body*)))
+ (&/$ExQ ?env ?body)
+ (|do [=env (&/map% (partial clean* ?tid) ?env)
+ body* (clean* ?tid ?body)] ;; TODO: DO NOT CLEAN THE BODY
+ (return (&/$ExQ =env body*)))
+ _
+ (return type)
+ ))
+(defn clean [tvar type]
+ (|case tvar
+ (&/$Var ?id)
+ (clean* ?id type)
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Not type-var: " (show-type tvar)))))
+(defn ^:private unravel-fun [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Function ?in ?out)
+ (|let [[??out ?args] (unravel-fun ?out)]
+ (&/T [??out (&/$Cons ?in ?args)]))
+ _
+ (&/T [type &/$Nil])))
+(defn ^:private unravel-app
+ ([fun-type tail]
+ (|case fun-type
+ (&/$Apply ?arg ?func)
+ (unravel-app ?func (&/$Cons ?arg tail))
+ _
+ (&/T [fun-type tail])))
+ ([fun-type]
+ (unravel-app fun-type &/$Nil)))
+(do-template [<tag> <flatten> <at> <desc>]
+ (do (defn <flatten>
+ "(-> Type (List Type))"
+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (<tag> left right)
+ (&/$Cons left (<flatten> right))
+ _
+ (&/|list type)))
+ (defn <at>
+ "(-> Int Type (Lux Type))"
+ [tag type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Named ?name ?type)
+ (<at> tag ?type)
+ (<tag> ?left ?right)
+ (|case (&/T [tag ?right])
+ [0 _] (return ?left)
+ [1 (<tag> ?left* _)] (return ?left*)
+ [1 _] (return ?right)
+ [_ (<tag> _ _)] (<at> (dec tag) ?right)
+ _ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] " <desc> " lacks member: " tag " | " (show-type type))))
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Type is not a " <desc> ": " (show-type type))))))
+ &/$Sum flatten-sum sum-at "Sum"
+ &/$Product flatten-prod prod-at "Product"
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <ctor> <unit>]
+ (defn <name>
+ "(-> (List Type) Type)"
+ [types]
+ (|case (&/|reverse types)
+ (&/$Cons last prevs)
+ (&/fold (fn [right left] (<ctor> left right)) last prevs)
+ (&/$Nil)
+ <unit>))
+ Variant$ &/$Sum Nothing
+ Tuple$ &/$Product Any
+ )
+(defn show-type [^objects type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Primitive name params)
+ (|case params
+ (&/$Nil)
+ (str "(primitive " (pr-str name) ")")
+ _
+ (str "(primitive " (pr-str name) " " (->> params (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) ")"))
+ (&/$Product _)
+ (str "[" (->> (flatten-prod type) (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) "]")
+ (&/$Sum _)
+ (str "(| " (->> (flatten-sum type) (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) ")")
+ (&/$Function input output)
+ (|let [[?out ?ins] (unravel-fun type)]
+ (str "(-> " (->> ?ins (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) " " (show-type ?out) ")"))
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (str "⌈v:" id "⌋")
+ (&/$Ex ?id)
+ (str "⟨e:" ?id "⟩")
+ (&/$Parameter idx)
+ (str idx)
+ (&/$Apply _ _)
+ (|let [[?call-fun ?call-args] (unravel-app type)]
+ (str "(" (show-type ?call-fun) " " (->> ?call-args (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) ")"))
+ (&/$UnivQ ?env ?body)
+ (str "(All " "{" (->> ?env (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) "} "
+ (show-type ?body) ")")
+ (&/$ExQ ?env ?body)
+ (str "(Ex " "{" (->> ?env (&/|map show-type) (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) "} "
+ (show-type ?body) ")")
+ (&/$Named ?name ?type)
+ (&/ident->text ?name)
+ _
+ (assert false (prn-str 'show-type (&/adt->text type)))))
+(defn type= [x y]
+ (or (clojure.lang.Util/identical x y)
