path: root/AvlVerification
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2 files changed, 2 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/AvlVerification/Insert.lean b/AvlVerification/Insert.lean
index 16e740f..f5b7958 100644
--- a/AvlVerification/Insert.lean
+++ b/AvlVerification/Insert.lean
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ lemma AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global
simp; split_conjs
. tauto
- . simp [Ospec.equality _ _ Hordering]
+ . simp [Ospec.equivalence _ _ Hordering]
have ⟨ added₂, left₂, ⟨ H_result, ⟨ H_bst, H_set ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ := AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global a left (BST.left Hbst)
diff --git a/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean b/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean
index 0694df3..ac2d056 100644
--- a/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean
+++ b/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean
@@ -53,14 +53,10 @@ class OrdSpecInfaillible where
class OrdSpecDuality extends OrdSpecInfaillible H where
duality: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> H.cmp b a = .ok .Less
--- TODO: OrdSpecEq := OrdSpecRel (R := Eq).
-class OrdSpecEq extends OrdSpecInfaillible H where
- equality: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Equal -> a = b
class OrdSpecRel (R: outParam (T -> T -> Prop)) extends OrdSpecInfaillible H where
equivalence: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Equal -> R a b
-class OrdSpecDualityEq extends OrdSpecDuality H, OrdSpecEq H
+class OrdSpecDualityEq extends OrdSpecDuality H, OrdSpecRel H Eq
instance: Coe (avl_verification.Ordering) (_root_.Ordering) where
coe a := a.toLeanOrdering