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diff --git a/HoTT.thy b/HoTT.thy
index ef39734..ee81ba4 100644
--- a/HoTT.thy
+++ b/HoTT.thy
@@ -11,19 +11,13 @@ We do not implement universes, but simply follow the informal notation in the Ho
typedecl Term
-subsection \<open>Judgments\<close>
+section \<open>Judgments\<close>
is_a_type :: "Term \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(_ : U)" [0] 1000)
is_of_type :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(3_ :/ _)" [0, 0] 1000)
-subsection \<open>Type families\<close>
-text "Type families are implemented using meta-level lambda expressions \<open>P::Term \<Rightarrow> Term\<close> that further satisfy the following property."
-abbreviation is_type_family :: "[Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(3_:/ _ \<rightarrow> U)")
- where "P: A \<rightarrow> U \<equiv> (\<And>x::Term. x : A \<Longrightarrow> P(x) : U)"
-subsection \<open>Definitional equality\<close>
+section \<open>Definitional equality\<close>
text "We take the meta-equality \<open>\<equiv>\<close>, defined by the Pure framework for any of its terms, and use it additionally for definitional/judgmental equality of types and terms in our theory.
Note that the Pure framework already provides axioms and results for various properties of \<open>\<equiv>\<close>, which we make use of and extend where necessary."
@@ -38,9 +32,15 @@ theorem equal_type_element:
lemmas type_equality [intro] = equal_types equal_types[rotated] equal_type_element equal_type_element[rotated]
-subsection \<open>Basic types\<close>
+section \<open>Type families\<close>
+text "Type families are implemented using meta-level lambda expressions \<open>P::Term \<Rightarrow> Term\<close> that further satisfy the following property."
-subsubsection \<open>Dependent function/product\<close>
+abbreviation is_type_family :: "[Term \<Rightarrow> Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> prop" ("(3_:/ _ \<rightarrow> U)")
+ where "P: A \<rightarrow> U \<equiv> (\<And>x::Term. x : A \<Longrightarrow> P(x) : U)"
+section \<open>Types\<close>
+subsection \<open>Dependent function/product\<close>
Prod :: "[Term, Term \<Rightarrow> Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" and
@@ -59,23 +59,23 @@ abbreviation Function :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixr "\<rightarro
appl :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" (infixl "`" 60)
- Prod_form: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term). \<lbrakk>A : U; B : A \<rightarrow> U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Prod>x:A. B(x) : U" and
- Prod_intro [intro]: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (b::Term \<Rightarrow> Term).
- (\<And>x::Term. x : A \<Longrightarrow> b(x) : B(x)) \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. b(x) : \<Prod>x:A. B(x)" and
- Prod_elim [elim]: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (a::Term).
- \<lbrakk>f : \<Prod>x:A. B(x); a : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f`a : B(a)" and
- Prod_comp [simp]: "\<And>(A::Term) (b::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (a::Term). a : A \<Longrightarrow> (\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. b(x))`a \<equiv> b(a)" and
+ Prod_form: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term). \<lbrakk>A : U; B : A \<rightarrow> U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Prod>x:A. B(x) : U"
+ Prod_intro [intro]:
+ "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (b::Term \<Rightarrow> Term). (\<And>x::Term. x : A \<Longrightarrow> b(x) : B(x)) \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. b(x) : \<Prod>x:A. B(x)"
+ Prod_elim [elim]:
+ "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (a::Term). \<lbrakk>f : \<Prod>x:A. B(x); a : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f`a : B(a)"
+ Prod_comp [simp]: "\<And>(A::Term) (b::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (a::Term). a : A \<Longrightarrow> (\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. b(x))`a \<equiv> b(a)"
Prod_uniq [simp]: "\<And>A f::Term. \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. (f`x) \<equiv> f"
lemmas Prod_formation = Prod_form Prod_form[rotated]
text "Note that the syntax \<open>\<^bold>\<lambda>\<close> (bold lambda) used for dependent functions clashes with the proof term syntax (cf. \<section>2.5.2 of the Isabelle/Isar Implementation)."
-subsubsection \<open>Dependent pair/sum\<close>
+subsection \<open>Dependent pair/sum\<close>
Sum :: "[Term, Term \<Rightarrow> Term] \<Rightarrow> Term"
@@ -91,14 +91,15 @@ axiomatization
pair :: "[Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1'(_,/ _'))") and
indSum :: "(Term \<Rightarrow> Term) \<Rightarrow> Term"
- Sum_form: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term). \<lbrakk>A : U; B: A \<rightarrow> U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Sum>x:A. B(x) : U" and
- Sum_intro [intro]: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (a::Term) (b::Term).
- \<lbrakk>a : A; b : B(a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (a, b) : \<Sum>x:A. B(x)" and
- Sum_elim [elim]: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (C::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (p::Term).
