diff options
authorstuebinm2024-07-21 17:55:36 +0200
committerstuebinm2024-07-21 17:55:36 +0200
commitb8df907e76b8ac7cdf59b26f0e75a477d926f122 (patch)
parent16575597093923ac46839128b2676da92496d598 (diff)
document publicly exposed interface
this documents most functions that might be used by downstream consumers of this library, except for those in Conftrack.Pretty, which aren't done yet.
6 files changed, 205 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/Conftrack.hs b/src/Conftrack.hs
index e1652b1..4e1f17a 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack.hs
@@ -9,19 +9,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+Module: Conftrack
+Stability: experimental
+A typeclass-based library for reading in configuration values from multiple sources,
+attempting to be simple, avoid unecessarily complex types, and be able to track where
+each value came from.
module Conftrack
- ( Config(..)
- , Warning(..)
- , runFetchConfig
+ ( -- * How to use this library
+ -- $use
+ -- * Defining a configuration format
+ Config(..)
, readValue
, readOptionalValue
, readRequiredValue
, readNested
, readNestedOptional
+ -- * Defining sources
, SomeSource
- , ConfigError(..)
- , Key(..)
+ -- * Reading a config
+ , runFetchConfig
+ , Fetch
+ -- * Parsing config values
, Value(..)
+ , ConfigValue(..)
+ -- * Basic types
+ , Key(..)
+ , Warning(..)
+ , ConfigError(..)
+ -- * Utilities
, configKeysOf
, key
) where
@@ -43,6 +63,7 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+-- | A class to model configurations. See "Conftrack"'s documention for a usage example
class Config a where
readConfig :: Fetch a
@@ -54,6 +75,16 @@ data FetcherState = FetcherState
, fetcherErrors :: [ConfigError]
+-- | A value of type @Fetch a@ can be used to read in a value @a@, with configuration
+-- sources handled implicitly.
+-- Note that this is an instance of 'Applicative' but not 'Monad'. In practical terms
+-- this means that values read from the configuration sources cannot be inspected while
+-- reading the rest of the config, and in particular which keys are read cannot depend
+-- on another key's value. This allows for introspection functions like 'configKeysOf'.
+-- For configuration keys whose presence depends on each other, use
+-- 'Conftrack.readNestedOptional' to model similar behaviour.
newtype Fetch a = Fetch (FetcherState -> IO (a, FetcherState))
deriving (Functor)
@@ -84,6 +115,10 @@ runFetchConfig sources = do
then pure $ Right (result, origins, unusedWarnings <> warnings)
else pure $ Left errors
+-- | a list of all keys which will be read when running @runFetchConfig@ to
+-- produce a value of type @a@.
+-- This runs inside the 'IO' monad, but does not do any actual IO.
configKeysOf :: forall a. Config a => IO [Key]
configKeysOf = do
let (Fetch m) = readConfig @a
@@ -92,8 +127,12 @@ configKeysOf = do
let keys = mapMaybe (\case {(NotPresent k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing }) errors
pure keys
+-- | read an optional config value, resulting in a @Just@ if it is present
+-- and a @Nothing@ if it is not.
+-- This is distinct from using 'readValue' to produce a value of type @Maybe a@:
+-- the latter will require the key to be present, but allow it to be @null@
+-- or similarly empty.
readOptionalValue :: forall a. ConfigValue a => Key -> Fetch (Maybe a)
readOptionalValue bareKey = Fetch $ \s1@FetcherState{..} -> do
@@ -114,7 +153,7 @@ readOptionalValue bareKey = Fetch $ \s1@FetcherState{..} -> do
pure (fst val, s1 { fetcherSources = sources
, fetcherOrigins = M.insertWith (<>) k (snd val) fetcherOrigins })
+-- | read in a config value, and produce an error if it is not present.
readRequiredValue :: ConfigValue a => Key -> Fetch a
readRequiredValue k =
@@ -128,6 +167,7 @@ readRequiredValue k =
pure (dummy, s { fetcherErrors = NotPresent (k `prefixedWith` fetcherPrefix s) : fetcherErrors s })
Just v -> pure (v, s)))
+-- | read in a config value, or give the given default value if it is not present.
readValue :: forall a. ConfigValue a => a -> Key -> Fetch a
readValue defaultValue k =
@@ -156,12 +196,19 @@ firstMatchInSources k (SomeSource (source, sourceState):sources) = do
Right _ ->
pure $ (eitherValue, SomeSource (source, newState)) : fmap (Left Shadowed ,) sources
+-- | read a nested set of configuration values, prefixed by a given key. This
+-- corresponds to nested objects in json.
readNested :: forall a. Config a => Key -> Fetch a
readNested (Key prefix') = Fetch $ \s1 -> do
let (Fetch nested) = readConfig @a
(config, s2) <- nested (s1 { fetcherPrefix = fetcherPrefix s1 <> NonEmpty.toList prefix' })
pure (config, s2 { fetcherPrefix = fetcherPrefix s1 })
+-- | same as 'readNested', but produce @Nothing@ if the nested keys are not present.
+-- This can be used for optionally configurable sub-systems or similar constructs.
