path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2022-01-30 05:08:37 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2022-01-30 05:08:37 -0400
commit4b22baf63fd2ef2bf141835ab540f7d52168cc84 (patch)
tree7b36381a9e192732f7aeba200ec41cc78152c17d /stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler
parent75c90ff2c4cc805a841339b238128bc3e31eab6a (diff)
Fixes for the pure-Lux JVM compiler machinery. [Part 12]
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler')
7 files changed, 737 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis/inference.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis/inference.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d903e7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis/inference.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ [library
+ [lux "*"
+ ["[0]" meta]
+ [abstract
+ [monad {"+" do}]]
+ [control
+ [pipe {"+" case>}]
+ ["[0]" maybe]
+ ["[0]" exception {"+" exception:}]]
+ [data
+ ["[0]" text
+ ["%" format {"+" format}]]
+ [collection
+ ["[0]" list ("[1]#[0]" functor monoid)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["[0]" template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]]]
+ ["[0]" type
+ ["[0]" check]]]]
+ ["/" // {"+" Analysis Operation Phase}
+ ["[1][0]" type]
+ [//
+ [phase
+ ["[0]" extension]]
+ [///
+ ["[0]" phase ("[1]#[0]" monad)]
+ [meta
+ [archive {"+" Archive}]]]]])
+(exception: .public (cannot_infer [type Type
+ arguments (List Code)])
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]
+ ["Arguments" (exception.listing %.code arguments)]))
+(exception: .public (cannot_infer_argument [type Type
+ argument Code])
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]
+ ["Argument" (%.code argument)]))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: .public (<name> [type Type])
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]))]
+ [not_a_variant]
+ [not_a_record]
+ [invalid_type_application]
+ )
+(def: prefix
+ (format (%.symbol (symbol ..type)) "#"))
+(def: .public (existential? type)
+ (-> Type Bit)
+ (case type
+ {.#Primitive actual {.#End}}
+ (text.starts_with? ..prefix actual)
+ _
+ false))
+(def: existential
+ (Operation Type)
+ (do phase.monad
+ [module (extension.lifted meta.current_module_name)
+ [id _] (/type.check check.existential)]
+ (in {.#Primitive (format ..prefix module "#" (%.nat id)) (list)})))
+... Type-inference works by applying some (potentially quantified) type
+... to a sequence of values.
+... Function types are used for this, although inference is not always
+... done for function application (alternative uses may be records and
+... tagged variants).
+... But, so long as the type being used for the inference can be treated
+... as a function type, this method of inference should work.
+(def: .public (general archive analyse inferT args)
+ (-> Archive Phase Type (List Code) (Operation [Type (List Analysis)]))
+ (case args
+ {.#End}
+ (do phase.monad
+ [_ (/type.inference inferT)]
+ (in [inferT (list)]))
+ {.#Item argC args'}
+ (case inferT
+ {.#Named name unnamedT}
+ (general archive analyse unnamedT args)
+ {.#UnivQ _}
+ (do phase.monad
+ [[var_id varT] (/type.check check.var)]
+ (general archive analyse (maybe.trusted (type.applied (list varT) inferT)) args))
+ {.#ExQ _}
+ (do [! phase.monad]
+ [exT ..existential]
+ (general archive analyse (maybe.trusted (type.applied (list exT) inferT)) args))
+ {.#Apply inputT transT}
+ (case (type.applied (list inputT) transT)
+ {.#Some outputT}
+ (general archive analyse outputT args)
+ {.#None}
+ (/.except ..invalid_type_application [inferT]))
+ ... Arguments are inferred back-to-front because, by convention,
+ ... Lux functions take the most important arguments *last*, which
+ ... means that the most information for doing proper inference is
+ ... located in the last arguments to a function call.
+ ... By inferring back-to-front, a lot of type-annotations can be
+ ... avoided in Lux code, since the inference algorithm can piece
+ ... things together more easily.
+ {.#Function inputT outputT}
+ (do phase.monad
+ [[outputT' args'A] (general archive analyse outputT args')
+ argA (<| (/.with_stack ..cannot_infer_argument [inputT argC])
+ (/type.expecting inputT)
+ (analyse archive argC))]
+ (in [outputT' (list& argA args'A)]))
+ {.#Var infer_id}
+ (do phase.monad
+ [?inferT' (/type.check (check.peek infer_id))]
+ (case ?inferT'
+ {.#Some inferT'}
+ (general archive analyse inferT' args)
+ _
+ (/.except ..cannot_infer [inferT args])))
+ _
+ (/.except ..cannot_infer [inferT args]))
+ ))
+(def: (with_recursion @self recursion)
+ (-> Nat Type Type Type)
+ (function (again it)
+ (case it
+ (^or {.#Parameter index}
+ {.#Apply {.#Primitive "" {.#End}}
+ {.#Parameter index}})
+ (if (n.= @self index)
+ recursion
+ it)
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (again left) (again right)}])
+ ([.#Sum] [.#Product] [.#Function] [.#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> environment quantified}
+ {<tag> (list#each again environment)
+ (with_recursion (n.+ 2 @self) recursion quantified)}])
+ ([.#UnivQ] [.#ExQ])
+ {.#Primitive name parameters}
+ {.#Primitive name (list#each again parameters)}
+ _
+ it)))
+(def: parameters
+ (-> Nat (List Type))
+ (|>> list.indices
+ (list#each (|>> (n.* 2) ++ {.#Parameter}))
+ list.reversed))
+(template [<name> <types> <inputs> <exception> <when> <then>]
+ [(`` (def: .public (<name> (~~ (template.spliced <inputs>)) complex)
+ (-> (~~ (template.spliced <types>)) Type (Operation Type))
+ (loop [depth 0
+ it complex]
+ (case it
+ {.#Named name it}
+ (again depth it)
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> env it}
+ (phase#each (|>> {<tag> env})
+ (again (++ depth) it))])
+ ([.#UnivQ]
+ [.#ExQ])
+ {.#Apply parameter abstraction}
+ (case (type.applied (list parameter) abstraction)
+ {.#Some it}
+ (again depth it)
+ {.#None}
+ (/.except ..invalid_type_application [it]))
+ {<when> _}
+ <then>
+ _
+ (/.except <exception> [complex])))))]
+ [record [Nat] [arity] ..not_a_record
+ .#Product
+ (let [[lefts right] (|> it
+ type.flat_tuple
+ (list.split_at (-- arity)))]
+ (phase#in (type.function
+ (list#each (..with_recursion (|> depth -- (n.* 2)) complex)
+ (list#composite lefts (list (type.tuple right))))
+ (type.application (parameters depth) complex))))]
+ [variant [Nat Bit] [lefts right?] ..not_a_variant
+ .#Sum
+ (|> it
+ type.flat_variant
+ (list.after lefts)
+ (case> {.#Item [head tail]}
+ (let [case (if right?
