path: root/luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2016-12-01 11:00:44 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2016-12-01 11:00:44 -0400
commit7f66c54f4c9753b94dbf46ec50b8b16549daf324 (patch)
tree1b5b896cfba870a66a99a03315b09df842eb5737 /luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
parent9c30546af022f8fe36b73e7e93414257ff28ee75 (diff)
- Collected the Lux compiler's repo, the Standard Library's, the Leiningen plugin's and the Emacs mode's into a big monorepo, to keep development unified.
Diffstat (limited to 'luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj')
1 files changed, 1379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj b/luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..209e36d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luxc/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+;; Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
+;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+;; If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+;; You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+(ns lux.analyser.host
+ (:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]]
+ [string :as string])
+ clojure.core.match
+ clojure.core.match.array
+ (lux [base :as & :refer [|let |do return* return |case assert!]]
+ [type :as &type]
+ [host :as &host]
+ [lexer :as &lexer]
+ [parser :as &parser]
+ [reader :as &reader])
+ [lux.type.host :as &host-type]
+ [lux.host.generics :as &host-generics]
+ (lux.analyser [base :as &&]
+ [lambda :as &&lambda]
+ [env :as &&env]
+ [parser :as &&a-parser])
+ [lux.compiler.base :as &c!base])
+ (:import (java.lang.reflect Type TypeVariable)))
+;; [Utils]
+(defn ^:private ensure-catching [exceptions*]
+ "(-> (List Text) (Lux Null))"
+ (|do [class-loader &/loader]
+ (fn [state]
+ (|let [exceptions (&/|map #(Class/forName % true class-loader) exceptions*)
+ catching (->> state
+ (&/get$ &/$host)
+ (&/get$ &/$catching)
+ (&/|map #(Class/forName % true class-loader)))]
+ (if-let [missing-ex (&/fold (fn [prev ^Class now]
+ (or prev
+ (cond (or (.isAssignableFrom java.lang.RuntimeException now)
+ (.isAssignableFrom java.lang.Error now))
+ nil
+ (&/fold (fn [found? ^Class ex-catch]
+ (or found?
+ (.isAssignableFrom ex-catch now)))
+ false
+ catching)
+ nil
+ :else
+ now)))
+ nil
+ exceptions)]
+ ((&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unhandled exception: " missing-ex))
+ state)
+ (&/return* state nil)))
+ )))
+(defn ^:private with-catches [catches body]
+ "(All [a] (-> (List Text) (Lux a) (Lux a)))"
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [old-catches (->> state (&/get$ &/$host) (&/get$ &/$catching))
+ state* (->> state (&/update$ &/$host #(&/update$ &/$catching (partial &/|++ catches) %)))]
+ (|case (&/run-state body state*)
+ (&/$Left msg)
+ (&/$Left msg)
+ (&/$Right state** output)
+ (&/$Right (&/T [(->> state** (&/update$ &/$host #(&/set$ &/$catching old-catches %)))
+ output]))))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private ensure-object [type]
+ "(-> Type (Lux (, Text (List Type))))"
+ (|case type
+ (&/$HostT payload)
+ (return payload)
+ (&/$VarT id)
+ (return (&/T ["java.lang.Object" (&/|list)]))
+ (&/$ExT id)
+ (return (&/T ["java.lang.Object" (&/|list)]))
+ (&/$NamedT _ type*)
+ (ensure-object type*)
+ (&/$UnivQ _ type*)
+ (ensure-object type*)
+ (&/$ExQ _ type*)
+ (ensure-object type*)
+ (&/$AppT F A)
+ (|do [type* (&type/apply-type F A)]
+ (ensure-object type*))
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Expecting object: " (&type/show-type type)))))
+(defn ^:private as-object [type]
+ "(-> Type Type)"
+ (|case type
+ (&/$HostT class params)
+ (&/$HostT (&host-type/as-obj class) params)
+ _
+ type))
+(defn ^:private as-otype [tname]
+ (case tname
+ "boolean" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ "byte" "java.lang.Byte"
+ "short" "java.lang.Short"
+ "int" "java.lang.Integer"
+ "long" "java.lang.Long"
+ "float" "java.lang.Float"
+ "double" "java.lang.Double"
+ "char" "java.lang.Character"
+ ;; else
+ tname
+ ))
+(defn ^:private as-otype+ [type]
+ "(-> Type Type)"
+ (|case type
+ (&/$HostT name params)
+ (&/$HostT (as-otype name) params)
+ _
+ type))
+(defn ^:private clean-gtype-var [idx gtype-var]
+ (|let [(&/$VarT id) gtype-var]
+ (|do [? (&type/bound? id)]
+ (if ?
+ (|do [real-type (&type/deref id)]
+ (return (&/T [idx real-type])))
+ (return (&/T [(+ 2 idx) (&/$BoundT idx)]))))))
+(defn ^:private clean-gtype-vars [gtype-vars]
+ (|do [[_ clean-types] (&/fold% (fn [idx+types gtype-var]
+ (|do [:let [[idx types] idx+types]
+ [idx* real-type] (clean-gtype-var idx gtype-var)]
+ (return (&/T [idx* (&/$Cons real-type types)]))))
+ (&/T [1 &/$Nil])
+ gtype-vars)]
+ (return clean-types)))
+(defn ^:private make-gtype [class-name type-args]
+ "(-> Text (List Type) Type)"
+ (&/fold (fn [base-type type-arg]
+ (|case type-arg
+ (&/$BoundT _)
+ (&/$UnivQ &type/empty-env base-type)
+ _
+ base-type))
+ (&/$HostT class-name type-args)
+ type-args))
+;; [Resources]
+(defn ^:private analyse-field-access-helper [obj-type gvars gtype]
+ "(-> Type (List (^ java.lang.reflect.Type)) (^ java.lang.reflect.Type) (Lux Type))"
+ (|case obj-type
+ (&/$HostT class targs)
+ (if (= (&/|length targs) (&/|length gvars))
+ (|let [gtype-env (&/fold2 (fn [m ^TypeVariable g t] (&/$Cons (&/T [(.getName g) t]) m))
+ (&/|table)
+ gvars
+ targs)]
+ (&host-type/instance-param &type/existential gtype-env gtype))
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Mismatched number of type-parameters: " (&/|length gvars) " - " (&type/show-type obj-type))))
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Type Error] Type is not an object type: " (&type/show-type obj-type)))))
+(defn generic-class->simple-class [gclass]
+ "(-> GenericClass Text)"
+ (|case gclass
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ "java.lang.Object"
+ (&/$GenericWildcard _)
+ "java.lang.Object"
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ name
+ (&/$GenericArray param)
+ (|case param
+ (&/$GenericArray _)
+ (str "[" (generic-class->simple-class param))
+ (&/$GenericClass "boolean" _)
+ "[Z"
+ (&/$GenericClass "byte" _)
+ "[B"
+ (&/$GenericClass "short" _)
+ "[S"
+ (&/$GenericClass "int" _)
+ "[I"
+ (&/$GenericClass "long" _)
+ "[J"
+ (&/$GenericClass "float" _)
+ "[F"
+ (&/$GenericClass "double" _)
+ "[D"
+ (&/$GenericClass "char" _)
+ "[C"
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ (str "[L" name ";")
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ "[Ljava.lang.Object;"
+ (&/$GenericWildcard _)
+ "[Ljava.lang.Object;")
+ ))
+(defn generic-class->type [env gclass]
+ "(-> (List (, TypeVar Type)) GenericClass (Lux Type))"
+ (|case gclass
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ (if-let [ex (&/|get var-name env)]
+ (return ex)
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analysis Error] Unknown type var: " var-name)))
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ (case name
+ "boolean" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Boolean" &/$Nil))
+ "byte" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Byte" &/$Nil))
+ "short" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Short" &/$Nil))
+ "int" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Integer" &/$Nil))
+ "long" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Long" &/$Nil))
+ "float" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Float" &/$Nil))
+ "double" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Double" &/$Nil))
+ "char" (return (&/$HostT "java.lang.Character" &/$Nil))
+ "void" (return &/$UnitT)
+ ;; else
+ (|do [=params (&/map% (partial generic-class->type env) params)]
+ (return (&/$HostT name =params))))
+ (&/$GenericArray param)
+ (|do [=param (generic-class->type env param)]
+ (return (&/$HostT &host-type/array-data-tag (&/|list =param))))
+ (&/$GenericWildcard _)
+ (return (&/$ExQ &/$Nil (&/$BoundT 1)))
+ ))
+(defn gen-super-env [class-env supers class-decl]
+ "(-> (List (, TypeVar Type)) (List SuperClassDecl) ClassDecl (Lux (List (, Text Type))))"
