path: root/server/Handlers.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/Handlers.hs')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/server/Handlers.hs b/server/Handlers.hs
index 67c7cdf..382af64 100644
--- a/server/Handlers.hs
+++ b/server/Handlers.hs
@@ -1,85 +1,105 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-module Handlers (App, submitImpl,statusImpl) where
+module Handlers (App, submitImpl,statusImpl,relintImpl) where
import Bindings.Cli.Git (gitProc)
-import CheckDir (DirResult, recursiveCheckDir)
-import Cli.Extras (CliT, ProcessFailure, Severity (..),
- callProcessAndLogOutput, getCliConfig,
- prettyProcessFailure, runCli)
-import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, withMVar)
+import CheckDir (recursiveCheckDir)
+import Cli.Extras (CliConfig, CliT, ProcessFailure,
+ Severity (..), callProcessAndLogOutput,
+ getCliConfig, prettyProcessFailure,
+ runCli)
+import Control.Concurrent (MVar, ThreadId, forkIO, withMVar)
import Control.Monad.Extra (ifM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.UUID (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
-import Servant (Handler, err404, err500, throwError)
+import Lens.Micro.Extras (view)
+import Servant (Handler, NoContent (NoContent), err404,
+ err500, throwError)
import Server (Config (entrypoint, lintconfig, tmpdir),
JobStatus (..),
RemoteRef (reporef, repourl), State,
- setJobStatus)
+ jobs, registry, setJobStatus,
+ setRegistry)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- | this servant app can run cli programs!
type App = CliT ProcessFailure Handler
-type App' = CliT ProcessFailure IO
-- | annoying (and afaik unused), but has to be here for type system reasons
instance MonadFail Handler where
fail _ = throwError $ err500
-- | someone submitted a map; lint it (synchronously for now)
-submitImpl :: Config True -> MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App ()
+submitImpl :: Config True -> MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App UUID
submitImpl config state ref = do
+ jobid <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom
+ -- TODO: these two should really be atomic
liftIO $ setJobStatus state ref Pending
+ liftIO $ setRegistry state jobid ref
cliconfig <- getCliConfig
-- we'll just forget the thread id for now and trust this terminates …
- _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
- res <- runCli cliconfig $ do
- ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist gitdir)
- gitfetch gitclone
- checkPath config gitdir (reporef ref)
- setJobStatus state ref $ case res of
- Right res -> Linted res
- Left err -> Failed (prettyProcessFailure err)
+ _ <- checkRef config cliconfig state ref
-- the submission itself can't really fail or return anything useful
- pure ()
- where
- -- TODO: these calls fail for dumb http, add some fallback!
- gitclone = callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
- $ gitProc gitdir [ "clone", T.unpack $ repourl ref, "--bare", "--depth", "1", "-b", T.unpack (reporef ref)]
- gitfetch = callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
- $ gitProc gitdir [ "fetch", "origin", T.unpack (reporef ref), "--depth", "1" ]
- gitdir = tmpdir config </> hashedname
- hashedname = fmap escapeSlash . T.unpack . repourl $ ref
- escapeSlash = \case { '/' -> '-'; a -> a }
+ pure jobid
+relintImpl :: Config True -> MVar State -> UUID -> App NoContent
+relintImpl config state uuid = do
+ mref <- liftIO $ withMVar state (pure . M.lookup uuid . view registry)
+ case mref of
+ Nothing -> lift $ throwError err404
+ Just ref -> do
+ cliconfig <- getCliConfig
+ _ <- checkRef config cliconfig state ref
+ pure NoContent
-statusImpl :: MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App JobStatus
-statusImpl state ref = do
- status <- liftIO $ withMVar state (pure . M.lookup ref)
+statusImpl :: MVar State -> UUID -> App JobStatus
+statusImpl state uuid = do
+ status <- liftIO $ withMVar state $ \state ->
+ case M.lookup uuid (view registry state) of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just ref -> pure $ M.lookup ref (view jobs state)
case status of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing -> lift $ throwError err404
+-- | the actual check function. forks, calls out to git to update the
+-- repository, create a new worktree, lints it, then tells git to
+-- delete that tree again
+checkRef :: Config True -> CliConfig -> MVar State -> RemoteRef -> App ThreadId
+checkRef config cliconfig state ref = liftIO $ forkIO $ do
+ res <- liftIO $ runCli cliconfig $ do
+ ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist gitdir)
+ -- TODO: these calls fail for dumb http, add some fallback!
+ (callgit gitdir
+ [ "fetch", "origin", T.unpack (reporef ref), "--depth", "1" ])
+ (callgit gitdir
+ [ "clone", T.unpack $ repourl ref, "--bare"
+ , "--depth", "1", "-b", T.unpack (reporef ref)])
+ rand <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom
+ let workdir = "/tmp" </> ("worktree-" <> UUID.toString rand)
+ callgit gitdir [ "worktree", "add", workdir ]
+ callgit workdir [ "checkout", T.unpack (reporef ref) ]
+ res <- liftIO $ recursiveCheckDir (lintconfig config) workdir (entrypoint config)
+ callgit gitdir [ "worktree", "remove", "-f", "-f", workdir ]
+ pure res
+ liftIO $ setJobStatus state ref $ case res of
+ Right res -> Linted res
+ Left err -> Failed (prettyProcessFailure err)
+ where
+ callgit dir = callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug) . gitProc dir
+ gitdir = tmpdir config </> hashedname
+ hashedname = fmap escapeSlash . T.unpack . repourl $ ref
+ escapeSlash = \case { '/' -> '-'; a -> a }
-checkPath :: Config True -> FilePath -> Text -> App' DirResult
-checkPath config gitdir ref = do
- rand <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom
- let workdir = "/tmp" </> ("worktree-" <> UUID.toString rand)
- callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
- $ gitProc gitdir [ "worktree", "add", workdir ]
- callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
- $ gitProc workdir [ "checkout", T.unpack ref ]
- res <- liftIO $ recursiveCheckDir (lintconfig config) gitdir (entrypoint config)
- callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
- $ gitProc gitdir [ "worktree", "remove", "-f", "-f", workdir ]
- pure res