path: root/lib/Properties.hs
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diff --git a/lib/Properties.hs b/lib/Properties.hs
index 63cea1f..b937534 100644
--- a/lib/Properties.hs
+++ b/lib/Properties.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Properties (checkMap, checkTileset, checkLayer) where
import Universum hiding (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
-import Data.Text (intercalate, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf)
+import Data.Text (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tiled (Layer (..), Object (..), Property (..),
PropertyValue (..), Tile (..),
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ import LintWriter (LintWriter, adjust, askContext,
import Paths (PathResult (..), RelPath (..),
getExtension, isOldStyle, parsePath)
import Types (Dep (Link, Local, LocalMap, MapLink))
-import Uris (SubstError (..), applySubsts,
- extractDomain, parseUri)
+import Uris (SubstError (..), applySubsts)
@@ -140,12 +139,9 @@ checkMapProperty p@(Property name _) = case name of
-- "canonical" form, but allowing that here so that multiple
-- scripts can be used by one map
_ | T.toLower name == "script" ->
- unwrapString p $ \str ->
- unless (checkIsRc3Url str &&
- not ( "/../" `isInfixOf` str) &&
- not ( "%" `isInfixOf` str) &&
- not ( "@" `isInfixOf` str))
- $ forbid "only scripts hosted on are allowed."
+ unwrapURI (Proxy @"script") p
+ (dependsOn . Link)
+ (const $ forbid "scripts loaded from local files are disallowed")
| name `elem` ["jitsiRoom", "playAudio", "openWebsite"
, "url", "exitUrl", "silent", "getBadge"]
-> complain $ "property " <> name
@@ -342,11 +338,6 @@ checkObjectGroupProperty (Property name _) = case name of
\not the object layer."
_ -> warn $ "unknown property " <> prettyprint name <> " for objectgroup layers"
-checkIsRc3Url :: Text -> Bool
-checkIsRc3Url text= case extractDomain text of
- Nothing -> False
- Just domain -> do
- domain == ""
-- | Checks a single (custom) property of a "normal" tile layer
@@ -405,7 +396,8 @@ checkTileThing removeExits p@(Property name _value) = case name of
unwrapURI (Proxy @"map") p
(\link -> do
assemblyslug <- lintConfig configAssemblyTag
- case T.stripPrefix ("/@/rc3_21/"<>assemblyslug<>"/") link of
+ eventslug <- lintConfig configEventSlug
+ case T.stripPrefix ("/@/"<>eventslug<>"/"<>assemblyslug<>"/") link of
Nothing -> do
dependsOn (MapLink link)
setProperty "exitUrl" link
@@ -424,8 +416,8 @@ checkTileThing removeExits p@(Property name _value) = case name of
let ext = getExtension path in
if | isOldStyle path ->
complain "Old-Style inter-repository links (using {<placeholder>}) \
- \cannot be used at rC3 2021; please use world:// instead \
- \(see"
+ \cannot be used at divoc bb3; please use world:// instead \
+ \(see"
| ext == "tmx" ->
complain "Cannot use .tmx map format; use Tiled's json export instead."
| ext /= "json" ->
@@ -471,22 +463,21 @@ checkTileThing removeExits p@(Property name _value) = case name of
, "jitsiroomadmintag", "jitsiinterfaceconfig"
, "openwebsitepolicy", "allowapi" ]
-> forbidProperty name
- -- the openWebsite Api can only be allowed if the website is on
- | T.toLower name == "openwebsiteallowapi"
- -> do
- properties <- askContext <&> getProperties
- unless (all (\(Property name value) -> case value of
- StrProp str -> name /= "openWebsite" || checkIsRc3Url str
- _ -> True
- ) properties)
- $ complain "\"openWebsiteAllowApi\" can only be used with websites hosted \
- \on"
| name `elem` [ "openWebsite", "openTab" ] -> do
- suggestProperty $ Property "openWebsiteTrigger" (StrProp "onaction")
- unwrapURI (Proxy @"website") p
- (dependsOn . Link)
- (const $ forbid "accessing local html files is disallowed.")
+ suggestProperty $ Property "openWebsiteTrigger" "onaction"
+ properties <- askContext <&> getProperties
+ let isScript = any (\(Property name _) ->
+ T.toLower name == "openwebsiteallowapi")
+ properties
+ if isScript
+ then unwrapURI (Proxy @"script") p
+ (dependsOn . Link)
+ (const $ forbid "accessing local html files is disallowed")
+ else unwrapURI (Proxy @"website") p
+ (dependsOn . Link)
+ (const $ forbid "accessing local html files is disallowed.")
| otherwise ->
when (not removeExits || name `notElem` [ "collides", "name", "tilesetCopyright" ]) $ do
warnUnknown p knownTileLayerProperites
@@ -634,11 +625,6 @@ setProperty name value = adjust $ \ctxt ->
$ \ps -> Just $ Property name (asProperty value) : filter sameName ps
where sameName (Property name' _) = name /= name'
-removeProperty :: HasProperties ctxt => Text -> LintWriter ctxt
-removeProperty name = adjust $ \ctxt ->
- flip adjustProperties ctxt
- $ \ps -> Just $ filter (\(Property name' _) -> name' /= name) ps
naiveEscapeProperty :: HasProperties a => Property -> LintWriter a
naiveEscapeProperty prop@(Property name _) =
unwrapString prop (setProperty name . naiveEscapeHTML)
@@ -691,7 +677,9 @@ unwrapBadgeToken str f = case parseToken str of
Nothing -> complain "invalid badge token."
--- | unwraps a URI
+-- | unwraps a link, giving two cases:
+-- - the link might be an (allowed) remote URI
+-- - the link might be relative to this map (i.e. just a filepath)
unwrapURI :: (KnownSymbol s, HasProperties a)
=> Proxy s
-> Property
@@ -715,12 +703,12 @@ unwrapURI sym p@(Property name _) f g = unwrapString p $ \link -> do
DomainDoesNotExist domain -> "The domain " <> domain <> " does not exist; \
\please make sure it is spelled correctly."
SchemaDoesNotExist schema ->
- "the URI schema " <> schema <> ":// cannot be used."
+ "the URI schema " <> schema <> "// cannot be used."
WrongScope schema allowed ->
- "the URI schema " <> schema <> ":// cannot be used in property \
+ "the URI schema " <> schema <> "// cannot be used in property \
\\"" <> name <> "\"; allowed "
<> (if length allowed == 1 then "is " else "are ")
- <> intercalate ", " (fmap (<> "://") allowed) <> "."
+ <> intercalate ", " (map (<> "//") allowed) <> "."
VarsDisallowed -> "extended API links are disallowed in links"