path: root/spartan/lib/lib.ML
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authorJosh Chen2020-05-25 17:09:54 +0200
committerJosh Chen2020-05-25 17:09:54 +0200
commit80edbd08e13200d2c080ac281d19948bbbcd92e0 (patch)
tree95cc00c52c846406e04cd985ef9df2d5a1e9996c /spartan/lib/lib.ML
parent22c5b895a4a2ba0ecb97a5c7ccab4b13c42c24e3 (diff)
Reorganize theory structure. In particular, the identity type moves out from under Spartan to HoTT. Spartan now only has Pi and Sigma.
Diffstat (limited to 'spartan/lib/lib.ML')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/spartan/lib/lib.ML b/spartan/lib/lib.ML
deleted file mode 100644
index 615f601..0000000
--- a/spartan/lib/lib.ML
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-structure Lib :
-val max: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a
-val maxint: int list -> int
-val is_rigid: term -> bool
-val dest_eq: term -> term * term
-val mk_Var: string -> int -> typ -> term
-val lambda_var: term -> term -> term
-val is_typing: term -> bool
-val dest_typing: term -> term * term
-val term_of_typing: term -> term
-val type_of_typing: term -> term
-val mk_Pi: term -> term -> term -> term
-val typing_of_term: term -> term
-val rigid_typing_concl: term -> bool
-val has_subterm: term list -> term -> bool
-val subterm_count: term -> term -> int
-val subterm_count_distinct: term list -> term -> int
-val traverse_term: (term -> term list -> term) -> term -> term
-val collect_subterms: (term -> bool) -> term -> term list
-val subterm_order: term -> term -> order
-val cond_order: order -> order -> order
-end = struct
-(** Lists **)
-fun max gt (x::xs) = fold (fn a => fn b => if gt (a, b) then a else b) xs x
- | max _ [] = error "max of empty list"
-val maxint = max (op >)
-(** Terms **)
-(* Meta *)
-val is_rigid = not o is_Var o head_of
-fun dest_eq (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.eq\<close>, _) $ t $ def) = (t, def)
- | dest_eq _ = error "dest_eq"
-fun mk_Var name idx T = Var ((name, idx), T)
-fun lambda_var x tm =
- let
- fun var_args (Var (idx, T)) = Var (idx, \<^typ>\<open>o\<close> --> T) $ x
- | var_args t = t
- in
- tm |> map_aterms var_args
- |> lambda x
- end
-(* Object *)
-fun is_typing (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>has_type\<close>, _) $ _ $ _) = true
- | is_typing _ = false
-fun dest_typing (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>has_type\<close>, _) $ t $ T) = (t, T)
- | dest_typing _ = error "dest_typing"
-val term_of_typing = #1 o dest_typing
-val type_of_typing = #2 o dest_typing
-fun mk_Pi v typ body = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pi\<close>, dummyT) $ typ $ lambda v body
-fun typing_of_term tm = \<^const>\<open>has_type\<close> $ tm $ Var (("*?", 0), \<^typ>\<open>o\<close>)
-(*The above is a bit hacky; basically we need to guarantee that the schematic
- var is fresh*)
-(** Goals **)
-fun rigid_typing_concl goal =
- let val concl = Logic.strip_assums_concl goal
- in is_typing concl andalso is_rigid (term_of_typing concl) end
-(** Subterms **)
-fun has_subterm tms =
- Term.exists_subterm
- (foldl1 (op orf) (map (fn t => fn s => Term.aconv_untyped (s, t)) tms))
-fun subterm_count s t =
- let
- fun count (t1 $ t2) i = i + count t1 0 + count t2 0
- | count (Abs (_, _, t)) i = i + count t 0
- | count t i = if Term.aconv_untyped (s, t) then i + 1 else i
- in
- count t 0
- end
-(*Number of distinct subterms in `tms` that appear in `tm`*)
-fun subterm_count_distinct tms tm =
- length (filter I (map (fn t => has_subterm [t] tm) tms))
- "Folds" a function f over the term structure of t by traversing t from child
- nodes upwards through parents. At each node n in the term syntax tree, f is
- additionally passed a list of the results of f at all children of n.
-fun traverse_term f t =
- let
- fun map_aux (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, map_aux t)
- | map_aux t =
- let
- val (head, args) = Term.strip_comb t
- val args' = map map_aux args
- in
- f head args'
- end
- in
- map_aux t
- end
-fun collect_subterms f (t $ u) = collect_subterms f t @ collect_subterms f u
- | collect_subterms f (Abs (_, _, t)) = collect_subterms f t
- | collect_subterms f t = if f t then [t] else []
-(** Orderings **)
-fun subterm_order t1 t2 =
- if has_subterm [t1] t2 then LESS
- else if has_subterm [t2] t1 then GREATER
- else EQUAL
-fun cond_order o1 o2 = case o1 of EQUAL => o2 | _ => o1