path: root/lib
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diff --git a/lib/Extrapolation.hs b/lib/Extrapolation.hs
index 770d4ce..cc77a92 100644
--- a/lib/Extrapolation.hs
+++ b/lib/Extrapolation.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-module Extrapolation (Extrapolator(..), LinearExtrapolator, linearDelay, secondsNow) where
+module Extrapolation (Extrapolator(..), LinearExtrapolator, linearDelay, secondsNow, distanceAlongLine) where
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Conduit (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import GTFS (Depth (Deep), GTFS (..), Seconds (..),
Shape (..), Stop (..), Time, Trip (..),
- seconds2Double, stationGeopos, toSeconds)
+ seconds2Double, stationGeopos, toSeconds, Station (stationName))
import Persist (Running (..), TrainAnchor (..),
TrainPing (..))
@@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ instance Extrapolator LinearExtrapolator where
linearDelay :: GTFS -> Trip Deep Deep -> TrainPing -> Day -> (Seconds, Double)
linearDelay GTFS{..} trip@Trip{..} TrainPing{..} runningDay = unsafePerformIO $ do
- print (scheduledPosition, round $ (expectedProgress - observedProgress) * int2Double (unSeconds expectedTravelTime))
- pure $ (Seconds $ round $ (expectedProgress - observedProgress) * int2Double (unSeconds expectedTravelTime)
- , scheduledPosition)
- where closestPoint =
- minimumBy (compare `on` euclid (trainPingLat, trainPingLong)) line
- nextStop = snd $
- minimumBy (compare `on` fst)
- $ V.filter (\(dist,_) -> dist > 0)
- $ fmap (\stop -> (distanceAlongLine line closestPoint (stationGeopos $ stopStation stop), stop)) tripStops
- lastStop = snd $
- maximumBy (compare `on` fst)
- $ V.filter (\(dist,_) -> dist < 0)
- $ fmap (\stop -> (distanceAlongLine line closestPoint (stationGeopos $ stopStation stop), stop)) tripStops
+ print (observedPosition, observedProgress)
+ print (stationName . stopStation $ lastStop, stationName . stopStation $ nextStop)
+ print (distanceAlongLine line (stationGeopos $ stopStation lastStop) closestPoint
+ , distanceAlongLine line (stationGeopos $ stopStation lastStop) (stationGeopos $ stopStation nextStop))
+ pure (observedDelay, observedPosition)
+ where closestPoint = minimumBy (compare `on` euclid (trainPingLat, trainPingLong)) line
line = shapePoints tripShape
+ lastStop = tripStops V.! (nextIndex - 1)
+ nextStop = tripStops V.! nextIndex
+ nextIndex = if idx' == 0
+ then 1 else idx'
+ where idx' = fst $ V.minimumBy (compare `on` snd)
+ $ V.filter (\(_,dist) -> dist > 0) $ V.indexed
+ $ fmap (distanceAlongLine line closestPoint . stationGeopos . stopStation) tripStops
expectedTravelTime =
toSeconds (stopArrival nextStop) tzseries runningDay
- toSeconds (stopDeparture lastStop) tzseries runningDay
@@ -101,18 +101,27 @@ linearDelay GTFS{..} trip@Trip{..} TrainPing{..} runningDay = unsafePerformIO $
observedProgress =
distanceAlongLine line (stationGeopos $ stopStation lastStop) closestPoint
/ distanceAlongLine line (stationGeopos $ stopStation lastStop) (stationGeopos $ stopStation nextStop)
- scheduledPosition =
+ observedPosition =
(int2Double $ stopSequence lastStop) + observedProgress * (int2Double $ stopSequence nextStop - stopSequence lastStop)
+ observedDelay = Seconds $ round $
+ (expectedProgress - observedProgress) * int2Double (unSeconds expectedTravelTime)
+ -- if the hypothetical on-time train is already at (or past) the next station,
+ -- just add the time distance we're behind
+ + if expectedProgress == 1
+ then seconds2Double (utcToSeconds trainPingTimestamp runningDay - toSeconds (stopArrival nextStop) tzseries runningDay)
+ else 0
distanceAlongLine :: V.Vector (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Double
distanceAlongLine line p1 p2 = along2 - along1
where along1 = along p1
along2 = along p2
- along p@(x,y) = snd
- $ foldl (\(p,a) p' -> (p', a + euclid p p')) (V.head line,0)
+ along p@(x,y) =
+ sumSegments
$ V.take (index + 1) line
- where index = fst $ minimumBy (compare `on` (euclid p . snd))
- $ V.indexed line
+ where index = V.minIndexBy (compare `on` euclid p) line
+ sumSegments :: V.Vector (Double, Double) -> Double
+ sumSegments line = snd
+ $ foldl (\(p,a) p' -> (p', a + euclid p p')) (V.head line,0) $ line
-- | convert utc time to seconds on a day, with wrap-around
-- for trains that cross midnight.
@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ secondsNow runningDay = do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
pure $ utcToSeconds now runningDay
-euclid :: Fractional f => (f,f) -> (f,f) -> f
-euclid (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = x*x + y*y
+euclid :: Floating f => (f,f) -> (f,f) -> f
+euclid (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
where x = x1 - x2
y = y1 - y2