path: root/home/home.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home/home.nix b/home/home.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a0f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/home.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }:
+ # Let Home Manager install and manage itself.
+ programs.home-manager.enable = true;
+ imports = [
+ ./packages.nix
+ ./unstable.nix
+ ];
+ home.keyboard.options = [ "caps:escape" ];
+ programs.msmtp.enable = true;
+ programs.mbsync.enable = true;
+ = true;
+ = {
+ accounts.hacc = {
+ address = "";
+ = "";
+ mbsync = {
+ enable = true;
+ create = "maildir";
+ };
+ msmtp.enable = true;
+ mu.enable = true;
+ primary = true;
+ realName = "stuebinm";
+ = "";
+ userName = "";
+ passwordCommand = "cat ~/mailpasswd";
+ };
+ };
+ programs.bash = {
+ enable = true;
+ historyControl = [ "ignoredups" "ignorespace" ];
+ historyFileSize = 10000;
+ # set shell prompt & tty for the gnu pinentry (otherwise gnupg will crash)
+ initExtra = ''
+ export GPG_TTY=`tty`
+ # this shouldn't be necessary, but apparently nix is broken ...
+ NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels''${NIX_PATH:+:}$NIX_PATH
+ PS1='\[\033[1;36m\] >>> [\j|\u@\w]\$: \[\033[00m\]'
+ '';
+ shellAliases = {
+ "lrz-vpn" = "sudo openconnect -g AnyConnect";
+ ll = "ls -slF";
+ news = "newsboat";
+ pj = "pijul";
+ };
+ };
+ programs.starship = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableBashIntegration = true;
+ enableFishIntegration = true;
+ settings = {
+ directory.truncation_length = 10;
+ };
+ };
+ programs.nushell = {
+ enable = true;
+ settings = {
+ startup = [
+ "mkdir ~/.cache/starship"
+ "starship init nu | save ~/.cache/starship/"
+ "source ~/.cache/starship/"
+ ];
+ prompt = "starship_prompt";
+ };
+ };
+ = {
+ enable = true;
+ shellAliases = {
+ "lrz-vpn" = "sudo openconnect";
+ news = "newsboat";
+ pj = "pijul";
+ nix-shell = "nix-shell --command fish";
+ le = "exa";
+ ll = "exa -lh --grid --icons";
+ llt = "exa -lh --tree --icons";
+ lt = "exa --tree --icons";
+ };
+ functions = {
+ fish_greeting = {
+ body = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ programs.newsboat = {
+ enable = true;
+ urls = (import ./newsboat-public.nix) ++ (import inputs.feeds);
+ browser = pkgs.lynx.outPath + "/bin/lynx";
+ reloadThreads = 100;
+ queries = {
+ unread = ''unread="yes"'';
+ security = ''tags # "security"'';
+ ao3 = ''tags # "ao3"'';
+ blogs = ''unread="yes" and tags # "blog"'';
+ video = ''tags # "video"'';
+ podcasts = ''tags # "podcast"'';
+ news = ''tags # "news"'';
+ };
+ extraConfig = ''
+ color background white default
+ color listnormal white default
+ color listnormal_unread magenta default bold
+ color listfocus black white bold
+ color listfocus_unread magenta white bold
+ color info green color0
+ color article white default
+ ssl-verifypeer no
+ macro v set browser "mpv %u >/dev/null 2>&1 &" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "${config.programs.newsboat.browser} %u"
+ macro f set browser "${pkgs.xdg_utils}/bin/xdg-open %u >/dev/null 2>&1 &" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "${config.programs.newsboat.browser} %u"
+ bind-key j down
+ bind-key k up
+ '';
+ };
+ programs.bat = {
+ enable = true;
+ config.wrap = "never";
+ };
+ programs.obs-studio = {
+ enable = true;
+ plugins = let
+ move-transition = import obs/move-transition.nix;
+ obs-websocket = import obs/obs-websocket.nix;
+ in
+ with pkgs; [
+ ];
+ };
+ programs.git = {
+ enable = true;
+ package = pkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull;
+ userEmail = "";
+ userName = "stuebinm";
+ signing = {
+ # signByDefault = true;
+ key = "0x8FBE8AAD32FA12B7";
+ };
+ extraConfig = {
+ log.showSignature = true;
+ init.defaultBranch = "main";
+ };
+ delta = {
+ enable = true;
+ options = {
+ decorations = {
+ commit-decoration-style = "bold yellow";
+ file-decoration-style = "bold blue";
+ file-style = "bold yellow";
+ };
+ features = "decorations line-numbers navigate";
+ whitespace-error-style = "22 reverse";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ programs.gpg = {
+ enable = true;
+ settings = {
+ auto-key-locate = "keyserver";
+ with-fingerprint = "";
+ };
+ };
+ services.gpg-agent = {
+ enable = true;
+ pinentryFlavor = "gtk2";
+ maxCacheTtl = 1800;
+ };
+ programs.htop = {
+ enable = true;
+ settings = {
+ fields = "0 48 17 18 38 46 47 49 1";
+ sort_key = 46;
+ sort_direction = -1;
+ hide_kernel_threads = 1;
+ hide_userland_threads = 0;
+ shadow_other_users = 1;
+ show_program_path = 0;
+ highlight_base_name = 1;
+ find_comm_in_cmdline = 1;
+ header_margin = 1;
+ show_cpu_usage = 1;
+ color_scheme = 5;
+ enable_mouse = 1;
+ delay = 15;
+ header_layout = "two_67_33";
+ column_meters_0 = "AllCPUs Memory Swap";
+ column_meter_modes_0 = "1 1 1";
+ column_meters_1 = "Tasks LoadAverage Uptime NetworkIO";
+ column_meter_modes_1 = "2 2 2 2";
+ };
+ };
+ programs.ssh = {
+ forwardAgent = true;
+ enable = true;
+ matchBlocks = let
+ keydir = config.home.homeDirectory + "/.ssh";
+ hetznerlogin = match: {user = "root"; identityFile = keydir + "/hetzner"; forwardAgent = true;} // match;
+ vpslogin = hostname: hetznerlogin {inherit hostname;};
+ lmulogin = hostname: {identityFile = keydir + "/key_lmu"; user = "lmu-user"; } // { inherit hostname;};
+ in {
+ "parsons" = hetznerlogin {
+ hostname = "";
+ port = 62954;
+ user = "stuebinm";
+ identityFile = keydir + "/id_rsa";
+ };
+ "discuss" = hetznerlogin {
+ user = "root";
+ hostname = "";
+ port = 62954;
+ identityFile = keydir + "/id_rsa";
+ };
+ "flora" = vpslogin "";
+ "chaski" = vpslogin "";
+ "cgit" = vpslogin "" // {user = "git";};
+ "mate" = {
+ hostname = "";
+ user = "root";
+ identityFile = keydir + "/hetzner";
+ };
+ "lmucast-test" = lmulogin "";
+ "lmucast-prod" = lmulogin "";
+ "lmu-salsa" = {
+ hostname = "";
+ user = "ra72koc";
+ identityFile = keydir + "/key_lmu";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ programs.mpv = {
+ enable = true;
+ bindings = {
+ "up" = "add speed 0.1";
+ "down" = "add speed -0.1";
+ "n" = "add chapter 1";
+ "p" = "add chapter -1";
+ };
+ };