- \<lbrakk>C: \<Sum>x:A. B(x) \<rightarrow> U; f : \<Prod>x:A. \<Prod>y:B(x). C((x,y)); p : \<Sum>x:A. B(x)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> indSum(C)`f`p : C(p)" and
+ Sum_form: "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term). \<lbrakk>A : U; B: A \<rightarrow> U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Sum>x:A. B(x) : U"
+ Sum_intro [intro]:
+ "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (a::Term) (b::Term). \<lbrakk>a : A; b : B(a)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (a, b) : \<Sum>x:A. B(x)"
+ Sum_elim [elim]:
+ "\<And>(A::Term) (B::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (C::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (p::Term).
+ \<lbrakk>C: \<Sum>x:A. B(x) \<rightarrow> U; f : \<Prod>x:A. \<Prod>y:B(x). C((x,y)); p : \<Sum>x:A. B(x)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> indSum(C)`f`p : C(p)"
Sum_comp [simp]: "\<And>(C::Term \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (a::Term) (b::Term). indSum(C)`f`(a,b) \<equiv> f`a`b"
lemmas Sum_formation = Sum_form Sum_form[rotated]
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ lemmas Sum_formation = Sum_form Sum_form[rotated]
text "We choose to formulate the elimination rule by using the object-level function type and function application as much as possible.
Hence only the type family \<open>C\<close> is left as a meta-level argument to the inductor indSum."
-text "Projection functions"
+subsubsection \<open>Projections\<close>
fst :: "[Term, 'a] \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(1fst[/_,/ _])")
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ lemma snd_nondep_comp: "\<lbrakk>a : A; b : B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> snd[A,B
\<comment> \<open>Simplification rules for projections\<close>
lemmas fst_snd_simps [simp] = fst_dep_comp snd_dep_comp fst_nondep_comp snd_nondep_comp
-subsubsection \<open>Equality type\<close>
+subsection \<open>Equality type\<close>
Equal :: "[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term"
@@ -152,16 +153,30 @@ axiomatization
refl :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" and
indEqual :: "([Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term) \<Rightarrow> Term"
- Equal_form: "\<And>A a b::Term. \<lbrakk>A : U; a : A; b : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a =\<^sub>A b : U" and
+ Equal_form: "\<And>A a b::Term. \<lbrakk>A : U; a : A; b : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a =\<^sub>A b : U"
Equal_intro [intro]: "\<And>A x::Term. x : A \<Longrightarrow> refl(x) : x =\<^sub>A x"
+ Equal_elim [elim]:
+ "\<And>(A::Term) (C::[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (a::Term) (b::Term) (p::Term). \<lbrakk>
+ \<And>x y p::Term. \<lbrakk>x : A; y : A; p : x =\<^sub>A y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> C(x)(y)(p) : U;
+ f : \<Prod>x:A. C(x)(x)(refl(x));
+ a : A;
+ b : A;
+ p : a =\<^sub>A b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> indEqual(C)`f`a`b`p : C(a)(b)(p)"
+ Equal_comp [simp]:
+ "\<And>(C::[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (a::Term). indEqual(C)`f`a`a`refl(a) \<equiv> f`a"
-(* and
- Equal_elim [elim]: "\<And>(C::[Term, Term, Term] \<Rightarrow> Term) (f::Term) (x::Term) (y::Term) (p::Term).
- \<lbrakk>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (indEqual C)`f`x`y`p : C(x)(y)(p)"
+subsubsection \<open>Properties of equality\<close>
+text "Inverse"
+definition inv :: "Term \<Rightarrow> Term" ("(_\<^sup>-\<^sup>1)")
+ where "inv \<equiv> " (* Tra la la.. *)
subsubsection \<open>Empty type\<close>
@@ -185,6 +200,4 @@ where
Nat_intro2: "\<And>n. n : Nat \<Longrightarrow> succ n : Nat"
(* computation rules *)
-end \ No newline at end of file
+*) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HoTT_Theorems.thy b/HoTT_Theorems.thy
index 1ac4484..52e1b32 100644
--- a/HoTT_Theorems.thy
+++ b/HoTT_Theorems.thy
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ consts Ui::Term
definition Id where "Id \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>A:Ui. \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x"
(* Have to think about universes... *)
section \<open>Nats\<close>
text "Here's a dumb proof that 2 is a natural number."
@@ -156,5 +157,6 @@ text "We can of course iterate the above for as many applications of \<open>succ
The next thing to do is to implement induction to automate such proofs.
When we get more stuff working, I'd like to aim for formalizing the encode-decode method to be able to prove the only naturals are 0 and those obtained from it by \<open>succ\<close>."
end \ No newline at end of file