path: root/luxc/src
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2017-03-13 20:27:17 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2017-03-13 20:27:17 -0400
commit011547aae8e4664ecd63c8ebcefada7f8d9d940d (patch)
tree623692c2abc3d35353ed5f9a5df4fe3aa619b012 /luxc/src
parent69807626d51e2abf4c41a270d8e4de3ecec9e888 (diff)
- Implemented missing degree functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'luxc/src')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 409 deletions
diff --git a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/rt.clj b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/rt.clj
index c022dd3bb..c2b3cba01 100644
--- a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/rt.clj
+++ b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/rt.clj
@@ -14,412 +14,6 @@
[lux.analyser.base :as &a]
[lux.compiler.js.base :as &&]))
-;; (defn ^:private low-4b [^MethodVisitor =method]
-;; (doto =method
-;; ;; Assume there is a long at the top of the stack...
-;; ;; Add mask corresponding to -1 (FFFF...), on the low 32 bits.
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int -1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/I2L)
-;; ;; Then do a bitwise and.
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LAND)
-;; ))
-;; (defn ^:private high-4b [^MethodVisitor =method]
-;; (doto =method
-;; ;; Assume there is a long at the top of the stack...
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 32))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LUSHR)
-;; ))
-;; (defn ^:private swap2 [^MethodVisitor =method]
-;; (doto =method
-;; ;; X2, Y2
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2_X2) ;; Y2, X2, Y2
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/POP2) ;; Y2, X2
-;; ))
-;; (defn ^:private swap2x1 [^MethodVisitor =method]
-;; (doto =method
-;; ;; X1, Y2
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2_X1) ;; Y2, X1, Y2
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/POP2) ;; Y2, X1
-;; ))
-;; (defn ^:private compile-LuxRT-deg-methods [^ClassWriter =class]
-;; (|let [deg-bits 64
-;; _ (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "mul_deg" "(JJ)J" nil nil)
-;; ;; Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/31629280/6823464
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; ;; Bottom part
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) low-4b
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2) low-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LMUL)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 32))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LUSHR)
-;; ;; Middle part
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) high-4b
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2) low-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LMUL)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) low-4b
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2) high-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LMUL)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LADD)
-;; ;; Join middle and bottom
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LADD)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 32))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LUSHR)
-;; ;; Top part
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) high-4b
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2) high-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LMUL)
-;; ;; Join top with rest
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LADD)
-;; ;; Return
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LRETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd))
-;; _ (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "div_deg" "(JJ)J" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; ;; Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8510587/6823464
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2) high-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LDIV)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 32))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LSHL)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LRETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd))
-;; _ (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "deg-to-real" "(J)D" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; ;; Translate high bytes
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) high-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/L2D)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double (Math/pow 2 32)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DDIV)
-;; ;; Translate low bytes
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 0) low-4b
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/L2D)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double (Math/pow 2 32)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DDIV)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double (Math/pow 2 32)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DDIV)
-;; ;; Combine and return
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DADD)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DRETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd))
-;; _ (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "real-to-deg" "(D)J" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; ;; Drop any excess
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/DLOAD 0)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double 1.0))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DREM)
-;; ;; Shift upper half, but retain remaining decimals
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double (Math/pow 2 32)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DMUL)
-;; ;; Make a copy, so the lower half can be extracted
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2)
-;; ;; Get that lower half
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double 1.0))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DREM)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (double (Math/pow 2 32)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DMUL)
-;; ;; Turn it into a deg
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/D2L)
-;; ;; Turn the upper half into deg too
-;; swap2
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/D2L)
-;; ;; Combine both pieces
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LADD)
-;; ;; FINISH
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LRETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd))
-;; _ (let [$loop-start (new Label)
-;; $do-a-round (new Label)
-;; $not-set (new Label)
-;; $next-iteration (new Label)]
-;; (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "deg_text_to_digits" "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/String" "length" "()I")
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 1) ;; Index
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int deg-bits))
-;; (.visitIntInsn Opcodes/NEWARRAY Opcodes/T_BYTE)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ASTORE 2) ;; digits
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $loop-start)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IFGE $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 2)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IADD)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/String" "substring" "(II)Ljava/lang/String;")
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "java/lang/Byte" "parseByte" "(Ljava/lang/String;)B")
-;; ;; Set digit
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 2)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; swap2x1
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BASTORE)
-;; ;; Decrement index
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 1)
-;; ;; Iterate
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $loop-start)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd)))
-;; _ (let [$loop-start (new Label)
-;; $do-a-round (new Label)
-;; $is-less-than (new Label)
-;; $is-equal (new Label)]
-;; ;; [B0 <= [B1
-;; (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "deg_digits_lt" "([B[B)Z" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 0))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 2) ;; Index
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $loop-start)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int deg-bits))
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPLT $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn false)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IRETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BALOAD) ;; {D0}
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 1)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BALOAD) ;; {D0, D1}
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPLT $is-less-than)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPEQ $is-equal)
-;; ;; Is greater than...
