path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2022-07-02 16:32:00 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2022-07-02 16:32:00 -0400
commit7e4c9ba2e02f06fa621ffe24bc0ca046536429ef (patch)
tree9e4a4e228d136870f9b706cc804315db6b08d17c /stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux
parentb96beb587c11fcfbce86ce2d62351600cf6cad1b (diff)
Moved "lux/macro" to "lux/meta/macro".
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..affa8273a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/meta/macro/pattern.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (.except or let with_template |> `)]])
+(def partial_list
+ (`` ("lux in-module" (,, (static .prelude)) .partial_list)))
+(def locally
+ (macro (_ tokens lux)
+ (.let [[prelude _] (symbol ._)]
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (list [@ {.#Symbol ["" name]}]))
+ {.#Right [lux (list (.` ("lux in-module" (, [@ {.#Text prelude}])
+ (, [@ {.#Symbol [prelude name]}]))))]}
+ _
+ {.#Left ""}))))
+(.with_template [<name>]
+ [(def <name> (..locally <name>))]
+ [list#size]
+ [list#composite]
+ [list#each]
+ [list#conjoint]
+ [every?]
+ [maybe#monad]
+ [function#composite]
+ [failure]
+ [meta#in]
+ [do]
+ [monad#each]
+ [Replacement_Environment]
+ [realized_template]
+ [replacement_environment]
+ [symbol_short]
+ [tuple_list]
+ [meta#monad]
+ [text$]
+ [generated_symbol]
+ [type_definition]
+ [record_slots]
+ [text#composite]
+ [type#encoded]
+ [module_alias]
+ [symbol$]
+ [tuple$]
+ [monad#mix]
+ [zipped_2]
+ [multi_level_case^]
+ [multi_level_case$]
+ [type_code]
+ [expected_type]
+ [wrong_syntax_error]
+ [local$]
+ [list#reversed]
+ [untemplated_list]
+ [bit$]
+ [nat$]
+ [int$]
+ [rev$]
+ [frac$]
+ )
+(def .public or
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_ {.#Form patterns}] body branches))
+ (case patterns
+ {.#End}
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..or)))
+ _
+ (.let [pairs (.|> patterns
+ (list#each (function (_ pattern) (list pattern body)))
+ list#conjoint)]
+ (meta#in (list#composite pairs branches))))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..or))))))
+(def .public with_template
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_ {.#Form (list [_ {.#Tuple bindings}]
+ [_ {.#Tuple templates}])}]
+ [_ {.#Form data}]
+ branches))
+ (case (is (Maybe (List Code))
+ (do maybe#monad
+ [bindings' (monad#each maybe#monad symbol_short bindings)
+ data' (monad#each maybe#monad tuple_list data)]
+ (.let [num_bindings (list#size bindings')]
+ (if (every? (|>> ("lux i64 =" num_bindings))
+ (list#each list#size data'))
+ (.let [apply (is (-> Replacement_Environment (List Code))
+ (function (_ env) (list#each (realized_template env) templates)))]
+ (.|> data'
+ (list#each (function#composite apply (replacement_environment bindings')))
+ list#conjoint
+ in))
+ {.#None}))))
+ {.#Some output}
+ (meta#in (list#composite output branches))
+ {.#None}
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..with_template))))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..with_template))))))
+(def .public multi
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_meta {.#Form levels}] body next_branches))
+ (do meta#monad
+ [mlc (multi_level_case^ levels)
+ .let [initial_bind? (case mlc
+ [[_ {.#Symbol _}] _]
+ #1
+ _
+ #0)]
+ expected ..expected_type
+ g!temp (..generated_symbol "temp")]
+ (in (list g!temp
+ (.` ({{.#Some (, g!temp)}
+ (, g!temp)
+ {.#None}
+ (.case (, g!temp)
+ (,* next_branches))}
+ ("lux type check" {.#Apply (, (type_code expected)) Maybe}
+ (.case (, g!temp)
+ (,* (multi_level_case$ g!temp [mlc body]))
+ (,* (if initial_bind?