+ (type.variant tail)
+ head)]
+ (-> (if (n.= 0 depth)
+ case
+ (..with_recursion (|> depth -- (n.* 2)) complex case))
+ (type.application (parameters depth) complex)))
+ {.#End}
+ (-> .Nothing complex))
+ phase#in)]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/function.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/function.lux
index 8f7a67a0c..5a2018656 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/function.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/function.lux
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
["[0]" check]]]]
["[0]" // "_"
["[1][0]" scope]
- ["[1][0]" inference]
["/[1]" // "_"
["[1][0]" extension]
["/" analysis {"+" Analysis Operation Phase}
- ["[1][0]" type]]
+ ["[1][0]" type]
+ ["[1][0]" inference]]
["[1]" phase]
[reference {"+"}
@@ -111,5 +111,5 @@
(-> Phase (List Code) Type Analysis Phase)
(<| (/.with_stack ..cannot_apply [functionT functionC argsC+])
(do ///.monad
- [[applyT argsA+] (//inference.general archive analyse functionT argsC+)])
+ [[applyT argsA+] (/inference.general archive analyse functionT argsC+)])
(in (/.reified [functionA argsA+]))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/inference.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/inference.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index ea03f2719..000000000
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/inference.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
- [library
- [lux "*"
- ["[0]" meta]
- [abstract
- [monad {"+" do}]]
- [control
- ["[0]" maybe]
- ["[0]" exception {"+" exception:}]]
- [data
- ["[0]" text
- ["%" format {"+" format}]]
- [collection
- ["[0]" list ("[1]#[0]" functor monoid)]]]
- [math
- [number
- ["n" nat]]]
- ["[0]" type
- ["[0]" check]]]]
- ["[0]" /// "_"
- ["[1][0]" extension]
- [//
- ["/" analysis {"+" Analysis Operation Phase}
- [complex {"+" Tag}]
- ["[1][0]" type]]
- [///
- ["[1]" phase ("[1]#[0]" monad)]
- [meta
- [archive {"+" Archive}]]]]])
-(exception: .public (variant_tag_out_of_bounds [size Nat
- tag Tag
- type Type])
- (exception.report
- ["Tag" (%.nat tag)]
- ["Variant size" (%.int (.int size))]
- ["Variant type" (%.type type)]))
-(exception: .public (cannot_infer [type Type
- args (List Code)])
- (exception.report
- ["Type" (%.type type)]
- ["Arguments" (exception.listing %.code args)]))
-(exception: .public (cannot_infer_argument [inferred Type
- argument Code])
- (exception.report
- ["Inferred Type" (%.type inferred)]
- ["Argument" (%.code argument)]))
-(exception: .public (smaller_variant_than_expected [expected Nat
- actual Nat])
- (exception.report
- ["Expected" (%.int (.int expected))]
- ["Actual" (%.int (.int actual))]))
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: .public (<name> [type Type])
- (%.type type))]
- [not_a_variant_type]
- [not_a_record_type]
- [invalid_type_application]
- )
-(def: (replace parameter_idx replacement type)
- (-> Nat Type Type Type)
- (case type
- {.#Primitive name params}
- {.#Primitive name (list#each (replace parameter_idx replacement) params)}
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> left right}
- {<tag>
- (replace parameter_idx replacement left)
- (replace parameter_idx replacement right)}])
- ([.#Sum]
- [.#Product]
- [.#Function]
- [.#Apply])
- {.#Parameter idx}
- (if (n.= parameter_idx idx)
- replacement
- type)
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> env quantified}
- {<tag> (list#each (replace parameter_idx replacement) env)
- (replace (n.+ 2 parameter_idx) replacement quantified)}])
- ([.#UnivQ]
- [.#ExQ])
- _
- type))
-(def: (named_type location id)
- (-> Location Nat Type)
- (let [name (format "{New Type " (%.location location) " " (%.nat id) "}")]
- {.#Primitive name (list)}))
-(def: new_named_type
- (Operation Type)
- (do ///.monad
- [location (///extension.lifted meta.location)
- [ex_id _] (/type.check check.existential)]
- (in (named_type location ex_id))))
-... Type-inference works by applying some (potentially quantified) type
-... to a sequence of values.
-... Function types are used for this, although inference is not always
-... done for function application (alternative uses may be records and
-... tagged variants).
-... But, so long as the type being used for the inference can be treated
-... as a function type, this method of inference should work.
-(def: .public (general archive analyse inferT args)
- (-> Archive Phase Type (List Code) (Operation [Type (List Analysis)]))
- (case args
- {.#End}
- (do ///.monad
- [_ (/type.inference inferT)]
- (in [inferT (list)]))
- {.#Item argC args'}
- (case inferT
- {.#Named name unnamedT}
- (general archive analyse unnamedT args)
- {.#UnivQ _}
- (do ///.monad
- [[var_id varT] (/type.check check.var)]
- (general archive analyse (maybe.trusted (type.applied (list varT) inferT)) args))
- {.#ExQ _}
- (do [! ///.monad]
- [[var_id varT] (/type.check check.var)
- output (general archive analyse
- (maybe.trusted (type.applied (list varT) inferT))
- args)
- bound? (/type.check (check.bound? var_id))
- _ (if bound?