+ (let [output (|case [x y]
+ [(&/$Named [?xmodule ?xname] ?xtype) (&/$Named [?ymodule ?yname] ?ytype)]
+ (and (= ?xmodule ?ymodule)
+ (= ?xname ?yname))
+ [(&/$Primitive xname xparams) (&/$Primitive yname yparams)]
+ (and (.equals ^Object xname yname)
+ (= (&/|length xparams) (&/|length yparams))
+ (&/fold2 #(and %1 (type= %2 %3)) true xparams yparams))
+ [(&/$Product xL xR) (&/$Product yL yR)]
+ (and (type= xL yL)
+ (type= xR yR))
+ [(&/$Sum xL xR) (&/$Sum yL yR)]
+ (and (type= xL yL)
+ (type= xR yR))
+ [(&/$Function xinput xoutput) (&/$Function yinput youtput)]
+ (and (type= xinput yinput)
+ (type= xoutput youtput))
+ [(&/$Var xid) (&/$Var yid)]
+ (= xid yid)
+ [(&/$Parameter xidx) (&/$Parameter yidx)]
+ (= xidx yidx)
+ [(&/$Ex xid) (&/$Ex yid)]
+ (= xid yid)
+ [(&/$Apply xparam xlambda) (&/$Apply yparam ylambda)]
+ (and (type= xparam yparam) (type= xlambda ylambda))
+ [(&/$UnivQ xenv xbody) (&/$UnivQ yenv ybody)]
+ (type= xbody ybody)
+ [(&/$Named ?xname ?xtype) _]
+ (type= ?xtype y)
+ [_ (&/$Named ?yname ?ytype)]
+ (type= x ?ytype)
+ [_ _]
+ false
+ )]
+ output)))
+(defn ^:private fp-get [k fixpoints]
+ (|let [[e a] k]
+ (|case fixpoints
+ (&/$Nil)
+ &/$None
+ (&/$Cons [[e* a*] v*] fixpoints*)
+ (if (and (type= e e*)
+ (type= a a*))
+ (&/$Some v*)
+ (fp-get k fixpoints*))
+ )))
+(defn ^:private fp-put [k v fixpoints]
+ (&/$Cons (&/T [k v]) fixpoints))
+(defn show-type+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Var ?id)
+ (fn [state]
+ (|case ((deref ?id) state)
+ (&/$Right state* bound)
+ (return* state (str (show-type type) " = " (show-type bound)))
+ (&/$Left _)
+ (return* state (show-type type))))
+ _
+ (return (show-type type))))
+(defn ^:private check-error [err expected actual]
+ (|do [=expected (show-type+ expected)
+ =actual (show-type+ actual)]
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str (if (= "" err) err (str err "\n"))
+ "[Type Checker Error]\n"
+ "Expected: " =expected "\n\n"
+ " Actual: " =actual
+ "\n"))))
+(defn beta-reduce [env type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Primitive ?name ?params)
+ (&/$Primitive ?name (&/|map (partial beta-reduce env) ?params))
+ (&/$Sum ?left ?right)
+ (&/$Sum (beta-reduce env ?left) (beta-reduce env ?right))
+ (&/$Product ?left ?right)
+ (&/$Product (beta-reduce env ?left) (beta-reduce env ?right))
+ (&/$Apply ?type-arg ?type-fn)
+ (&/$Apply (beta-reduce env ?type-arg) (beta-reduce env ?type-fn))
+ (&/$UnivQ ?local-env ?local-def)
+ (|case ?local-env
+ (&/$Nil)
+ (&/$UnivQ env ?local-def)
+ _
+ type)
+ (&/$ExQ ?local-env ?local-def)
+ (|case ?local-env
+ (&/$Nil)
+ (&/$ExQ env ?local-def)
+ _
+ type)
+ (&/$Function ?input ?output)
+ (&/$Function (beta-reduce env ?input) (beta-reduce env ?output))
+ (&/$Parameter ?idx)
+ (|case (&/|at ?idx env)
+ (&/$Some parameter)
+ (beta-reduce env parameter)
+ _
+ (assert false (str "[Type Error] Unknown var: " ?idx " | " (&/->seq (&/|map show-type env)))))
+ _
+ type
+ ))
+(defn apply-type [type-fn param]
+ (|case type-fn
+ (&/$UnivQ local-env local-def)
+ (return (beta-reduce (->> local-env
+ (&/$Cons param)
+ (&/$Cons type-fn))
+ local-def))
+ (&/$ExQ local-env local-def)
+ (return (beta-reduce (->> local-env
+ (&/$Cons param)
+ (&/$Cons type-fn))
+ local-def))
+ (&/$Apply A F)
+ (|do [type-fn* (apply-type F A)]
+ (apply-type type-fn* param))
+ (&/$Named ?name ?type)
+ (apply-type ?type param)
+ ;; TODO: This one must go...