-;; (.visitLdcInsn false)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IRETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $is-less-than)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/POP2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn true)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IRETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $is-equal)
-;; ;; Increment index
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IADD)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 2)
-;; ;; Iterate
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $loop-start)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd)))
-;; _ (let [$loop-start (new Label)
-;; $do-a-round (new Label)
-;; $simple-sub (new Label)]
-;; (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "deg_digits_sub_once" "([BBI)[B" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; (.visitLabel $loop-start)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2) ;; {target-digit}
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BALOAD)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1) ;; {target-digit, param-digit}
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPGE $simple-sub)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;; Since $0 < $1
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/SWAP)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB) ;; $1 - $0
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (byte 10))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/SWAP)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB) ;; 10 - ($1 - $0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; swap2x1
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BASTORE)
-;; ;; Prepare to iterate...
-;; ;; Decrement index
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 2)
-;; ;; Subtract 1 from next digit
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 1)
-;; ;; Iterate
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $loop-start)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $simple-sub)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; swap2x1
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BASTORE)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd)))
-;; _ (let [$loop-start (new Label)
-;; $do-a-round (new Label)]
-;; (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "deg_digits_sub" "([B[B)[B" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int (dec deg-bits)))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 2) ;; Index
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $loop-start)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IFGE $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0) ;; {target-digits}
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 1)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/BALOAD) ;; {target-digits, param-digit}
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2) ;; {target-digits, param-digit, idx}
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "deg_digits_sub_once" "([BBI)[B")
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ASTORE 0) ;; Update target digits
-;; ;; Decrement index
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 2)
-;; ;; Iterate
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $loop-start)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd)))
-;; _ (let [$from (new Label)
-;; $to (new Label)
-;; $handler (new Label)
-;; $loop-start (new Label)
-;; $do-a-round (new Label)
-;; $skip-power (new Label)
-;; $iterate (new Label)
-;; $bad-format (new Label)]
-;; (doto (.visitMethod =class (+ Opcodes/ACC_PUBLIC Opcodes/ACC_STATIC) "decode_deg" "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;" nil nil)
-;; (.visitCode)
-;; ;; Check prefix
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn ".")
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/String" "startsWith" "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z")
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IFEQ $bad-format)
-;; ;; Check if size is valid
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/String" "length" "()I")
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int (inc deg-bits))) ;; It's increased, to account for the prefix .
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPGT $bad-format)
-;; ;; Initialization
-;; (.visitTryCatchBlock $from $to $handler "java/lang/Exception")
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKEVIRTUAL "java/lang/String" "substring" "(I)Ljava/lang/String;")
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "clean_separators" "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;")
-;; (.visitLabel $from)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "deg_text_to_digits" "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B")
-;; (.visitLabel $to)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ASTORE 0) ;; From test to digits...
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 0))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 1) ;; Index
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (long 0))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LSTORE 2) ;; Output
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $loop-start)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int deg-bits))
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPLT $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2)
-;; &&/wrap-long
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "make_some" "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;")
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $do-a-round)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ALOAD 0)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "deg_digit_power" "(I)[B")
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/DUP2)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "deg_digits_lt" "([B[B)Z")
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IFNE $skip-power)
-;; ;; Subtract power