+ (|let [[class-name class-vars] class-decl]
+ (|case (&/|some (fn [super]
+ (|let [[super-name super-params] super]
+ (if (= class-name super-name)
+ (&/$Some (&/zip2 (&/|map &/|first class-vars) super-params))
+ &/$None)))
+ supers)
+ (&/$None)
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unrecognized super-class: " class-name))
+ (&/$Some vars+gtypes)
+ (&/map% (fn [var+gtype]
+ (|do [:let [[var gtype] var+gtype]
+ =gtype (generic-class->type class-env gtype)]
+ (return (&/T [var =gtype]))))
+ vars+gtypes)
+ )))
+(defn ^:private make-type-env [type-params]
+ "(-> (List TypeParam) (Lux (List [Text Type])))"
+ (&/map% (fn [gvar]
+ (|do [:let [[gvar-name _] gvar]
+ ex &type/existential]
+ (return (&/T [gvar-name ex]))))
+ type-params))
+(defn ^:private double-register-gclass? [gclass]
+ (|case gclass
+ (&/$GenericClass name _)
+ (|case name
+ "long" true
+ "double" true
+ _ false)
+ _
+ false))
+(defn ^:private method-input-folder [full-env]
+ (fn [body* input*]
+ (|do [:let [[iname itype*] input*]
+ itype (generic-class->type full-env itype*)]
+ (if (double-register-gclass? itype*)
+ (&&env/with-local iname itype
+ (&&env/with-local "" &/$VoidT
+ body*))
+ (&&env/with-local iname itype
+ body*)))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-method [analyse class-decl class-env all-supers method]
+ "(-> Analyser ClassDecl (List (, TypeVar Type)) (List SuperClassDecl) MethodSyntax (Lux MethodAnalysis))"
+ (|let [[?cname ?cparams] class-decl
+ class-type (&/$HostT ?cname (&/|map &/|second class-env))]
+ (|case method
+ (&/$ConstructorMethodSyntax =privacy-modifier ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?ctor-args ?body)
+ (|do [method-env (make-type-env ?gvars)
+ :let [full-env (&/|++ class-env method-env)]
+ :let [output-type &/$UnitT]
+ =ctor-args (&/map% (fn [ctor-arg]
+ (|do [:let [[ca-type ca-term] ctor-arg]
+ =ca-type (generic-class->type full-env ca-type)
+ =ca-term (&&/analyse-1 analyse =ca-type ca-term)]
+ (return (&/T [ca-type =ca-term]))))
+ ?ctor-args)
+ =body (&/with-type-env full-env
+ (&&env/with-local &&/jvm-this class-type
+ (&/with-no-catches
+ (with-catches (&/|map &host-generics/gclass->class-name ?exceptions)
+ (&/fold (method-input-folder full-env)
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse output-type ?body)
+ (&/|reverse ?inputs))))))]
+ (return (&/$ConstructorMethodAnalysis (&/T [=privacy-modifier ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs =ctor-args =body]))))
+ (&/$VirtualMethodSyntax ?name =privacy-modifier =final? ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output ?body)
+ (|do [method-env (make-type-env ?gvars)
+ :let [full-env (&/|++ class-env method-env)]
+ output-type (generic-class->type full-env ?output)
+ =body (&/with-type-env full-env
+ (&&env/with-local &&/jvm-this class-type
+ (&/with-no-catches
+ (with-catches (&/|map &host-generics/gclass->class-name ?exceptions)
+ (&/fold (method-input-folder full-env)
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse output-type ?body)
+ (&/|reverse ?inputs))))))]
+ (return (&/$VirtualMethodAnalysis (&/T [?name =privacy-modifier =final? ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output =body]))))
+ (&/$OverridenMethodSyntax ?class-decl ?name ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output ?body)
+ (|do [super-env (gen-super-env class-env all-supers ?class-decl)
+ method-env (make-type-env ?gvars)
+ :let [full-env (&/|++ super-env method-env)]
+ output-type (generic-class->type full-env ?output)
+ =body (&/with-type-env full-env
+ (&&env/with-local &&/jvm-this class-type
+ (&/with-no-catches
+ (with-catches (&/|map &host-generics/gclass->class-name ?exceptions)
+ (&/fold (method-input-folder full-env)
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse output-type ?body)
+ (&/|reverse ?inputs))))))]
+ (return (&/$OverridenMethodAnalysis (&/T [?class-decl ?name ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output =body]))))
+ (&/$StaticMethodSyntax ?name =privacy-modifier ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output ?body)
+ (|do [method-env (make-type-env ?gvars)
+ :let [full-env method-env]
+ output-type (generic-class->type full-env ?output)
+ =body (&/with-type-env full-env
+ (&/with-no-catches
+ (with-catches (&/|map &host-generics/gclass->class-name ?exceptions)
+ (&/fold (method-input-folder full-env)
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse output-type ?body)
+ (&/|reverse ?inputs)))))]
+ (return (&/$StaticMethodAnalysis (&/T [?name =privacy-modifier ?strict ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output =body]))))
+ (&/$AbstractMethodSyntax ?name =privacy-modifier ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output)
+ (return (&/$AbstractMethodAnalysis (&/T [?name =privacy-modifier ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output])))
+ (&/$NativeMethodSyntax ?name =privacy-modifier ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output)
+ (return (&/$NativeMethodAnalysis (&/T [?name =privacy-modifier ?anns ?gvars ?exceptions ?inputs ?output])))
+ )))
+(defn ^:private mandatory-methods [supers]
+ (|do [class-loader &/loader]
+ (&/flat-map% (partial &host/abstract-methods class-loader) supers)))
+(defn ^:private check-method-completion [supers methods]
+ "(-> (List SuperClassDecl) (List (, MethodDecl Analysis)) (Lux Null))"
+ (|do [abstract-methods (mandatory-methods supers)
+ :let [methods-map (&/fold (fn [mmap mentry]
+ (|case mentry
+ (&/$ConstructorMethodAnalysis _)
+ mmap
+ (&/$VirtualMethodAnalysis _)
+ mmap
+ (&/$OverridenMethodAnalysis =class-decl =name ?strict =anns =gvars =exceptions =inputs =output body)
+ (update-in mmap [=name] (fn [old-inputs] (if old-inputs (conj old-inputs =inputs) [=inputs])))
+ (&/$StaticMethodAnalysis _)
+ mmap
+ (&/$AbstractMethodSyntax _)
+ mmap
+ (&/$NativeMethodSyntax _)
+ mmap
+ ))
+ {}
+ methods)
+ missing-method (&/fold (fn [missing abs-meth]
+ (or missing
+ (|let [[am-name am-inputs] abs-meth]
+ (if-let [meth-struct (get methods-map am-name)]
+ (if (some (fn [=inputs]
+ (and (= (&/|length =inputs) (&/|length am-inputs))
+ (&/fold2 (fn [prev mi ai]
+ (|let [[iname itype] mi]
+ (and prev (= (generic-class->simple-class itype) ai))))
+ true
+ =inputs am-inputs)))
+ meth-struct)
+ nil
+ abs-meth)
+ abs-meth))))
+ nil
+ abstract-methods)]]
+ (if (nil? missing-method)
+ (return nil)
+ (|let [[am-name am-inputs] missing-method]
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Missing method: " am-name " " "(" (->> am-inputs (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) ")"))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-field [analyse gtype-env field]
+ "(-> Analyser GTypeEnv FieldSyntax (Lux FieldAnalysis))"
+ (|case field
+ (&/$ConstantFieldSyntax ?name ?anns ?gclass ?value)
+ (|do [=gtype (&host-type/instance-gtype &type/existential gtype-env ?gclass)
+ =value (&&/analyse-1 analyse =gtype ?value)]
+ (return (&/$ConstantFieldAnalysis ?name ?anns ?gclass =value)))
+ (&/$VariableFieldSyntax ?name ?privacy-modifier ?state-modifier ?anns ?type)
+ (return (&/$VariableFieldAnalysis ?name ?privacy-modifier ?state-modifier ?anns ?type))
+ ))
+(do-template [<name> <proc> <from-class> <to-class>]
+ (let [output-type (&/$HostT <to-class> &/$Nil)]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type _?value]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?value (&/$Nil)) _?value]
+ =value (&&/analyse-1 analyse (&/$HostT <from-class> &/$Nil) ?value)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta output-type _cursor (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <proc>]) (&/|list =value) (&/|list))))))))
