path: root/new-luxc
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2017-05-03 23:51:16 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2017-05-03 23:51:16 -0400
commitc700bb87641d37b2db9f31cd8db157fce170f866 (patch)
tree5be5950a095451f0c08707deb3628ea6edfd5df5 /new-luxc
parent9849d179f644927be036ee66f32e219623a59021 (diff)
- Removed the "S" suffix from AST tags.
Diffstat (limited to 'new-luxc')
4 files changed, 50 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/analyser.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/analyser.lux
index 2a77d8bb5..7de7bab57 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/analyser.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/analyser.lux
@@ -26,38 +26,38 @@
(^template [<tag> <analyser>]
[cursor (<tag> value)]
(<analyser> cursor value))
- ([#;BoolS &&lux;analyse-bool]
- [#;NatS &&lux;analyse-nat]
- [#;IntS &&lux;analyse-int]
- [#;DegS &&lux;analyse-deg]
- [#;RealS &&lux;analyse-real]
- [#;CharS &&lux;analyse-char]
- [#;TextS &&lux;analyse-text])
+ ([#;Bool &&lux;analyse-bool]
+ [#;Nat &&lux;analyse-nat]
+ [#;Int &&lux;analyse-int]
+ [#;Deg &&lux;analyse-deg]
+ [#;Real &&lux;analyse-real]
+ [#;Char &&lux;analyse-char]
+ [#;Text &&lux;analyse-text])
- (^ [cursor (#;TupleS (list))])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Tuple (list))])
(&&lux;analyse-unit cursor)
- (^ [cursor (#;TupleS (list singleton))])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Tuple (list singleton))])
(analyse eval singleton)
- (^ [cursor (#;TupleS elems)])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Tuple elems)])
(&&lux;analyse-tuple (analyse eval) cursor elems)
- [cursor (#;SymbolS reference)]
+ [cursor (#;Symbol reference)]
(&&lux;analyse-reference cursor reference)
- (^ [cursor (#;FormS (list [_ (#;SymbolS ["" "_lux_check"])]
- type
- value))])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Form (list [_ (#;Symbol ["" "_lux_check"])]
+ type
+ value))])
(&&lux;analyse-check analyse eval cursor type value)
- (^ [cursor (#;FormS (list [_ (#;SymbolS ["" "_lux_coerce"])]
- type
- value))])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Form (list [_ (#;Symbol ["" "_lux_coerce"])]
+ type
+ value))])
(&&lux;analyse-coerce analyse eval cursor type value)
- (^ [cursor (#;FormS (list [_ (#;NatS tag)]
- value))])
+ (^ [cursor (#;Form (list [_ (#;Nat tag)]
+ value))])
(&&lux;analyse-variant (analyse eval) cursor tag value)
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/compiler.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/compiler.lux
index 4ac865786..12966ba00 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/compiler.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/compiler.lux
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
(def: (compile ast)
(-> AST (Lux Unit))
(case ast
- (^ [_ (#;FormS (list [_ (#;SymbolS ["" "_lux_def"])]
- [_ (#;SymbolS ["" def-name])]
- def-value
- def-meta))])
+ (^ [_ (#;Form (list [_ (#;Symbol ["" "_lux_def"])]
+ [_ (#;Symbol ["" def-name])]
+ def-value
+ def-meta))])
(&&statement;compile-def def-name def-value def-meta)
- (^ [_ (#;FormS (list [_ (#;SymbolS ["" "_lux_program"])]
- [_ (#;SymbolS ["" prog-args])]
- prog-body))])
+ (^ [_ (#;Form (list [_ (#;Symbol ["" "_lux_program"])]
+ [_ (#;Symbol ["" prog-args])]
+ prog-body))])
(&&statement;compile-program prog-args prog-body)
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/parser.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/parser.lux
index 6565ba65f..0115d1924 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/parser.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/parser.lux
@@ -219,20 +219,20 @@
(wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk)) where)
[where (<tag> value)]]))))]
- [parse-bool #;BoolS
+ [parse-bool #;Bool
(l;either (l;text "true") (l;text "false"))
- [parse-nat #;NatS
+ [parse-nat #;Nat
(l;seq' (l;text "+") (l;many' l;digit))
- [parse-int #;IntS
+ [parse-int #;Int
(l;seq' (l;default "" (l;text "-"))
(l;many' l;digit))
- [parse-real #;RealS
+ [parse-real #;Real
($_ l;seq'
(l;default "" (l;text "-"))
(l;many' l;digit)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
(l;many' l;digit))
- [parse-deg #;DegS
+ [parse-deg #;Deg
(l;seq' (l;text ".")
