path: root/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'default.nix')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deea282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ sources = import ./nix/sources.nix {};
+ haskellNix = import sources.haskellNix {};
+ # Import nixpkgs and pass the haskell.nix provided nixpkgsArgs
+ pkgs = import
+ # use haskell.nix's nixpkgs, which may (?) have more substitutes available
+ haskellNix.sources.nixpkgs-unstable
+ # args for nixpkgs; includes the haskell.nix overlay
+ (haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs // { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
+ drvs = pkgs.haskell-nix.project {
+ # 'cleanGit' cleans a source directory based on the files known by git
+ src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
+ src = ./.;
+ name = "walint";
+ };
+ modules = [{
+ packages.walint.components.exes = {
+ # don't include gcc or ghc in the dependency closure …
+ walint-server.dontStrip = false;
+ walint.dontStrip = false;
+ };
+ }];
+ stack-sha256 = "16ilij2cygmwbdmjdzj6yl4yv7zi4qzwg7rxkxgp0hbjpkz6n42y";
+ };
+ walint = drvs.walint.components.exes.walint;
+ walint-server = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
+ name = "walint-server-with-assets";
+ src = drvs.walint.components.exes.walint-server;
+ phases = [ "buildPhase" ];
+ buildPhase = ''
+ mkdir -p $out
+ cp -r $src/* $out
+ cp -r ${pkgs.copyPathToStore ./static} $out/static
+ cp ${pkgs.copyPathToStore ./config.json} $out/config.json
+ cp ${pkgs.copyPathToStore ./config.toml} $out/config.toml
+ '';
+ };