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-d2f "d2f" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-d2i "d2i" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-d2l "d2l" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-f2d "f2d" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-f2i "f2i" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-f2l "f2l" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2b "i2b" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Byte"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2c "i2c" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Character"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2d "i2d" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2f "i2f" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2l "i2l" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-i2s "i2s" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Short"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-l2d "l2d" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-l2f "l2f" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-l2i "l2i" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-l2s "l2i" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Short"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-l2b "l2i" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Byte"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-c2b "c2b" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Byte"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-c2s "c2s" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Short"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-c2i "c2i" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-c2l "c2l" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-s2l "s2l" "java.lang.Short" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-b2l "b2l" "java.lang.Byte" "java.lang.Long"
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <proc> <v1-class> <v2-class> <to-class>]
+ (let [output-type (&/$HostT <to-class> &/$Nil)]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?value1 (&/$Cons ?value2 (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =value1 (&&/analyse-1 analyse (&/$HostT <v1-class> &/$Nil) ?value1)
+ =value2 (&&/analyse-1 analyse (&/$HostT <v2-class> &/$Nil) ?value2)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta output-type _cursor (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <proc>]) (&/|list =value1 =value2) (&/|list))))))))
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-iand "iand" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ior "ior" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ixor "ixor" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ishl "ishl" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ishr "ishr" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-iushr "iushr" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-land "land" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lor "lor" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lxor "lxor" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lshl "lshl" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lshr "lshr" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lushr "lushr" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Long"
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <proc> <input-class> <output-class>]
+ (let [input-type (&/$HostT <input-class> &/$Nil)
+ output-type (&/$HostT <output-class> &/$Nil)]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Cons y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse input-type x)
+ =y (&&/analyse-1 analyse input-type y)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta output-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <proc>]) (&/|list =x =y) (&/|list))))))))
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-iadd "iadd" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-isub "isub" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-imul "imul" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-idiv "idiv" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-irem "irem" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Integer"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ieq "ieq" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ilt "ilt" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-igt "igt" "java.lang.Integer" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ceq "ceq" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-clt "clt" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-cgt "cgt" "java.lang.Character" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ladd "ladd" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lsub "lsub" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lmul "lmul" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ldiv "ldiv" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lrem "lrem" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Long"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-leq "leq" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-llt "llt" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-lgt "lgt" "java.lang.Long" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-fadd "fadd" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-fsub "fsub" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-fmul "fmul" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-fdiv "fdiv" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-frem "frem" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Float"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-feq "feq" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-flt "flt" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-fgt "fgt" "java.lang.Float" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-dadd "dadd" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-dsub "dsub" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-dmul "dmul" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-ddiv "ddiv" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-drem "drem" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Double"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-deq "deq" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-dlt "dlt" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-dgt "dgt" "java.lang.Double" "java.lang.Boolean"
+ )
+(let [length-type &type/Nat
+ idx-type &type/Nat]
+ (do-template [<elem-class> <array-class> <new-name> <new-tag> <load-name> <load-tag> <store-name> <store-tag>]
+ (let [elem-type (&/$HostT <elem-class> &/$Nil)
+ array-type (&/$HostT <array-class> &/$Nil)]
+ (defn <new-name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons length (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =length (&&/analyse-1 analyse length-type length)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <new-tag>]) (&/|list =length) (&/|list)))))))
+ (defn <load-name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1 analyse array-type array)
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type elem-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <load-tag>]) (&/|list =array =idx) (&/|list)))))))
+ (defn <store-name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Cons elem (&/$Nil)))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1 analyse array-type array)
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ =elem (&&/analyse-1 analyse elem-type elem)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <store-tag>]) (&/|list =array =idx =elem) (&/|list)))))))
+ )
+ "java.lang.Boolean" "[Z" ^:private analyse-jvm-znewarray "znewarray" analyse-jvm-zaload "zaload" analyse-jvm-zastore "zastore"
+ "java.lang.Byte" "[B" ^:private analyse-jvm-bnewarray "bnewarray" analyse-jvm-baload "baload" analyse-jvm-bastore "bastore"
+ "java.lang.Short" "[S" ^:private analyse-jvm-snewarray "snewarray" analyse-jvm-saload "saload" analyse-jvm-sastore "sastore"
+ "java.lang.Integer" "[I" ^:private analyse-jvm-inewarray "inewarray" analyse-jvm-iaload "iaload" analyse-jvm-iastore "iastore"
+ "java.lang.Long" "[J" ^:private analyse-jvm-lnewarray "lnewarray" analyse-jvm-laload "laload" analyse-jvm-lastore "lastore"
+ "java.lang.Float" "[F" ^:private analyse-jvm-fnewarray "fnewarray" analyse-jvm-faload "faload" analyse-jvm-fastore "fastore"