(l;many' l;digit))
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
[[chunk value] (l;enclosed ["#\"" "\""]
(wrap [(update@ #;column (|>. ($_ n.+ +3 (text;size chunk))) where)
- [where (#;CharS value)]])))
+ [where (#;Char value)]])))
## This parser looks so complex because text in Lux can be multi-line
## and there are rules regarding how this is handled.
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
(set@ #;column +0))
(wrap [where'
- [where (#;TextS text-read)]])))
+ [where (#;Text text-read)]])))
## Form and tuple syntax is mostly the same, differing only in the
## delimiters involved.
@@ -374,8 +374,8 @@
(wrap [where'
[where (<tag> elems)]])))]
- [parse-form #;FormS "(" ")"]
- [parse-tuple #;TupleS "[" "]"]
+ [parse-form #;Form "(" ")"]
+ [parse-tuple #;Tuple "[" "]"]
## Records are almost (syntactically) the same as forms and tuples,
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
(wrap [(update@ #;column n.inc where')
(V;to-list elems)]))))]
(wrap [where'
- [where (#;RecordS elems)]])))
+ [where (#;Record elems)]])))
## The parts of an identifier are separated by a single mark.
## E.g. module;name.
@@ -504,8 +504,8 @@
(wrap [(update@ #;column (|>. ($_ n.+ <extra> length)) where)
[where (<tag> value)]])))]
- [parse-symbol #;SymbolS ident^ +0]
- [parse-tag #;TagS (l;after (l;char #"#") ident^) +1]
+ [parse-symbol #;Symbol ident^ +0]
+ [parse-tag #;Tag (l;after (l;char #"#") ident^) +1]
(def: (parse-ast where)
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/parser.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/parser.lux
index 9259c1101..9f8584b2c 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/parser.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/parser.lux
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@
(R;Random AST)
(let [numeric^ (: (R;Random AST)
($_ R;either
- (|> R;bool (R/map (|>. #;BoolS [default-cursor])))
- (|> R;nat (R/map (|>. #;NatS [default-cursor])))
- (|> R;int (R/map (|>. #;IntS [default-cursor])))
- (|> R;deg (R/map (|>. #;DegS [default-cursor])))
- (|> R;real (R/map (|>. #;RealS [default-cursor])))))
+ (|> R;bool (R/map (|>. #;Bool [default-cursor])))
+ (|> R;nat (R/map (|>. #;Nat [default-cursor])))
+ (|> R;int (R/map (|>. #;Int [default-cursor])))
+ (|> R;deg (R/map (|>. #;Deg [default-cursor])))
+ (|> R;real (R/map (|>. #;Real [default-cursor])))))
textual^ (: (R;Random AST)
($_ R;either
- (|> R;char (R/map (|>. #;CharS [default-cursor])))
+ (|> R;char (R/map (|>. #;Char [default-cursor])))
(do R;Monad<Random>
[size (|> R;nat (R/map (n.% +20)))]
- (|> (R;text size) (R/map (|>. #;TextS [default-cursor]))))
- (|> ident^ (R/map (|>. #;SymbolS [default-cursor])))
- (|> ident^ (R/map (|>. #;TagS [default-cursor])))))
+ (|> (R;text size) (R/map (|>. #;Text [default-cursor]))))
+ (|> ident^ (R/map (|>. #;Symbol [default-cursor])))
+ (|> ident^ (R/map (|>. #;Tag [default-cursor])))))
simple^ (: (R;Random AST)
($_ R;either
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@
(R;list size ast^))
composite^ (: (R;Random AST)
($_ R;either
- (|> multi^ (R/map (|>. #;FormS [default-cursor])))
- (|> multi^ (R/map (|>. #;TupleS [default-cursor])))
+ (|> multi^ (R/map (|>. #;Form [default-cursor])))
+ (|> multi^ (R/map (|>. #;Tuple [default-cursor])))
(do R;Monad<Random>
[size (|> R;nat (R/map (n.% +3)))]
(|> (R;list size (R;seq ast^ ast^))
- (R/map (|>. #;RecordS [default-cursor]))))))]
+ (R/map (|>. #;Record [default-cursor]))))))]
(R;either simple^