- (in [])
- (do !
- [newT new_named_type]
- (/type.check (check.check varT newT))))]
- (in output))
- {.#Apply inputT transT}
- (case (type.applied (list inputT) transT)
- {.#Some outputT}
- (general archive analyse outputT args)
- {.#None}
- (/.except ..invalid_type_application inferT))
- ... Arguments are inferred back-to-front because, by convention,
- ... Lux functions take the most important arguments *last*, which
- ... means that the most information for doing proper inference is
- ... located in the last arguments to a function call.
- ... By inferring back-to-front, a lot of type-annotations can be
- ... avoided in Lux code, since the inference algorithm can piece
- ... things together more easily.
- {.#Function inputT outputT}
- (do ///.monad
- [[outputT' args'A] (general archive analyse outputT args')
- argA (<| (/.with_stack ..cannot_infer_argument [inputT argC])
- (/type.expecting inputT)
- (analyse archive argC))]
- (in [outputT' (list& argA args'A)]))
- {.#Var infer_id}
- (do ///.monad
- [?inferT' (/type.check (check.peek infer_id))]
- (case ?inferT'
- {.#Some inferT'}
- (general archive analyse inferT' args)
- _
- (/.except ..cannot_infer [inferT args])))
- _
- (/.except ..cannot_infer [inferT args]))
- ))
-(def: (substitute_bound target sub)
- (-> Nat Type Type Type)
- (function (again base)
- (case base
- {.#Primitive name parameters}
- {.#Primitive name (list#each again parameters)}
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> left right}
- {<tag> (again left) (again right)}])
- ([.#Sum] [.#Product] [.#Function] [.#Apply])
- {.#Parameter index}
- (if (n.= target index)
- sub
- base)
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> environment quantified}
- {<tag> (list#each again environment) quantified}])
- ([.#UnivQ] [.#ExQ])
- _
- base)))
-... Turns a record type into the kind of function type suitable for inference.
-(def: (record' record_size target originalT inferT)
- (-> Nat Nat Type Type (Operation Type))
- (case inferT
- {.#Named name unnamedT}
- (record' record_size target originalT unnamedT)
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> env bodyT}
- (do ///.monad
- [bodyT+ (record' record_size (n.+ 2 target) originalT bodyT)]
- (in {<tag> env bodyT+}))])
- ([.#UnivQ]
- [.#ExQ])
- {.#Apply inputT funcT}
- (case (type.applied (list inputT) funcT)
- {.#Some outputT}
- (record' record_size target originalT outputT)
- {.#None}
- (/.except ..invalid_type_application inferT))
- {.#Product _}
- (let [[lefts right] (list.split_at (-- record_size) (type.flat_tuple inferT))]
- (///#in (|> inferT
- (type.function (list#composite lefts (list (type.tuple right))))
- (substitute_bound target originalT))))
- _
- (/.except ..not_a_record_type inferT)))
-(def: .public (record record_size inferT)
- (-> Nat Type (Operation Type))
- (record' record_size (n.- 2 0) inferT inferT))
-... Turns a variant type into the kind of function type suitable for inference.
-(def: .public (variant tag expected_size inferT)
- (-> Tag Nat Type (Operation Type))
- (loop [depth 0
- currentT inferT]
- (case currentT
- {.#Named name unnamedT}
- (do ///.monad
- [unnamedT+ (again depth unnamedT)]
- (in unnamedT+))
- (^template [<tag>]
- [{<tag> env bodyT}
- (do ///.monad
- [bodyT+ (again (++ depth) bodyT)]
- (in {<tag> env bodyT+}))])
- ([.#UnivQ]
- [.#ExQ])
- {.#Sum _}
- (let [cases (type.flat_variant currentT)
- actual_size (list.size cases)
- boundary (-- expected_size)]
- (cond (or (n.= expected_size actual_size)
- (and (n.> expected_size actual_size)
- (n.< boundary tag)))
- (case (list.item tag cases)
- {.#Some caseT}
- (///#in (if (n.= 0 depth)
- (type.function (list caseT) currentT)
- (let [replace' (replace (|> depth -- (n.* 2)) inferT)]
- (type.function (list (replace' caseT))
- (replace' currentT)))))
- {.#None}
- (/.except ..variant_tag_out_of_bounds [expected_size tag inferT]))
- (n.< expected_size actual_size)
- (/.except ..smaller_variant_than_expected [expected_size actual_size])
- (n.= boundary tag)
- (let [caseT (type.variant (list.after boundary cases))]
- (///#in (if (n.= 0 depth)
- (type.function (list caseT) currentT)
- (let [replace' (replace (|> depth -- (n.* 2)) inferT)]
- (type.function (list (replace' caseT))
- (replace' currentT))))))
- ... else
- (/.except ..variant_tag_out_of_bounds [expected_size tag inferT])))
- {.#Apply inputT funcT}
- (case (type.applied (list inputT) funcT)
- {.#Some outputT}
- (variant tag expected_size outputT)
- {.#None}
- (/.except ..invalid_type_application inferT))
- _