+ "java.lang.Double" "[D" ^:private analyse-jvm-dnewarray "dnewarray" analyse-jvm-daload "daload" analyse-jvm-dastore "dastore"
+ "java.lang.Character" "[C" ^:private analyse-jvm-cnewarray "cnewarray" analyse-jvm-caload "caload" analyse-jvm-castore "castore"
+ ))
+(defn ^:private array-class? [class-name]
+ (or (= &host-type/array-data-tag class-name)
+ (case class-name
+ ("[Z" "[B" "[S" "[I" "[J" "[F" "[D" "[C") true
+ ;; else
+ false)))
+(let [length-type &type/Nat
+ idx-type &type/Nat]
+ (defn ^:private analyse-jvm-anewarray [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS _gclass)] (&/$Cons length (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ gclass (&reader/with-source "jvm-anewarray" _gclass
+ &&a-parser/parse-gclass)
+ gtype-env &/get-type-env
+ =gclass (&host-type/instance-gtype &type/existential gtype-env gclass)
+ :let [array-type (&/$HostT &host-type/array-data-tag (&/|list =gclass))]
+ =length (&&/analyse-1 analyse length-type length)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "anewarray"]) (&/|list =length) (&/|list gclass gtype-env)))))))
+ (defn ^:private analyse-jvm-aaload [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1+ analyse array)
+ [arr-class arr-params] (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =array))
+ _ (&/assert! (= &host-type/array-data-tag arr-class) (str "[Analyser Error] Expected array. Instead got: " arr-class))
+ :let [(&/$Cons inner-arr-type (&/$Nil)) arr-params]
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type inner-arr-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "aaload"]) (&/|list =array =idx) (&/|list)))))))
+ (defn ^:private analyse-jvm-aastore [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Cons elem (&/$Nil)))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1+ analyse array)
+ :let [array-type (&&/expr-type* =array)]
+ [arr-class arr-params] (ensure-object array-type)
+ _ (&/assert! (= &host-type/array-data-tag arr-class) (str "[Analyser Error] Expected array. Instead got: " arr-class))
+ :let [(&/$Cons inner-arr-type (&/$Nil)) arr-params]
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ =elem (&&/analyse-1 analyse inner-arr-type elem)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "aastore"]) (&/|list =array =idx =elem) (&/|list))))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-arraylength [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1+ analyse array)
+ [arr-class arr-params] (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =array))
+ _ (&/assert! (array-class? arr-class) (str "[Analyser Error] Expected array. Instead got: " arr-class))
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Nat)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "arraylength"]) (&/|list =array) (&/|list))
+ )))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-null? [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons object (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =object (&&/analyse-1+ analyse object)
+ _ (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =object))
+ :let [output-type &type/Bool]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "null?"]) (&/|list =object) (&/|list)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-null [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Nil) ?values]
+ :let [output-type (&/$HostT &host-type/null-data-tag &/$Nil)]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "null"]) (&/|list) (&/|list)))))))
+(defn analyse-jvm-synchronized [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?monitor (&/$Cons ?expr (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =monitor (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?monitor)
+ _ (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =monitor))
+ =expr (&&/analyse-1 analyse exo-type ?expr)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "synchronized"]) (&/|list =monitor =expr) (&/|list)))))))
+(do-template [<name> <tag>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?monitor (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =monitor (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?monitor)
+ _ (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =monitor))
+ :let [output-type &/$UnitT]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <tag>]) (&/|list =monitor) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-monitorenter "monitorenter"
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-monitorexit "monitorexit"
+ )
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-throw [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?ex (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =ex (&&/analyse-1+ analyse ?ex)
+ _ (&type/check (&/$HostT "java.lang.Throwable" &/$Nil) (&&/expr-type* =ex))
+ [throw-class throw-params] (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =ex))
+ _ (ensure-catching (&/|list throw-class))
+ _cursor &/cursor
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Bottom)]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "throw"]) (&/|list =ex) (&/|list)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-getstatic [analyse exo-type class field ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [(&/$Nil) ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ [gvars gtype] (&host/lookup-static-field class-loader !class! field)
+ =type (&host-type/instance-param &type/existential &/$Nil gtype)
+ :let [output-type =type]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "getstatic"]) (&/|list) (&/|list class field output-type)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-getfield [analyse exo-type class field ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [(&/$Cons object (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ =object (&&/analyse-1+ analyse object)
+ _ (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =object))
+ [gvars gtype] (&host/lookup-field class-loader !class! field)
+ =type (analyse-field-access-helper (&&/expr-type* =object) gvars gtype)
+ :let [output-type =type]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "getfield"]) (&/|list =object) (&/|list class field output-type)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-putstatic [analyse exo-type class field ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [(&/$Cons value (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ [gvars gtype] (&host/lookup-static-field class-loader !class! field)
+ :let [gclass (&host-type/gtype->gclass gtype)]
+ =type (&host-type/instance-param &type/existential &/$Nil gtype)
+ =value (&&/analyse-1 analyse =type value)
+ :let [output-type &/$UnitT]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "putstatic"]) (&/|list =value) (&/|list class field gclass)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-putfield [analyse exo-type class field ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [(&/$Cons object (&/$Cons value (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ =object (&&/analyse-1+ analyse object)
+ :let [obj-type (&&/expr-type* =object)]
+ _ (ensure-object obj-type)
+ [gvars gtype] (&host/lookup-field class-loader !class! field)
+ :let [gclass (&host-type/gtype->gclass gtype)]
+ =type (analyse-field-access-helper obj-type gvars gtype)
+ =value (&&/analyse-1 analyse =type value)
+ :let [output-type &/$UnitT]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "putfield"]) (&/|list =object =value) (&/|list class field gclass =type)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-method-call-helper [analyse exo-type gret gtype-env gtype-vars gtype-args args]
+ (|case gtype-vars
+ (&/$Nil)
+ (|do [arg-types (&/map% (partial &host-type/instance-param &type/existential gtype-env) gtype-args)
+ =arg-types (&/map% &type/show-type+ arg-types)
+ =args (&/map2% (partial &&/analyse-1 analyse) arg-types args)
+ =gret (&host-type/instance-param &type/existential gtype-env gret)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type (as-otype+ =gret))]
+ (return (&/T [=gret =args])))
+ (&/$Cons ^TypeVariable gtv gtype-vars*)
+ (&type/with-var
