path: root/src/lang/compiler.clj
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2014-11-26 19:26:22 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2014-11-26 19:26:22 -0400
commita96bb768a5f02c2dc9c0de1e50dc14376d2e7f35 (patch)
tree2387d0bf4cf171475f0f564c9006e0546bac48e3 /src/lang/compiler.clj
parent5bf50ef978eb88e2e61c40f3bb0fea523115e770 (diff)
+ Can now define functions.
% However, they currently access Clojure's environment, instead of the interpreter's.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lang/compiler.clj')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lang/compiler.clj b/src/lang/compiler.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ef925b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lang/compiler.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+(ns lang.compiler
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
+ (:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
+ (lang [util :as &util :refer [exec return* return fail fail*
+ repeat-m try-m try-all-m map-m
+ apply-m]]
+ [parser :as &parser]
+ [lexer :as &lexer])
+ :reload))
+(declare compile-form)
+;; [Utils]
+(def ^:private +state+
+ {:globals {}
+ :stack {}
+ :forms '()})
+(defn wrap [x]
+ (update-in +state+ [:forms] conj x))
+(defn wrap* [env x]
+ (-> +state+
+ (update-in [:stack] merge env)
+ (update-in [:forms] conj x)))
+(defmacro ^:private defcompiler [name match return]
+ `(def ~name
+ (fn [state#]
+ (let [~'*token* (first (:forms state#))]
+ ;; (prn '~name ~'*token*)
+ (match ~'*token*
+ ~match
+ (let [output# (~return (update-in state# [:forms] rest))]
+ ;; (prn "output#" output#)
+ output#)
+ _#
+ (fail* (str "Unknown syntax: " (pr-str ~'*token*))))))))
+(defn unwrap-ident [ident]
+ (match ident
+ [::&parser/ident ?label]
+ ?label))
+(defn unwrap-tagged [ident]
+ (match ident
+ [::&parser/tagged ?tag ?data]
+ [?tag ?data]))
+(defcompiler compile-int
+ [::&parser/int ?int]
+ (return ?int))
+(defcompiler compile-ident
+ [::&parser/ident ?name]
+ (return (symbol ?name)))
+(defcompiler compile-tuple
+ [::&parser/tuple ?elems]
+ (exec [=elems (map-m (fn [elem] (apply-m compile-form (wrap elem)))
+ ?elems)]
+ (return (vec =elems))))
+(defcompiler compile-tagged
+ [::&parser/tagged ?tag ?data]
+ (exec [=data (apply-m compile-form (wrap ?data))]
+ (return {:tag ?tag :data =data})))
+(defcompiler compile-fn-call
+ [::&parser/fn-call ?fn ?args]
+ (exec [=fn (apply-m compile-form (wrap ?fn))
+ =args (map-m (fn [arg] (apply-m compile-form (wrap arg)))
+ ?args)]
+ (return (reduce (fn [f a] `(~f ~a))
+ =fn =args))))
+(defcompiler compile-if
+ [::&parser/if ?test ?then ?else]
+ (exec [=test (apply-m compile-form (wrap ?test))
+ =then (apply-m compile-form (wrap ?then))
+ =else (apply-m compile-form (wrap ?else))]
+ (return `(if ~=test ~=then ~=else))))
+(defcompiler compile-def
+ [::&parser/def ?form ?body]
+ (match ?form
+ [::&parser/fn-call ?name ?args]
+ (exec [:let [=name (symbol (unwrap-ident ?name))
+ =args (map (comp symbol unwrap-ident) ?args)
+ fn-env (into {} (for [a =args] [a nil]))]
+ =body (apply-m compile-form (wrap* fn-env ?body))
+ :let [curled-body (reduce (fn [inner arg] `(fn [~arg] ~inner))
+ =body (reverse =args))
+ ;; _ (prn 'curled-body curled-body)
+ fn-def (let [[_ ?arg ?body] curled-body]
+ `(fn ~=name ~?arg ~?body))
+ ;; _ (prn 'fn-def fn-def)
+ ]]
+ (return fn-def))))
+(defcompiler compile-defdata
+ [::&parser/defdata ?form ?cases]
+ (match ?form
+ [::&parser/fn-call ?name ?args]
+ (let [=name (unwrap-ident ?name)
+ ;; _ (prn '=name =name)
+ =args (map unwrap-ident ?args)
+ ;; _ (prn '=args =args)
+ =cases (map unwrap-tagged ?cases)
+ ;; _ (prn '=cases =cases)
+ ]
+ (return `(fn ~(symbol =name) ~(mapv symbol =args))))))
+(def compile-form
+ (try-all-m [compile-int
+ compile-ident
+ compile-tuple
+ compile-tagged
+ compile-if
+ compile-def
+ compile-defdata
+ compile-fn-call]))
+(defn compile [inputs]
+ (match ((repeat-m compile-form) inputs)
+ [::&util/ok [?state ?forms]]
+ (if (empty? (:forms ?state))
+ ?forms
+ (assert false (str "Unconsumed input: " ?state)))
+ [::&util/failure ?message]
+ (assert false ?message)))
+ )