path: root/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Call.php b/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Call.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 04eb426..0000000
--- a/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Call.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-class Less_Tree_Mixin_Call extends Less_Tree{
- public $selector;
- public $arguments;
- public $index;
- public $currentFileInfo;
- public $important;
- public $type = 'MixinCall';
- /**
- * less.js: tree.mixin.Call
- *
- */
- public function __construct($elements, $args, $index, $currentFileInfo, $important = false){
- $this->selector = new Less_Tree_Selector($elements);
- $this->arguments = $args;
- $this->index = $index;
- $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo;
- $this->important = $important;
- }
- //function accept($visitor){
- // $this->selector = $visitor->visit($this->selector);
- // $this->arguments = $visitor->visit($this->arguments);
- //}
- public function compile($env){
- $rules = array();
- $match = false;
- $isOneFound = false;
- $candidates = array();
- $defaultUsed = false;
- $conditionResult = array();
- $args = array();
- foreach($this->arguments as $a){
- $args[] = array('name'=> $a['name'], 'value' => $a['value']->compile($env) );
- }
- foreach($env->frames as $frame){
- $mixins = $frame->find($this->selector);
- if( !$mixins ){
- continue;
- }
- $isOneFound = true;
- $defNone = 0;
- $defTrue = 1;
- $defFalse = 2;
- // To make `default()` function independent of definition order we have two "subpasses" here.
- // At first we evaluate each guard *twice* (with `default() == true` and `default() == false`),
- // and build candidate list with corresponding flags. Then, when we know all possible matches,
- // we make a final decision.
- $mixins_len = count($mixins);
- for( $m = 0; $m < $mixins_len; $m++ ){
- $mixin = $mixins[$m];
- if( $this->IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ) ){
- continue;
- }
- if( $mixin->matchArgs($args, $env) ){
- $candidate = array('mixin' => $mixin, 'group' => $defNone);
- if( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset ){
- for( $f = 0; $f < 2; $f++ ){
- Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::value($f);
- $conditionResult[$f] = $mixin->matchCondition( $args, $env);
- }
- if( $conditionResult[0] || $conditionResult[1] ){
- if( $conditionResult[0] != $conditionResult[1] ){
- $candidate['group'] = $conditionResult[1] ? $defTrue : $defFalse;
- }
- $candidates[] = $candidate;
- }
- }else{
- $candidates[] = $candidate;
- }
- $match = true;
- }
- }
- Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset();
- $count = array(0, 0, 0);
- for( $m = 0; $m < count($candidates); $m++ ){
- $count[ $candidates[$m]['group'] ]++;
- }
- if( $count[$defNone] > 0 ){
- $defaultResult = $defFalse;
- } else {
- $defaultResult = $defTrue;
- if( ($count[$defTrue] + $count[$defFalse]) > 1 ){
- throw new Exception( 'Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `' . $this->format($args) . '`' );
- }
- }
- $candidates_length = count($candidates);
- $length_1 = ($candidates_length == 1);
- for( $m = 0; $m < $candidates_length; $m++){
- $candidate = $candidates[$m]['group'];
- if( ($candidate === $defNone) || ($candidate === $defaultResult) ){
- try{
- $mixin = $candidates[$m]['mixin'];
- if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){
- $mixin = new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition('', array(), $mixin->rules, null, false);
- $mixin->originalRuleset = $mixins[$m]->originalRuleset;
- }
- $rules = array_merge($rules, $mixin->evalCall($env, $args, $this->important)->rules);
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- //throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), $e->index, null, $this->currentFileInfo['filename']);
- throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), null, null, $this->currentFileInfo);
- }
- }
- }
- if( $match ){
- if( !$this->currentFileInfo || !isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ){
- Less_Tree::ReferencedArray($rules);
- }
- return $rules;
- }
- }
- if( $isOneFound ){
- throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('No matching definition was found for `'.$this->Format( $args ).'`', null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo);
- }else{
- throw new Less_Exception_Compiler(trim($this->selector->toCSS()) . " is undefined in ".$this->currentFileInfo['filename'], null, $this->index);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Format the args for use in exception messages
- *
- */
- private function Format($args){
- $message = array();
- if( $args ){
- foreach($args as $a){
- $argValue = '';
- if( $a['name'] ){
- $argValue .= $a['name'] . ':';
- }
- if( is_object($a['value']) ){
- $argValue .= $a['value']->toCSS();
- }else{
- $argValue .= '???';
- }
- $message[] = $argValue;
- }
- }
- return implode(', ',$message);
- }
- /**
- * Are we in a recursive mixin call?