+-- If only some but not all keys of the nested configuration are given, this will
+-- produce an error.
readNestedOptional :: forall a. (Show a, Config a) => Key -> Fetch (Maybe a)
readNestedOptional (Key prefix) = Fetch $ \s1 -> do
let (Fetch nested) = readConfig @a
@@ -200,3 +247,112 @@ collectUnused sources = do
<&> fmap (\(Just a) -> Warning $ "Unused Keys " <> T.pack (show a))
. filter (\(Just a) -> not (null a))
. filter isJust
+{- $use
+This library models configuration files as a list of configuration 'Key's,
+for which values can be retrieved from generic sources, such as environment
+variables, a program's cli arguments, or a yaml (or json, etc.) file.
+As a simple example, assume a program interacting with some API. We want it
+to read the API's base url (falling back to a default value if it is not
+given) and an API key (and error out if it is missing) from its config:
+> data ProgramConfig =
+> { configBaseUrl :: URL
+> , configApiKey :: Text
+> }
+Then we can write an appropriate instance of 'Config' for it:
+> instance Config ProgramConfig where
+> readConfig = ProgramConfig
+> <$> readValue "" [key|baseUrl|]
+> <*> readRequiredValue [key|apiKey|]
+'Config' is an instance of 'Applicative'. With the @ApplicativeDo@ language
+extension enabled, the above can be equivalently written as:
+> instance Config ProgramConfig where
+> readConfig = do
+> configBaseUrl <- readValue "" [key|baseUrl|]
+> configApiKey <- readRequiredValue [key|apiKey|]
+> pure (ProgramConfig {..})
+Note that 'Config' is not a 'Monad', so we cannot inspect the config values here,
+or make the reading of further keys depend on the value of earlier ones. This is
+to enable introspection-like uses as in 'configKeysOf'.
+To read our config we must provide a non-empty list of sources. Functions to
+construct these live in the @Conftrack.Source.*@ modules; here we use
+'Conftrack.Source.Yaml.mkYamlFileSource' and 'Conftrack.Source.Env.mkEnvSource'
+(from "Conftrac.Source.Yaml" and "Conftrack.Source.Env" respectively) to read
+values from either a yaml file or environment variables:
+> main = do
+> result <- runFetchConfig
+> [ mkEnvSource "CONFTRACK"
+> , mkYamlFileSource [path|./config.yaml|]
+> ]
+> case result of
+> Left _ -> ..
+> Right (config, origins, warnings) -> ..
+Now we can read in a config file like
+> baseUrl: http://localhost/api/v1
+> apiKey: very-very-secret
+or from environment variables
+> CONFTRACK_BASEURL=http://localhost/api/v1
+> CONFTRACK_APIKEY=very-very-secret
+Of course, sources can be mixed: Perhaps we do not want to have our program's api
+key inside the configuration file. Then we can simply omit it there and provide it
+via the @CONFTRACK_APIKEY@ environment variable instead.
+== Multiple sources
+The order of sources given to 'runFetchConfig' matters: values given in earlier
+sources shadow values of the same key in all following sources.
+Thus even if we have
+> apiKey: will-not-be-used
+in our @config.yaml@ file, it will be ignored if the @CONFTRACK_APIKEY@ environment
+variable also has a value.
+== Keeping track of things
+Conftrack is written to always keep track of the configuration values it reads. In
+particular, it is intended to avoid frustrating questions of the kind "I have
+clearly set this config key in the file, why does my software not use it?".
+This is reflected in 'runFetchConfig'\'s return type: if it does not produce an error,
+it will not only return a set of config values, but also a map of 'Origin's and a list
+of 'Warning's indicating likely misconfiguration:
+> main = do
+> result <- runFetchConfig
+> [ mkEnvSource "CONFTRACK"
+> , mkYamlFileSource [path|./config.yaml|]
+> ]
+> case result of
+> Left _ -> ..
+> Right (config, origins, warnings) -> do
+> printConfigOrigins origins
+> ...
+May print something like this:
+> Environment variable CONFTRACK_APIKEY
+> apiKey = "very-very-secret"
+> YAML file ./config.yaml
+> baseUrl = "http://localhost/api/v1"
+It is recommended that programs making use of conftrack include a @--show-config@
+option (or a similar method of introspection) to help in debugging such cases.
diff --git a/src/Conftrack/Source.hs b/src/Conftrack/Source.hs
index ecfa20d..ab13172 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack/Source.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack/Source.hs
@@ -12,11 +12,27 @@ import Control.Monad.State (StateT (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
+-- | An abstraction over "config sources". This might mean file formats,
+-- environment variables, or any other kind of format that can be seen as a
+-- key-value store.
class ConfigSource s where
+ -- | Some sources require state, e.g. to keep track of which values were
+ -- already read.
type SourceState s
+ -- | read a single value from the source.
fetchValue :: Key -> s -> StateT (SourceState s) IO (Either ConfigError (Value, Text))
+ -- | given @s@, determine if any keys are "left over" and were not used.
