path: root/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2018-01-08 21:40:06 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2018-01-08 21:40:06 -0400
commit9eaaaf953ba7ce1eeb805603f4e113aa15f5178f (patch)
treeef134eecc8a5767a997fce0637cd64e0ebcee6b1 /new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux
parentf523bc14d43286348aeb200bd0554812dc6ef28d (diff)
- Moved all translation code under the JVM path (in preparation for porting the JS back-end).
Diffstat (limited to 'new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87a47f338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/runtime.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control monad)
+ (data text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]))
+ [math]
+ [macro])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang [".L" host]
+ (host ["$" jvm]
+ (jvm ["$t" type]
+ ["$d" def]
+ ["$i" inst]))
+ ["la" analysis]
+ ["ls" synthesis]))
+ (// [".T" common]))
+(def: $Object $.Type ($t.class "java.lang.Object" (list)))
+(def: $Object-Array $.Type ($t.array +1 $Object))
+(def: $String $.Type ($t.class "java.lang.String" (list)))
+(def: #export $Stack $.Type ($t.array +1 $Object))
+(def: #export $Tuple $.Type $Object-Array)
+(def: #export $Variant $.Type $Object-Array)
+(def: #export $Tag $.Type $t.int)
+(def: #export $Flag $.Type $Object)
+(def: #export $Datum $.Type $Object)
+(def: #export $Function $.Type ($t.class hostL.function-class (list)))
+(def: $Throwable $.Type ($t.class "java.lang.Throwable" (list)))
+(def: #export logI
+ $.Inst
+ (let [outI ($i.GETSTATIC "java.lang.System" "out" ($t.class "java.io.PrintStream" (list)))
+ printI (function [method] ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.io.PrintStream" method ($t.method (list $Object) #.None (list)) false))]
+ (|>> outI ($i.string "LOG: ") (printI "print")
+ outI $i.SWAP (printI "println"))))
+(def: variant-method
+ $.Method
+ ($t.method (list $t.int $Object $Object) (#.Some $Object-Array) (list)))
+(def: #export variantI
+ $.Inst
+ ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "variant_make" variant-method false))
+(def: #export leftI
+ $.Inst
+ (|>> ($i.int 0)
+ $i.NULL
+ $i.DUP2_X1
+ $i.POP2
+ variantI))
+(def: #export rightI
+ $.Inst
+ (|>> ($i.int 1)
+ ($i.string "")
+ $i.DUP2_X1
+ $i.POP2
+ variantI))
+(def: #export someI $.Inst rightI)
+(def: #export noneI
+ $.Inst
+ (|>> ($i.int 0)
+ $i.NULL
+ ($i.string hostL.unit)
+ variantI))
+(def: (try-methodI unsafeI)
+ (-> $.Inst $.Inst)
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@from])
+ $i.with-label (function [@to])
+ $i.with-label (function [@handler])
+ (|>> ($i.try @from @to @handler "java.lang.Exception")
+ ($i.label @from)
+ unsafeI
+ someI
+ ($i.label @to)
+ ($i.label @handler)
+ noneI
+ $i.ARETURN)))
+(def: #export string-concatI
+ $.Inst
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.lang.String" "concat" ($t.method (list $String) (#.Some $String) (list)) false))
+(def: #export partials-field Text "partials")
+(def: #export apply-method Text "apply")
+(def: #export num-apply-variants Nat +8)
+(def: #export (apply-signature arity)
+ (-> ls.Arity $.Method)
+ ($t.method (list.repeat arity $Object) (#.Some $Object) (list)))
+(def: adt-methods
+ $.Def
+ (let [store-tagI (|>> $i.DUP ($i.int 0) ($i.ILOAD +0) ($i.wrap #$.Int) $i.AASTORE)
+ store-flagI (|>> $i.DUP ($i.int 1) ($i.ALOAD +1) $i.AASTORE)
+ store-valueI (|>> $i.DUP ($i.int 2) ($i.ALOAD +2) $i.AASTORE)
+ force-textMT ($t.method (list $Object) (#.Some $String) (list))]
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "force_text" force-textMT
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@is-null])
+ $i.with-label (function [@normal-object])
+ $i.with-label (function [@array-loop])
+ $i.with-label (function [@within-bounds])
+ $i.with-label (function [@is-first])
+ $i.with-label (function [@elem-end])
+ $i.with-label (function [@fold-end])