- (/.except ..not_a_variant_type inferT))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/structure.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/structure.lux
index 66cf6c80d..cdf65a6ad 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/structure.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/analysis/structure.lux
@@ -27,26 +27,18 @@
["[0]" check]]]]
["[0]" // "_"
["[1][0]" simple]
- ["[1][0]" inference]
["/[1]" // "_"
["[1][0]" extension]
["/" analysis {"+" Analysis Operation Phase}
["[1][0]" complex {"+" Tag}]
- ["[1][0]" type]]
+ ["[1][0]" type]
+ ["[1][0]" inference]]
["[1]" phase]
[archive {"+" Archive}]]]]]])
-(exception: .public (invalid_variant_type [type Type
- tag Tag
- code Code])
- (exception.report
- ["Type" (%.type type)]
- ["Tag" (%.nat tag)]
- ["Expression" (%.code code)]))
(template [<name>]
[(exception: .public (<name> [type Type
members (List Code)])
@@ -59,7 +51,8 @@
(exception: .public (not_a_quantified_type [type Type])
- (%.type type))
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]))
(template [<name>]
[(exception: .public (<name> [type Type
@@ -70,6 +63,7 @@
["Tag" (%.nat tag)]
["Expression" (%.code code)]))]
+ [invalid_variant_type]
@@ -78,7 +72,7 @@
[(exception: .public (<name> [key Symbol
record (List [Symbol Code])])
- ["Tag" (%.code (code.symbol key))]
+ ["Slot" (%.code (code.symbol key))]
["Record" (%.code (code.tuple (|> record
(list#each (function (_ [keyI valC])
(list (code.symbol keyI) valC)))
@@ -90,7 +84,7 @@
(exception: .public (slot_does_not_belong_to_record [key Symbol
type Type])
- ["Tag" (%.code (code.symbol key))]
+ ["Slot" (%.code (code.symbol key))]
["Type" (%.type type)]))
(exception: .public (record_size_mismatch [expected Nat
@@ -117,16 +111,12 @@
(/.with_stack ..cannot_analyse_variant [expectedT' tag valueC]
(case expectedT
{.#Sum _}
- (let [flat (type.flat_variant expectedT)]
- (case (list.item tag flat)
- {.#Some variant_type}
- (do !
- [valueA (<| (/type.expecting variant_type)
- (analyse archive valueC))]
- (in (/.variant [lefts right? valueA])))
- {.#None}
- (/.except //inference.variant_tag_out_of_bounds [(list.size flat) tag expectedT])))
+ (|> (analyse archive valueC)
+ (# ! each (|>> [lefts right?] /.variant))
+ (/type.expecting (|> expectedT
+ type.flat_variant
+ (list.item tag)
+ (maybe.else .Nothing))))
{.#Named name unnamedT}
(<| (/type.expecting unnamedT)
@@ -289,8 +279,8 @@
(case expectedT
{.#Var _}
(do !
- [inferenceT (//inference.variant idx case_size variantT)
- [inferredT valueA+] (//inference.general archive analyse inferenceT (list valueC))]
+ [inferenceT (/inference.variant lefts right? variantT)
+ [inferredT valueA+] (/inference.general archive analyse inferenceT (list valueC))]
(in (/.variant [lefts right? (|> valueA+ list.head maybe.trusted)])))
@@ -430,8 +420,8 @@
(case expectedT
{.#Var _}
(do !
- [inferenceT (//inference.record record_size recordT)
- [inferredT membersA] (//inference.general archive analyse inferenceT membersC)]
+ [inferenceT (/inference.record record_size recordT)
+ [inferredT membersA] (/inference.general archive analyse inferenceT membersC)]
(in (/.tuple membersA)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/jvm.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/jvm.lux
index 2bc7d831e..b45be6e93 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/jvm.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/jvm.lux
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
["[1][0]" bundle]
["/[1]" // "_"
- ["[0]A" inference]
["[0]" scope]]
["/[1]" // "_"
["[1][0]" analysis {"+" Analysis Operation Phase Handler Bundle}
["[1]/[0]" complex]
["[1]/[0]" pattern]
- ["[0]A" type]]
+ ["[0]A" type]
+ ["[0]A" inference]]
["[1][0]" synthesis]
["[0]" phase ("[1]#[0]" monad)]
@@ -1663,13 +1663,18 @@
(def: .public protected_tag "protected")
(def: .public default_tag "default")
+(def: .public visibility'
+ (<text>.Parser Visibility)
+ ($_ <>.or
+ (<text>.this ..public_tag)
+ (<text>.this ..private_tag)
+ (<text>.this ..protected_tag)
+ (<text>.this ..default_tag)
+ ))
(def: .public visibility
(Parser Visibility)
- ($_ <>.or
- (<code>.text! ..public_tag)
- (<code>.text! ..private_tag)
- (<code>.text! ..protected_tag)
- (<code>.text! ..default_tag)))
+ (<text>.then ..visibility' <code>.text))
(def: .public (visibility_analysis visibility)
(-> Visibility Analysis)
@@ -1691,7 +1696,7 @@
(Type Return)
(List Exception)])
-(def: abstract_tag "abstract")
+(def: .public abstract_tag "abstract")
(def: .public abstract_method_definition
(Parser (Abstract_Method Code))
@@ -1796,9 +1801,9 @@
(/////analysis.bit strict_fp?)
