path: root/lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs
diff options
authorstuebinm2024-04-24 21:52:45 +0200
committerstuebinm2024-04-24 21:52:45 +0200
commitd4f4208fe66d3813b65312dac0bf895c4cdc53d6 (patch)
tree698592178936900ae76985f5e1b3cdf72123afb4 /lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs
parent607b9486a81ed6cb65d30227aeecea3412bd1ccd (diff)
restructure: save a ticket's stop in the database
now mostly independent of the gtfs, but still no live-reloading of it.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs b/lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs
index 412284f..48a84db 100644
--- a/lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs
+++ b/lib/Server/GTFS_RT.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Lens ((&), (.~))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.Extra (mapMaybeM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
+import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Database.Persist (Entity (..),
PersistQueryRead (selectFirst),
+ SelectOpt (Asc, Desc), get,
getJust, selectKeysList,
selectList, (<-.), (==.))
import Database.Persist.Postgresql (SqlBackend)
@@ -38,15 +40,16 @@ import Extrapolation (Extrapolator (extrapolateAtPositio
LinearExtrapolator (..))
import GHC.Float (double2Float, int2Double)
import GTFS (Depth (..), GTFS (..),
- Seconds (..), Stop (..),
- Trip (..), TripId,
+ Seconds (..), Trip (..), TripId,
showTimeWithSeconds, stationId,
toSeconds, toUTC, tripsOnDay)
import Persist (Announcement (..),
EntityField (..), Key (..),
+ Station (..), Stop (..),
Ticket (..), Token (..),
Tracker (..), TrainAnchor (..),
- TrainPing (..), runSql)
+ TrainPing (..), latitude,
+ longitude, runSql)
import qualified Proto.GtfsRealtime as RT
import qualified Proto.GtfsRealtime_Fields as RT
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..))
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ gtfsRealtimeServer gtfs@GTFS{..} dbpool =
& RT.alert .~ (defMessage
& RT.activePeriod .~ [ defMessage :: RT.TimeRange ]
& RT.informedEntity .~ [ defMessage
- & RT.trip .~ defTripDescriptor ticketTrip (Just ticketDay) Nothing
+ & RT.trip .~ defTripDescriptor ticketTripName (Just ticketDay) Nothing
& RT.maybe'url .~ fmap (monolingual "de") announcementUrl
& RT.headerText .~ monolingual "de" announcementHeader
@@ -95,78 +98,84 @@ gtfsRealtimeServer gtfs@GTFS{..} dbpool =
handleTripUpdates = runSql dbpool $ do
today <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime <&> utctDay
nowSeconds <- secondsNow today
- let running = M.toList (tripsOnDay gtfs today)
- anchors <- flip mapMaybeM running $ \(tripId, trip@Trip{..}) -> do
- tickets <- selectKeysList [TicketTrip ==. tripId, TicketDay ==. today] []
- entities <- selectList [TrainAnchorTicket <-. tickets] []
- case nonEmpty (fmap entityVal entities) of
+ -- let running = M.toList (tripsOnDay gtfs today)
+ tickets <- selectList [TicketCompleted ==. False] [Asc TicketTripName]
+ tripUpdates <- forM tickets $ \(Entity key Ticket{..}) -> do
+ selectList [TrainAnchorTicket ==. key] [] >>= \a -> case nonEmpty a of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just anchors -> pure $ Just (tripId, trip, anchors)
+ Just anchors -> do
+ stops <- selectList [StopTicket ==. key] [Asc StopArrival] >>= mapM (\(Entity _ stop) -> do
+ station <- getJust (stopStation stop)
+ pure (stop, station))
- defFeedMessage (mapMaybe (mkTripUpdate today nowSeconds) anchors)
- where
- mkTripUpdate :: Day -> Seconds -> (Text, Trip 'Deep 'Deep, NonEmpty TrainAnchor) -> Maybe RT.FeedEntity
- mkTripUpdate today nowSeconds (tripId :: Text, Trip{..} :: Trip Deep Deep, anchors) =
- let lastCall = extrapolateAtSeconds LinearExtrapolator anchors nowSeconds
- stations = tripStops
- <&> (\stop@Stop{..} -> (, stop)
- <$> extrapolateAtPosition LinearExtrapolator anchors (int2Double stopSequence))
- (lastAnchor, lastStop) = V.last (V.catMaybes stations)
- stillRunning = trainAnchorDelay lastAnchor + toSeconds (stopArrival lastStop) tzseries today
+ let anchorEntities = fmap entityVal anchors
+ let lastCall = extrapolateAtSeconds LinearExtrapolator anchorEntities nowSeconds
+ let atStations = flip fmap stops $ \(stop, station) ->
+ (, stop, station) <$> extrapolateAtPosition LinearExtrapolator anchorEntities (int2Double (stopSequence stop))
+ let (lastAnchor, lastStop, lastStation) = last (catMaybes atStations)
+ let stillRunning = trainAnchorDelay lastAnchor + toSeconds (stopArrival lastStop) tzseries today
< nowSeconds + 5 * 60
- in if not stillRunning then Nothing else Just $ defMessage
- & RT.id .~ (tripId <> "-" <> T.pack (iso8601Show today))
- & RT.tripUpdate .~ (defMessage
- & RT.trip .~ defTripDescriptor tripId (Just today) (Just $ T.pack (showTimeWithSeconds $ stopDeparture $ V.head tripStops))
- & RT.stopTimeUpdate .~ fmap mkStopTimeUpdate (catMaybes $ V.toList stations)
- & RT.maybe'delay .~ Nothing -- lastCall <&> (fromIntegral . unSeconds . trainAnchorDelay)
- & RT.maybe'timestamp .~ fmap (toStupidTime . trainAnchorCreated) lastCall
- )
- where
- mkStopTimeUpdate :: (TrainAnchor, Stop Deep) -> RT.TripUpdate'StopTimeUpdate
- mkStopTimeUpdate (TrainAnchor{..}, Stop{..}) = defMessage
- & RT.stopSequence .~ fromIntegral stopSequence
- & RT.stopId .~ stationId stopStation
- & RT.arrival .~ (defMessage
+ pure $ Just $ defMessage
+ & RT.id .~ UUID.toText (coerce key)
+ & RT.tripUpdate .~ (defMessage
+ & RT.trip .~
+ defTripDescriptor
+ ticketTripName (Just today)
+ (Just $ T.pack (showTimeWithSeconds $ stopDeparture $ fst $ head stops))
+ & RT.stopTimeUpdate .~ fmap mkStopTimeUpdate (catMaybes atStations)
+ & RT.maybe'delay .~ Nothing -- lastCall <&> (fromIntegral . unSeconds . trainAnchorDelay)
+ & RT.maybe'timestamp .~ fmap (toStupidTime . trainAnchorCreated) lastCall
+ )
+ where
+ mkStopTimeUpdate :: (TrainAnchor, Stop, Station) -> RT.TripUpdate'StopTimeUpdate
+ mkStopTimeUpdate (TrainAnchor{..}, Stop{..}, Station{..}) = defMessage
+ & RT.stopSequence .~ fromIntegral stopSequence
+ & RT.stopId .~ stationShortName
+ & RT.arrival .~ (defMessage
& RT.delay .~ fromIntegral (unSeconds trainAnchorDelay)
& RT.time .~ toStupidTime (addUTCTime
(fromIntegral $ unSeconds trainAnchorDelay)
(toUTC stopArrival tzseries today))
& RT.uncertainty .~ 60
- )
- & RT.departure .~ (defMessage
- & RT.delay .~ fromIntegral (unSeconds trainAnchorDelay)
- & RT.time .~ toStupidTime (addUTCTime
+ )
+ & RT.departure .~ (defMessage
+ & RT.delay .~ fromIntegral (unSeconds trainAnchorDelay)
+ & RT.time .~ toStupidTime (addUTCTime
(fromIntegral $ unSeconds trainAnchorDelay)
(toUTC stopDeparture tzseries today))
- & RT.uncertainty .~ 60
- )
- & RT.scheduleRelationship .~ RT.TripUpdate'StopTimeUpdate'SCHEDULED
+ & RT.uncertainty .~ 60
+ )
+ & RT.scheduleRelationship .~ RT.TripUpdate'StopTimeUpdate'SCHEDULED
+ defFeedMessage (catMaybes tripUpdates)
handleVehiclePositions = runSql dbpool $ do
- (trackers :: [Entity Tracker]) <- selectList [] []
- pings <- forM trackers $ \(Entity trackerId tracker) -> do
- selectFirst [TrainPingToken ==. trackerId] [] >>= \case
+ ticket <- selectList [TicketCompleted ==. False] []
+ positions <- forM ticket $ \(Entity key ticket) -> do
+ selectFirst [TrainPingTicket ==. key] [Desc TrainPingTimestamp] >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just ping -> do
- ticket <- getJust (trainPingTicket (entityVal ping))
- pure (Just (ping, ticket, tracker))
+ Just lastPing ->
+ pure (Just $ mkPosition (lastPing, ticket))
- defFeedMessage (mkPosition <$> catMaybes pings)
+ defFeedMessage (catMaybes positions)
- mkPosition :: (Entity TrainPing, Ticket, Tracker) -> RT.FeedEntity
- mkPosition (Entity (TrainPingKey key) TrainPing{..}, Ticket{..}, Tracker{..}) = defMessage
+ mkPosition :: (Entity TrainPing, Ticket) -> RT.FeedEntity
+ mkPosition (Entity key TrainPing{..}, Ticket{..}) = defMessage
& RT.id .~ T.pack (show key)
& RT.vehicle .~ (defMessage
- & RT.trip .~ defTripDescriptor ticketTrip Nothing Nothing
+ & RT.trip .~ defTripDescriptor ticketTripName Nothing Nothing
& RT.maybe'vehicle .~ case ticketVehicle of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just trainset -> Just $ defMessage
& RT.label .~ trainset
& RT.position .~ (defMessage
- & RT.latitude .~ double2Float trainPingLat
- & RT.longitude .~ double2Float trainPingLong
+ & RT.latitude .~ double2Float (latitude trainPingGeopos)
+ & RT.longitude .~ double2Float (longitude trainPingGeopos)
-- TODO: should probably give currentStopSequence/stopId here as well
& RT.timestamp .~ toStupidTime trainPingTimestamp