+ (&/$Ex id)
+ (return (&/$Apply param type-fn))
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (|do [=type-fun (deref id)]
+ (apply-type =type-fun param))
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type System] Not a type function:\n" (show-type type-fn) "\n"
+ "for arg: " (show-type param)))))
+(def ^:private init-fixpoints &/$Nil)
+(defn ^:private check* [fixpoints invariant?? expected actual]
+ (if (clojure.lang.Util/identical expected actual)
+ (return fixpoints)
+ (&/with-attempt
+ (|case [expected actual]
+ [(&/$Var ?eid) (&/$Var ?aid)]
+ (if (= ?eid ?aid)
+ (return fixpoints)
+ (|do [ebound (fn [state]
+ (|case ((deref ?eid) state)
+ (&/$Right state* ebound)
+ (return* state* (&/$Some ebound))
+ (&/$Left _)
+ (return* state &/$None)))
+ abound (fn [state]
+ (|case ((deref ?aid) state)
+ (&/$Right state* abound)
+ (return* state* (&/$Some abound))
+ (&/$Left _)
+ (return* state &/$None)))]
+ (|case [ebound abound]
+ [(&/$None _) (&/$None _)]
+ (|do [_ (set-var ?eid actual)]
+ (return fixpoints))
+ [(&/$Some etype) (&/$None _)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? etype actual)
+ [(&/$None _) (&/$Some atype)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected atype)
+ [(&/$Some etype) (&/$Some atype)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? etype atype))))
+ [(&/$Var ?id) _]
+ (fn [state]
+ (|case ((set-var ?id actual) state)
+ (&/$Right state* _)
+ (return* state* fixpoints)
+ (&/$Left _)
+ ((|do [bound (deref ?id)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? bound actual))
+ state)))
+ [_ (&/$Var ?id)]
+ (fn [state]
+ (|case ((set-var ?id expected) state)
+ (&/$Right state* _)
+ (return* state* fixpoints)
+ (&/$Left _)
+ ((|do [bound (deref ?id)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected bound))
+ state)))
+ [(&/$Apply eA (&/$Ex eid)) (&/$Apply aA (&/$Ex aid))]
+ (if (= eid aid)
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? eA aA)
+ (check-error "" expected actual))
+ [(&/$Apply A1 (&/$Var ?id)) (&/$Apply A2 F2)]
+ (fn [state]
+ (|case ((|do [F1 (deref ?id)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? (&/$Apply A1 F1) actual))
+ state)
+ (&/$Right state* output)
+ (return* state* output)
+ (&/$Left _)
+ (|case F2
+ (&/$UnivQ (&/$Cons _) _)
+ ((|do [actual* (apply-type F2 A2)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected actual*))
+ state)
+ (&/$Ex _)
+ ((|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? (&/$Var ?id) F2)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? A1 A2))
+ state)
+ _
+ ((|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? (&/$Var ?id) F2)
+ e* (apply-type F2 A1)
+ a* (apply-type F2 A2)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? e* a*))
+ state))))
+ [(&/$Apply A1 F1) (&/$Apply A2 (&/$Var ?id))]
+ (fn [state]
+ (|case ((|do [F2 (deref ?id)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected (&/$Apply A2 F2)))
+ state)
+ (&/$Right state* output)
+ (return* state* output)
+ (&/$Left _)
+ ((|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? F1 (&/$Var ?id))
+ e* (apply-type F1 A1)
+ a* (apply-type F1 A2)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? e* a*))
+ state)))
+ [(&/$Apply A F) _]
+ (let [fp-pair (&/T [expected actual])
+ _ (when (> (&/|length fixpoints) max-stack-size)
+ (&/|log! (print-str 'FIXPOINTS (->> (&/|keys fixpoints)
+ (&/|map (fn [pair]
+ (|let [[e a] pair]
+ (str (show-type e) ":+:"
+ (show-type a)))))
+ (&/|interpose "\n\n")
+ (&/fold str ""))))
+ (assert false (prn-str 'check* '[(&/$Apply A F) _] (&/|length fixpoints) (show-type expected) (show-type actual))))]
+ (|case (fp-get fp-pair fixpoints)
+ (&/$Some ?)
+ (if ?
+ (return fixpoints)
+ (check-error "" expected actual))
+ (&/$None)
+ (|do [expected* (apply-type F A)]
+ (check* (fp-put fp-pair true fixpoints) invariant?? expected* actual))))
+ [_ (&/$Apply A (&/$Ex aid))]
+ (check-error "" expected actual)
+ [_ (&/$Apply A F)]
+ (|do [actual* (apply-type F A)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected actual*))
+ [(&/$UnivQ _) _]
+ (|do [$arg existential
+ expected* (apply-type expected $arg)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected* actual))
+ [_ (&/$UnivQ _)]
+ (with-var
+ (fn [$arg]
+ (|do [actual* (apply-type actual $arg)
+ =output (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected actual*)
+ _ (clean $arg expected)]
+ (return =output))))
+ [(&/$ExQ e!env e!def) _]
+ (with-var
+ (fn [$arg]
+ (|do [expected* (apply-type expected $arg)
+ =output (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected* actual)
+ _ (clean $arg actual)]
+ (return =output))))
+ [_ (&/$ExQ a!env a!def)]
+ (|do [$arg existential
+ actual* (apply-type actual $arg)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected actual*))
+ [(&/$Primitive e!data) (&/$Primitive a!data)]
+ (|do [? &/jvm?]