(/////analysis.tuple (list#each annotation_analysis annotationsA))
(/////analysis.tuple (list#each var_analysis vars))
+ (/////analysis.tuple (list#each class_analysis exceptions))
(/////analysis.text self_name)
(/////analysis.tuple (list#each ..argument_analysis arguments))
- (/////analysis.tuple (list#each class_analysis exceptions))
(/////analysis.tuple (list#each typed_analysis super_arguments))
(list#each (|>> /////analysis.variable)
@@ -1819,7 +1824,7 @@
(List Exception)
-(def: virtual_tag "virtual")
+(def: .public virtual_tag "virtual")
(def: .public virtual_method_definition
(Parser (Virtual_Method Code))
@@ -2070,7 +2075,7 @@
-(def: .public (hide_method_body arity bodyA)
+(def: .public (hidden_method_body arity bodyA)
(-> Nat Analysis Analysis)
(<| /////analysis.tuple
(list (/////analysis.unit))
@@ -2145,7 +2150,7 @@
(list#each (|>> /////analysis.variable)
(scope.environment scope))
- (..hide_method_body (list.size arguments) bodyA)}
+ (..hidden_method_body (list.size arguments) bodyA)}
(type: .public (Method_Definition a)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/directive/jvm.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/directive/jvm.lux
index 8d23b355c..1e3b1eabc 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/directive/jvm.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/directive/jvm.lux
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
[pipe {"+" case>}]
["[0]" try {"+" Try} ("[1]#[0]" functor)]
+ ["[0]" exception]
["<>" parser ("[1]#[0]" monad)
["<[0]>" code {"+" Parser}]
- ["<[0]>" text]]]
+ ["<[0]>" text]
+ ["<[0]>" synthesis]]]
[binary {"+" Binary}]
["[0]" product]
@@ -18,17 +20,19 @@
["[0]" list ("[1]#[0]" functor mix)]
["[0]" dictionary]
- ["[0]" sequence]]
+ ["[0]" sequence]
+ ["[0]" set {"+" Set}]]
["[0]" format "_"
["[1]" binary]]]
["[0]" template]]
- ["[0]" i32]]]
+ ["[0]" i32]
+ ["n" nat]]]
- ["_" bytecode {"+" Bytecode}]
+ ["_" bytecode {"+" Bytecode} ("[1]#[0]" monad)]
["[0]" modifier {"+" Modifier} ("[1]#[0]" monoid)]
["[0]" attribute]
["[0]" field]
@@ -49,21 +53,28 @@
["[0]" phase]
+ [reference
+ [variable {"+" Register}]]
[archive {"+" Archive}
["[0]" artifact]
- ["[0]" unit]]]
+ ["[0]" unit]]
+ ["[0]" cache "_"
+ ["[1]" artifact]]]
- ["[0]" synthesis]
+ ["[0]" synthesis {"+" Synthesis}]
["[0]" generation]
["[0]" directive {"+" Handler Bundle}]
- ["[0]" analysis
+ ["[0]" analysis {"+" Analysis}
["[0]A" type]]
+ [analysis
+ ["[0]A" scope]]
- ["[0]" runtime {"+" Anchor Definition Extender}]]]
+ ["[0]" runtime {"+" Anchor Definition Extender}]
+ ["[0]" value]]]
["[0]" extension
["[0]" bundle]
@@ -93,17 +104,21 @@
{ffi.#ProtectedP} method.protected
{ffi.#DefaultP} modifier.empty)))
-(def: visibility
- (Parser (Modifier field.Field))
+(def: visibility'
+ (<text>.Parser (Modifier field.Field))
(`` ($_ <>.either
(~~ (template [<label> <modifier>]
- [(<>.after (<code>.text! <label>) (<>#in <modifier>))]
+ [(<>.after (<text>.this <label>) (<>#in <modifier>))]
["public" field.public]
["private" field.private]
["protected" field.protected]
["default" modifier.empty])))))
+(def: visibility
+ (Parser (Modifier field.Field))
+ (<text>.then ..visibility' <code>.text))
(def: inheritance
(Parser (Modifier class.Class))
(`` ($_ <>.either
@@ -175,16 +190,16 @@
-(type: Method_Definition
+(type: (Method_Definition a)
- {#Constructor (jvm.Constructor Code)}
- {#Virtual_Method (jvm.Virtual_Method Code)}
- {#Static_Method (jvm.Static_Method Code)}
- {#Overriden_Method (jvm.Overriden_Method Code)}
- {#Abstract_Method (jvm.Abstract_Method Code)}))
+ {#Constructor (jvm.Constructor a)}
+ {#Virtual_Method (jvm.Virtual_Method a)}
+ {#Static_Method (jvm.Static_Method a)}
+ {#Overriden_Method (jvm.Overriden_Method a)}
+ {#Abstract_Method (jvm.Abstract_Method a)}))
(def: method
- (Parser Method_Definition)
+ (Parser (Method_Definition Code))
($_ <>.or
@@ -236,17 +251,421 @@
(field.field (modifier#composite visibility state)
name type true sequence.empty)))
-(def: (method_definition archive supers [mapping selfT] [analyse synthesize generate])
+(def: annotation_parameter_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Annotation_Parameter Synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.and <synthesis>.text <synthesis>.any)))
+(def: annotation_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Annotation Synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.and <synthesis>.text (<>.some ..annotation_parameter_synthesis))))
+(template [<name> <type> <text>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (Type <type>))
+ (<text>.then <text> <synthesis>.text))]
+ [value_type_synthesis Value parser.value]
+ [class_type_synthesis Class parser.class]
+ [var_type_synthesis Var parser.var]
+ [return_type_synthesis Return parser.return]
+ )
+(def: argument_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser Argument)
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.and <synthesis>.text ..value_type_synthesis)))
+(def: input_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (Typed Synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.and ..value_type_synthesis <synthesis>.any)))
+(def: (hidden_method_body arity body)
+ (-> Nat Synthesis Synthesis)
+ (case [arity body]
+ [0 _] body
+ [1 _] body
+ [2 {synthesis.#Control {synthesis.#Branch {synthesis.#Let _ 2 hidden}}}]
+ hidden
+ [_ {synthesis.#Control {synthesis.#Branch {synthesis.#Case _ path}}}]
+ (loop [path (: synthesis.Path path)]
+ (case path
+ (^or {synthesis.#Pop}
+ {synthesis.#Access _}
+ {synthesis.#Bind _}
+ {synthesis.#Bit_Fork _}
+ {synthesis.#I64_Fork _}
+ {synthesis.#F64_Fork _}
+ {synthesis.#Text_Fork _}
+ {synthesis.#Alt _})
+ body
+ {synthesis.#Seq _ next}
+ (again next)
+ {synthesis.#Then hidden}
+ hidden))
+ _
+ body))
+(def: (method_body arity)
+ (-> Nat (<synthesis>.Parser Synthesis))
+ (<| (<>#each (function (_ [env offset inits it]) it))
+ (<synthesis>.function 1)
+ (<synthesis>.loop (<>.exactly 0 <synthesis>.any))
+ <synthesis>.tuple
