path: root/source/lux/host
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2015-07-25 20:19:43 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-07-25 20:19:43 -0400
commit4cd9b0c9242f1105e50ad9b42b7f6f5d074f14b4 (patch)
treed8828396e3f76e5b5dabb1f530234047ec239794 /source/lux/host
parent6c51e5e50aa98bb26a3e2b34f57a0e24f8537d93 (diff)
- The output directory is now being used as the cache.
- "input" has been renamed as "source" and "output" has been renamed as "target".
Diffstat (limited to 'source/lux/host')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/lux/host/java.lux b/source/lux/host/java.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12525d3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lux/host/java.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+## Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
+## The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
+## Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+## which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
+## By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
+## the terms of this license.
+## You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+(;import lux
+ (lux (control (monoid #as m)
+ (functor #as F)
+ (monad #as M #refer (#only do)))
+ (data list
+ (text #as text))
+ (meta lux
+ macro
+ syntax)))
+## (open List/Functor)
+## [Utils/Parsers]
+(def finally^
+ (Parser Syntax)
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [_ (symbol?^ ["" "finally"])
+ expr id^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap expr))))
+(def catch^
+ (Parser (, Text Ident Syntax))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [_ (symbol?^ ["" "catch"])
+ ex-class local-symbol^
+ ex symbol^
+ expr id^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap [ex-class ex expr]))))
+(def method-decl^
+ (Parser (, (List Text) Text (List Text) Text))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [modifiers (*^ local-tag^)
+ name local-symbol^
+ inputs (tuple^ (*^ local-symbol^))
+ output local-symbol^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap [modifiers name inputs output]))))
+(def field-decl^
+ (Parser (, (List Text) Text Text))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [modifiers (*^ local-tag^)
+ name local-symbol^
+ class local-symbol^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap [modifiers name class]))))
+(def arg-decl^
+ (Parser (, Text Text))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [arg-name local-symbol^
+ arg-class local-symbol^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap [arg-name arg-class]))))
+(def method-def^
+ (Parser (, (List Text) Text (List (, Text Text)) Text Syntax))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [modifiers (*^ local-tag^)
+ name local-symbol^
+ inputs (tuple^ (*^ arg-decl^))
+ output local-symbol^
+ body id^
+ _ end^]
+ (M;wrap [modifiers name inputs output body]))))
+(def method-call^
+ (Parser (, Text (List Text) (List Syntax)))
+ (form^ (do Parser/Monad
+ [method local-symbol^
+ arity-classes (tuple^ (*^ local-symbol^))
+ arity-args (tuple^ (*^ id^))
+ _ end^
+ _ (: (Parser (,))
+ (if (i= (size arity-classes)
+ (size arity-args))
+ (M;wrap [])
+ (lambda [_] #;None)))]
+ (M;wrap [method arity-classes arity-args])
+ )))
+## [Utils/Lux]
+## (def (find-class-field field class)
+## (-> Text Text (Lux Type))
+## ...)
+## (def (find-virtual-method method class)
+## (-> Text Text (Lux (List (, (List Type) Type))))
+## ...)
+## (def (find-static-method method class)
+## (-> Text Text (Lux (List (, (List Type) Type))))
+## ...)
+## [Syntax]
+(defsyntax #export (throw ex)
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_throw (~ ex))))))
+(defsyntax #export (try body [catches (*^ catch^)] [finally (?^ finally^)])
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_try (~ body)
+ (~@ (list:++ (:: List/Functor (F;map (: (-> (, Text Ident Syntax) Syntax)
+ (lambda [catch]
+ (let [[class ex body] catch]
+ (` (_jvm_catch (~ (text$ class)) (~ (symbol$ ex)) (~ body))))))
+ catches))
+ (case finally
+ #;None
+ (list)
+ (#;Some finally)
+ (list (` (_jvm_finally (~ finally))))))))))))
+(defsyntax #export (definterface [name local-symbol^] [supers (tuple^ (*^ local-symbol^))] [members (*^ method-decl^)])
+ (do Lux/Monad
+ [current-module get-module-name
+ #let [full-name (:: text;Text/Monoid (m;++ (text;replace "/" "." current-module)
+ name))]]
+ (let [members' (:: List/Functor (F;map (: (-> (, (List Text) Text (List Text) Text) Syntax)
+ (lambda [member]
+ (let [[modifiers name inputs output] member]
+ (` ((~ (symbol$ ["" name])) [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ inputs)))] (~ (text$ output)) [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ modifiers)))])))))
+ members))]
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_interface (~ (text$ full-name)) [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ supers)))]
+ (~@ members'))))))))
+(defsyntax #export (defclass [name local-symbol^] [super local-symbol^] [interfaces (tuple^ (*^ local-symbol^))]
+ [fields (*^ field-decl^)]
+ [methods (*^ method-def^)])
+ (do Lux/Monad
+ [current-module get-module-name
+ #let [full-name (:: text;Text/Monoid (m;++ (text;replace "/" "." current-module)
+ name))
+ fields' (:: List/Functor (F;map (: (-> (, (List Text) Text Text) Syntax)
+ (lambda [field]
+ (let [[modifiers name class] field]
+ (` ((~ (symbol$ ["" name]))
+ (~ (text$ class))
+ [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ modifiers)))])))))
+ fields))
+ methods' (:: List/Functor (F;map (: (-> (, (List Text) Text (List (, Text Text)) Text Syntax) Syntax)
+ (lambda [methods]
+ (let [[modifiers name inputs output body] methods]
+ (` ((~ (symbol$ ["" name]))
+ [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map (: (-> (, Text Text) Syntax)
+ (lambda [in]
+ (let [[left right] in]
+ (form$ (list (text$ left)
+ (text$ right))))))
+ inputs)))]
+ (~ (text$ output))
+ [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ modifiers)))]
+ (~ body))))))
+ methods))]]
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_class (~ (text$ full-name)) (~ (text$ super))
+ [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ interfaces)))]
+ [(~@ fields')]
+ [(~@ methods')]))))))
+(defsyntax #export (new [class local-symbol^] [arg-classes (tuple^ (*^ local-symbol^))] [args (tuple^ (*^ id^))])
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_new (~ (text$ class))
+ [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ arg-classes)))]
+ [(~@ args)])))))
+(defsyntax #export (instance? [class local-symbol^] obj)
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_instanceof (~ (text$ class)) (~ obj))))))
+(defsyntax #export (locking lock body)
+ (do Lux/Monad
+ [g!lock (gensym "")
+ g!body (gensym "")]
+ (emit (list (` (;let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ _ (_jvm_monitor-enter (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ _ (_jvm_monitor-exit (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))
+ ))
+(defsyntax #export (null? obj)
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_null? (~ obj))))))
+(defsyntax #export (program [args symbol^] body)
+ (emit (list (` (_jvm_program (~ (symbol$ args))
+ (~ body))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (.? [field local-symbol^] obj)
+## (case obj
+## (#;Meta [_ (#;SymbolS obj-name)])
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [obj-type (find-var-type obj-name)]
+## (case obj-type
+## (#;DataT class)
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [field-class (find-field field class)]
+## (_jvm_getfield (~ (text$ class)) (~ (text$ field)) (~ (text$ field-class))))
+## _
+## (fail "Can only get field from object.")))
+## _
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [g!obj (gensym "")]
+## (emit (list (` (;let [(~ g!obj) (~ obj)]
+## (.? (~ field) (~ g!obj)))))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (.= [field local-symbol^] value obj)
+## (case obj
+## (#;Meta [_ (#;SymbolS obj-name)])
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [obj-type (find-var-type obj-name)]
+## (case obj-type
+## (#;DataT class)
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [field-class (find-field field class)]
+## (_jvm_putfield (~ (text$ class)) (~ (text$ field)) (~ (text$ field-class)) (~ value)))
+## _
+## (fail "Can only set field of object.")))
+## _
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [g!obj (gensym "")]
+## (emit (list (` (;let [(~ g!obj) (~ obj)]
+## (.= (~ field) (~ value) (~ g!obj)))))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (.! [call method-call^] obj)
+## (case obj
+## (#;Meta [_ (#;SymbolS obj-name)])
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [obj-type (find-var-type obj-name)]
+## (case obj-type
+## (#;DataT class)
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [#let [[m-name ?m-classes m-args] call]
+## all-m-details (find-virtual-method m-name class)
+## m-ins (case [?m-classes all-m-details]
+## (\ [#;None (list [m-ins m-out])])
+## (M;wrap m-ins)
+## (\ [(#;Some m-ins) _])
+## (M;wrap m-ins)
+## _
+## #;None)]
+## (emit (list (` (_jvm_invokevirtual (~ (text$ m-name)) (~ (text$ class)) [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ m-ins)))]
+## (~ obj) [(~@ m-args)])))))
+## _
+## (fail "Can only call method on object.")))
+## _
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [g!obj (gensym "")]
+## (emit (list (` (;let [(~ g!obj) (~ obj)]
+## (.! (~@ *tokens*)))))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (..? [field local-symbol^] [class local-symbol^])
+## (emit (list (` (_jvm_getstatic (~ (text$ class)) (~ (text$ field)))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (..= [field local-symbol^] value [class local-symbol^])
+## (emit (list (` (_jvm_putstatic (~ (text$ class)) (~ (text$ field)) (~ value))))))
+## (defsyntax #export (..! [call method-call^] [class local-symbol^])
+## (do Lux/Monad
+## [#let [[m-name ?m-classes m-args] call]
+## all-m-details (find-static-method m-name class)
+## m-ins (case [?m-classes all-m-details]
+## (\ [#;None (list [m-ins m-out])])
+## (M;wrap m-ins)
+## (\ [(#;Some m-ins) _])
+## (M;wrap m-ins)
+## _
+## #;None)]
+## (emit (list (` (_jvm_invokestatic (~ (text$ m-name)) (~ (text$ class))
+## [(~@ (:: List/Functor (F;map text$ m-ins)))]
+## [(~@ m-args)]))))
+## ))
+## (definterface Function []
+## (#public #abstract apply [java.lang.Object] java.lang.Object))
+## (_jvm_interface "Function" []
+## (apply ["java.lang.Object"] "java.lang.Object" ["public" "abstract"]))
+## (defclass MyFunction [Function]
+## (#public #static foo java.lang.Object)
+## (#public <init> [] void
+## (_jvm_invokespecial java.lang.Object <init> [] this []))
+## (#public apply [(arg java.lang.Object)] java.lang.Object
+## "YOLO"))
+## (_jvm_class "lux.MyFunction" "java.lang.Object" ["lux.Function"]
+## [(foo "java.lang.Object" ["public" "static"])]
+## (<init> [] "void"
+## ["public"]
+## (_jvm_invokespecial java.lang.Object <init> [] this []))
+## (apply [(arg "java.lang.Object")] "java.lang.Object"
+## ["public"]
+## "YOLO"))