path: root/src/activate.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/activate.rs')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/activate.rs b/src/activate.rs
index f75303f..64baa4f 100644
--- a/src/activate.rs
+++ b/src/activate.rs
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ struct Opts {
profile_path: String,
closure: String,
- /// Command for activating the given profile
- #[clap(long)]
- activate_cmd: Option<String>,
/// Command for bootstrapping
bootstrap_cmd: Option<String>,
@@ -42,21 +38,24 @@ struct Opts {
pub async fn activate(
profile_path: String,
closure: String,
- activate_cmd: Option<String>,
bootstrap_cmd: Option<String>,
auto_rollback: bool,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
info!("Activating profile");
- Command::new("nix-env")
+ let nix_env_set_exit_status = Command::new("nix-env")
- .spawn()?
+ .status()
+ if !nix_env_set_exit_status.success() {
+ good_panic!("Failed to update nix-env generation");
+ }
if let (Some(bootstrap_cmd), false) = (bootstrap_cmd, !Path::new(&profile_path).exists()) {
let bootstrap_status = Command::new("bash")
@@ -76,87 +75,85 @@ pub async fn activate(
- if let Some(activate_cmd) = activate_cmd {
- let activate_status = Command::new("bash")
- .arg("-c")
- .arg(&activate_cmd)
- .env("PROFILE", &profile_path)
- .status()
- .await;
+ let activate_status = Command::new(format!("{}/activate", profile_path))
+ .env("PROFILE", &profile_path)
+ .status()
+ .await;
+ match activate_status {
+ Ok(s) if s.success() => (),
+ _ if auto_rollback => {
+ error!("Failed to execute activation command");
+ let nix_env_rollback_exit_status = Command::new("nix-env")
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg(&profile_path)
+ .arg("--rollback")
+ .stdout(Stdio::null())
+ .stderr(Stdio::null())
+ .status()
+ .await?;
+ if !nix_env_rollback_exit_status.success() {
+ good_panic!("`nix-env --rollback` failed");
+ }
- match activate_status {
- Ok(s) if s.success() => (),
- _ if auto_rollback => {
- error!("Failed to execute activation command");
- let nix_env_rollback_exit_status = Command::new("nix-env")
- .arg("-p")
- .arg(&profile_path)
- .arg("--rollback")
- .stdout(Stdio::null())
- .stderr(Stdio::null())
- .status()
- .await?;
- if !nix_env_rollback_exit_status.success() {
- good_panic!("`nix-env --rollback` failed");
- }
- let nix_env_list_generations_out = Command::new("nix-env")
- .arg("-p")
- .arg(&profile_path)
- .arg("--list-generations")
- .output()
- .await?;
- if !nix_env_list_generations_out.status.success() {
- good_panic!("Listing `nix-env` generations failed");
- }
- let generations_list = String::from_utf8(nix_env_list_generations_out.stdout)?;
- let last_generation_line = generations_list
- .lines()
- .last()
- .expect("Expected to find a generation in list");
- let last_generation_id = last_generation_line
- .split_whitespace()
- .next()
- .expect("Expected to get ID from generation entry");
- debug!("Removing generation entry {}", last_generation_line);
- warn!("Removing generation by ID {}", last_generation_id);
- let nix_env_delete_generation_exit_status = Command::new("nix-env")
- .arg("-p")
- .arg(&profile_path)
- .arg("--delete-generations")
- .arg(last_generation_id)
- .stdout(Stdio::null())
- .stderr(Stdio::null())
- .status()
- .await?;
- if !nix_env_delete_generation_exit_status.success() {
- good_panic!("Failed to delete failed generation");
- }
- // TODO: Find some way to make sure this command never changes, otherwise this will not work
- let re_activate_exit_status = Command::new("bash")
- .arg("-c")
- .arg(&activate_cmd)
- .status()
- .await?;
- if !re_activate_exit_status.success() {
- good_panic!("Failed to re-activate the last generation");
- }
- std::process::exit(1);
+ debug!("Listing generations");
+ let nix_env_list_generations_out = Command::new("nix-env")
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg(&profile_path)
+ .arg("--list-generations")
+ .output()
+ .await?;
+ if !nix_env_list_generations_out.status.success() {
+ good_panic!("Listing `nix-env` generations failed");
- _ => {}
+ let generations_list = String::from_utf8(nix_env_list_generations_out.stdout)?;
+ let last_generation_line = generations_list
+ .lines()
+ .last()
+ .expect("Expected to find a generation in list");
+ let last_generation_id = last_generation_line
+ .split_whitespace()
+ .next()
+ .expect("Expected to get ID from generation entry");
+ debug!("Removing generation entry {}", last_generation_line);
+ warn!("Removing generation by ID {}", last_generation_id);
+ let nix_env_delete_generation_exit_status = Command::new("nix-env")
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg(&profile_path)
+ .arg("--delete-generations")
+ .arg(last_generation_id)
+ .stdout(Stdio::null())
+ .stderr(Stdio::null())
+ .status()
+ .await?;
+ if !nix_env_delete_generation_exit_status.success() {
+ good_panic!("Failed to delete failed generation");
+ }
+ info!("Attempting re-activate last generation");
+ let re_activate_exit_status = Command::new(format!("{}/activate", profile_path))
+ .env("PROFILE", &profile_path)
+ .status()
+ .await?;
+ if !re_activate_exit_status.success() {
+ good_panic!("Failed to re-activate the last generation");
+ }
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ _ => {}
@@ -175,7 +172,6 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
- opts.activate_cmd,