path: root/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2017-08-01 00:12:40 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2017-08-01 00:12:40 -0400
commitb802e8efe275ee75473b755429b1805c5c83abbd (patch)
tree98fea1b2f73afc185117f086ae9373cb5516a42f /stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux
parent27466e65e78af24f8e750549055123d6c8559839 (diff)
- Broken down lux/data/format/json module into smaller family of modules.
- Re-implemented JSON parsing in terms of lux/control/parser.
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 891 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux
index c4951f188..379e3b23b 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/json.lux
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(;module: {#;doc "Functionality for reading, generating and processing values in the JSON format.
+(;module: {#;doc "Functionality for generating and processing values in the JSON format.
For more information, please see: http://www.json.org/"}
@@ -51,20 +51,15 @@
[Object (d;Dict String JSON)]
-(type: #export (Parser a)
- {#;doc "JSON parsers."}
- (-> JSON (R;Result a)))
-(type: #export (Gen a)
- {#;doc "JSON generators."}
- (-> a JSON))
+(type: #export (Reader a)
+ {#;doc "JSON reader."}
+ (p;Parser (List JSON) a))
## [Syntax]
(syntax: #export (json token)
- {#;doc (doc "A way to produce JSON literals."
+ {#;doc (doc "A simple way to produce JSON literals."
(json true)
- (json 123)
- (json 456.78)
+ (json 123.456)
(json "Some text")
(json #null)
(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
@@ -77,7 +72,6 @@
[_ (<ast-tag> value)]
(wrap (list (` (: JSON (<json-tag> (~ (<ctor> value))))))))
([#;Bool code;bool #Boolean]
- [#;Int (|>. int-to-real code;real) #Number]
[#;Real code;real #Number]
[#;Text code;text #String])
@@ -104,44 +98,6 @@
(wrap (list token))
-## [Values]
-(def: #hidden (show-null _) (-> Null Text) "null")
-(do-template [<name> <type> <codec>]
- [(def: <name> (-> <type> Text) <codec>)]
- [show-boolean Boolean (:: bool;Codec<Text,Bool> encode)]
- [show-number Number (:: number;Codec<Text,Real> encode)]
- [show-string String text;encode])
-(def: (show-array show-json elems)
- (-> (-> JSON Text) (-> Array Text))
- ($_ text/append "["
- (|> elems (Vector/map show-json) vector;to-list (text;join-with ","))
- "]"))
-(def: (show-object show-json object)
- (-> (-> JSON Text) (-> Object Text))
- ($_ text/append "{"
- (|> object
- d;entries
- (L/map (function [[key value]] ($_ text/append (show-string key) ":" (show-json value))))
- (text;join-with ","))
- "}"))
-(def: (show-json json)
- (-> JSON Text)
- (case json
- (^template [<tag> <show>]
- (<tag> value)
- (<show> value))
- ([#Null show-null]
- [#Boolean show-boolean]
- [#Number show-number]
- [#String show-string]
- [#Array (show-array show-json)]
- [#Object (show-object show-json)])
- ))
(def: #export null
{#;doc "The null JSON value."}
@@ -167,10 +123,10 @@
(#R;Success value)
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Missing field " (show-string key) " on object.")))
+ (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Missing field \"" key "\" on object.")))
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Cannot get field " (show-string key) " of a non-object."))))
+ (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Cannot get field \"" key "\" of a non-object."))))
(def: #export (set key value json)
{#;doc "A JSON object field setter."}
@@ -180,7 +136,7 @@
(#R;Success (#Object (d;put key value obj)))
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Cannot set field " (show-string key) " of a non-object."))))
+ (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Cannot set field \"" key "\" of a non-object."))))
