path: root/spartan/core/context_tactical.ML
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diff --git a/spartan/core/context_tactical.ML b/spartan/core/context_tactical.ML
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-(* Title: context_tactical.ML
- Author: Joshua Chen
-More context tactics, and context tactic combinators.
-Contains code modified from
- ~~/Pure/search.ML
- ~~/Pure/tactical.ML
-structure Context_Tactical:
-type context_tactic' = int -> context_tactic
-val CONTEXT_TACTIC': (Proof.context -> int -> tactic) -> context_tactic'
-val all_ctac: context_tactic
-val no_ctac: context_tactic
-val print_ctac: (Proof.context -> string) -> context_tactic
-val CTHEN: context_tactic * context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CORELSE: context_tactic * context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CAPPEND: context_tactic * context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CTHEN': context_tactic' * context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CORELSE': context_tactic' * context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CAPPEND': context_tactic' * context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CTRY: context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CREPEAT: context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CREPEAT1: context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CREPEAT_N: int -> context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CFILTER: (context_state -> bool) -> context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CCHANGED: context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CTHEN_ALL_NEW: context_tactic' * context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CREPEAT_IN_RANGE: int -> int -> context_tactic' -> context_tactic
-val CREPEAT_ALL_NEW: context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CTHEN_ALL_NEW_FWD: context_tactic' * context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CREPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD: context_tactic' -> context_tactic'
-val CHEADGOAL: context_tactic' -> context_tactic
-val CALLGOALS: context_tactic' -> context_tactic
-val CSOMEGOAL: context_tactic' -> context_tactic
-val CRANGE: context_tactic' list -> context_tactic'
-val CFIRST: context_tactic list -> context_tactic
-val CFIRST': context_tactic' list -> context_tactic'
-val CTHEN_BEST_FIRST: context_tactic -> (context_state -> bool) ->
- (context_state -> int) -> context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CBEST_FIRST: (context_state -> bool) -> (context_state -> int) ->
- context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CTHEN_ASTAR: context_tactic -> (context_state -> bool) ->
- (int -> context_state -> int) -> context_tactic -> context_tactic
-val CASTAR: (context_state -> bool) -> (int -> context_state -> int) ->
- context_tactic -> context_tactic
-end = struct
-type context_tactic' = int -> context_tactic
-fun CONTEXT_TACTIC' tac i (ctxt, st) = TACTIC_CONTEXT ctxt ((tac ctxt i) st)
-val all_ctac = Seq.make_results o Seq.single
-val no_ctac = K Seq.empty
-fun print_ctac f (ctxt, st) = CONTEXT_TACTIC (print_tac ctxt (f ctxt)) (ctxt, st)
-fun (ctac1 CTHEN ctac2) cst = Seq.maps_results ctac2 (ctac1 cst)
-fun (ctac1 CORELSE ctac2) cst =
- (case Seq.pull (ctac1 cst) of
- NONE => ctac2 cst
- | some => Seq.make (fn () => some))
-fun (ctac1 CAPPEND ctac2) cst =
- Seq.append (ctac1 cst) (Seq.make (fn () => Seq.pull (ctac2 cst)))
-fun (ctac1 CTHEN' ctac2) x = ctac1 x CTHEN ctac2 x
-fun (ctac1 CORELSE' ctac2) x = ctac1 x CORELSE ctac2 x
-fun (ctac1 CAPPEND' ctac2) x = ctac1 x CAPPEND ctac2 x
-fun CTRY ctac = ctac CORELSE all_ctac
-fun CREPEAT ctac =
- let
- fun rep qs cst =
- (case Seq.pull (Seq.filter_results (ctac cst)) of
- NONE => SOME (cst, Seq.make (fn () => repq qs))
- | SOME (cst', q) => rep (q :: qs) cst')
- and repq [] = NONE
- | repq (q :: qs) =
- (case Seq.pull q of
- NONE => repq qs
- | SOME (cst, q) => rep (q :: qs) cst);
- in fn cst => Seq.make_results (Seq.make (fn () => rep [] cst)) end
-fun CREPEAT1 ctac = ctac CTHEN CREPEAT ctac
-fun CREPEAT_N 0 _ = no_ctac
- | CREPEAT_N n ctac = ctac CTHEN CREPEAT_N (n - 1) ctac
-fun CFILTER pred ctac cst =
- ctac cst
- |> Seq.filter_results
- |> Seq.filter pred
- |> Seq.make_results
-(*Only accept next states where the subgoals have changed*)
-fun CCHANGED ctac (cst as (_, st)) =
- CFILTER (fn (_, st') => not (Thm.eq_thm (st, st'))) ctac cst
- fun op THEN (f, g) x = Seq.maps_results g (f x)
- fun INTERVAL f i j x =
- if i > j then Seq.make_results (Seq.single x)
- else op THEN (f j, INTERVAL f i (j - 1)) x
- (*By Peter Lammich: apply tactic to subgoals in interval in a forward manner,