+ (fn [$var]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$VarT _id) $var
+ gtype-env* (&/$Cons (&/T [(.getName gtv) $var]) gtype-env)]
+ [=gret =args] (analyse-method-call-helper analyse exo-type gret gtype-env* gtype-vars* gtype-args args)
+ ==gret (&type/clean $var =gret)
+ ==args (&/map% (partial &&/clean-analysis $var) =args)]
+ (return (&/T [==gret ==args])))))
+ ))
+(let [dummy-type-param (&/$HostT "java.lang.Object" &/$Nil)]
+ (do-template [<name> <tag> <only-interface?>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type class method classes ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [(&/$Cons object args) ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ _ (try (assert! (let [=class (Class/forName !class! true class-loader)]
+ (= <only-interface?> (.isInterface =class)))
+ (if <only-interface?>
+ (str "[Analyser Error] Can only invoke method \"" method "\"" " on interface.")
+ (str "[Analyser Error] Can only invoke method \"" method "\"" " on class.")))
+ (catch Exception e
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unknown class: " class))))
+ [gret exceptions parent-gvars gvars gargs] (if (= "<init>" method)
+ (return (&/T [Void/TYPE &/$Nil &/$Nil &/$Nil &/$Nil]))
+ (&host/lookup-virtual-method class-loader !class! method classes))
+ _ (ensure-catching exceptions)
+ =object (&&/analyse-1+ analyse object)
+ [sub-class sub-params] (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =object))
+ (&/$HostT super-class* super-params*) (&host-type/->super-type &type/existential class-loader !class! (if (= sub-class class)
+ !class!
+ sub-class)
+ sub-params)
+ :let [gtype-env (&/fold2 (fn [m ^TypeVariable g t] (&/$Cons (&/T [(.getName g) t]) m))
+ (&/|table)
+ parent-gvars
+ super-params*)]
+ [output-type =args] (analyse-method-call-helper analyse exo-type gret gtype-env gvars gargs args)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" <tag>]) (&/$Cons =object =args) (&/|list class method classes output-type gret)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-invokevirtual "invokevirtual" false
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-invokespecial "invokespecial" false
+ ^:private analyse-jvm-invokeinterface "invokeinterface" true
+ ))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-invokestatic [analyse exo-type class method classes ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [args ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ [gret exceptions parent-gvars gvars gargs] (&host/lookup-static-method class-loader !class! method classes)
+ _ (ensure-catching exceptions)
+ :let [gtype-env (&/|table)]
+ [output-type =args] (analyse-method-call-helper analyse exo-type gret gtype-env gvars gargs args)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "invokestatic"]) =args (&/|list class method classes output-type gret)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-new-helper [analyse gtype gtype-env gtype-vars gtype-args args]
+ (|case gtype-vars
+ (&/$Nil)
+ (|do [arg-types (&/map% (partial &host-type/instance-param &type/existential gtype-env) gtype-args)
+ =args (&/map2% (partial &&/analyse-1 analyse) arg-types args)
+ gtype-vars* (->> gtype-env (&/|map &/|second) (clean-gtype-vars))]
+ (return (&/T [(make-gtype gtype gtype-vars*)
+ =args])))
+ (&/$Cons ^TypeVariable gtv gtype-vars*)
+ (&type/with-var
+ (fn [$var]
+ (|do [:let [gtype-env* (&/$Cons (&/T [(.getName gtv) $var]) gtype-env)]
+ [=gret =args] (analyse-jvm-new-helper analyse gtype gtype-env* gtype-vars* gtype-args args)
+ ==gret (&type/clean $var =gret)
+ ==args (&/map% (partial &&/clean-analysis $var) =args)]
+ (return (&/T [==gret ==args])))))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-new [analyse exo-type class classes ?values]
+ (|do [!class! (&/de-alias-class class)
+ :let [args ?values]
+ class-loader &/loader
+ [exceptions gvars gargs] (&host/lookup-constructor class-loader !class! classes)
+ _ (ensure-catching exceptions)
+ [output-type =args] (analyse-jvm-new-helper analyse class (&/|table) gvars gargs args)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "new"]) =args (&/|list class classes)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-try [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?body (&/$Cons ?catch (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =body (with-catches (&/|list "java.lang.Exception")
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse exo-type ?body))
+ =catch (&&/analyse-1 analyse (&/$LambdaT (&/$HostT "java.lang.Exception" &/$Nil) exo-type) ?catch)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "try"]) (&/|list =body =catch) (&/|list)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-instanceof [analyse exo-type class ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons object (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =object (&&/analyse-1+ analyse object)
+ _ (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =object))
+ :let [output-type &type/Bool]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta output-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "instanceof"]) (&/|list =object) (&/|list class)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-load-class [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS _class-name)] (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ ^ClassLoader class-loader &/loader
+ _ (try (do (.loadClass class-loader _class-name)
+ (return nil))
+ (catch Exception e
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unknown class: " _class-name))))
+ :let [output-type (&/$HostT "java.lang.Class" (&/|list (&/$HostT _class-name (&/|list))))]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type output-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta output-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "load-class"]) (&/|list) (&/|list _class-name output-type)))))))
+(let [length-type &type/Nat
+ idx-type &type/Nat]
+ (defn ^:private analyse-array-new [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons length (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ :let [gclass (&/$GenericClass "java.lang.Object" (&/|list))
+ array-type (&/$UnivQ (&/|list) (&/$HostT &host-type/array-data-tag (&/|list (&/$BoundT 1))))]
+ gtype-env &/get-type-env
+ =length (&&/analyse-1 analyse length-type length)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "anewarray"]) (&/|list =length) (&/|list gclass gtype-env)))))))
+ (defn ^:private analyse-array-get [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1+ analyse array)
+ [arr-class arr-params] (ensure-object (&&/expr-type* =array))
+ _ (&/assert! (= &host-type/array-data-tag arr-class) (str "[Analyser Error] Expected array. Instead got: " arr-class))
+ :let [(&/$Cons inner-arr-type (&/$Nil)) arr-params]
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type (&/$AppT &type/Maybe inner-arr-type))
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["array" "get"]) (&/|list =array =idx) (&/|list)))))))
+ (defn ^:private analyse-array-remove [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons array (&/$Cons idx (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =array (&&/analyse-1+ analyse array)
+ :let [array-type (&&/expr-type* =array)]
+ [arr-class arr-params] (ensure-object array-type)
+ _ (&/assert! (= &host-type/array-data-tag arr-class) (str "[Analyser Error] Expected array. Instead got: " arr-class))
+ :let [(&/$Cons inner-arr-type (&/$Nil)) arr-params]
+ =idx (&&/analyse-1 analyse idx-type idx)
+ _cursor &/cursor
+ :let [=elem (&&/|meta inner-arr-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "null"]) (&/|list) (&/|list)))]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type array-type)]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "aastore"]) (&/|list =array =idx =elem) (&/|list))))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-interface [analyse compile-interface interface-decl supers =anns =methods]
+ (|do [module &/get-module-name
+ _ (compile-interface interface-decl supers =anns =methods)