+ (let [on-normal-objectI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.lang.Object" "toString" ($t.method (list) (#.Some $String) (list)) false))
+ on-null-objectI ($i.string "NULL")
+ arrayI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.CHECKCAST ($t.descriptor $Object-Array)))
+ recurseI ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "force_text" force-textMT false)
+ force-elemI (|>> $i.DUP arrayI $i.SWAP $i.AALOAD recurseI)
+ swap2 (|>> $i.DUP2_X2 ## X,Y => Y,X,Y
+ $i.POP2 ## Y,X,Y => Y,X
+ )
+ add-spacingI (|>> ($i.string ", ") $i.SWAP string-concatI)
+ merge-with-totalI (|>> $i.DUP_X2 $i.POP ## TSIP => TPSI
+ swap2 ## TPSI => SITP
+ string-concatI ## SITP => SIT
+ $i.DUP_X2 $i.POP ## SIT => TSI
+ )
+ foldI (|>> $i.DUP ## TSI => TSII
+ ($i.IFEQ @is-first) ## TSI
+ force-elemI add-spacingI merge-with-totalI ($i.GOTO @elem-end)
+ ($i.label @is-first) ## TSI
+ force-elemI merge-with-totalI
+ ($i.label @elem-end) ## TSI
+ )
+ inc-idxI (|>> ($i.int 1) $i.IADD)
+ on-array-objectI (|>> ($i.string "[") ## T
+ arrayI $i.ARRAYLENGTH ## TS
+ ($i.int 0) ## TSI
+ ($i.label @array-loop) ## TSI
+ $i.DUP2
+ ($i.IF_ICMPGT @within-bounds) ## TSI
+ $i.POP2 ($i.string "]") string-concatI ($i.GOTO @fold-end)
+ ($i.label @within-bounds)
+ foldI inc-idxI ($i.GOTO @array-loop)
+ ($i.label @fold-end))])
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.IFNULL @is-null)
+ ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.INSTANCEOF ($t.descriptor $Object-Array))
+ ($i.IFEQ @normal-object)
+ on-array-objectI $i.ARETURN
+ ($i.label @normal-object) on-normal-objectI $i.ARETURN
+ ($i.label @is-null) on-null-objectI $i.ARETURN)))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "variant_make"
+ ($t.method (list $t.int $Object $Object)
+ (#.Some $Variant)
+ (list))
+ (|>> ($i.int 3)
+ ($i.array $Object)
+ store-tagI
+ store-flagI
+ store-valueI
+ $i.ARETURN)))))
+(def: #export force-textI
+ $.Inst
+ ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "force_text" ($t.method (list $Object) (#.Some $String) (list)) false))
+(def: nat-methods
+ $.Def
+ (let [compare-nat-method ($t.method (list $t.long $t.long) (#.Some $t.int) (list))
+ less-thanI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "compare_nat" compare-nat-method false) ($i.IFLT @where)))
+ $BigInteger ($t.class "java.math.BigInteger" (list))
+ upcast-method ($t.method (list $t.long) (#.Some $BigInteger) (list))
+ div-method ($t.method (list $t.long $t.long) (#.Some $t.long) (list))
+ upcastI ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "_toUnsignedBigInteger" upcast-method false)
+ downcastI ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.math.BigInteger" "longValue" ($t.method (list) (#.Some $t.long) (list)) false)]
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "_toUnsignedBigInteger" upcast-method
+ (let [upcastI ($i.INVOKESTATIC "java.math.BigInteger" "valueOf" upcast-method false)
+ discernI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFGE @where)))
+ prepare-upperI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.int 32) $i.LUSHR
+ upcastI
+ ($i.int 32) ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.math.BigInteger" "shiftLeft" ($t.method (list $t.int) (#.Some $BigInteger) (list)) false))
+ prepare-lowerI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.int 32) $i.LSHL
+ ($i.int 32) $i.LUSHR
+ upcastI)]
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@simple])
+ (|>> (discernI @simple)
+ ## else
+ prepare-upperI
+ prepare-lowerI
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.math.BigInteger" "add" ($t.method (list $BigInteger) (#.Some $BigInteger) (list)) false)
+ ## then
+ ($i.label @simple)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0)
+ upcastI
+ $i.ARETURN))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "compare_nat" compare-nat-method
+ (let [shiftI (|>> ($i.GETSTATIC "java.lang.Long" "MIN_VALUE" $t.long) $i.LADD)]
+ (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) shiftI