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- private function IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ){
- foreach($env->frames as $recur_frame){
- if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){
- if( $mixin === $recur_frame ){
- return true;
- }
- if( isset($recur_frame->originalRuleset) && $mixin->ruleset_id === $recur_frame->originalRuleset ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
diff --git a/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php b/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b16d688..0000000
--- a/lib/less.php/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-class Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition extends Less_Tree_Ruleset{
- public $name;
- public $selectors;
- public $params;
- public $arity = 0;
- public $rules;
- public $lookups = array();
- public $required = 0;
- public $frames = array();
- public $condition;
- public $variadic;
- public $type = 'MixinDefinition';
- // less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition
- public function __construct($name, $params, $rules, $condition, $variadic = false, $frames = array() ){
- $this->name = $name;
- $this->selectors = array(new Less_Tree_Selector(array( new Less_Tree_Element(null, $name))));
- $this->params = $params;
- $this->condition = $condition;
- $this->variadic = $variadic;
- $this->rules = $rules;
- if( $params ){
- $this->arity = count($params);
- foreach( $params as $p ){
- if (! isset($p['name']) || ($p['name'] && !isset($p['value']))) {
- $this->required++;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->frames = $frames;
- $this->SetRulesetIndex();
- }
- //function accept( $visitor ){
- // $this->params = $visitor->visit($this->params);
- // $this->rules = $visitor->visit($this->rules);
- // $this->condition = $visitor->visit($this->condition);
- //}
- public function toCSS(){
- return '';
- }
- // less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition.evalParams
- public function compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args = array() , &$evaldArguments = array() ){
- $frame = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, array());
- $params = $this->params;
- $mixinEnv = null;
- $argsLength = 0;
- if( $args ){
- $argsLength = count($args);
- for($i = 0; $i < $argsLength; $i++ ){
- $arg = $args[$i];
- if( $arg && $arg['name'] ){
- $isNamedFound = false;
- foreach($params as $j => $param){
- if( !isset($evaldArguments[$j]) && $arg['name'] === $params[$j]['name']) {
- $evaldArguments[$j] = $arg['value']->compile($env);
- array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $arg['name'], $arg['value']->compile($env) ) );
- $isNamedFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($isNamedFound) {
- array_splice($args, $i, 1);
- $i--;
- $argsLength--;
- continue;
- } else {
- throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Named argument for " . $this->name .' '.$args[$i]['name'] . ' not found');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $argIndex = 0;
- foreach($params as $i => $param){
- if ( isset($evaldArguments[$i]) ){ continue; }
- $arg = null;
- if( isset($args[$argIndex]) ){
- $arg = $args[$argIndex];
- }
- if (isset($param['name']) && $param['name']) {
- if( isset($param['variadic']) ){
- $varargs = array();
- for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) {
- $varargs[] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env);
- }
- $expression = new Less_Tree_Expression($varargs);
- array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $expression->compile($env)));
- }else{
- $val = ($arg && $arg['value']) ? $arg['value'] : false;
- if ($val) {
- $val = $val->compile($env);
- } else if ( isset($param['value']) ) {
- if( !$mixinEnv ){
- $mixinEnv = new Less_Environment();
- $mixinEnv->frames = array_merge( array($frame), $mixinFrames);
- }
- $val = $param['value']->compile($mixinEnv);
- $frame->resetCache();
- } else {
- throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Wrong number of arguments for " . $this->name . " (" . $argsLength . ' for ' . $this->arity . ")");
- }
- array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $val));
- $evaldArguments[$i] = $val;
- }
- }
- if ( isset($param['variadic']) && $args) {
- for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) {
- $evaldArguments[$j] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env);
- }
- }
- $argIndex++;
- }
- ksort($evaldArguments);
- $evaldArguments = array_values($evaldArguments);
- return $frame;
- }
- public function compile($env) {
- if( $this->frames ){
- return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $this->frames );
- }
- return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $env->frames );
- }
- public function evalCall($env, $args = NULL, $important = NULL) {
- Less_Environment::$mixin_stack++;
- $_arguments = array();
- if( $this->frames ){
- $mixinFrames = array_merge($this->frames, $env->frames);
- }else{
- $mixinFrames = $env->frames;
- }
- $frame = $this->compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args, $_arguments);
- $ex = new Less_Tree_Expression($_arguments);
- array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule('@arguments', $ex->compile($env)));
- $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, $this->rules);
- $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id;
- $ruleSetEnv = new Less_Environment();
- $ruleSetEnv->frames = array_merge( array($this, $frame), $mixinFrames );
- $ruleset = $ruleset->compile( $ruleSetEnv );
- if( $important ){
- $ruleset = $ruleset->makeImportant();
- }
- Less_Environment::$mixin_stack--;
- return $ruleset;
- }
- public function matchCondition($args, $env) {
- if( !$this->condition ){
- return true;
- }
- // set array to prevent error on array_merge
- if(!is_array($this->frames)) {
- $this->frames = array();
- }
- $frame = $this->compileParams($env, array_merge($this->frames,$env->frames), $args );
- $compile_env = new Less_Environment();
- $compile_env->frames = array_merge(
- array($frame) // the parameter variables
- , $this->frames // the parent namespace/mixin frames
- , $env->frames // the current environment frames
- );
- $compile_env->functions = $env->functions;
- return (bool)$this->condition->compile($compile_env);
- }
- public function matchArgs($args, $env = NULL){
- $argsLength = count($args);
- if( !$this->variadic ){
- if( $argsLength < $this->required ){
- return false;
- }
- if( $argsLength > count($this->params) ){
- return false;
- }
- }else{
- if( $argsLength < ($this->required - 1)){
- return false;
- }
- }
- $len = min($argsLength, $this->arity);
- for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){
- if( !isset($this->params[$i]['name']) && !isset($this->params[$i]['variadic']) ){
- if( $args[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() != $this->params[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() ){
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }