path: root/AvlVerification
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authorRyan Lahfa2024-04-23 14:26:27 +0200
committerGitHub2024-04-23 14:26:27 +0200
commitd3ea366adcd71d0ef15ffbc5d35ca998aa53f19a (patch)
treed9da70f7564ea73ceacf880b78473c89f617bba7 /AvlVerification
parent0f49a61cc33bddf2cc69bc8915b95c915dc5f987 (diff)
parentb650710ad3f8c14b713bdf52f684f472115dce2f (diff)
Merge pull request #3 from RaitoBezarius/bst-find
feat: `find` and `insert` reinforced proofs
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--Verification/Insert.lean (renamed from AvlVerification/Insert.lean)51
-rw-r--r--Verification/Tree.lean (renamed from AvlVerification/Tree.lean)3
5 files changed, 11 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/AvlVerification.lean b/AvlVerification.lean
index 9380768..fee58d5 100644
--- a/AvlVerification.lean
+++ b/AvlVerification.lean
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- [avl_verification]
import Base
open Primitives
namespace avl_verification
@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ def AVLTreeSet.insert
Result (Bool × (AVLTreeSet T))
- let (b, as) ← AVLTreeSet.insert_loop T OrdInst value self.root
- Result.ok (b, { root := as })
+ let (b, u) ← AVLTreeSet.insert_loop T OrdInst value self.root
+ Result.ok (b, { root := u })
/- [avl_verification::{(avl_verification::Ord for u32)#1}::cmp]:
Source: 'src/', lines 65:4-65:43 -/
diff --git a/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean b/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b17d52..0000000
--- a/AvlVerification/BinarySearchTree.lean
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import AvlVerification.Tree
-namespace BST
-open Primitives (Result)
-open avl_verification (AVLNode Ordering)
-open Tree (AVLTree AVLNode.left AVLNode.right AVLNode.val)
-inductive ForallNode (p: T -> Prop): AVLTree T -> Prop
-| none : ForallNode p none
-| some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) : ForallNode p left -> p a -> ForallNode p right -> ForallNode p (some ( a left right))
-theorem ForallNode.left {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.left := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | none => simp [AVLTree.left, ForallNode.none]
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.left, f_pleft]
-theorem ForallNode.right {p: T -> Prop} {t: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p t -> ForallNode p t.right := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | none => simp [AVLTree.right, ForallNode.none]
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => simp [AVLTree.right, f_pright]
-theorem ForallNode.label {a: T} {p: T -> Prop} {left right: AVLTree T}: ForallNode p ( a left right) -> p a := by
- intro Hpt
- cases Hpt with
- | some a left right f_pleft f_pa f_pright => exact f_pa
--- This is the binary search invariant.
-inductive Invariant [LT T]: AVLTree T -> Prop
-| none : Invariant none
-| some (a: T) (left: AVLTree T) (right: AVLTree T) :
- ForallNode (fun v => v < a) left -> ForallNode (fun v => a < v) right
- -> Invariant left -> Invariant right -> Invariant (some ( a left right))
-theorem singleton_bst [LT T] {a: T}: Invariant (some ( a none none)) := by
- apply Invariant.some
- all_goals simp [ForallNode.none, Invariant.none]
-theorem left [LT T] {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.left := by
- intro H
- induction H with
- | none => exact Invariant.none
- | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.left]; assumption
-theorem right [LT T] {t: AVLTree T}: Invariant t -> Invariant t.right := by
- intro H
- induction H with
- | none => exact Invariant.none
- | some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => simp [AVLTree.right]; assumption
-end BST
diff --git a/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean b/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean
deleted file mode 100644
index ac2d056..0000000
--- a/AvlVerification/Specifications.lean
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import «AvlVerification»
-namespace Primitives
-namespace Result
-def map {A B: Type} (x: Result A) (f: A -> B): Result B := match x with
-| .ok y => .ok (f y)
-| .fail e => .fail e
-| .div => .div
-def isok {A: Type} : Result A -> Bool
-| .ok _ => true
-| .fail _ => false
-| .div => false
-def get? {A: Type}: (r: Result A) -> isok r -> A
-| .ok x, _ => x
-end Result
-end Primitives
-namespace avl_verification
-def Ordering.toLeanOrdering (o: avl_verification.Ordering): _root_.Ordering := match o with
-| .Less => .lt
-| .Equal => .eq
-| .Greater => .gt
-def Ordering.ofLeanOrdering (o: _root_.Ordering): avl_verification.Ordering := match o with
-| .lt => .Less
-| .eq => .Equal
-| .gt => .Greater
-end avl_verification
-namespace Specifications
-open Primitives
-open Result
-variable {T: Type} (H: outParam (avl_verification.Ord T))
--- TODO: reason about raw bundling vs. refined bundling.
--- raw bundling: hypothesis with Rust extracted objects.
--- refined bundling: lifted hypothesis with Lean native objects.
-class OrdSpecInfaillible where
- infallible: ∀ a b, ∃ (o: avl_verification.Ordering), H.cmp a b = .ok o
-class OrdSpecDuality extends OrdSpecInfaillible H where
- duality: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> H.cmp b a = .ok .Less
-class OrdSpecRel (R: outParam (T -> T -> Prop)) extends OrdSpecInfaillible H where
- equivalence: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Equal -> R a b
-class OrdSpecDualityEq extends OrdSpecDuality H, OrdSpecRel H Eq
-instance: Coe (avl_verification.Ordering) (_root_.Ordering) where
- coe a := a.toLeanOrdering
-def ordOfOrdSpec (H: avl_verification.Ord T) (spec: OrdSpecInfaillible H): Ord T where
- compare x y := (H.cmp x y).get? (by
- cases' (spec.infallible x y) with o Hcmp
- rewrite [isok, Hcmp]
- simp only
- )
-instance [spec: OrdSpecInfaillible H]: Ord T := ordOfOrdSpec H spec
-instance [OrdSpecInfaillible H]: LT T := ltOfOrd
-theorem ltOfRustOrder {Spec: OrdSpecInfaillible H}:
- haveI O := ordOfOrdSpec H Spec
- haveI := @ltOfOrd _ O
- ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Less -> a < b := by
- intros a b
- intro Hcmp
- rw []
- simp [ltOfOrd]
- rw [compare]
- simp [ordOfOrdSpec]
- --
- simp_rw [Hcmp, get?, avl_verification.Ordering.toLeanOrdering]
- rfl
-theorem gtOfRustOrder {Spec: OrdSpecDuality H}:
- haveI O := ordOfOrdSpec H Spec.toOrdSpecInfaillible
- haveI := @ltOfOrd _ O
- ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> b < a := by
- intros a b
- intro Hcmp
- apply ltOfRustOrder
- exact (Spec.duality _ _ Hcmp)
-end Specifications
diff --git a/AvlVerification/Insert.lean b/Verification/Insert.lean
index f5b7958..260eaa1 100644
--- a/AvlVerification/Insert.lean
+++ b/Verification/Insert.lean
@@ -1,54 +1,15 @@
-import AvlVerification.Tree
-import AvlVerification.BinarySearchTree
-import AvlVerification.Specifications
+import Verification.Tree
+import Verification.BinarySearchTree
+import Verification.Specifications
namespace Implementation
open Primitives
open avl_verification
open Tree (AVLTree AVLTree.set)
-open Specifications (OrdSpecDualityEq ordOfOrdSpec ltOfRustOrder gtOfRustOrder)
+open Specifications (OrdSpecLinearOrderEq infallible ltOfRustOrder gtOfRustOrder)
--- example: OrdSpec OrdU32 := ordSpecOfTotalityAndDuality _
--- (by
--- -- Totality
--- intro a b
--- unfold Ord.cmp
--- unfold OrdU32
--- unfold OrdU32.cmp
--- if hlt : a < b then
--- use .Less
--- simp [hlt]
--- else
--- if heq: a = b
--- then
--- use .Equal
--- simp [hlt]
--- rw [heq]
--- -- TODO: simp [hlt, heq] breaks everything???
--- else
--- use .Greater
--- simp [hlt, heq]
--- ) (by
--- -- Duality
--- intro a b Hgt
--- if hlt : b < a then
--- unfold Ord.cmp
--- unfold OrdU32
--- unfold OrdU32.cmp
--- simp [hlt]
--- else
--- unfold Ord.cmp at Hgt
--- unfold OrdU32 at Hgt
--- unfold OrdU32.cmp at Hgt
--- have hnlt : ¬ (a < b) := sorry
--- have hneq : ¬ (a = b) := sorry
--- exfalso
--- apply hlt
--- -- I need a Preorder on U32 now.
--- sorry)
-variable (T: Type) (H: avl_verification.Ord T) (Ospec: @OrdSpecDualityEq T H)
+variable (T: Type) (H: avl_verification.Ord T) [LinearOrder T] (Ospec: OrdSpecLinearOrderEq H)
theorem AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_local (p: T -> Prop)
@@ -107,7 +68,7 @@ lemma AVLTreeSet.insert_loop_spec_global
| some ( b left right) =>
rw [AVLTreeSet.insert_loop]
simp only []
- have : ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = .ok o := Ospec.infallible
+ have : ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = .ok o := infallible H
progress keep Hordering as ⟨ ordering ⟩
cases ordering
all_goals simp only []
diff --git a/AvlVerification/Tree.lean b/Verification/Tree.lean
index 8a043a1..d6a4f80 100644
--- a/AvlVerification/Tree.lean
+++ b/Verification/Tree.lean
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ def AVLTree.mem_some {x: T} {left right: AVLTree T}: AVLTree.mem (some (AVLNode.
def AVLTree.set (t: AVLTree T): Set T := _root_.setOf (AVLTree.mem t)
-def AVLTree.set_some {x: T} {left right: AVLTree T}: AVLTree.set (some ( x left right)) = {x} ∪ AVLTree.set left ∪ AVLTree.set right := sorry
+def AVLTree.set_some {x: T} {left right: AVLTree T}: AVLTree.set (some ( x left right)) = {x} ∪ AVLTree.set left ∪ AVLTree.set right := by
+ simp [set, setOf]
end Tree