- skipping over emerging subgoals*)
- fun INTERVAL_FWD ctac l u (cst as (_, st)) = cst |>
- (if l > u then all_ctac
- else (ctac l CTHEN (fn cst' as (_, st') =>
- let val ofs = Thm.nprems_of st' - Thm.nprems_of st in
- if ofs < ~1
- then raise THM (
- "INTERVAL_FWD: tactic solved more than one goal", ~1, [st, st'])
- else INTERVAL_FWD ctac (l + 1 + ofs) (u + ofs) cst'
- end)))
-fun (ctac1 CTHEN_ALL_NEW ctac2) i (cst as (_, st)) =
- cst |> (ctac1 i CTHEN (fn cst' as (_, st') =>
- INTERVAL ctac2 i (i + Thm.nprems_of st' - Thm.nprems_of st) cst'))
-(*By Peter Lammich: apply ctac2 to all subgoals emerging from ctac1, in forward
- manner*)
-fun (ctac1 CTHEN_ALL_NEW_FWD ctac2) i (cst as (_, st)) =
- cst |> (ctac1 i CTHEN (fn cst' as (_, st') =>
- INTERVAL_FWD ctac2 i (i + Thm.nprems_of st' - Thm.nprems_of st) cst'))
-(*Repeatedly apply ctac to the i-th until the k-th-from-last subgoals
- (i.e. leave the last k subgoals alone), until no more changes appear in the
- goal state.*)
-fun CREPEAT_IN_RANGE i k ctac =
- let fun interval_ctac (cst as (_, st)) =
- INTERVAL_FWD ctac i (Thm.nprems_of st - k) cst
- in CREPEAT (CCHANGED interval_ctac) end
-fun CREPEAT_ALL_NEW ctac =
- ctac CTHEN_ALL_NEW (CTRY o (fn i => CREPEAT_ALL_NEW ctac i))
- ctac CTHEN_ALL_NEW_FWD (CTRY o (fn i => CREPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD ctac i))
-fun CHEADGOAL ctac = ctac 1
-fun CALLGOALS ctac (cst as (_, st)) =
- let
- fun doall 0 = all_ctac
- | doall n = ctac n CTHEN doall (n - 1);
- in doall (Thm.nprems_of st) cst end
-fun CSOMEGOAL ctac (cst as (_, st)) =
- let
- fun find 0 = no_ctac
- | find n = ctac n CORELSE find (n - 1);
- in find (Thm.nprems_of st) cst end
-fun CRANGE [] _ = all_ctac
- | CRANGE (ctac :: ctacs) i = CRANGE ctacs (i + 1) CTHEN ctac i
-fun CFIRST ctacs = fold_rev (curry op CORELSE) ctacs no_ctac
-(*FIRST' [tac1,...,tacn] i equals tac1 i ORELSE ... ORELSE tacn i*)
-fun CFIRST' ctacs = fold_rev (curry op CORELSE') ctacs (K no_ctac)
-(** Search tacticals **)
-(* Best-first search *)
-structure Thm_Heap = Heap (
- type elem = int * thm;
- val ord = prod_ord int_ord (Term_Ord.term_ord o apply2 Thm.prop_of)
-structure Context_State_Heap = Heap (
- type elem = int * context_state;
- val ord = prod_ord int_ord (Term_Ord.term_ord o apply2 (Thm.prop_of o #2))
-fun some_of_list [] = NONE
- | some_of_list (x :: l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l))
-(*Check for and delete duplicate proof states*)
-fun delete_all_min (cst as (_, st)) heap =
- if Context_State_Heap.is_empty heap then heap
- else if Thm.eq_thm (st, #2 (#2 (Context_State_Heap.min heap)))
- then delete_all_min cst (Context_State_Heap.delete_min heap)
- else heap
-(*Best-first search for a state that satisfies satp (incl initial state)
- Function sizef estimates size of problem remaining (smaller means better).
- tactic tac0 sets up the initial priority queue, while tac1 searches it. *)
-fun CTHEN_BEST_FIRST ctac0 satp sizef ctac =
- let
- fun pairsize cst = (sizef cst, cst);
- fun bfs (news, nst_heap) =
- (case List.partition satp news of
- ([], nonsats) => next (fold_rev Context_State_Heap.insert (map pairsize nonsats) nst_heap)
- | (sats, _) => some_of_list sats)
- and next nst_heap =
- if Context_State_Heap.is_empty nst_heap then NONE
- else
- let
- val (n, cst) = Context_State_Heap.min nst_heap;
- in
- bfs (Seq.list_of (Seq.filter_results (ctac cst)), delete_all_min cst (Context_State_Heap.delete_min nst_heap))
- end;
- fun btac cst = bfs (Seq.list_of (Seq.filter_results (ctac0 cst)), Context_State_Heap.empty)
- in fn cst => Seq.make_results (Seq.make (fn () => btac cst)) end
-(*Ordinary best-first search, with no initial tactic*)
-(* A*-like search *)
-(*Insertion into priority queue of states, marked with level*)
-fun insert_with_level (lnth: int * int * context_state) [] = [lnth]
- | insert_with_level (l, m, cst) ((l', n, cst') :: csts) =
- if n < m then (l', n, cst') :: insert_with_level (l, m, cst) csts
- else if n = m andalso Thm.eq_thm (#2 cst, #2 cst') then (l', n, cst') :: csts
- else (l, m, cst) :: (l', n, cst') :: csts;
-fun CTHEN_ASTAR ctac0 satp costf ctac =
- let
- fun bfs (news, nst, level) =
- let fun cost cst = (level, costf level cst, cst) in
- (case List.partition satp news of
- ([], nonsats) => next (fold_rev (insert_with_level o cost) nonsats nst)
- | (sats, _) => some_of_list sats)
- end
- and next [] = NONE
- | next ((level, n, cst) :: nst) =
- bfs (Seq.list_of (Seq.filter_results (ctac cst)), nst, level + 1)
- in fn cst => Seq.make_results
- (Seq.make (fn () => bfs (Seq.list_of (Seq.filter_results (ctac0 cst)), [], 0)))
- end
-(*Ordinary ASTAR, with no initial tactic*)
-val CASTAR = CTHEN_ASTAR all_ctac;
-open Context_Tactical