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (<| (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! ""))
+ (<>#each (..hidden_method_body arity))
+ <synthesis>.any)
+ <synthesis>.any)))
+(def: constructor_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Constructor Synthesis))
+ (<| <synthesis>.tuple
+ (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! jvm.constructor_tag))
+ ($_ <>.and
+ (<text>.then jvm.visibility' <synthesis>.text)
+ <synthesis>.bit
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..annotation_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..var_type_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..class_type_synthesis))
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (do <>.monad
+ [args (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..argument_synthesis))]
+ ($_ <>.and
+ (in args)
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..input_synthesis))
+ (..method_body (list.size args))))
+ )))
+(def: overriden_method_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Overriden_Method Synthesis))
+ (<| <synthesis>.tuple
+ (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! jvm.overriden_tag))
+ ($_ <>.and
+ ..class_type_synthesis
+ <synthesis>.text
+ <synthesis>.bit
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..annotation_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..var_type_synthesis))
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (do <>.monad
+ [args (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..argument_synthesis))]
+ ($_ <>.and
+ (in args)
+ ..return_type_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..class_type_synthesis))
+ (..method_body (list.size args))))
+ )))
+(def: virtual_method_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Virtual_Method Synthesis))
+ (<| <synthesis>.tuple
+ (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! jvm.virtual_tag))
+ ($_ <>.and
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (<text>.then jvm.visibility' <synthesis>.text)
+ <synthesis>.bit
+ <synthesis>.bit
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..annotation_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..var_type_synthesis))
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (do <>.monad
+ [args (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..argument_synthesis))]
+ ($_ <>.and
+ (in args)
+ ..return_type_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..class_type_synthesis))
+ (..method_body (list.size args))))
+ )))
+(def: static_method_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Static_Method Synthesis))
+ (<| <synthesis>.tuple
+ (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! jvm.static_tag))
+ ($_ <>.and
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (<text>.then jvm.visibility' <synthesis>.text)
+ <synthesis>.bit
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..annotation_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..var_type_synthesis))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [args (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..argument_synthesis))]
+ ($_ <>.and
+ (in args)
+ ..return_type_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..class_type_synthesis))
+ (..method_body (list.size args))))
+ )))
+(def: abstract_method_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (jvm.Abstract_Method Synthesis))
+ (<| <synthesis>.tuple
+ (<>.after (<synthesis>.text! jvm.abstract_tag))
+ ($_ <>.and
+ <synthesis>.text
+ (<text>.then jvm.visibility' <synthesis>.text)
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..annotation_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..var_type_synthesis))
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..argument_synthesis))
+ ..return_type_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.tuple (<>.some ..class_type_synthesis))
+ )))
+(def: method_synthesis
+ (<synthesis>.Parser (Method_Definition Synthesis))
+ ($_ <>.or
+ ..constructor_synthesis
+ ..virtual_method_synthesis
+ ..static_method_synthesis
+ ..overriden_method_synthesis
+ ..abstract_method_synthesis
+ ))
+(def: composite
+ (-> (List (Bytecode Any)) (Bytecode Any))
+ (|>> list.reversed
+ (list#mix _.composite (_#in []))))
+(def: constructor_name
+ "<init>")
+(def: (method_argument lux_register argumentT jvm_register)
+ (-> Register (Type Value) Register [Register (Bytecode Any)])
+ (case (type.primitive? argumentT)
+ {.#Left argumentT}
+ [(n.+ 1 jvm_register)
+ (if (n.= lux_register jvm_register)
+ (_#in [])
+ ($_ _.composite
+ (_.aload jvm_register)
+ (_.astore lux_register)))]
+ {.#Right argumentT}
+ (template.let [(wrap_primitive <shift> <load> <type>)
+ [[(n.+ <shift> jvm_register)
+ ($_ _.composite
+ (<load> jvm_register)
+ (value.wrap <type>)
+ (_.astore lux_register))]]]
+ (`` (cond (~~ (template [<shift> <load> <type>]
+ [(# type.equivalence = <type> argumentT)
+ (wrap_primitive <shift> <load> <type>)]
+ [1 _.iload type.boolean]
+ [1 _.iload type.byte]
+ [1 _.iload type.short]
+ [1 _.iload type.int]
+ [1 _.iload type.char]
+ [1 _.fload type.float]
+ [2 _.lload type.long]))
+ ... (# type.equivalence = type.double argumentT)
+ (wrap_primitive 2 _.dload type.double))))))
+(def: .public (method_arguments offset types)
+ (-> Nat (List (Type Value)) (Bytecode Any))
+ (|> types
+ list.enumeration
+ (list#mix (function (_ [lux_register type] [jvm_register before])
+ (let [[jvm_register' after] (method_argument (n.+ offset lux_register) type jvm_register)]
+ [jvm_register' ($_ _.composite before after)]))
+ (: [Register (Bytecode Any)] [offset (_#in [])]))
+ product.right))
+(def: (constructor_method_generation archive super_class method)
+ (-> Archive (Type Class) (jvm.Constructor Synthesis) (Operation (Resource Method)))
+ (<| (let [[privacy strict_floating_point? annotations method_tvars exceptions
+ self arguments constructor_argumentsS
+ bodyS] method])
+ (do [! phase.monad]
+ [generate directive.generation])
+ directive.lifted_generation
+ (do !