+ ($i.LLOAD +2) shiftI
+ $i.LCMP
+ $i.IRETURN)))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "div_nat" div-method
+ (let [is-param-largeI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.LLOAD +2) ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFLT @where)))
+ is-subject-smallI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFGT @where)))
+ small-division (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.LLOAD +2) $i.LDIV $i.LRETURN)
+ big-divisionI ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.math.BigInteger" "divide" ($t.method (list $BigInteger) (#.Some $BigInteger) (list)) false)]
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@is-zero])
+ $i.with-label (function [@param-is-large])
+ $i.with-label (function [@subject-is-small])
+ (|>> (is-param-largeI @param-is-large)
+ ## Param is not too large
+ (is-subject-smallI @subject-is-small)
+ ## Param is small, but subject is large
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) upcastI
+ ($i.LLOAD +2) upcastI
+ big-divisionI downcastI $i.LRETURN
+ ## Both param and subject are small,
+ ## and can thus be divided normally.
+ ($i.label @subject-is-small)
+ small-division
+ ## Param is too large. Cannot simply divide.
+ ## Depending on the result of the
+ ## comparison, a result will be determined.
+ ($i.label @param-is-large)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.LLOAD +2) (less-thanI @is-zero)
+ ## Greater-than or equals
+ ($i.long 1) $i.LRETURN
+ ## Less than
+ ($i.label @is-zero)
+ ($i.long 0) $i.LRETURN))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "rem_nat" div-method
+ (let [is-subject-largeI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFLE @where)))
+ is-param-largeI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.LLOAD +2) ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFLE @where)))
+ small-remainderI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.LLOAD +2) $i.LREM $i.LRETURN)
+ big-remainderI ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.math.BigInteger" "remainder" ($t.method (list $BigInteger) (#.Some $BigInteger) (list)) false)]
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@large-number])
+ $i.with-label (function [@subject-is-smaller-than-param])
+ (|>> (is-subject-largeI @large-number)
+ (is-param-largeI @large-number)
+ small-remainderI
+ ($i.label @large-number)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) ($i.LLOAD +2) (less-thanI @subject-is-smaller-than-param)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) upcastI
+ ($i.LLOAD +2) upcastI
+ big-remainderI downcastI $i.LRETURN
+ ($i.label @subject-is-smaller-than-param)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0)
+ $i.LRETURN))))
+ )))
+(def: frac-shiftI $.Inst ($i.double (math.pow 32.0 2.0)))
+(def: frac-methods
+ $.Def
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "decode_frac" ($t.method (list $String) (#.Some $Object-Array) (list))
+ (try-methodI
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.INVOKESTATIC "java.lang.Double" "parseDouble" ($t.method (list $String) (#.Some $t.double) (list)) false)
+ ($i.wrap #$.Double))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "frac_to_deg" ($t.method (list $t.double) (#.Some $t.long) (list))
+ (let [swap2 (|>> $i.DUP2_X2 $i.POP2)
+ drop-excessI (|>> ($i.double 1.0) $i.DREM)
+ shiftI (|>> frac-shiftI $i.DMUL)]
+ (|>> ($i.DLOAD +0)
+ ## Get upper half
+ drop-excessI
+ shiftI
+ ## Make a copy, so the lower half can be extracted
+ $i.DUP2
+ ## Get lower half
+ drop-excessI
+ shiftI
+ ## Turn it into a deg
+ $i.D2L
+ ## Turn the upper half into deg too
+ swap2
+ $i.D2L
+ ## Combine both pieces
+ $i.LADD
+ )))
+ ))
+(def: deg-bits Nat +64)
+(def: deg-method $.Method ($t.method (list $t.long $t.long) (#.Some $t.long) (list)))
+(def: clz-method $.Method ($t.method (list $t.long) (#.Some $t.int) (list)))
+(def: deg-methods
+ $.Def
+ (let [## "And" mask corresponding to -1 (FFFF...), on the low 32 bits.