+ -- This is used to produce warnings for unknown configuration options;
+ -- since not all sources can support this, this function's return type
+ -- includes @Maybe@ and sources are free to return @Nothing@ if they
+ -- cannot determine if any unknown keys are present.
leftovers :: s -> StateT (SourceState s) IO (Maybe [Key])
+-- | An opaque type for any kind of config sources. Values of this type can be
+-- acquired from they @Conftrack.Source.*@ modules, or by implementing the
+-- 'ConfigSource' type class.
data SomeSource = forall source. ConfigSource source
=> SomeSource (source, SourceState source)
diff --git a/src/Conftrack/Source/Aeson.hs b/src/Conftrack/Source/Aeson.hs
index 97353d0..17ea4ee 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack/Source/Aeson.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack/Source/Aeson.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-module Conftrack.Source.Aeson (JsonSource(..), mkJsonSource, mkJsonSourceWith, mkJsonFileSource) where
+-- | Functions for producing sources reading from json strings or files, using the aeson library.
+module Conftrack.Source.Aeson (mkJsonSource, mkJsonSourceWith, mkJsonFileSource, JsonSource(..)) where
import Conftrack.Value (Key (..), ConfigError(..), Value (..), KeyPart)
import Conftrack.Source (SomeSource(..), ConfigSource (..))
@@ -37,13 +38,17 @@ data JsonSource = JsonSource
, jsonSourceDescription :: Text
} deriving (Show)
+-- | Make a source from an aeson value
mkJsonSource :: A.Value -> SomeSource
mkJsonSource value = mkJsonSourceWith ("JSON string " <> LT.toStrict (A.encodeToLazyText value)) value
+-- | same as 'mkJsonSource', but with an additional description to be shown
+-- in output of 'Conftrack.Pretty.printConfigOrigins'.
mkJsonSourceWith :: Text -> A.Value -> SomeSource
mkJsonSourceWith description value = SomeSource (source, [])
where source = JsonSource value description
+-- | Make a source from a json file.
mkJsonFileSource :: OsPath -> IO (Maybe SomeSource)
mkJsonFileSource path = do
bytes <- readFile path
diff --git a/src/Conftrack/Source/Trivial.hs b/src/Conftrack/Source/Trivial.hs
index d4151c2..842ca46 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack/Source/Trivial.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack/Source/Trivial.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- | A trivial source reading from a @Map Key Value@, only useful as a demonstration or for tests.
module Conftrack.Source.Trivial where
import Conftrack.Value (Key, Value(..), ConfigError(..))
diff --git a/src/Conftrack/Source/Yaml.hs b/src/Conftrack/Source/Yaml.hs
index 6adc798..4642922 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack/Source/Yaml.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack/Source/Yaml.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+-- | Functions for producing sources reading from yaml strings or files, using the aeson library.
module Conftrack.Source.Yaml (YamlSource(..), mkYamlSource, mkYamlSourceWith, mkYamlFileSource) where
import Conftrack.Source (SomeSource(..), ConfigSource (..))
diff --git a/src/Conftrack/Value.hs b/src/Conftrack/Value.hs
index 3eda24a..1d6e6a7 100644
--- a/src/Conftrack/Value.hs
+++ b/src/Conftrack/Value.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
-module Conftrack.Value (key, Value(..), ConfigError(..), Key(..), ConfigValue(..), Origin(..), KeyPart, prefixedWith) where
+module Conftrack.Value (key, Value(..), ConfigError(..), Key(..), ConfigValue(..), Origin(..), KeyPart, prefixedWith, withString) where
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -21,9 +21,13 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as BS
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(lift))
+-- | A generic value read from a config source, to be parsed into a more useful type
+-- (see the 'ConfigValue' class).
data Value =
ConfigString BS.ByteString
| ConfigInteger Integer
+ -- | A value which may be an integer, but the source cannot say for sure, e.g. because
+ -- its values are entirely untyped. Use 'withString' to handle such cases.
| ConfigMaybeInteger BS.ByteString Integer
| ConfigOther Text Text
| ConfigBool Bool
@@ -32,6 +36,14 @@ data Value =
type KeyPart = Text
+-- | A configuration key is a non-empty list of parts. By convention, these parts
+-- are separated by dots when written, although dots withing parts are not disallowed.
+-- For writing values easily, consider enabling the @QuasiQuotes@ language extension
+-- to use 'key':
+-- >>> [key||]
newtype Key = Key (NonEmpty KeyPart)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord)
deriving (Lift)
@@ -39,6 +51,7 @@ newtype Key = Key (NonEmpty KeyPart)
instance Show Key where
show (Key parts) = T.unpack (T.intercalate "." (NonEmpty.toList parts))
+-- | to write values of 'Key' easily
key :: QuasiQuoter
key = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = lift . Key . NonEmpty.fromList . T.splitOn "." . T.pack
@@ -57,8 +70,11 @@ data ConfigError =
| Shadowed
deriving Show
+-- | Values which can be read from a config source must implement this class
class ConfigValue a where
fromConfig :: Value -> Either ConfigError a
+ -- | optionally, a function to pretty-print values of this type, used by the
+ -- functions of "Conftrack.Pretty". If not given, defaults to @a@'s 'Show' instance.
prettyValue :: a -> Text
default prettyValue :: Show a => a -> Text