path: root/lib/API.hs
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1 files changed, 23 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/API.hs b/lib/API.hs
index 2c8123a..b2635c1 100644
--- a/lib/API.hs
+++ b/lib/API.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Value,
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd (singleton)
-import Data.ProtoLens (Message, encodeMessage)
+import Data.ProtoLens (Message (messageName),
+ encodeMessage)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GTFS (Depth (Deep), GTFSFile (..),
StationID, Trip, TripId,
@@ -50,45 +51,24 @@ import Prometheus
import Proto.GtfsRealtime (FeedMessage)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (Accept (..))
-newtype RegisterJson = RegisterJson
- { registerAgent :: Text }
- deriving (Show, Generic)
-instance FromJSON RegisterJson where
- parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "register")
-instance ToSchema RegisterJson where
- declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "register")
-instance ToSchema Value where
- declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ NamedSchema (Just "json") $ mempty
- & type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
--- | The server's API (as it is actually intended).
-type API = "timetable" :> Capture "Station Id" StationID :> QueryParam "day" Day :> Get '[JSON] (Map TripId (Trip Deep Deep))
- :<|> "timetable" :> "stops" :> Capture "Date" Day :> Get '[JSON] Value
- :<|> "trip" :> Capture "Trip Id" TripId :> Get '[JSON] (Trip Deep Deep)
+-- | tracktrain's API
+type API =
-- ingress API (put this behind BasicAuth?)
-- TODO: perhaps require a first ping for registration?
- :<|> "train" :> "register" :> Capture "Ticket Id" UUID :> ReqBody '[JSON] RegisterJson :> Post '[JSON] Token
- -- TODO: perhaps a websocket instead?
- :<|> "train" :> "ping" :> ReqBody '[JSON] TrainPing :> Post '[JSON] (Maybe TrainAnchor)
- :<|> "train" :> "ping" :> "ws" :> WebSocket
- :<|> "train" :> "subscribe" :> Capture "Ticket Id" UUID :> WebSocket
- -- debug things
+ "tracker" :> "register" :> ReqBody '[JSON] RegisterJson :> Post '[JSON] Token
+ :<|> "tracker" :> "ping" :> ReqBody '[JSON] TrainPing :> Post '[JSON] (Maybe TrainAnchor)
+ :<|> "tracker" :> "ping" :> "ws" :> WebSocket
+ :<|> "ticket" :> "subscribe" :> Capture "Ticket Id" UUID :> WebSocket
:<|> "debug" :> "pings" :> Get '[JSON] (Map Token [TrainPing])
:<|> "debug" :> "pings" :> Capture "Ticket Id" UUID :> Get '[JSON] [TrainPing]
- :<|> "debug" :> "register" :> Capture "Ticket Id" UUID :> Post '[JSON] Token
:<|> "gtfs.zip" :> Get '[OctetStream] GTFSFile
:<|> "gtfs" :> GtfsRealtimeAPI
--- | The API used for publishing gtfs realtime updates
type GtfsRealtimeAPI = "servicealerts" :> Get '[Proto] FeedMessage
:<|> "tripupdates" :> Get '[Proto] FeedMessage
:<|> "vehiclepositions" :> Get '[Proto] FeedMessage
--- | The server's API with an additional debug route for accessing the specification
--- itself. Split from API to prevent the API documenting the format in which it is
--- documented, which would be silly and way to verbose.
type CompleteAPI =
"api" :> "openapi" :> Get '[JSON] Swagger
:<|> "api" :> API
@@ -103,6 +83,18 @@ data Metrics = Metrics
instance MimeRender OctetStream GTFSFile where
mimeRender p (GTFSFile bytes) = mimeRender p bytes
+newtype RegisterJson = RegisterJson
+ { registerAgent :: Text }
+ deriving (Show, Generic)
+instance FromJSON RegisterJson where
+ parseJSON = genericParseJSON (aesonOptions "register")
+instance ToSchema RegisterJson where
+ declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (swaggerOptions "register")
+instance ToSchema Value where
+ declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ NamedSchema (Just "json") $ mempty
+ & type_ ?~ SwaggerObject
-- TODO write something useful here! (and if it's just "hey this is some websocket thingie")
@@ -128,7 +120,7 @@ instance Accept Proto where
instance Message msg => MimeRender Proto msg where
mimeRender _ = LB.fromStrict . encodeMessage
--- TODO: this instance is horrible; ideally it should at least include
--- the name of the message type (if at all possible)
+-- | Not an ideal instance, hides fields of the protobuf message
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Message msg => ToSchema msg where
- declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy @String)
+ declareNamedSchema proxy =
+ pure (NamedSchema (Just (messageName proxy)) mempty)