+ [constructor_argumentsG (monad.each ! (|>> product.right (generate archive))
+ constructor_argumentsS)
+ bodyG (generate archive bodyS)
+ .let [[super_name super_vars] (parser.read_class super_class)
+ super_constructorT (type.method [(list)
+ (list#each product.left constructor_argumentsS)
+ type.void
+ (list)])
+ argumentsT (list#each product.right arguments)]]
+ (in (method.method ($_ modifier#composite
+ (..method_privacy privacy)
+ (if strict_floating_point?
+ method.strict
+ modifier.empty))
+ ..constructor_name
+ (type.method [method_tvars argumentsT type.void exceptions])
+ (list)
+ {.#Some ($_ _.composite
+ (_.aload 0)
+ (..composite constructor_argumentsG)
+ (_.invokespecial super_class ..constructor_name super_constructorT)
+ (method_arguments 1 argumentsT)
+ bodyG
+ _.return
+ )})))))
+(def: (method_return returnT)
+ (-> (Type Return) (Bytecode Any))
+ (case (type.void? returnT)
+ {.#Right returnT}
+ _.return
+ {.#Left returnT}
+ (case (type.primitive? returnT)
+ {.#Left returnT}
+ (case (type.class? returnT)
+ {.#Some class_name}
+ ($_ _.composite
+ (_.checkcast returnT)
+ _.areturn)
+ {.#None}
+ _.areturn)
+ {.#Right returnT}
+ (template.let [(unwrap_primitive <return> <type>)
+ [($_ _.composite
+ (value.unwrap <type>)
+ <return>)]]
+ (`` (cond (~~ (template [<return> <type>]
+ [(# type.equivalence = <type> returnT)
+ (unwrap_primitive <return> <type>)]
+ [_.ireturn type.boolean]
+ [_.ireturn type.byte]
+ [_.ireturn type.short]
+ [_.ireturn type.int]
+ [_.ireturn type.char]
+ [_.freturn type.float]
+ [_.lreturn type.long]))
+ ... (# type.equivalence = type.double returnT)
+ (unwrap_primitive _.dreturn type.double)))))))
+(def: (overriden_method_generation archive method)
+ (-> Archive (jvm.Overriden_Method Synthesis) (Operation (Resource Method)))
+ (do [! phase.monad]
+ [.let [[super method_name strict_floating_point? annotations
+ method_tvars self arguments returnJ exceptionsJ
+ bodyS] method]
+ generate directive.generation]
+ (directive.lifted_generation
+ (do !
+ [bodyG (generate archive bodyS)
+ .let [argumentsT (list#each product.right arguments)]]
+ (in (method.method ($_ modifier#composite
+ method.public
+ (if strict_floating_point?
+ method.strict
+ modifier.empty))
+ method_name
+ (type.method [method_tvars argumentsT returnJ exceptionsJ])
+ (list)
+ {.#Some ($_ _.composite
+ (method_arguments 1 argumentsT)
+ bodyG
+ (method_return returnJ))}))))))
+(def: (virtual_method_generation archive method)
+ (-> Archive (jvm.Virtual_Method Synthesis) (Operation (Resource Method)))
+ (do [! phase.monad]
+ [.let [[method_name privacy final? strict_floating_point? annotations method_tvars
+ self arguments returnJ exceptionsJ
+ bodyS] method]
+ generate directive.generation]
+ (directive.lifted_generation
+ (do !
+ [bodyG (generate archive bodyS)
+ .let [argumentsT (list#each product.right arguments)]]
+ (in (method.method ($_ modifier#composite
+ (..method_privacy privacy)
+ (if strict_floating_point?
+ method.strict
+ modifier.empty)
+ (if final?
+ method.final
+ modifier.empty))
+ method_name
+ (type.method [method_tvars argumentsT returnJ exceptionsJ])
+ (list)
+ {.#Some ($_ _.composite
+ (method_arguments 1 argumentsT)
+ bodyG
+ (method_return returnJ))}))))))
+(def: (static_method_generation archive method)
+ (-> Archive (jvm.Static_Method Synthesis) (Operation (Resource Method)))
+ (do [! phase.monad]
+ [.let [[method_name privacy strict_floating_point? annotations method_tvars
+ arguments returnJ exceptionsJ
+ bodyS] method]
+ generate directive.generation]
+ (directive.lifted_generation
+ (do !
+ [bodyG (generate archive bodyS)
+ .let [argumentsT (list#each product.right arguments)]]
+ (in (method.method ($_ modifier#composite
+ (..method_privacy privacy)
+ method.static
+ (if strict_floating_point?