+ low-half (|>> ($i.int -1) $i.I2L $i.LAND)
+ high-half (|>> ($i.int 32) $i.LUSHR)]
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "mul_deg" deg-method
+ ## Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/31629280/6823464
+ (let [shift-downI (|>> ($i.int 32) $i.LUSHR)
+ low-leftI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) low-half)
+ high-leftI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) high-half)
+ low-rightI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +2) low-half)
+ high-rightI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +2) high-half)
+ bottomI (|>> low-leftI low-rightI $i.LMUL)
+ middleLI (|>> high-leftI low-rightI $i.LMUL)
+ middleRI (|>> low-leftI high-rightI $i.LMUL)
+ middleI (|>> middleLI middleRI $i.LADD)
+ topI (|>> high-leftI high-rightI $i.LMUL)]
+ (|>> bottomI shift-downI
+ middleI $i.LADD shift-downI
+ topI $i.LADD
+ $i.LRETURN)))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "count_leading_zeros" clz-method
+ (let [when-zeroI (function [@where] (|>> ($i.long 0) $i.LCMP ($i.IFEQ @where)))
+ shift-rightI (function [amount] (|>> ($i.int amount) $i.LUSHR))
+ decI (|>> ($i.int 1) $i.ISUB)]
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@start])
+ $i.with-label (function [@done])
+ (|>> ($i.int 64)
+ ($i.label @start)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) (when-zeroI @done)
+ ($i.LLOAD +0) (shift-rightI 1) ($i.LSTORE +0)
+ decI
+ ($i.GOTO @start)
+ ($i.label @done)
+ $i.IRETURN))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "div_deg" deg-method
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@same])
+ (let [subjectI ($i.LLOAD +0)
+ paramI ($i.LLOAD +2)
+ equal?I (function [@where] (|>> $i.LCMP ($i.IFEQ @where)))
+ count-leading-zerosI ($i.INVOKESTATIC hostL.runtime-class "count_leading_zeros" clz-method false)
+ calc-max-shiftI (|>> subjectI count-leading-zerosI
+ paramI count-leading-zerosI
+ ($i.INVOKESTATIC "java.lang.Math" "min" ($t.method (list $t.int $t.int) (#.Some $t.int) (list)) false)
+ ($i.ISTORE +4))
+ shiftI (|>> ($i.ILOAD +4) $i.LSHL)
+ imprecise-divisionI (|>> subjectI shiftI
+ paramI shiftI high-half
+ $i.LDIV)
+ scale-downI (|>> ($i.int 32) $i.LSHL)]
+ (|>> subjectI paramI
+ (equal?I @same)
+ ## Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8510587/6823464
+ ## Shifting the operands as much as possible can help
+ ## avoid some loss of precision later.
