path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Server/ControlRoom.hs b/lib/Server/ControlRoom.hs
index e3af33f..9ebea42 100644
--- a/lib/Server/ControlRoom.hs
+++ b/lib/Server/ControlRoom.hs
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ import Persist (AmendmentStatus, Announcement (..),
import Server.Util (Service)
import Text.Blaze.Html (ToMarkup (..))
+import Text.Blaze.Internal (MarkupM(Empty))
import Text.ProtocolBuffers (Default (defaultValue))
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+import Text.Shakespeare.Text
import Yesod
import Yesod.Form
@@ -72,25 +74,61 @@ mkYesod "ControlRoom" [parseRoutes|
/trip/#TripID TripViewR GET
+emptyMarkup :: MarkupM a -> Bool
+emptyMarkup (Empty _) = True
+emptyMarkup _ = False
instance Yesod ControlRoom where
approot = ApprootMaster (\cr -> getBaseurl cr)
defaultLayout w = do
- p <- widgetToPageContent w
+ PageContent{..} <- widgetToPageContent w
msgs <- getMessages
withUrlRenderer [hamlet|
$newline never
$doctype 5
- <title>Tracktrain #{pageTitle p}
- $maybe description <- pageDescription p
+ <title>
+ $if emptyMarkup pageTitle
+ Tracktrain
+ $else
+ #{pageTitle}
+ $maybe description <- pageDescription
<meta name="description" content="#{description}">
- ^{pageHead p}
+ ^{pageHead}
+ <style>
+ section {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ padding: 1rem;
+ margin: 2rem;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ }
+ body {
+ max-width: 50rem;
+ margin: auto;
+ }
+ form {
+ width:100%;
+ display: grid;
+ gap: 1rem;
+ }
+ label {
+ grid-column: 1;
+ }
+ form div {
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: 50% 50%;
+ width:100%;
+ }
+ input {
+ grid-column: 2;
+ }
$forall (status, msg) <- msgs
<p class="message #{status}">#{msg}
- ^{pageBody p}
+ ^{pageBody}
@@ -117,7 +155,7 @@ getTrainsR = do
defaultLayout $ do
<h1>Trains on #{day}
$forall Trip{..} <- trips
<li><a href="@{TrainViewR tripTripID day}">#{tripTripID}</a>
: #{stopDeparture (V.head tripStops)} #{stationName (stopStation (V.head tripStops))}
@@ -131,34 +169,41 @@ getTrainViewR trip day = do
Nothing -> notFound
Just res@Trip{..} -> do
anns <- runDB $ selectList [ AnnouncementTrip ==. trip, AnnouncementDay ==. day ] []
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
-<h1><a href="@{TripViewR tripTripID}">#{tripTripID}</a> _{Msgon} <a href="@?{(TrainsR, [("day", T.pack (iso8601Show day))])}">#{day}</a>
- $forall Entity (AnnouncementKey uuid) Announcement{..} <- anns
- <li><em>#{announcementHeader}: #{announcementMessage}</em> <a href="@{DelAnnounceR uuid}">delete</a>
- $if null anns
- <li><em>(_{MsgNone})</em>
-<form method=post action=@{AnnounceR trip day} enctype=#{enctype}>
- ^{widget}
- <button>Submit
- $forall Stop{..} <- tripStops
- <div>(#{stopSequence}) #{stopArrival} #{stationName stopStation}
-<h2>Vehicle Position
-<div> Todo!
+ defaultLayout $ do
+ mr <- getMessageRender
+ setTitle (toHtml (""+|mr MsgTrip|+" "+|tripTripID|+" "+|mr Msgon|+" "+|day|+"" :: Text))
+ [whamlet|
+<h1>_{MsgTrip} <a href="@{TripViewR tripTripID}">#{tripTripID}</a> _{Msgon} <a href="@?{(TrainsR, [("day", T.pack (iso8601Show day))])}">#{day}</a>
+ <h2>_{MsgAnnouncements}
+ <ul>
+ $forall Entity (AnnouncementKey uuid) Announcement{..} <- anns
+ <li><em>#{announcementHeader}: #{announcementMessage}</em> <a href="@{DelAnnounceR uuid}">delete</a>
+ $if null anns
+ <li><em>(_{MsgNone})</em>
+ <h3>_{MsgNewAnnouncement}
+ <form method=post action=@{AnnounceR trip day} enctype=#{enctype}>
+ ^{widget}
+ <button>Submit
+ <h2>_{MsgStops}
+ <ol>
+ $forall Stop{..} <- tripStops
+ <li> #{stopArrival} #{stationName stopStation}
+ <h2>Vehicle Position
+ <div> Todo!
getTripsViewR :: Handler Html
getTripsViewR = do
GTFS{..} <- getYesod <&> getGtfs
- defaultLayout [whamlet|
+ defaultLayout $ do
+ setTitle "List of Trips"
+ [whamlet|
<h1>List of Trips
$forall Trip{..} <- trips
<li><a href="@{TripViewR tripTripID}">#{tripTripID}</a>
: #{stopDeparture (V.head tripStops)} #{stationName (stopStation (V.head tripStops))}
@@ -172,13 +217,15 @@ getTripViewR tripId = do
Nothing -> notFound
Just Trip{..} -> defaultLayout [whamlet|
<h1>Trip #{tripTripID}
- $forall Stop{..} <- tripStops
- <div>(#{stopSequence}) #{stopArrival} #{stationName stopStation}
+ <h2>Stops
+ <ol>
+ $forall Stop{..} <- tripStops
+ <div>(#{stopSequence}) #{stopArrival} #{stationName stopStation}
+ <h2>Dates
+ <ul>
@@ -212,10 +259,10 @@ getDelAnnounceR uuid = do
announceForm :: Day -> TripID -> Html -> MForm Handler (FormResult Announcement, Widget)
announceForm day tripId = renderDivs $ Announcement
<$> pure tripId
- <*> areq textField "Header" Nothing
- <*> areq textField "Text" Nothing
+ <*> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgHeader) Nothing
+ <*> areq textField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgText) Nothing
<*> pure day
- <*> aopt urlField "Link" Nothing
+ <*> aopt urlField (fieldSettingsLabel MsgMaybeWeblink) Nothing
<*> lift (liftIO getCurrentTime <&> Just)