+ method.strict
+ modifier.empty))
+ method_name
+ (type.method [method_tvars argumentsT returnJ exceptionsJ])
+ (list)
+ {.#Some ($_ _.composite
+ (method_arguments 0 argumentsT)
+ bodyG
+ (method_return returnJ))}))))))
+(def: (abstract_method_generation method)
+ (-> (jvm.Abstract_Method Synthesis) (Resource Method))
+ (let [[name privacy annotations variables
+ arguments return exceptions] method]
+ (method.method ($_ modifier#composite
+ (..method_privacy privacy)
+ method.abstract)
+ name
+ (type.method [variables (list#each product.right arguments) return exceptions])
+ (list)
+ {.#None})))
+(def: (method_generation archive super_class method)
+ (-> Archive (Type Class) (Method_Definition Synthesis) (Operation (Resource Method)))
+ (case method
+ {#Constructor method}
+ (..constructor_method_generation archive super_class method)
+ {#Overriden_Method method}
+ (..overriden_method_generation archive method)
+ {#Virtual_Method method}
+ (..virtual_method_generation archive method)
+ {#Static_Method method}
+ (..static_method_generation archive method)
+ {#Abstract_Method method}
+ (# phase.monad in (..abstract_method_generation method))))
+(def: (method_definition archive super interfaces [mapping selfT] [analyse synthesize generate])
(-> Archive
+ (Type Class)
(List (Type Class))
[Mapping .Type]
(generation.Phase Anchor (Bytecode Any) Definition)]
- (-> Method_Definition (Operation synthesis.Synthesis)))
+ (-> (Method_Definition Code) (Operation [(Set unit.ID) (Resource Method)])))
(function (_ methodC)
(do phase.monad
- [methodA (: (Operation analysis.Analysis)
+ [methodA (: (Operation Analysis)
(case methodC
{#Constructor method}
@@ -259,12 +678,21 @@
(jvm.analyse_static_method analyse archive mapping method)
{#Overriden_Method method}
- (jvm.analyse_overriden_method analyse archive selfT mapping supers method)
+ (jvm.analyse_overriden_method analyse archive selfT mapping (list& super interfaces) method)
{#Abstract_Method method}
- (jvm.analyse_abstract_method analyse archive method))))]
- (directive.lifted_synthesis
- (synthesize archive methodA)))))
+ (jvm.analyse_abstract_method analyse archive method))))
+ methodS (: (Operation Synthesis)
+ (directive.lifted_synthesis
+ (synthesize archive methodA)))
+ dependencies (directive.lifted_generation
+ (cache.dependencies archive methodS))
+ methodS' (|> methodS
+ list
+ (<synthesis>.result ..method_synthesis)
+ phase.lifted)
+ methodG (method_generation archive super methodS')]
+ (in [dependencies methodG]))))
(def: class_name
(|>> parser.read_class product.left name.internal))
@@ -335,11 +763,8 @@
... type.boolean type.byte type.short type.int type.char
-(def: constructor_name
- "<init>")
(def: (mock_method super method)
- (-> (Type Class) ..Method_Definition (Resource method.Method))
+ (-> (Type Class) (Method_Definition Code) (Resource method.Method))
(case method
{#Constructor [privacy strict_floating_point? annotations variables exceptions
self arguments constructor_arguments
@@ -419,7 +844,7 @@
(def: (mock declaration super interfaces inheritance fields methods)
(-> Declaration
(Type Class) (List (Type Class))
- (Modifier class.Class) (List ..Field) (List ..Method_Definition)
+ (Modifier class.Class) (List ..Field) (List (Method_Definition Code))
(Try [External Binary]))
(mock_class declaration super interfaces
(list#each ..field_definition fields)
@@ -436,12 +861,12 @@
[class_declaration [External (List (Type Var))] parser.declaration']
-(def: (save_class! name bytecode)
- (-> Text Binary (Operation Any))
+(def: (save_class! name bytecode dependencies)
+ (-> Text Binary (Set unit.ID) (Operation Any))
(do [! phase.monad]
[.let [artifact [name bytecode]]
- artifact_id (generation.learn_custom name unit.none)
+ artifact_id (generation.learn_custom name dependencies)
_ (generation.execute! artifact)
_ (generation.save! artifact_id {.#Some name} artifact)
_ (generation.log! (format "JVM Class " name))]
@@ -487,20 +912,15 @@
.let [mapping (list#mix (function (_ [parameterJ parameterT] mapping)
(dictionary.has (parser.name parameterJ) parameterT mapping))
- parameters)]
- superT (directive.lifted_analysis
- (typeA.check (luxT.check (luxT.class mapping) (..signature super))))
- interfaceT+ (directive.lifted_analysis
- (typeA.check (monad.each check.monad
- (|>> ..signature (luxT.check (luxT.class mapping)))
- interfaces)))
+ parameters)
+ selfT {.#Primitive name (list#each product.right parameters)}]
state (extension.lifted phase.state)
- .let [selfT {.#Primitive name (list#each product.right parameters)}]
- methods (monad.each ! (..method_definition archive (list& super interfaces) [mapping selfT]
+ methods (monad.each ! (..method_definition archive super interfaces [mapping selfT]
[(value@ [directive.#analysis directive.#phase] state)
(value@ [directive.#synthesis directive.#phase] state)
(value@ [directive.#generation directive.#phase] state)])
+ .let [all_dependencies (cache.all (list#each product.left methods))]
bytecode (<| (# ! each (format.result class.writer))
(class.class version.v6_0
@@ -512,9 +932,9 @@
(..class_name super)
(list#each ..class_name interfaces)
(list#each ..field_definition fields)
- (list) ... (list#each ..method_definition methods)
+ (list#each product.right methods)
- _ (..save_class! name bytecode)]
+ _ (..save_class! name bytecode all_dependencies)]
(in directive.no_requirements)))]))
(def: (method_declaration (^open "/[0]"))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/ruby.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/ruby.lux
index 3d7854861..658c0e886 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/ruby.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/ruby.lux
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
["[0]" artifact]
["[0]" module]
["[0]" descriptor]
- ["[0]" document {"+" Document}]]
+ ["[0]" document {"+" Document}]
+ ["[0]" unit]]
["[0]" cache "_"
["[1]/[0]" module {"+" Order}]
["[1]/[0]" artifact]]
@@ -43,11 +44,10 @@
["[1]" archive]]
- ["$" lux
- [generation {"+" Context}]]]]]])
+ ["$" lux]]]]])
(def: (bundle_module module module_id necessary_dependencies output)
- (-> descriptor.Module module.ID (Set Context) Output (Try (Maybe _.Statement)))
+ (-> descriptor.Module module.ID (Set unit.ID) Output (Try (Maybe _.Statement)))
(do [! try.monad]
(case (|> output
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
(|>> %.nat (text.suffix ".rb")))
(def: (write_module mapping necessary_dependencies [module [module_id entry]] sink)
- (-> (Dictionary descriptor.Module module.ID) (Set Context)
+ (-> (Dictionary descriptor.Module module.ID) (Set unit.ID)
[descriptor.Module [module.ID (archive.Entry .Module)]]
(List [module.ID [Text Binary]])
(Try (List [module.ID [Text Binary]])))