+ calc-max-shiftI
+ imprecise-divisionI
+ scale-downI
+ ($i.label @same)
+ ($i.long -1) ## ~= 1.0 Degrees
+ $i.LRETURN))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "deg_to_frac" ($t.method (list $t.long) (#.Some $t.double) (list))
+ (let [highI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) high-half $i.L2D)
+ lowI (|>> ($i.LLOAD +0) low-half $i.L2D)
+ scaleI (|>> frac-shiftI $i.DDIV)]
+ (|>> highI scaleI
+ lowI scaleI scaleI
+ $i.DADD
+ $i.DRETURN)))
+ )))
+(def: text-methods
+ $.Def
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "text_clip" ($t.method (list $String $t.int $t.int) (#.Some $Variant) (list))
+ (try-methodI
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.ILOAD +1)
+ ($i.ILOAD +2)
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.lang.String" "substring" ($t.method (list $t.int $t.int) (#.Some $String) (list)) false))))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "text_char" ($t.method (list $String $t.int) (#.Some $Variant) (list))
+ (try-methodI
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.ILOAD +1)
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.lang.String" "codePointAt" ($t.method (list $t.int) (#.Some $t.int) (list)) false)
+ $i.I2L
+ ($i.wrap #$.Long))))
+ ))
+(def: pm-methods
+ $.Def
+ (let [tuple-sizeI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) $i.ARRAYLENGTH)
+ tuple-elemI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) ($i.ILOAD +1) $i.AALOAD)
+ expected-last-sizeI (|>> ($i.ILOAD +1) ($i.int 1) $i.IADD)
+ tuple-tailI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) tuple-sizeI ($i.int 1) $i.ISUB $i.AALOAD ($i.CHECKCAST ($t.descriptor $Tuple)))]
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_fail" ($t.method (list) #.None (list))
+ (|>> ($i.NEW "java.lang.IllegalStateException")
+ $i.DUP
+ ($i.string "Invalid expression for pattern-matching.")
+ ($i.INVOKESPECIAL "java.lang.IllegalStateException" "<init>" ($t.method (list $String) #.None (list)) false)
+ $i.ATHROW))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "apply_fail" ($t.method (list) #.None (list))
+ (|>> ($i.NEW "java.lang.IllegalStateException")
+ $i.DUP
+ ($i.string "Error while applying function.")
+ ($i.INVOKESPECIAL "java.lang.IllegalStateException" "<init>" ($t.method (list $String) #.None (list)) false)
+ $i.ATHROW))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_push" ($t.method (list $Stack $Object) (#.Some $Stack) (list))
+ (|>> ($i.int 2)
+ ($i.ANEWARRAY "java.lang.Object")
+ $i.DUP
+ ($i.int 0)
+ ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ $i.DUP
+ ($i.int 1)
+ ($i.ALOAD +1)
+ $i.ARETURN))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_pop" ($t.method (list $Stack) (#.Some $Stack) (list))
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.int 0)
+ ($i.CHECKCAST ($t.descriptor $Stack))
+ $i.ARETURN))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_peek" ($t.method (list $Stack) (#.Some $Object) (list))
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.int 1)
+ $i.ARETURN))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_variant" ($t.method (list $Variant $Tag $Flag) (#.Some $Object) (list))
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@begin])
+ $i.with-label (function [@just-return])
+ $i.with-label (function [@then])
+ $i.with-label (function [@further])
+ $i.with-label (function [@shorten])
+ $i.with-label (function [@wrong])
+ (let [variant-partI (: (-> Nat $.Inst)
+ (function [idx]
+ (|>> ($i.int (nat-to-int idx)) $i.AALOAD)))
+ tagI (: $.Inst
+ (|>> (variant-partI +0) ($i.unwrap #$.Int)))
+ flagI (variant-partI +1)
+ datumI (variant-partI +2)
+ shortenI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) tagI ## Get tag
+ ($i.ILOAD +1) $i.ISUB ## Shorten tag
+ ($i.ALOAD +0) flagI ## Get flag
+ ($i.ALOAD +0) datumI ## Get value
+ variantI ## Build sum
+ update-tagI (|>> $i.ISUB ($i.ISTORE +1))
+ update-variantI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) datumI ($i.CHECKCAST ($t.descriptor $Variant)) ($i.ASTORE +0))
+ failureI (|>> $i.NULL $i.ARETURN)
+ return-datumI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) datumI $i.ARETURN)])
+ (|>> ($i.label @begin)
+ ($i.ILOAD +1) ## tag
+ ($i.ALOAD +0) tagI ## tag, sumT
+ $i.DUP2 ($i.IF_ICMPEQ @then)
+ $i.DUP2 ($i.IF_ICMPGT @further)
+ $i.DUP2 ($i.IF_ICMPLT @shorten)
+ ## $i.POP2
+ failureI
+ ($i.label @then) ## tag, sumT
+ ($i.ALOAD +2) ## tag, sumT, wants-last?