(do-template [<name> <tag> <type> <desc>]
[(def: #export (<name> key json)
@@ -191,7 +147,7 @@
(#R;Success value)
(#R;Success _)
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Wrong value type at key " (show-string key)))
+ (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Wrong value type at key: " key))
(#R;Error error)
(#R;Error error)))]
@@ -206,404 +162,24 @@
(do-template [<name> <type> <tag> <desc>]
[(def: #export (<name> value)
{#;doc (#;TextA ($_ text/append "A JSON generator for " <desc> "."))}
- (Gen <type>)
+ (-> <type> JSON)
(<tag> value))]
- [gen-boolean Boolean #Boolean "booleans"]
- [gen-number Number #Number "numbers"]
- [gen-string String #String "strings"]
- [gen-array Array #Array "arrays"]
- [gen-object Object #Object "objects"]
+ [boolean Boolean #Boolean "booleans"]
+ [number Number #Number "numbers"]
+ [string String #String "strings"]
+ [array Array #Array "arrays"]
+ [object Object #Object "objects"]
-(def: #export (gen-nullable gen)
+(def: #export (nullable writer)
{#;doc "Builds a JSON generator for potentially inexistent values."}
- (All [a] (-> (Gen a) (Gen (Maybe a))))
+ (All [a] (-> (-> a JSON) (-> (Maybe a) JSON)))
(function [elem]
(case elem
#;None #Null
- (#;Some value) (gen value))))
-## Lexers
-(def: space~
- (l;Lexer Text)
- (l;some l;space))
-(def: data-sep
- (l;Lexer [Text Unit Text])
- ($_ p;seq space~ (l;this ",") space~))
-(def: null~
- (l;Lexer Null)
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [_ (l;this "null")]
- (wrap [])))
-(do-template [<name> <token> <value>]
- [(def: <name>
- (l;Lexer Boolean)
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [_ (l;this <token>)]
- (wrap <value>)))]
- [t~ "true" true]
- [f~ "false" false]
- )
-(def: boolean~
- (l;Lexer Boolean)
- (p;either t~ f~))
-(def: number~
- (l;Lexer Number)
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [signed? (l;this? "-")
- digits (l;many l;decimal)
- decimals (p;default "0"
- (do @
- [_ (l;this ".")]
- (l;many l;decimal)))
- exp (p;default ""
- (do @
- [mark (l;one-of "eE")
- signed?' (l;this? "-")
- offset (l;many l;decimal)]
- (wrap ($_ text/append mark (if signed?' "-" "") offset))))]
- (case (real/decode ($_ text/append (if signed? "-" "") digits "." decimals exp))
- (#R;Error message)
- (p;fail message)
- (#R;Success value)
- (wrap value))))
-(def: escaped~
- (l;Lexer Text)
- ($_ p;either
- (p;after (l;this "\\t") (p/wrap "\t"))
- (p;after (l;this "\\b") (p/wrap "\b"))
- (p;after (l;this "\\n") (p/wrap "\n"))
- (p;after (l;this "\\r") (p/wrap "\r"))
- (p;after (l;this "\\f") (p/wrap "\f"))
- (p;after (l;this "\\\"") (p/wrap "\""))
- (p;after (l;this "\\\\") (p/wrap "\\"))))
-(def: string~
- (l;Lexer String)
- (<| (l;enclosed ["\"" "\""])
- (loop [_ []]
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [chars (l;some (l;none-of "\\\""))
- stop l;peek]
- (if (text/= "\\" stop)
- (do @
- [escaped escaped~
- next-chars (recur [])]
- (wrap ($_ text/append chars escaped next-chars)))
- (wrap chars))))))
-(def: (kv~ json~)
- (-> (-> Unit (l;Lexer JSON)) (l;Lexer [String JSON]))
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [key string~
- _ space~
- _ (l;this ":")
- _ space~
- value (json~ [])]
- (wrap [key value])))
-(do-template [<name> <type> <open> <close> <elem-parser> <prep>]
- [(def: (<name> json~)
- (-> (-> Unit (l;Lexer JSON)) (l;Lexer <type>))
- (do p;Monad<Parser>
- [_ (l;this <open>)
- _ space~
- elems (p;sep-by data-sep <elem-parser>)
- _ space~
- _ (l;this <close>)]
- (wrap (<prep> elems))))]
- [array~ Array "[" "]" (json~ []) vector;from-list]
- [object~ Object "{" "}" (kv~ json~) (d;from-list text;Hash<Text>)]
- )
-(def: (json~' _)
- (-> Unit (l;Lexer JSON))
- ($_ p;alt null~ boolean~ number~ string~ (array~ json~') (object~ json~')))
-## [Structures]
-(struct: #export _ (Functor Parser)
- (def: (map f ma)
- (function [json]
- (case (ma json)
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Success a)
- (#R;Success (f a))))))
-(struct: #export _ (Applicative Parser)
- (def: functor Functor<Parser>)
- (def: (wrap x json)
- (#R;Success x))
- (def: (apply ff fa)
- (function [json]
- (case (ff json)
- (#R;Success f)
- (case (fa json)
- (#R;Success a)
- (#R;Success (f a))
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Error msg))
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Error msg)))))
-(struct: #export _ (Monad Parser)
- (def: applicative Applicative<Parser>)
- (def: (join mma)
- (function [json]
- (case (mma json)
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Error msg)
- (#R;Success ma)
- (ma json)))))
-## [Values]
-## Syntax
-(do-template [<name> <type> <tag> <desc> <pre>]
- [(def: #export (<name> json)
- {#;doc (#;TextA ($_ text/append "Reads a JSON value as " <desc> "."))}
- (Parser <type>)
- (case json
- (<tag> value)
- (#R;Success (<pre> value))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not " <desc> ": " (show-json json)))))]
- [unit Unit #Null "unit" id]
- [bool Bool #Boolean "bool" id]
- [int Int #Number "int" real-to-int]
- [real Real #Number "real" id]
- [text Text #String "text" id]
- )
-(do-template [<test> <check> <type> <eq> <encoder> <tag> <desc> <pre>]
- [(def: #export (<test> test json)
- {#;doc (#;TextA ($_ text/append "Asks whether a JSON value is a " <desc> "."))}
- (-> <type> (Parser Bool))
- (case json
- (<tag> value)
- (#R;Success (:: <eq> = test (<pre> value)))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not a " <desc> ": " (show-json json)))))
- (def: #export (<check> test json)
- {#;doc (#;TextA ($_ text/append "Ensures a JSON value is a " <desc> "."))}
- (-> <type> (Parser Unit))
- (case json
- (<tag> value)
- (let [value (<pre> value)]
- (if (:: <eq> = test value)
- (#R;Success [])
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Value mismatch: "
- (<encoder> test) "=/=" (<encoder> value)))))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not a " <desc> ": " (show-json json)))))]
- [bool? bool! Bool bool;Eq<Bool> (:: bool;Codec<Text,Bool> encode) #Boolean "boolean" id]
- [int? int! Int number;Eq<Int> (:: number;Codec<Text,Int> encode) #Number "number" real-to-int]
- [real? real! Real number;Eq<Real> (:: number;Codec<Text,Real> encode) #Number "number" id]
- [text? text! Text text;Eq<Text> text;encode #String "string" id]
- )
-(def: #export (nullable parser)
- {#;doc "A parser that can handle the presence of null values."}
- (All [a] (-> (Parser a) (Parser (Maybe a))))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- #Null
- (#R;Success #;None)
- _
- (case (parser json)
- (#R;Error error)
- (#R;Error error)
- (#R;Success value)
- (#R;Success (#;Some value)))
- )))
-(def: #export (array parser)
- {#;doc "Parses a JSON array, assuming that every element can be parsed the same way."}
- (All [a] (-> (Parser a) (Parser (List a))))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- (#Array values)
- (do R;Monad<Result>
- [elems (M;map @ parser (vector;to-list values))]
- (wrap elems))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not an array: " (show-json json))))))
-(def: #export (object parser)
- {#;doc "Parses a JSON object, assuming that every field's value can be parsed the same way."}
- (All [a] (-> (Parser a) (Parser (d;Dict String a))))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- (#Object fields)
- (do R;Monad<Result>
- [kvs (M;map @
- (function [[key val']]
- (do @
- [val (parser val')]
- (wrap [key val])))
- (d;entries fields))]
- (wrap (d;from-list text;Hash<Text> kvs)))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not an object: " (show-json json))))))
+ (#;Some value) (writer value))))
-(def: #export (nth idx parser)
- {#;doc "Parses an element inside a JSON array."}
- (All [a] (-> Nat (Parser a) (Parser a)))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- (#Array values)
- (case (vector;nth idx values)
- (#;Some value)
- (case (parser value)
- (#R;Success output)
- (#R;Success output)
- (#R;Error error)
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON array index [" (nat/encode idx) "]: (" error ") @ " (show-json json))))
- #;None
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON array does not have index " (nat/encode idx) " @ " (show-json json))))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not an array: " (show-json json))))))
-(def: #export (field field-name parser)
- {#;doc "Parses a field inside a JSON object."}
- (All [a] (-> Text (Parser a) (Parser a)))
- (function [json]
- (case (get field-name json)
- (#;Some value)
- (case (parser value)
- (#R;Success output)
- (#R;Success output)
- (#R;Error error)
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "Failed to get JSON object field " (show-string field-name) ": (" error ") @ " (show-json json))))
- (#R;Error _)
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON object does not have field " (show-string field-name) " @ " (show-json json))))))
-(def: #export any
- {#;doc "Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic."}
- (Parser JSON)
- (function [json]
- (#R;Success json)))
-(def: #export (seq pa pb)
- {#;doc "Sequencing combinator."}
- (All [a b] (-> (Parser a) (Parser b) (Parser [a b])))
- (do Monad<Parser>
- [=a pa
- =b pb]
- (wrap [=a =b])))
-(def: #export (alt pa pb)
- {#;doc "Heterogeneous alternative combinator."}
- (All [a b] (-> (Parser a) (Parser b) (Parser (| a b))))
- (function [json]
- (case (pa json)
- (#R;Success a)
- (sum;right (sum;left a))
- (#R;Error message0)
- (case (pb json)
- (#R;Success b)
- (sum;right (sum;right b))
- (#R;Error message1)
- (#R;Error message0)))))
-(def: #export (either pl pr)
- {#;doc "Homogeneous alternative combinator."}
- (All [a] (-> (Parser a) (Parser a) (Parser a)))
- (function [json]
- (case (pl json)
- (#R;Success x)
- (#R;Success x)
- _
- (pr json))))
-(def: #export (opt p)
- {#;doc "Optionality combinator."}
- (All [a]
- (-> (Parser a) (Parser (Maybe a))))
- (function [json]
- (case (p json)
- (#R;Error _) (#R;Success #;None)
- (#R;Success x) (#R;Success (#;Some x)))))
-(def: #export (run json parser)
- (All [a] (-> JSON (Parser a) (R;Result a)))
- (parser json))
-(def: #export (ensure test parser)
- {#;doc "Only parses a JSON if it passes a test (which is also a parser)."}
- (All [a] (-> (Parser Unit) (Parser a) (Parser a)))
- (function [json]
- (case (test json)
- (#R;Success _)
- (parser json)
- (#R;Error error)
- (#R;Error error))))
-(def: #export (array-size! size)
- {#;doc "Ensures a JSON array has the specified size."}
- (-> Nat (Parser Unit))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- (#Array parts)
- (if (n.= size (vector;size parts))
- (#R;Success [])
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON array does no have size " (nat/encode size) " " (show-json json))))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not an array: " (show-json json))))))
-(def: #export (object-fields! wanted-fields)
- {#;doc "Ensures that every field in the list of wanted-fields is present in a JSON object."}
- (-> (List String) (Parser Unit))
- (function [json]
- (case json
- (#Object kvs)
- (let [actual-fields (d;keys kvs)]
- (if (and (n.= (list;size wanted-fields) (list;size actual-fields))
- (list;every? (list;member? text;Eq<Text> wanted-fields)
- actual-fields))
- (#R;Success [])
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON object has wrong field-set. Expected: [" (text;join-with ", " wanted-fields) "]. Actual: [" (text;join-with ", " actual-fields) "]"))))
- _
- (#R;Error ($_ text/append "JSON value is not an object: " (show-json json))))))
-## [Structures]
(struct: #export _ (Eq JSON)
(def: (= x y)
(case [x y]
@@ -641,451 +217,3 @@
-(struct: #export _ (Codec Text JSON)
- (def: encode show-json)
- (def: decode (function [input] (l;run input (json~' [])))))
-## [Syntax]
-(type: Shape
- (#ArrayShape (List Code))
- (#ObjectShape (List [Text Code])))
-(def: _shape^
- (s;Syntax Shape)
- (p;alt (s;tuple (p;some s;any))
- (s;record (p;some (p;seq s;text s;any)))))
-(syntax: #export (shape [shape _shape^])
- {#;doc (doc "Builds a parser that ensures the (inclusive) shape of an array or object."
- (shape [bool! int! real!])
- (shape {"isAlive" bool!
- "age" int!
- "income" real!}))}
- (case shape
- (#ArrayShape parts)
- (let [array-size (list;size parts)
- parsers (|> parts
- (list;zip2 (list;indices array-size))
- (L/map (function [[idx parser]]
- (` (nth (~ (code;nat idx)) (~ parser))))))]
- (wrap (list (` ($_ seq (~@ parsers))))))
- (#ObjectShape kvs)
- (let [fields (L/map product;left kvs)
- parsers (L/map (function [[field-name parser]]
- (` (field (~ (code;text field-name)) (~ parser))))
- kvs)]
- (wrap (list (` ($_ seq (~@ parsers))))))
- ))
-(syntax: #export (shape! [shape _shape^])
- {#;doc (doc "Builds a parser that ensures the (exclusive) shape of an array or object."
