path: root/model/Schedule.php
diff options
authorAnton Schubert2020-10-31 20:43:09 +0100
committerGitHub2020-10-31 20:43:09 +0100
commitc31a16cb6d9057883cc5f46376c190a8a8736546 (patch)
treedfe4bd1853fffd259f01a2ad920f6ae00cb44bb8 /model/Schedule.php
parent84b8eb8048fcdb8e6449583583aa21b7bb90486e (diff)
preserve schedule timezones and show current time + event timezone on the website (#117)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/model/Schedule.php b/model/Schedule.php
index d006d1f..739d2c8 100644
--- a/model/Schedule.php
+++ b/model/Schedule.php
@@ -89,31 +89,32 @@ class Schedule
// so to be on the safer side we calculate our own daystart/end here
foreach($schedule->day as $day)
- $daystart = PHP_INT_MAX;
- $dayend = 0;
+ $daystart = new DateTimeImmutable('+100 year');
+ $dayend = new DateTimeImmutable('-100 year');
foreach($day->room as $room)
$roomName = (string)$room['name'];
if(!in_array($roomName, $rooms))
$rooms[] = $roomName;
foreach($room->event as $event)
- $start = strtotime((string)$event->date);
- $duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration);
- $end = $start + $duration;
+ $start = new DateTimeImmutable((string)$event->date);
+ $interval = $this->strToInterval((string)$event->duration);
+ $end = $start->add($interval);
- $daystart = min($daystart, $start);
- $dayend = max($dayend, $end);
+ $daystart = $start < $daystart ? $start : $daystart;
+ $dayend = $end > $dayend ? $end : $dayend;
- $day['start'] = $daystart;
- $day['end'] = $dayend;
+ // stringify again to store in simplexml
+ $day['start'] = $daystart->format('c');
+ $day['end'] = $dayend->format('c');
@@ -123,23 +124,23 @@ class Schedule
$daysSorted[] = $day;
- usort($daysSorted, function($a, $b) {
- return (int)$a['start'] - (int)$b['start'];
+ usort($daysSorted, function($a, $b): int {
+ return strcmp($a['start'], $b['start']);
$dayidx = 0;
foreach($daysSorted as $day)
- $daystart = (int)$day['start'];
- $dayend = (int)$day['end'];
+ $daystart = new DateTimeImmutable($day['start']);
+ $dayend = new DateTimeImmutable($day['end']);
$roomidx = 0;
foreach($rooms as $roomName)
- $laststart = false;
- $lastend = false;
+ $laststart = NULL;
+ $lastend = NULL;
@@ -147,24 +148,16 @@ class Schedule
$result = $day->xpath("room[@name='".$roomName."']");
if(!$result) {
// this room has no events on this day -> add long gap
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'gap',
- 'fstart' => date('c', $daystart),
- 'fend' => date('c', $dayend),
- 'start' => $daystart,
- 'end' => $dayend,
- 'duration' => $dayend - $daystart,
- );
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'daychange',
- 'title' => 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1),
- 'start' => $dayend,
- 'end' => (int)$schedule->day[$dayidx]['start'],
- 'duration' => 60*60,
- );
+ $gap = $this->makeEvent($daystart, $dayend);
+ $gap['special'] = 'gap';
+ $program[$roomName][] = $gap;
+ $end = new DateTimeImmutable($schedule->day[$dayidx]['start']);
+ $daychange = $this->makeEvent($dayend, $end);
+ $daychange['special'] = 'daychange';
+ $daychange['title'] = 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1);
+ $daychange['duration'] = 3600;
+ $program[$roomName][] = $daychange;
$room = $result[0];
@@ -184,103 +177,74 @@ class Schedule
foreach($eventsSorted as $event)
- $start = strtotime((string)$event->date);
- $duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration);
- $end = $start + $duration;
+ $start = new DateTimeImmutable((string)$event->date);
+ $interval = $this->strToInterval((string)$event->duration);
+ $end = $start->add($interval);
// skip duplicate events in fahrplan source
if ( $laststart == $start )
- continue;
+ continue;
if($lastend && $lastend < $start)
- // synthesize pause event
- $pauseduration = $start - $lastend;
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'pause',
- 'title' => round($pauseduration / 60).' minutes pause',
- 'fstart' => date('c', $lastend),
- 'fend' => date('c', $start),
- 'start' => $lastend,
- 'end' => $start,
- 'duration' => $pauseduration,
- 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($roomName),
- );
+ // pause between talks
+ $pause = $this->makeEvent($lastend, $start);
+ $pause['special'] = 'pause';
+ $pause['title'] = round($pause['duration'] / 60).' minutes pause';
+ $pause['room_known'] = $this->isRoomMapped($roomName);
+ $program[$roomName][] = $pause;
else if(!$lastend && $daystart < $start)
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'gap',
- 'fstart' => date('c', $daystart),
- 'fend' => date('c', $start),
- 'start' => $daystart,
- 'end' => $start,
- 'duration' => $start - $daystart,
- 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($roomName),
- );
+ // gap before first talk
+ $gap = $this->makeEvent($daystart, $start);
+ $gap['special'] = 'gap';
+ $gap['room_known'] = $this->isRoomMapped($roomName);
+ $program[$roomName][] = $gap;
$personnames = array();
if(isset($event->persons)) foreach($event->persons->person as $person)
$personnames[] = (string)$person;
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'title' => (string)$event->title,
- 'speaker' => implode(', ', $personnames),
- 'fstart' => date('c', $start),
- 'fend' => date('c', $end),
- 'start' => $start,
- 'end' => $end,
- 'duration' => $duration,
- 'room_known' => $this->isRoomMapped($roomName),
- 'optout' => $this->isOptout($event),
- );
+ // normal talk
+ $talk = $this->makeEvent($start, $end);
+ $talk['title'] = (string)$event->title;
+ $talk['speaker'] = implode(', ', $personnames);
+ $talk['room_known'] = $this->isRoomMapped($roomName);
+ $talk['optout'] = $this->isOptout($event);
+ $program[$roomName][] = $talk;
$laststart = $start;
$lastend = $end;
- // synthesize daychange event
if(!$lastend) $lastend = $daystart;
if($lastend < $dayend)
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'gap',
- 'fstart' => date('c', $lastend),
- 'fend' => date('c', $dayend),
- 'start' => $lastend,
- 'end' => $dayend,
- 'duration' => $dayend - $lastend,
- );
+ // gap after last talk
+ $gap = $this->makeEvent($lastend, $dayend);
+ $gap['special'] = 'gap';
+ $program[$roomName][] = $gap;
if($dayidx < count($schedule->day))
- $program[$roomName][] = array(
- 'special' => 'daychange',
- 'title' => 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1),
- 'start' => $dayend,
- 'end' => (int)$schedule->day[$dayidx]['start'],
- 'duration' => 60*60,
- );
+ // daychange
+ $end = new DateTimeImmutable($schedule->day[$dayidx]['start']);
+ $daychange = $this->makeEvent($dayend, $end);
+ $daychange['special'] = 'daychange';
+ $daychange['title'] = 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1);
+ $daychange['duration'] = 3600;
+ $program[$roomName][] = $daychange;
$mapping = $this->getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping();
- // sort by roomfilter
+ // determine roomfilter
$roomfilter = $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.ROOMFILTER');
// map roomfilter-rooms to room-slugs
@@ -291,7 +255,7 @@ class Schedule
return $e;
}, $roomfilter);
- // sort according to roomtilter ordering
+ // sort according to roomfilter ordering
uksort($program, function($a, $b) use ($roomfilter) {
return array_search($a, $roomfilter) - array_search($b, $roomfilter);
@@ -300,6 +264,32 @@ class Schedule
return $program;
+ private function makeEvent(DateTimeImmutable $from, DateTimeImmutable $to): array {
+ return array(
+ 'fstart' => $from->format('c'),
+ 'fend' => $to->format('c'),
+ 'tstart' => $from->format('H:i'),
+ 'tend' => $to->format('H:i'),
+ 'start' => $from->getTimestamp(),
+ 'end' => $to->getTimestamp(),
+ 'offset' => $from->getOffset(),
+ 'duration' => $to->getTimestamp() - $from->getTimestamp(),
+ );
+ }
+ private function intervalToDuration(DateInterval $interval): int {
+ $one = new DateTimeImmutable();
+ $two = $one->add($interval);
+ return $two->getTimestamp() - $one->getTimestamp();
+ }
+ private function strToInterval(string $str): DateInterval
+ {
+ $parts = explode(':', $str);
+ return new DateInterval('PT'.$parts[0].'H'.$parts[1].'M');
+ }
public function getDurationSum()
@@ -312,23 +302,18 @@ class Schedule
- private function strToDuration($str)
- {
- $parts = explode(':', $str);
- return ((int)$parts[0] * 60 + (int)$parts[1]) * 60;
- }
public function getScheduleUrl()
return $this->getConference()->get('SCHEDULE.URL');
public function getScheduleCache()
return sprintf('/tmp/schedule-cache-%s.xml', $this->getConference()->getSlug());
public function getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping()
$mapping = array();