+ ($i.ALOAD +0) flagI ## tag, sumT, wants-last?, is-last?
+ ($i.IF_ACMPEQ @just-return) ## tag, sumT
+ ($i.label @further) ## tag, sumT
+ ($i.ALOAD +0) flagI ## tag, sumT, last?
+ ($i.IFNULL @wrong) ## tag, sumT
+ update-tagI
+ update-variantI
+ ($i.GOTO @begin)
+ ($i.label @just-return) ## tag, sumT
+ ## $i.POP2
+ return-datumI
+ ($i.label @shorten) ## tag, sumT
+ ($i.ALOAD +2) ($i.IFNULL @wrong)
+ ## $i.POP2
+ shortenI
+ ($i.label @wrong) ## tag, sumT
+ ## $i.POP2
+ failureI)))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_left" ($t.method (list $Tuple $t.int) (#.Some $Object) (list))
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@begin])
+ $i.with-label (function [@not-recursive])
+ (let [updated-idxI (|>> $i.SWAP $i.ISUB)])
+ (|>> ($i.label @begin)
+ tuple-sizeI
+ expected-last-sizeI
+ $i.DUP2 ($i.IF_ICMPGT @not-recursive)
+ ## Recursive
+ updated-idxI ($i.ISTORE +1)
+ tuple-tailI ($i.ASTORE +0)
+ ($i.GOTO @begin)
+ ($i.label @not-recursive)
+ ## $i.POP2
+ tuple-elemI
+ $i.ARETURN)))
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "pm_right" ($t.method (list $Tuple $t.int) (#.Some $Object) (list))
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@begin])
+ $i.with-label (function [@tail])
+ $i.with-label (function [@slice])
+ (let [updated-idxI (|>> ($i.ILOAD +1) ($i.int 1) $i.IADD tuple-sizeI $i.ISUB)
+ sliceI (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0) ($i.ILOAD +1) tuple-sizeI
+ ($i.INVOKESTATIC "java.util.Arrays" "copyOfRange" ($t.method (list $Object-Array $t.int $t.int) (#.Some $Object-Array) (list)) false))])
+ (|>> ($i.label @begin)
+ tuple-sizeI
+ expected-last-sizeI
+ $i.DUP2 ($i.IF_ICMPEQ @tail)
+ ($i.IF_ICMPGT @slice)
+ ## Must recurse
+ tuple-tailI ($i.ASTORE +0)
+ updated-idxI ($i.ISTORE +1)
+ ($i.GOTO @begin)
+ ($i.label @slice)
+ sliceI
+ ($i.label @tail)
+ ## $i.POP2
+ tuple-elemI
+ $i.ARETURN)))
+ )))
+(def: io-methods
+ $.Def
+ (let [string-writerI (|>> ($i.NEW "java.io.StringWriter")
+ $i.DUP
+ ($i.INVOKESPECIAL "java.io.StringWriter" "<init>" ($t.method (list) #.None (list)) false))
+ print-writerI (|>> ($i.NEW "java.io.PrintWriter")
+ $i.SWAP
+ $i.DUP2
+ $i.POP
+ $i.SWAP
+ ($i.boolean true)
+ ($i.INVOKESPECIAL "java.io.PrintWriter" "<init>" ($t.method (list ($t.class "java.io.Writer" (list)) $t.boolean) #.None (list)) false)
+ )]
+ (|>> ($d.method #$.Public $.staticM "try" ($t.method (list $Function) (#.Some $Variant) (list))
+ (<| $i.with-label (function [@from])
+ $i.with-label (function [@to])
+ $i.with-label (function [@handler])
+ (|>> ($i.try @from @to @handler "java.lang.Throwable")
+ ($i.label @from)
+ ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ $i.NULL
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL hostL.function-class apply-method (apply-signature +1) false)
+ rightI
+ ($i.label @to)
+ ($i.label @handler)
+ string-writerI ## TW
+ $i.DUP2 ## TWTW
+ print-writerI ## TWTP
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.lang.Throwable" "printStackTrace" ($t.method (list ($t.class "java.io.PrintWriter" (list))) #.None (list)) false) ## TW
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL "java.io.StringWriter" "toString" ($t.method (list) (#.Some $String) (list)) false) ## TS
+ $i.SWAP $i.POP leftI
+ $i.ARETURN)))
+ )))
+(def: translate-runtime
+ (Meta commonT.Bytecode)
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [_ (wrap [])
+ #let [bytecode ($d.class #$.V1_6 #$.Public $.finalC hostL.runtime-class (list) ["java.lang.Object" (list)] (list)
+ (|>> adt-methods
+ nat-methods
+ frac-methods
+ deg-methods
+ text-methods
+ pm-methods
+ io-methods))]
+ _ (commonT.store-class hostL.runtime-class bytecode)]
+ (wrap bytecode)))
+(def: translate-function
+ (Meta commonT.Bytecode)
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [_ (wrap [])
+ #let [applyI (|> (list.n/range +2 num-apply-variants)
+ (list/map (function [arity]
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.noneM apply-method (apply-signature arity)
+ (let [preI (|> (list.n/range +0 (n/dec arity))
+ (list/map $i.ALOAD)
+ $i.fuse)]
+ (|>> preI
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL hostL.function-class apply-method (apply-signature (n/dec arity)) false)
+ ($i.CHECKCAST hostL.function-class)
+ ($i.ALOAD arity)
+ ($i.INVOKEVIRTUAL hostL.function-class apply-method (apply-signature +1) false)
+ $i.ARETURN)))))
+ (list& ($d.abstract-method #$.Public $.noneM apply-method (apply-signature +1)))
+ $d.fuse)
+ bytecode ($d.abstract #$.V1_6 #$.Public $.noneC hostL.function-class (list) ["java.lang.Object" (list)] (list)
+ (|>> ($d.field #$.Public $.finalF partials-field $t.int)
+ ($d.method #$.Public $.noneM "<init>" ($t.method (list $t.int) #.None (list))
+ (|>> ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.INVOKESPECIAL "java.lang.Object" "<init>" ($t.method (list) #.None (list)) false)
+ ($i.ALOAD +0)
+ ($i.ILOAD +1)
+ ($i.PUTFIELD hostL.function-class partials-field $t.int)
+ $i.RETURN))
+ applyI))]
+ _ (commonT.store-class hostL.function-class bytecode)]
+ (wrap bytecode)))
+(def: #export translate
+ (Meta [commonT.Bytecode commonT.Bytecode])
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [runtime-bc translate-runtime
+ function-bc translate-function]
+ (wrap [runtime-bc function-bc])))