- (shape! [bool! int! real!])
- (shape! {"isAlive" bool!
- "age" int!
- "income" real!}))}
- (case shape
- (#ArrayShape parts)
- (let [array-size (list;size parts)
- parsers (|> parts
- (list;zip2 (list;indices array-size))
- (L/map (function [[idx parser]]
- (` (nth (~ (code;nat idx)) (~ parser))))))]
- (wrap (list (` (ensure (array-size! (~ (code;nat array-size)))
- ($_ seq (~@ parsers)))))))
- (#ObjectShape kvs)
- (let [fields (L/map product;left kvs)
- parsers (L/map (function [[field-name parser]]
- (` (field (~ (code;text field-name)) (~ parser))))
- kvs)]
- (wrap (list (` (ensure (object-fields! (list (~@ (L/map code;text fields))))
- ($_ seq (~@ parsers)))))))
- ))
-## [Polytypism]
-(def: #hidden _map_
- (All [a b] (-> (-> a b) (List a) (List b)))
- L/map)
-(def: #hidden (rec-encode non-rec)
- (All [a] (-> (-> (-> a JSON)
- (-> a JSON))
- (-> a JSON)))
- (function [input]
- (non-rec (rec-encode non-rec) input)))
-(poly: #hidden (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :x:)
- (let [->Codec//encode (: (-> Code Code)
- (function [.type.] (` (-> (~ .type.) JSON))))]
- (with-expansions
- [<basic> (do-template [<type> <matcher> <encoder>]
- [(do @ [_ (<matcher> :x:)] (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (` <type>))) <encoder>))))]
- [Unit poly;unit (function [(~ (code;symbol ["" "0"]))] #Null)]
- [Bool poly;bool ;;gen-boolean]
- [Int poly;int (|>. ;int-to-real ;;gen-number)]
- [Real poly;real ;;gen-number]
- [Text poly;text ;;gen-string])]
- ($_ macro;either
- <basic>
- (with-gensyms [g!input g!key g!val]
- (do @
- [[:key: :val:] (poly;apply-2 (ident-for d;Dict) :x:)
- _ (poly;text :key:)
- .val. (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :val:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (function [(~ g!input)]
- (|> (~ g!input)
- d;entries
- (;;_map_ (: (-> [Text (~ (poly;to-ast env :val:))]
- [Text JSON])
- (function [[(~ g!key) (~ g!val)]]
- [(~ g!key)
- ((~ .val.) (~ g!val))])))
- (d;from-list text;Hash<Text>)
- #;;Object))
- )))))
- (do @
- [:sub: (poly;apply-1 (ident-for ;Maybe) :x:)
- .sub. (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :sub:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (;;gen-nullable (~ .sub.))))))
- (do @
- [:sub: (poly;apply-1 (ident-for ;List) :x:)
- .sub. (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :sub:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (|>. (;;_map_ (~ .sub.)) vector;from-list ;;gen-array)))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input]
- (do @
- [members (poly;sum+ :x:)
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [[tag :case:]]
- (do @
- [g!encode (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :case:)]
- (wrap (list (` ((~ (code;nat tag)) (~ g!case)))
- (` (;;json [(~ (code;int (nat-to-int tag)))
- ((~ g!encode) (~ g!case))]))))))
- (list;enumerate members))]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (function [(~ g!input)]
- (case (~ g!input)
- (~@ (L/join pattern-matching)))))))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;variant :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [[name :case:]]
- (do @
- [#let [tag (code;tag name)]
- encoder (Codec<JSON,?>//encode new-env :case:)]
- (wrap (list (` ((~ tag) (~ g!case)))
- (` (;;json [(~ (code;text (product;right name)))
- ((~ encoder) (~ g!case))]))))))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//encode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//encode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+)
- (function [(~@ g!vars) (~ g!input)]
- (case (~ g!input)
- (~@ (L/join pattern-matching))))
- )))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;record :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- synthesis (M;map @
- (function [[name :slot:]]
- (do @
- [encoder (Codec<JSON,?>//encode new-env :slot:)]
- (wrap [(` (~ (code;text (product;right name))))
- (` ((~ encoder) (get@ (~ (code;tag name)) (~ g!input))))])))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//encode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//encode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+)
- (function [(~@ g!vars) (~ g!input)]
- (;;json (~ (code;record synthesis))))
- )))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;tuple :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [:member:]
- (do @
- [g!member (macro;gensym "g!member")
- encoder (Codec<JSON,?>//encode new-env :member:)]
- (wrap [g!member encoder])))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//encode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//encode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))]
- #let [.tuple. (` [(~@ (L/map product;left pattern-matching))])]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+)
- (function [(~@ g!vars) (~ .tuple.)]