+ :let [_ (println 'INTERFACE (str module "." (&/|first interface-decl)))]
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta &/$UnitT _cursor
+ (&&/$tuple (&/|list)))))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-class [analyse compile-class class-decl super-class interfaces =inheritance-modifier =anns ?fields methods]
+ (&/with-closure
+ (|do [module &/get-module-name
+ :let [[?name ?params] class-decl
+ full-name (str (string/replace module "/" ".") "." ?name)
+ class-decl* (&/T [full-name ?params])
+ all-supers (&/$Cons super-class interfaces)]
+ class-env (make-type-env ?params)
+ =fields (&/map% (partial analyse-field analyse class-env) ?fields)
+ _ (&host/use-dummy-class class-decl super-class interfaces &/$None =fields methods)
+ =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse class-decl* class-env all-supers) methods)
+ _ (check-method-completion all-supers =methods)
+ _ (compile-class class-decl super-class interfaces =inheritance-modifier =anns =fields =methods &/$Nil &/$None)
+ _ &/pop-dummy-name
+ :let [_ (println 'CLASS full-name)]
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta &/$UnitT _cursor
+ (&&/$tuple (&/|list))))))))
+(defn ^:private captured-source [env-entry]
+ (|case env-entry
+ [name [_ (&&/$captured _ _ source)]]
+ source))
+(let [default-<init> (&/$ConstructorMethodSyntax (&/T [&/$PublicPM
+ false
+ &/$Nil
+ &/$Nil
+ &/$Nil
+ &/$Nil
+ &/$Nil
+ (&/$TupleS &/$Nil)]))
+ captured-slot-class "java.lang.Object"
+ captured-slot-type (&/$GenericClass captured-slot-class &/$Nil)]
+ (defn ^:private analyse-jvm-anon-class [analyse compile-class exo-type super-class interfaces ctor-args methods]
+ (&/with-closure
+ (|do [module &/get-module-name
+ scope &/get-scope-name
+ :let [name (->> scope &/|reverse &/|tail &host/location)
+ class-decl (&/T [name &/$Nil])
+ anon-class (str (string/replace module "/" ".") "." name)
+ anon-class-type (&/$HostT anon-class &/$Nil)]
+ =ctor-args (&/map% (fn [ctor-arg]
+ (|let [[arg-type arg-term] ctor-arg]
+ (|do [=arg-term (&&/analyse-1+ analyse arg-term)]
+ (return (&/T [arg-type =arg-term])))))
+ ctor-args)
+ _ (->> methods
+ (&/$Cons default-<init>)
+ (&host/use-dummy-class class-decl super-class interfaces (&/$Some =ctor-args) &/$Nil))
+ :let [all-supers (&/$Cons super-class interfaces)
+ class-env &/$Nil]
+ =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse class-decl class-env all-supers) methods)
+ _ (check-method-completion all-supers =methods)
+ =captured &&env/captured-vars
+ :let [=fields (&/|map (fn [^objects idx+capt]
+ (|let [[idx _] idx+capt]
+ (&/$VariableFieldAnalysis (str &c!base/closure-prefix idx)
+ &/$PublicPM
+ &/$FinalSM
+ &/$Nil
+ captured-slot-type)))
+ (&/enumerate =captured))]
+ :let [sources (&/|map captured-source =captured)]
+ _ (compile-class class-decl super-class interfaces &/$DefaultIM &/$Nil =fields =methods =captured (&/$Some =ctor-args))
+ _ &/pop-dummy-name
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta anon-class-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["jvm" "new"]) sources (&/|list anon-class (&/|repeat (&/|length sources) captured-slot-class)))
+ )))
+ ))))
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons input (&/$Cons mask (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =mask (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Nat mask)
+ =input (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Nat input)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Nat)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["bit" <op>]) (&/|list =input =mask) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-bit-and "and"
+ ^:private analyse-bit-or "or"
+ ^:private analyse-bit-xor "xor"
+ )
+(defn ^:private analyse-bit-count [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons input (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =input (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Nat input)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Nat)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["bit" "count"]) (&/|list =input) (&/|list)))))))
+(do-template [<name> <op> <type>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons input (&/$Cons shift (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =shift (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Nat shift)
+ =input (&&/analyse-1 analyse <type> input)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type <type>)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["bit" <op>]) (&/|list =input =shift) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-bit-shift-left "shift-left" &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-bit-shift-right "shift-right" &type/Int
+ ^:private analyse-bit-unsigned-shift-right "unsigned-shift-right" &type/Nat
+ )
+(defn ^:private analyse-lux-== [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (&type/with-var
+ (fn [$var]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons left (&/$Cons right (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =left (&&/analyse-1 analyse $var left)
+ =right (&&/analyse-1 analyse $var right)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Bool)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta exo-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["lux" "=="]) (&/|list =left =right) (&/|list)))))))))
+(do-template [<name> <proc> <input-type> <output-type>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Cons y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse <input-type> x)
+ =y (&&/analyse-1 analyse <input-type> y)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type <output-type>)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta <output-type> _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T <proc>) (&/|list =x =y) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-nat-add ["nat" "+"] &type/Nat &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-nat-sub ["nat" "-"] &type/Nat &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-nat-mul ["nat" "*"] &type/Nat &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-nat-div ["nat" "/"] &type/Nat &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-nat-rem ["nat" "%"] &type/Nat &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-nat-eq ["nat" "="] &type/Nat &type/Bool
+ ^:private analyse-nat-lt ["nat" "<"] &type/Nat &type/Bool
+ ^:private analyse-frac-add ["frac" "+"] &type/Frac &type/Frac
+ ^:private analyse-frac-sub ["frac" "-"] &type/Frac &type/Frac
+ ^:private analyse-frac-mul ["frac" "*"] &type/Frac &type/Frac
+ ^:private analyse-frac-div ["frac" "/"] &type/Frac &type/Frac
+ ^:private analyse-frac-rem ["frac" "%"] &type/Frac &type/Frac
+ ^:private analyse-frac-eq ["frac" "="] &type/Frac &type/Bool
+ ^:private analyse-frac-lt ["frac" "<"] &type/Frac &type/Bool
+ )
+(defn ^:private analyse-frac-scale [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Cons y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Frac x)
+ =y (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Nat y)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Frac)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta &type/Frac _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T ["frac" "scale"]) (&/|list =x =y) (&/|list)))))))
+(do-template [<encode> <encode-op> <decode> <decode-op> <type>]
+ (do (defn <encode> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse <type> x)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type &type/Text)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta &type/Text _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T <encode-op>) (&/|list =x) (&/|list)))))))
+ (let [decode-type (&/$AppT &type/Maybe <type>)]
+ (defn <decode> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse &type/Text x)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type decode-type)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta decode-type _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T <decode-op>) (&/|list =x) (&/|list)))))))))
+ ^:private analyse-nat-encode ["nat" "encode"] ^:private analyse-nat-decode ["nat" "decode"] &type/Nat
+ ^:private analyse-frac-encode ["frac" "encode"] ^:private analyse-frac-decode ["frac" "decode"] &type/Frac
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <type> <op>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Nil) ?values]
+ _ (&type/check exo-type <type>)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta <type> _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T <op>) (&/|list) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-nat-min-value &type/Nat ["nat" "min-value"]
+ ^:private analyse-nat-max-value &type/Nat ["nat" "max-value"]
+ ^:private analyse-frac-min-value &type/Frac ["frac" "min-value"]
+ ^:private analyse-frac-max-value &type/Frac ["frac" "max-value"]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <from-type> <to-type> <op>]
+ (defn <name> [analyse exo-type ?values]
+ (|do [:let [(&/$Cons x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
+ =x (&&/analyse-1 analyse <from-type> x)
+ _ (&type/check exo-type <to-type>)
+ _cursor &/cursor]
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta <to-type> _cursor
+ (&&/$proc (&/T <op>) (&/|list =x) (&/|list)))))))
+ ^:private analyse-nat-to-int &type/Nat &type/Int ["nat" "to-int"]
+ ^:private analyse-nat-to-char &type/Nat &type/Char ["nat" "to-char"]
+ ^:private analyse-int-to-nat &type/Int &type/Nat ["int" "to-nat"]
+ ^:private analyse-char-to-nat &type/Char &type/Nat ["char" "to-nat"]
+ ^:private analyse-frac-to-real &type/Frac &type/Real ["frac" "to-real"]
+ ^:private analyse-real-to-frac &type/Real &type/Frac ["real" "to-frac"]
+ )
+(defn analyse-host [analyse exo-type compilers category proc ?values]
+ (|let [[_ _ compile-class compile-interface] compilers]
+ (case category
+ "lux"
+ (case proc
+ "==" (analyse-lux-== analyse exo-type ?values))
+ "bit"
+ (case proc
+ "count" (analyse-bit-count analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "and" (analyse-bit-and analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "or" (analyse-bit-or analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "xor" (analyse-bit-xor analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "shift-left" (analyse-bit-shift-left analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "shift-right" (analyse-bit-shift-right analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "unsigned-shift-right" (analyse-bit-unsigned-shift-right analyse exo-type ?values))
+ "array"
+ (case proc
+ "new" (analyse-array-new analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "get" (analyse-array-get analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "put" (analyse-jvm-aastore analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "remove" (analyse-array-remove analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "size" (analyse-jvm-arraylength analyse exo-type ?values))
+ "nat"
+ (case proc
+ "+" (analyse-nat-add analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "-" (analyse-nat-sub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "*" (analyse-nat-mul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "/" (analyse-nat-div analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "%" (analyse-nat-rem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "=" (analyse-nat-eq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "<" (analyse-nat-lt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "encode" (analyse-nat-encode analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "decode" (analyse-nat-decode analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "min-value" (analyse-nat-min-value analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "max-value" (analyse-nat-max-value analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "to-int" (analyse-nat-to-int analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "to-char" (analyse-nat-to-char analyse exo-type ?values)
+ )
+ "frac"
+ (case proc
+ "+" (analyse-frac-add analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "-" (analyse-frac-sub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "*" (analyse-frac-mul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "/" (analyse-frac-div analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "%" (analyse-frac-rem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "=" (analyse-frac-eq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "<" (analyse-frac-lt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "encode" (analyse-frac-encode analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "decode" (analyse-frac-decode analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "min-value" (analyse-frac-min-value analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "max-value" (analyse-frac-max-value analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "to-real" (analyse-frac-to-real analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "scale" (analyse-frac-scale analyse exo-type ?values)
+ )
+ "int"
+ (case proc
+ "to-nat" (analyse-int-to-nat analyse exo-type ?values)
+ )
+ "real"
+ (case proc
+ "to-frac" (analyse-real-to-frac analyse exo-type ?values)
+ )
+ "char"
+ (case proc
+ "to-nat" (analyse-char-to-nat analyse exo-type ?values)
+ )
+ "jvm"
+ (case proc
+ "synchronized" (analyse-jvm-synchronized analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "load-class" (analyse-jvm-load-class analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "try" (analyse-jvm-try analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "throw" (analyse-jvm-throw analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "monitorenter" (analyse-jvm-monitorenter analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "monitorexit" (analyse-jvm-monitorexit analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "null?" (analyse-jvm-null? analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "null" (analyse-jvm-null analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "anewarray" (analyse-jvm-anewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "aaload" (analyse-jvm-aaload analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "aastore" (analyse-jvm-aastore analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "arraylength" (analyse-jvm-arraylength analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "znewarray" (analyse-jvm-znewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "bnewarray" (analyse-jvm-bnewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "snewarray" (analyse-jvm-snewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "inewarray" (analyse-jvm-inewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lnewarray" (analyse-jvm-lnewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fnewarray" (analyse-jvm-fnewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dnewarray" (analyse-jvm-dnewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "cnewarray" (analyse-jvm-cnewarray analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "iadd" (analyse-jvm-iadd analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "isub" (analyse-jvm-isub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "imul" (analyse-jvm-imul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "idiv" (analyse-jvm-idiv analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "irem" (analyse-jvm-irem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ieq" (analyse-jvm-ieq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ilt" (analyse-jvm-ilt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "igt" (analyse-jvm-igt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ceq" (analyse-jvm-ceq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "clt" (analyse-jvm-clt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "cgt" (analyse-jvm-cgt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ladd" (analyse-jvm-ladd analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lsub" (analyse-jvm-lsub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lmul" (analyse-jvm-lmul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ldiv" (analyse-jvm-ldiv analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lrem" (analyse-jvm-lrem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "leq" (analyse-jvm-leq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "llt" (analyse-jvm-llt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lgt" (analyse-jvm-lgt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fadd" (analyse-jvm-fadd analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fsub" (analyse-jvm-fsub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fmul" (analyse-jvm-fmul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fdiv" (analyse-jvm-fdiv analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "frem" (analyse-jvm-frem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "feq" (analyse-jvm-feq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "flt" (analyse-jvm-flt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "fgt" (analyse-jvm-fgt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dadd" (analyse-jvm-dadd analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dsub" (analyse-jvm-dsub analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dmul" (analyse-jvm-dmul analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ddiv" (analyse-jvm-ddiv analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "drem" (analyse-jvm-drem analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "deq" (analyse-jvm-deq analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dlt" (analyse-jvm-dlt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "dgt" (analyse-jvm-dgt analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "iand" (analyse-jvm-iand analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ior" (analyse-jvm-ior analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ixor" (analyse-jvm-ixor analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ishl" (analyse-jvm-ishl analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "ishr" (analyse-jvm-ishr analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "iushr" (analyse-jvm-iushr analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "land" (analyse-jvm-land analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lor" (analyse-jvm-lor analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lxor" (analyse-jvm-lxor analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lshl" (analyse-jvm-lshl analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lshr" (analyse-jvm-lshr analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "lushr" (analyse-jvm-lushr analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "d2f" (analyse-jvm-d2f analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "d2i" (analyse-jvm-d2i analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "d2l" (analyse-jvm-d2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "f2d" (analyse-jvm-f2d analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "f2i" (analyse-jvm-f2i analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "f2l" (analyse-jvm-f2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2b" (analyse-jvm-i2b analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2c" (analyse-jvm-i2c analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2d" (analyse-jvm-i2d analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2f" (analyse-jvm-i2f analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2l" (analyse-jvm-i2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "i2s" (analyse-jvm-i2s analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "l2d" (analyse-jvm-l2d analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "l2f" (analyse-jvm-l2f analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "l2i" (analyse-jvm-l2i analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "l2s" (analyse-jvm-l2s analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "l2b" (analyse-jvm-l2b analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "c2b" (analyse-jvm-c2b analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "c2s" (analyse-jvm-c2s analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "c2i" (analyse-jvm-c2i analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "c2l" (analyse-jvm-c2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "b2l" (analyse-jvm-b2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ "s2l" (analyse-jvm-s2l analyse exo-type ?values)
+ ;; else
+ (->> (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unknown host procedure: " [category proc]))
+ (if-let [[_ _def-code] (re-find #"^interface:(.*)$" proc)]
+ (&reader/with-source "interface" _def-code
+ (|do [[=gclass-decl =supers =anns =methods] &&a-parser/parse-interface-def]
+ (analyse-jvm-interface analyse compile-interface =gclass-decl =supers =anns =methods))))
+ (if-let [[_ _def-code] (re-find #"^class:(.*)$" proc)]
+ (&reader/with-source "class" _def-code
+ (|do [[=gclass-decl =super-class =interfaces =inheritance-modifier =anns =fields =methods] &&a-parser/parse-class-def]
+ (analyse-jvm-class analyse compile-class =gclass-decl =super-class =interfaces =inheritance-modifier =anns =fields =methods))))
+ (if-let [[_ _def-code] (re-find #"^anon-class:(.*)$" proc)]
+ (&reader/with-source "anon-class" _def-code
+ (|do [[=super-class =interfaces =ctor-args =methods] &&a-parser/parse-anon-class-def]
+ (analyse-jvm-anon-class analyse compile-class exo-type =super-class =interfaces =ctor-args =methods))))
+ (if-let [[_ _class] (re-find #"^instanceof:([^:]+)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-instanceof analyse exo-type _class ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _arg-classes] (re-find #"^new:([^:]+):([^:]*)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-new analyse exo-type _class (if (= "" _arg-classes) (&/|list) (&/->list (string/split _arg-classes #","))) ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _method _arg-classes] (re-find #"^invokestatic:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]*)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-invokestatic analyse exo-type _class _method (if (= "" _arg-classes) (&/|list) (&/->list (string/split _arg-classes #","))) ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _method _arg-classes] (re-find #"^invokeinterface:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]*)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-invokeinterface analyse exo-type _class _method (if (= "" _arg-classes) (&/|list) (&/->list (string/split _arg-classes #","))) ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _method _arg-classes] (re-find #"^invokevirtual:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]*)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-invokevirtual analyse exo-type _class _method (if (= "" _arg-classes) (&/|list) (&/->list (string/split _arg-classes #","))) ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _method _arg-classes] (re-find #"^invokespecial:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]*)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-invokespecial analyse exo-type _class _method (if (= "" _arg-classes) (&/|list) (&/->list (string/split _arg-classes #","))) ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _field] (re-find #"^getstatic:([^:]+):([^:]+)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-getstatic analyse exo-type _class _field ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _field] (re-find #"^getfield:([^:]+):([^:]+)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-getfield analyse exo-type _class _field ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _field] (re-find #"^putstatic:([^:]+):([^:]+)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-putstatic analyse exo-type _class _field ?values))
+ (if-let [[_ _class _field] (re-find #"^putfield:([^:]+):([^:]+)$" proc)]
+ (analyse-jvm-putfield analyse exo-type _class _field ?values))))
+ ;; else
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Analyser Error] Unknown host procedure: " [category proc])))))