+ (list)
+ (list g!temp (.` {.#None})))))))))))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..multi))))))
+(def .public let
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_meta {.#Form (list [_ {.#Symbol ["" name]}] pattern)}] body branches))
+ (.let [g!whole (local$ name)]
+ (meta#in (partial_list g!whole
+ (.` (case (, g!whole) (, pattern) (, body)))
+ branches)))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..let))))))
+(def .public |>
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_meta {.#Form (list [_ {.#Symbol ["" name]}] [_ {.#Tuple steps}])}] body branches))
+ (.let [g!name (local$ name)]
+ (meta#in (partial_list g!name
+ (.` (.let [(, g!name) (.|> (, g!name) (,* steps))]
+ (, body)))
+ branches)))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..|>))))))
+(def (name$ [module name])
+ (-> Symbol Code)
+ (.` [(, (text$ module)) (, (text$ name))]))
+(def (untemplated_partial_list last inits)
+ (-> Code (List Code) Code)
+ (case inits
+ {.#End}
+ last
+ {.#Item [init inits']}
+ (.` {.#Item (, init) (, (untemplated_partial_list last inits'))})))
+(.with_template [<tag> <name>]
+ [(def (<name> g!meta untemplated_pattern elems)
+ (-> Code (-> Code (Meta Code))
+ (-> (List Code) (Meta Code)))
+ (case (list#reversed elems)
+ {.#Item [_ {.#Form {.#Item [[_ {.#Symbol ["" ",*"]}] {.#Item [spliced {.#End}]}]}}]
+ inits}
+ (do meta#monad
+ [=inits (monad#each meta#monad untemplated_pattern (list#reversed inits))]
+ (in (.` [(, g!meta) {<tag> (, (untemplated_partial_list spliced =inits))}])))
+ _
+ (do meta#monad
+ [=elems (monad#each meta#monad untemplated_pattern elems)]
+ (in (.` [(, g!meta) {<tag> (, (untemplated_list =elems))}])))))]
+ [.#Form untemplated_form]
+ [.#Variant untemplated_variant]
+ [.#Tuple untemplated_tuple]
+ )
+(def (untemplated_pattern pattern)
+ (-> Code (Meta Code))
+ (do meta#monad
+ [g!meta (..generated_symbol "g!meta")]
+ (case pattern
+ (..with_template [<tag> <gen>]
+ [[_ {<tag> value}]
+ (in (.` [(, g!meta) {<tag> (, (<gen> value))}]))])
+ ([.#Bit bit$]
+ [.#Nat nat$]
+ [.#Int int$]
+ [.#Rev rev$]
+ [.#Frac frac$]
+ [.#Text text$]
+ [.#Symbol name$])
+ [_ {.#Form {.#Item [[_ {.#Symbol ["" ","]}] {.#Item [unquoted {.#End}]}]}}]
+ (in unquoted)
+ [_ {.#Form {.#Item [[_ {.#Symbol ["" ",*"]}] {.#Item [spliced {.#End}]}]}}]
+ (failure "Cannot use (,*) inside of `code` unless it is the last element in a form or a tuple.")
+ (..with_template [<tag> <untemplated>]
+ [[_ {<tag> elems}]
+ (<untemplated> g!meta untemplated_pattern elems)])
+ ([.#Form ..untemplated_form]
+ [.#Variant ..untemplated_variant]
+ [.#Tuple ..untemplated_tuple])
+ )))
+(def .public `
+ (macro (_ tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (pattern (partial_list [_meta {.#Form (list template)}] body branches))
+ (do meta#monad
+ [pattern (untemplated_pattern template)]
+ (in (partial_list pattern body branches)))
+ (pattern (list template))
+ (do meta#monad
+ [pattern (untemplated_pattern template)]
+ (in (list pattern)))
+ _
+ (failure (..wrong_syntax_error (symbol ..`))))))