- (;;json [(~@ (L/map (function [[g!member g!encoder]]
- (` ((~ g!encoder) (~ g!member))))
- pattern-matching))]))
- )))
- ))
- ## Type recursion
- (with-gensyms [g!rec]
- (do @
- [:non-rec: (poly;recursive :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!rec] (list [:x: (` (;undefined))]) env)]
- .non-rec. (Codec<JSON,?>//encode new-env :non-rec:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (poly;gen-type new-env ->Codec//encode g!rec (list) :x:))
- (rec-encode (;function [(~ g!rec)]
- (~ .non-rec.))))))))
- (poly;self env :x:)
- (poly;recursion env :x:)
- ## Type applications
- (do @
- [[:func: :args:] (poly;apply :x:)
- .func. (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env :func:)
- .args. (M;map @ (Codec<JSON,?>//encode env) :args:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//encode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- ((~ .func.) (~@ .args.))))))
- ## Bound type-vars
- (poly;bound env :x:)
- ## If all else fails...
- (macro;fail ($_ text/append "Cannot create JSON encoder for: " (type;to-text :x:)))
- ))))
-(def: #hidden (rec-decode non-rec)
- (All [a] (-> (-> (-> JSON (R;Result a))
- (-> JSON (R;Result a)))
- (-> JSON (R;Result a))))
- (function [input]
- (non-rec (rec-decode non-rec) input)))
-(poly: #hidden (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env :x:)
- (let [->Codec//decode (: (-> Code Code)
- (function [.type.] (` (-> JSON (R;Result (~ .type.))))))]
- (with-expansions
- [<basic> (do-template [<type> <matcher> <decoder>]
- [(do @ [_ (<matcher> :x:)] (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//decode (` <type>))) <decoder>))))]
- [Unit poly;unit ;;unit]
- [Bool poly;bool ;;bool]
- [Int poly;int ;;int]
- [Real poly;real ;;real]
- [Text poly;text ;;text])
- <complex> (do-template [<type> <matcher> <decoder>]
- [(do @
- [:sub: (<matcher> :x:)
- .sub. (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env :sub:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (<decoder> (~ .sub.))))))]
- [Maybe (poly;apply-1 (ident-for ;Maybe)) ;;nullable]
- [List (poly;apply-1 (ident-for ;List)) ;;array])]
- ($_ macro;either
- <basic>
- (with-gensyms [g!input g!output g!key g!val]
- (do @
- [[:key: :val:] (poly;apply-2 (ident-for d;Dict) :x:)
- _ (poly;text :key:)
- .val. (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env :val:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- (function [(~ g!input)]
- (do R;Monad<Result>
- [(~ g!key) (;;fields (~ g!input))
- (~ g!output) (M;map R;Monad<Result>
- (function [(~ g!key)]
- (do R;Monad<Result>
- [(~ g!val) (;;get (~ g!key) (~ g!input))
- (~ g!val) (;;run (~ g!val) (~ .val.))]
- ((~ (' wrap)) [(~ g!key) (~ g!val)])))
- (~ g!key))]
- ((~' wrap) (d;from-list text;Hash<Text> (~ g!output)))))
- )))
- ))
- <complex>
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input g!_]
- (do @
- [members (poly;sum+ :x:)
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [[tag :case:]]
- (do @
- [g!decode (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env :case:)]
- (wrap (list (` (do Monad<Parser>
- [(~ g!_) (;;nth +0 (;;int! (~ (code;int (nat-to-int tag)))))
- (~ g!_) (;;nth +1 (~ g!decode))]
- ((~' wrap) ((~ (code;nat tag)) (~ g!_)))))))))
- (list;enumerate members))]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- ($_ ;;either
- (~@ (L/join pattern-matching))))))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!_]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;variant :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [[name :case:]]
- (do @
- [#let [tag (code;tag name)]
- decoder (Codec<JSON,?>//decode new-env :case:)]
- (wrap (list (` (do Monad<Parser>
- [(~ g!_) (;;nth +0 (;;text! (~ (code;text (product;right name)))))
- (~ g!_) (;;nth +1 (~ decoder))]
- ((~ (' wrap)) ((~ tag) (~ g!_)))))))))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//decode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//decode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))
- base-parser (` ($_ ;;either
- (~@ (L/join pattern-matching))))
- parser (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- base-parser
- _
- (` (function [(~@ g!vars)] (~ base-parser))))]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+) (~ parser))))
- ))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;record :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- extraction (M;map @
- (function [[name :slot:]]
- (do @
- [#let [g!member (code;symbol ["" (product;right name)])]
- decoder (Codec<JSON,?>//decode new-env :slot:)]
- (wrap (list g!member
- (` (;;get (~ (code;text (product;right name))) (~ g!input)))
- g!member
- (` ((~ decoder) (~ g!member)))))))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//decode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//decode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+)
- (function [(~@ g!vars) (~ g!input)]
- (do R;Monad<Result>
- [(~@ (L/join extraction))]
- ((~ (' wrap)) (~ (code;record (L/map (function [[name :slot:]]
- [(code;tag name) (code;symbol ["" (product;right name)])])
- members))))))
- )))))
- (with-gensyms [g!type-fun g!case g!input]
- (do @
- [[g!vars members] (poly;tuple :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!type-fun]
- (list;zip2 (|> g!vars list;size poly;type-var-indices) g!vars)
- env)]
- pattern-matching (M;map @
- (function [:member:]
- (do @
- [g!member (macro;gensym "g!member")
- decoder (Codec<JSON,?>//decode new-env :member:)]
- (wrap [g!member decoder])))
- members)
- #let [:x:+ (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:))
- _
- (` (All (~ g!type-fun) [(~@ g!vars)]
- (-> (~@ (L/map ->Codec//decode g!vars))
- (~ (->Codec//decode (` ((~ (poly;to-ast env :x:)) (~@ g!vars)))))))))]
- #let [.decoder. (case g!vars
- #;Nil
- (` (;;shape [(~@ (L/map product;right pattern-matching))]))
- _
- (` (function [(~@ g!vars)]
- (;;shape [(~@ (L/map product;right pattern-matching))]))))]]
- (wrap (` (: (~ :x:+) (~ .decoder.))))
- ))
- ## Type recursion
- (with-gensyms [g!rec]
- (do @
- [:non-rec: (poly;recursive :x:)
- #let [new-env (poly;extend-env [:x: g!rec] (list [:x: (` (;undefined))]) env)]
- .non-rec. (Codec<JSON,?>//decode new-env :non-rec:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (poly;gen-type new-env ->Codec//decode g!rec (list) :x:))
- (rec-decode (;function [(~ g!rec)]
- (~ .non-rec.))))))))
- (poly;self env :x:)
- (poly;recursion env :x:)
- ## Type applications
- (do @
- [[:func: :args:] (poly;apply :x:)
- .func. (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env :func:)
- .args. (M;map @ (Codec<JSON,?>//decode env) :args:)]
- (wrap (` (: (~ (->Codec//decode (poly;to-ast env :x:)))
- ((~ .func.) (~@ .args.))))))
- ## Bound type-vars
- (do @
- [g!bound (poly;bound env :x:)]
- (wrap g!bound))
- ## If all else fails...
- (macro;fail ($_ text/append "Cannot create JSON decoder for: " (type;to-text :x:)))
- ))))
-(syntax: #export (Codec<JSON,?> :x:)
- {#;doc (doc "A macro for automatically producing JSON codecs."
- (type: Variant
- (#Case0 Bool)
- (#Case1 Int)
- (#Case2 Real))
- (type: Record
- {#unit Unit
- #bool Bool
- #int Int
- #real Real
- #text Text
- #maybe (Maybe Int)
- #list (List Int)
- #variant Variant
- #tuple [Int Real Text]
- #dict (Dict Text Int)})
- (derived: (Codec<JSON,?> Record)))}
- (wrap (list (` (: (Codec JSON (~ :x:))
- (struct (def: (~ (' encode)) (Codec<JSON,?>//encode (~ :x:)))
- (def: (~ (' decode)) (Codec<JSON,?>//decode (~ :x:)))
- ))))))