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "deg_digits_sub" "([B[B)[B")
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ASTORE 0)
-;; ;; Set bit on output
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LLOAD 2)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (long 1))
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int (dec deg-bits)))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/SWAP)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ISUB)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LSHL)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/LOR)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/LSTORE 2)
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $iterate)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $skip-power)
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/POP2)
-;; ;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $iterate)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $iterate)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ILOAD 1)
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int 1))
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/IADD)
-;; (.visitVarInsn Opcodes/ISTORE 1)
-;; ;; Iterate
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $loop-start)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $handler)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "make_none" "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-;; (.visitLabel $bad-format)
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "make_none" "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
-;; (.visitInsn Opcodes/ARETURN)
-;; (.visitMaxs 0 0)
-;; (.visitEnd)))]
-;; nil))
(def ^:private const-none (str "[0,null," &&/unit "]"))
(defn ^:private make-some [value]
(str "[1,''," value "]"))
@@ -619,7 +213,7 @@
;; Special case: L = MIN
"else {"
- "var halfL = LuxRT.shrI64(l,LuxRT.ONE);"
+ "var halfL = LuxRT.shrI64(l,1);"
"var approx = LuxRT.shlI64(LuxRT.divI64(halfL,r),LuxRT.ONE);"
(str "if((approx.H === 0) && (approx.L === 0)) {"
(str "if(r.H < 0) {"
@@ -724,6 +318,7 @@
"decodeI64" (str "(function decodeI64(input) {"
+ "input = LuxRT.clean_separators(input);"
(str "if(/^-?\\d+$/.exec(input)) {"
(str "var isNegative = (input.charAt(0) == '-');"
"var sign = isNegative ? -1 : 1;"
@@ -766,6 +361,7 @@
"decodeN64" (str "(function decodeN64(input) {"
+ "input = LuxRT.clean_separators(input);"
(str "if(/^\\+\\d+$/.exec(input)) {"
(str "input = input.substring(1);")
(str "if(input.length <= 18) {"
@@ -836,7 +432,37 @@
(def ^:private d64-methods
- {"_add_deg_digit_powers" (str "(function _add_deg_digit_powers(left,right) {"
+ {"mulD64" (str "(function mulD64(l,r) {"
+ "var lL = LuxRT.fromNumberI64(l.L);"
+ "var rL = LuxRT.fromNumberI64(r.L);"
+ "var lH = LuxRT.fromNumberI64(l.H);"
+ "var rH = LuxRT.fromNumberI64(r.H);"
+ "var bottom = LuxRT.ushrI64(LuxRT.mulI64(lL,rL),32);"
+ "var middle = LuxRT.addI64(LuxRT.mulI64(lH,rL),LuxRT.mulI64(lL,rH));"
+ "var top = LuxRT.mulI64(lH,rH);"
+ "var bottomAndMiddle = LuxRT.ushrI64(LuxRT.addI64(middle,bottom),32);"
+ "return LuxRT.addI64(top,bottomAndMiddle);"
+ "})")
+ "divD64" (str "(function divD64(l,r) {"
+ "return LuxRT.shlI64(LuxRT.divI64(l,LuxRT.fromNumberI64(r.H)),32);"
+ "})")
+ "degToReal" (str "(function degToReal(input) {"
+ "var two32 = Math.pow(2,32);"
+ "var high = input.H / two32;"
+ "var low = (input.L / two32) / two32;"
+ "return high+low;"
+ "})")
+ "realToDeg" (str "(function realToDeg(input) {"
+ "var two32 = Math.pow(2,32);"
+ "var shifted = (input % 1.0) * two32;"
+ "var low = ((shifted % 1.0) * two32) | 0;"
+ "var high = shifted | 0;"
+ "return LuxRT.makeI64(high,low);"
+ "})")
+ "_add_deg_digit_powers" (str "(function _add_deg_digit_powers(left,right) {"
"var output = new Array(64);"
"var carry = 0;"
(str "for(var idx = 63; idx >= 0; idx--) {"
@@ -886,6 +512,68 @@
"var raw = '.'.concat(digits.join(''));"
"return raw.split(/0*$/)[0];"
+ "deg_text_to_digits" (str "(function deg_text_to_digits(input) {"
+ "var output = new Array(64);"
+ (str "for(var idx = input.length-1; idx >= 0; idx--) {"
+ "output[idx] = parseInt(input.substring(idx, idx+1));"
+ "}")
+ "return output;"
+ "})")
+ "deg_digits_lt" (str "(function deg_digits_lt(l,r) {"
+ (str "for(var idx = 0; idx < 64; idx++) {"
+ (str "if(l[idx] < r[idx]) {"
+ "return true;"
+ "}"
+ "else if(l[idx] > r[idx]) {"
+ "return false;"
+ "}")
+ "}")
+ "return false;"
+ "})")
+ "deg_digits_sub_once" (str "(function deg_digits_sub_once(target,digit,idx) {"
+ (str "while(true) {"
+ (str "if(target[idx] > digit) {"
+ (str "target[idx] = target[idx] - digit;"
+ "return target;")
+ "}"
+ "else {"
+ (str "target[idx] = 10 - (digit - target[idx]);"
+ "idx--;"
+ "digit=1;")
+ "}")
+ "}")
+ "})")
+ "deg_digits_sub" (str "(function deg_digits_sub(l,r) {"
+ (str "for(var idx = 63; idx >= 0; idx--) {"
+ "l = LuxRT.deg_digits_sub_once(l,r[idx],idx);"
+ "}")
+ "return l;"
+ "})")
+ "decodeD64" (let [failure (str "return " const-none ";")]
+ (str "(function decodeD64(input) {"
+ "input = LuxRT.clean_separators(input);"
+ (str "if(/^\\.\\d+$/.exec(input) && input.length <= 65) {"
+ (str "try {"
+ (str "var digits = LuxRT.deg_text_to_digits(input.substring(1));")
+ "var output = LuxRT.makeI64(0,0);"
+ (str "for(var idx = 0; idx < 64; idx++) {"
+ "var power = LuxRT.deg_text_to_digits(idx);"
+ (str "if(LuxRT.deg_digits_lt(power,digits)) {"
+ (str "digits = LuxRT.deg_digits_sub(digits,power);"
+ "var powerBit = LuxRT.shlI64(LuxRT.makeI64(0,1),(63-idx));"
+ "output = LuxRT.orI64(output,powerBit);")
+ "}")
+ "}")
+ (str "return " (make-some "output") ";")
+ "}"
+ "catch(ex) {"
+ failure
+ "}")
+ "}"
+ "else {"
+ failure
+ "}")
+ "})"))
(def ^:private io-methods
@@ -1042,7 +730,10 @@
(def ^:private lux-methods
- {"runTry" (str "(function runTry(op) {"
+ {"clean_separators" (str "(function clean_separators(input) {"
+ "return input.replace(/_/g,'');"
+ "})")
+ "runTry" (str "(function runTry(op) {"
(str "try {"
(str "return [1,'',op(null)];")