path: root/picarones-elm/index.html (follow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Added basic nixos module (and restructured some files)stuebinm2021-03-071-18/+3
| | | | | | | | | Right now, this is capable of setting up a running instance of picarones in a couple lines of config (both backend server and the webapp, using nginx). More options should still be added, especially to make the backend's port configurable (but this requires adding features to the haskell code)
* Load slides from url given in uri fragmentstuebinm2021-03-071-1/+4
| | | | | | Syntax is: https://domain-to-app#<prefix-for-slides>#<number-of-slides> Slides must be .png image files numbered as 01.png, 02.png ...
* Join subtrees and integrate meta info / gitignorestuebinm2021-03-071-0/+31
git-subtree-dir: picarones-elm git-subtree-mainline: 2ad5d413aa958a1c2fe75ce7aa155576e9a80345 git-subtree-split: f4a1ee55987b7c58745dc5865c4ecf30874a3564