path: root/EqualProps.thy
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+(* Title: HoTT/EqualProps.thy
+ Author: Josh Chen
+ Date: Jun 2018
+Properties of equality.
+theory EqualProps
+ imports
+ HoTT_Methods
+ Equal
+ Prod
+section \<open>Symmetry / Path inverse\<close>
+definition inv :: "[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1inv[_,/ _,/ _])")
+ where "inv[A,x,y] \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>p: (x =\<^sub>A y). indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. y =\<^sub>A x) (\<lambda>x. refl(x)) x y p"
+lemma inv_type:
+ assumes "p : x =\<^sub>A y"
+ shows "inv[A,x,y]`p : y =\<^sub>A x"
+ show "inv[A,x,y] : (x =\<^sub>A y) \<rightarrow> (y =\<^sub>A x)"
+ proof (unfold inv_def, standard)
+ fix p assume asm: "p : x =\<^sub>A y"
+ show "indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. y =[A] x) refl x y p : y =\<^sub>A x"
+ proof standard+
+ show "x : A" by (wellformed jdgmt: asm)
+ show "y : A" by (wellformed jdgmt: asm)
+ qed (assumption | rule | rule asm)+
+ qed (wellformed jdgmt: assms)
+qed (rule assms)
+lemma inv_comp:
+ assumes "a : A"
+ shows "inv[A,a,a]`refl(a) \<equiv> refl(a)"
+proof -
+ have "inv[A,a,a]`refl(a) \<equiv> indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. y =\<^sub>A x) (\<lambda>x. refl(x)) a a refl(a)"
+ proof (unfold inv_def, standard)
+ show "refl(a) : a =\<^sub>A a" using assms ..
+ fix p assume asm: "p : a =\<^sub>A a"
+ show "indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. y =\<^sub>A x) refl a a p : a =\<^sub>A a"
+ proof standard+
+ show "a : A" by (wellformed jdgmt: asm)
+ then show "a : A" . \<comment> \<open>The elimination rule requires that both arguments to \<open>indEqual\<close> be shown to have the correct type.\<close>
+ qed (assumption | rule | rule asm)+
+ qed
+ also have "indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. y =\<^sub>A x) (\<lambda>x. refl(x)) a a refl(a) \<equiv> refl(a)"
+ by (standard | assumption | rule assms)+
+ finally show "inv[A,a,a]`refl(a) \<equiv> refl(a)" .
+section \<open>Transitivity / Path composition\<close>
+\<comment> \<open>"Raw" composition function\<close>
+definition compose' :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1compose''[_])")
+ where "compose'[A] \<equiv>
+ indEqual[A] (\<lambda>x y _. \<Prod>z:A. \<Prod>q: y =\<^sub>A z. x =\<^sub>A z) (indEqual[A](\<lambda>x z _. x =\<^sub>A z) (\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. refl(x)))"
+\<comment> \<open>"Natural" composition function\<close>
+abbreviation compose :: "[Term, Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1compose[_,/ _,/ _,/ _])")
+ where "compose[A,x,y,z] \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>p:x =\<^sub>A y. \<^bold>\<lambda>q:y =\<^sub>A z. compose'[A]`x`y`p`z`q"
+lemma compose_comp:
+ assumes "a : A"
+ shows "compose[A,a,a,a]`refl(a)`refl(a) \<equiv> refl(a)" using assms Equal_intro[OF assms] unfolding compose'_def by simp
+text "The above proof is a good candidate for proof automation; in particular we would like the system to be able to automatically find the conditions of the \<open>using\<close> clause in the proof.
+This would likely involve something like:
+ 1. Recognizing that there is a function application that can be simplified.
+ 2. Noting that the obstruction to applying \<open>Prod_comp\<close> is the requirement that \<open>refl(a) : a =\<^sub>A a\<close>.
+ 3. Obtaining such a condition, using the known fact \<open>a : A\<close> and the introduction rule \<open>Equal_intro\<close>."
+lemmas Equal_simps [simp] = inv_comp compose_comp
+subsubsection \<open>Pretty printing\<close>
+abbreviation inv_pretty :: "[Term, Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1_\<^sup>-\<^sup>1[_, _, _])" 500)
+ where "p\<^sup>-\<^sup>1[A,x,y] \<equiv> inv[A,x,y]`p"
+abbreviation compose_pretty :: "[Term, Term, Term, Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1_ \<bullet>[_, _, _, _]/ _)")
+ where "p \<bullet>[A,x,y,z] q \<equiv> compose[A,x,y,z]`p`q" \ No newline at end of file