path: root/HoTT_Theorems.thy
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authorJosh Chen2018-05-29 12:28:13 +0200
committerJosh Chen2018-05-29 12:28:13 +0200
commit607c3971e08d1ded22bd9f1cabdd309653af1248 (patch)
tree256da6d96c3310c72a4fa2e87043382c77440cf0 /HoTT_Theorems.thy
parent120879c099a2fb71e67a41a1c852c5db65e9eb4f (diff)
More rigorous rules for Product type. Propositions and proofs all working, but have to think about maybe relaxing the computation rule, or else automating the currying of dependent functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'HoTT_Theorems.thy')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/HoTT_Theorems.thy b/HoTT_Theorems.thy
index 33b0957..d83a08c 100644
--- a/HoTT_Theorems.thy
+++ b/HoTT_Theorems.thy
@@ -6,23 +6,25 @@ text "A bunch of theorems and other statements for sanity-checking, as well as t
Things that *should* be automated:
\<bullet> Checking that \<open>A\<close> is a well-formed type, when writing things like \<open>x : A\<close> and \<open>A : U\<close>.
+ \<bullet> Checking that the argument to a (dependent/non-dependent) function matches the type? Also the arguments to a pair?"
\<comment> \<open>Turn on trace for unification and the simplifier, for debugging.\<close>
-declare[[unify_trace_simp, unify_trace_types, simp_trace]]
+declare[[unify_trace_simp, unify_trace_types, simp_trace, simp_trace_depth_limit=2]]
section \<open>Functions\<close>
+subsection \<open>Typing functions\<close>
text "Declaring \<open>Prod_intro\<close> with the \<open>intro\<close> attribute (in HoTT.thy) enables \<open>standard\<close> to prove the following."
-lemma id_function: "A : U \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. x : A\<rightarrow>A" ..
+lemma id_function: "A : U \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x : A\<rightarrow>A" ..
text "Here is the same result, stated and proved differently.
The standard method invoked after the keyword \<open>proof\<close> is applied to the goal \<open>\<^bold>\<lambda>x. x: A\<rightarrow>A\<close>, and so we need to show the prover how to continue, as opposed to the previous lemma."
assumes "A : U"
- shows "\<^bold>\<lambda>x. x : A\<rightarrow>A"
+ shows "\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x : A\<rightarrow>A"
show "A : U" using assms .
show "\<lambda>x. A : A \<rightarrow> U" using assms ..
@@ -31,29 +33,29 @@ qed
text "Note that there is no provision for declaring the type of bound variables outside of the scope of a lambda expression.
More generally, we cannot write an assumption stating 'Let \<open>x\<close> be a variable of type \<open>A\<close>'."
-proposition "\<lbrakk>A : U; A \<equiv> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. x : B\<rightarrow>A"
+proposition "\<lbrakk>A : U; A \<equiv> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x : B\<rightarrow>A"
proof -
1: "A : U" and
2: "A \<equiv> B"
- from id_function[OF 1] have 3: "\<^bold>\<lambda>x. x : A\<rightarrow>A" .
+ from id_function[OF 1] have 3: "\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x : A\<rightarrow>A" .
from 2 have "A\<rightarrow>A \<equiv> B\<rightarrow>A" by simp
- with 3 show "\<^bold>\<lambda>x. x : B\<rightarrow>A" ..
+ with 3 show "\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x : B\<rightarrow>A" ..
text "It is instructive to try to prove \<open>\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : A\<rightarrow>B\<rightarrow>A\<close>.
First we prove an intermediate step."
-lemma constant_function: "\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U; x : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : B\<rightarrow>A" ..
+lemma constant_function: "\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U; x : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : B\<rightarrow>A" ..
text "And now the actual result:"
assumes 1: "A : U" and 2: "B : U"
- shows "\<^bold>\<lambda>x. \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : A\<rightarrow>B\<rightarrow>A"
+ shows "\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : A\<rightarrow>B\<rightarrow>A"
show "A : U" using assms(1) .
- show "\<And>x. x : A \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : B \<rightarrow> A" using assms by (rule constant_function)
+ show "\<And>x. x : A \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : B \<rightarrow> A" using assms by (rule constant_function)
from assms have "B \<rightarrow> A : U" by (rule Prod_formation)
then show "\<lambda>x. B \<rightarrow> A: A \<rightarrow> U" using assms(1) by (rule constant_type_family)
@@ -61,13 +63,54 @@ qed
text "Maybe a nicer way to write it:"
-proposition "\<lbrakk>A : U; B: U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x. \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : A\<rightarrow>B\<rightarrow>A"
+proposition alternating_function: "\<lbrakk>A : U; B: U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : A\<rightarrow>B\<rightarrow>A"
fix x
- show "\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U; x : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y. x : B \<rightarrow> A" by (rule constant_function)
+ show "\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U; x : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : B \<rightarrow> A" by (rule constant_function)
show "\<lbrakk>A : U; B : U\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B\<rightarrow>A : U" by (rule Prod_formation)
+subsection \<open>Function application\<close>
+lemma "\<lbrakk>A : U; a : A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x)`a \<equiv> a" by simp
+ assumes
+ "A:U" and
+ "B:U" and
+ "a:A" and
+ "b:B"
+ shows "(\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x)`a`b \<equiv> a"
+proof -
+ have "(\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x)`a \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. a"
+ proof (rule Prod_comp[of A "\<lambda>_. B\<rightarrow>A"])
+ have "B \<rightarrow> A : U" using constant_type_family[OF assms(1) assms(2)] assms(2) by (rule Prod_formation)
+ then show "\<lambda>x. B \<rightarrow> A: A \<rightarrow> U" using assms(1) by (rule constant_type_family[of "B\<rightarrow>A"])
+ show "\<And>x. x : A \<Longrightarrow> \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x : B \<rightarrow> A" using assms(2) assms(1) ..
+ show "A:U" using assms(1) .
+ show "a:A" using assms(3) .
+ qed (* Why do I need to do the above for the last two goals? Can't Isabelle do it automatically? *)
+ then have "(\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x)`a`b \<equiv> (\<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. a)`b" by simp
+ also have "(\<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. a)`b \<equiv> a"
+ proof (rule Prod_comp[of B "\<lambda>_. A"])
+ show "\<lambda>y. A: B \<rightarrow> U" using assms(1) assms(2) by (rule constant_type_family)
+ show "\<And>y. y : B \<Longrightarrow> a : A" using assms(3) .
+ show "B:U" using assms(2) .
+ show "b:B" using assms(4) .
+ qed
+ finally show "(\<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. \<^bold>\<lambda>y:B. x)`a`b \<equiv> a" .
+text "Polymorphic identity function."
+consts Ui::Term
+definition Id where "Id \<equiv> \<^bold>\<lambda>A:Ui. \<^bold>\<lambda>x:A. x"
+(* Have to think about universes... *)
section \<open>Nats\<close>
text "Here's a dumb proof that 2 is a natural number."