+ (if ?
+ (|do [class-loader &/loader]
+ (&&host/check-host-types (partial check* fixpoints true)
+ check-error
+ fixpoints
+ existential
+ class-loader
+ invariant??
+ e!data
+ a!data))
+ (|let [[e!name e!params] e!data
+ [a!name a!params] a!data]
+ (if (and (= e!name a!name)
+ (= (&/|length e!params) (&/|length a!params)))
+ (|do [_ (&/map2% (partial check* fixpoints true) e!params a!params)]
+ (return fixpoints))
+ (check-error "" expected actual)))))
+ [(&/$Function eI eO) (&/$Function aI aO)]
+ (|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? aI eI)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? eO aO))
+ [(&/$Product eL eR) (&/$Product aL aR)]
+ (|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? eL aL)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? eR aR))
+ [(&/$Sum eL eR) (&/$Sum aL aR)]
+ (|do [fixpoints* (check* fixpoints invariant?? eL aL)]
+ (check* fixpoints* invariant?? eR aR))
+ [(&/$Ex e!id) (&/$Ex a!id)]
+ (if (= e!id a!id)
+ (return fixpoints)
+ (check-error "" expected actual))
+ [(&/$Named _ ?etype) _]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? ?etype actual)
+ [_ (&/$Named _ ?atype)]
+ (check* fixpoints invariant?? expected ?atype)
+ [_ _]
+ (&/fail ""))
+ (fn [err]
+ (check-error err expected actual)))))
+(defn check [expected actual]
+ (|do [_ (check* init-fixpoints false expected actual)]
+ (return nil)))
+(defn actual-type
+ "(-> Type (Lux Type))"
+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Apply ?param ?all)
+ (|do [type* (apply-type ?all ?param)]
+ (actual-type type*))
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (|do [=type (deref id)]
+ (actual-type =type))
+ (&/$Named ?name ?type)
+ (actual-type ?type)
+ _
+ (return type)
+ ))
+(defn type-name
+ "(-> Type (Lux Ident))"
+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Named name _)
+ (return name)
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Type is not named: " (show-type type)))
+ ))
+(defn unknown?
+ "(-> Type (Lux Bit))"
+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (|do [? (bound? id)]
+ (return (not ?)))
+ _
+ (return false)))
+(defn resolve-type
+ "(-> Type (Lux Type))"
+ [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Var id)
+ (|do [? (bound? id)]
+ (if ?
+ (deref id)
+ (return type)))
+ _
+ (return type)))
+(defn tuple-types-for
+ "(-> Int Type [Int (List Type)])"
+ [size-members type]
+ (|let [?member-types (flatten-prod type)
+ size-types (&/|length ?member-types)]
+ (if (>= size-types size-members)
+ (&/T [size-members (&/|++ (&/|take (dec size-members) ?member-types)
+ (&/|list (|case (->> ?member-types (&/|drop (dec size-members)) (&/|reverse))
+ (&/$Cons last prevs)
+ (&/fold (fn [right left] (&/$Product left right))
+ last prevs))))])
+ (&/T [size-types ?member-types])
+ )))
+(do-template [<name> <zero> <plus>]
+ (defn <name> [types]
+ (|case (&/|reverse types)
+ (&/$Nil)
+ <zero>
+ (&/$Cons type (&/$Nil))
+ type
+ (&/$Cons last prevs)
+ (&/fold (fn [r l] (<plus> l r)) last prevs)))
+ fold-prod Any &/$Product
+ fold-sum Nothing &/$Sum
+ )
+(def create-var+
+ (|do [id create-var]
+ (return (&/$Var id))))
+(defn ^:private push-app [inf-type inf-var]
+ (|case inf-type
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* inf-type*)
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* (push-app inf-type* inf-var))
+ _
+ (&/$Apply inf-var inf-type)))
+(defn ^:private push-name [name inf-type]
+ (|case inf-type
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* inf-type*)
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* (push-name name inf-type*))
+ _
+ (&/$Named name inf-type)))
+(defn ^:private push-univq [env inf-type]
+ (|case inf-type
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* inf-type*)
+ (&/$Apply inf-var* (push-univq env inf-type*))
+ _
+ (&/$UnivQ env inf-type)))
+(defn instantiate-inference [type]
+ (|case type
+ (&/$Named ?name ?type)
+ (|do [output (instantiate-inference ?type)]
+ (return (push-name ?name output)))
+ (&/$UnivQ _aenv _abody)
+ (|do [inf-var create-var
+ output (instantiate-inference _abody)]
+ (return (push-univq _aenv (push-app output (&/$Var inf-var)))))
+ _
+ (return type)))