path: root/stdlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
3 files changed, 857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/lang/syntax.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/syntax.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fe4939a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/lang/syntax.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+## This is the LuxC's parser.
+## It takes the source code of a Lux file in raw text form and
+## extracts the syntactic structure of the code from it.
+## It only produces Lux Code nodes, and thus removes any white-space
+## and comments while processing its inputs.
+## Another important aspect of the parser is that it keeps track of
+## its position within the input data.
+## That is, the parser takes into account the line and column
+## information in the input text (it doesn't really touch the
+## file-name aspect of the cursor, leaving it intact in whatever
+## base-line cursor it is given).
+## This particular piece of functionality is not located in one
+## function, but it is instead scattered throughout several parsers,
+## since the logic for how to update the cursor varies, depending on
+## what is being parsed, and the rules involved.
+## You will notice that several parsers have a "where" parameter, that
+## tells them the cursor position prior to the parser being run.
+## They are supposed to produce some parsed output, alongside an
+## updated cursor pointing to the end position, after the parser was run.
+## Lux Code nodes/tokens are annotated with cursor meta-data
+## (file-name, line, column) to keep track of their provenance and
+## location, which is helpful for documentation and debugging.
+ lux
+ (lux (control monad
+ ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
+ (data [bool]
+ [text]
+ ["e" error]
+ [number]
+ [product]
+ [maybe]
+ (text ["l" lexer]
+ format)
+ (coll [sequence #+ Sequence]))))
+(def: white-space Text "\t\v \r\f")
+(def: new-line Text "\n")
+## This is the parser for white-space.
+## Whenever a new-line is encountered, the column gets reset to 0, and
+## the line gets incremented.
+## It operates recursively in order to produce the longest continuous
+## chunk of white-space.
+(def: (space^ where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Text]))
+ (p;either (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [content (l;many (l;one-of white-space))]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size content)) where)
+ content]))
+ ## New-lines must be handled as a separate case to ensure line
+ ## information is handled properly.
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [content (l;many (l;one-of new-line))]
+ (wrap [(|> where
+ (update@ #;line (n.+ (text;size content)))
+ (set@ #;column +0))
+ content]))
+ ))
+## Single-line comments can start anywhere, but only go up to the
+## next new-line.
+(def: (single-line-comment^ where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Text]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this "##")
+ comment (l;some (l;none-of new-line))
+ _ (l;this new-line)]
+ (wrap [(|> where
+ (update@ #;line n.inc)
+ (set@ #;column +0))
+ comment])))
+## This is just a helper parser to find text which doesn't run into
+## any special character sequences for multi-line comments.
+(def: comment-bound^
+ (l;Lexer Unit)
+ ($_ p;either
+ (l;this new-line)
+ (l;this ")#")
+ (l;this "#(")))
+## Multi-line comments are bounded by #( these delimiters, #(and, they may
+## also be nested)# )#.
+## Multi-line comment syntax must be balanced.
+## That is, any nested comment must have matched delimiters.
+## Unbalanced comments ought to be rejected as invalid code.
+(def: (multi-line-comment^ where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Text]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this "#(")]
+ (loop [comment ""
+ where (update@ #;column (n.+ +2) where)]
+ ($_ p;either
+ ## These are normal chunks of commented text.
+ (do @
+ [chunk (l;many (l;not comment-bound^))]
+ (recur (format comment chunk)
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk))))))
+ ## This is a special rule to handle new-lines within
+ ## comments properly.
+ (do @
+ [_ (l;this new-line)]
+ (recur (format comment new-line)
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;line n.inc)
+ (set@ #;column +0))))
+ ## This is the rule for handling nested sub-comments.
+ ## Ultimately, the whole comment is just treated as text
+ ## (the comment must respect the syntax structure, but the
+ ## output produced is just a block of text).
+ ## That is why the sub-comment is covered in delimiters
+ ## and then appended to the rest of the comment text.
+ (do @
+ [[sub-where sub-comment] (multi-line-comment^ where)]
+ (recur (format comment "#(" sub-comment ")#")
+ sub-where))
+ ## Finally, this is the rule for closing the comment.
+ (do @
+ [_ (l;this ")#")]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ +2) where)
+ comment]))
+ ))))
+## This is the only parser that should be used directly by other
+## parsers, since all comments must be treated as either being
+## single-line or multi-line.
+## That is, there is no syntactic rule prohibiting one type of comment
+## from being used in any situation (alternatively, forcing one type
+## of comment to be the only usable one).
+(def: (comment^ where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Text]))
+ (p;either (single-line-comment^ where)
+ (multi-line-comment^ where)))
+## To simplify parsing, I remove any left-padding that an Code token
+## may have prior to parsing the token itself.
+## Left-padding is assumed to be either white-space or a comment.
+## The cursor gets updated, but the padding gets ignored.
+(def: (left-padding^ where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer Cursor))
+ ($_ p;either
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [[where comment] (comment^ where)]
+ (left-padding^ where))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [[where white-space] (space^ where)]
+ (left-padding^ where))
+ (:: p;Monad<Parser> wrap where)))
+## Escaped character sequences follow the usual syntax of
+## back-slash followed by a letter (e.g. \n).
+## Unicode escapes are possible, with hexadecimal sequences between 1
+## and 4 characters long (e.g. \u12aB).
+## Escaped characters may show up in Char and Text literals.
+(def: escaped-char^
+ (l;Lexer [Nat Text])
+ (p;after (l;this "\\")
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [code l;any]
+ (case code
+ ## Handle special cases.
+ "t" (wrap [+2 "\t"])
+ "v" (wrap [+2 "\v"])
+ "b" (wrap [+2 "\b"])
+ "n" (wrap [+2 "\n"])
+ "r" (wrap [+2 "\r"])
+ "f" (wrap [+2 "\f"])
+ "\"" (wrap [+2 "\""])
+ "\\" (wrap [+2 "\\"])
+ ## Handle unicode escapes.
+ "u"
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [code (l;between +1 +4 l;hexadecimal)]
+ (wrap (case (|> code (format "+") (:: number;Hex@Codec<Text,Nat> decode))
+ (#;Right value)
+ [(n.+ +2 (text;size code)) (text;from-code value)]
+ _
+ (undefined))))
+ _
+ (p;fail (format "Invalid escaping syntax: " (%t code)))))))
+## These are very simple parsers that just cut chunks of text in
+## specific shapes and then use decoders already present in the
+## standard library to actually produce the values from the literals.
+(def: rich-digit
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (p;either l;decimal
+ (p;after (l;this "_") (p/wrap ""))))
+(def: rich-digits^
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (l;seq l;decimal
+ (l;some rich-digit)))
+(def: (marker^ token)
+ (-> Text (l;Lexer Text))
+ (p;after (l;this token) (p/wrap token)))
+(do-template [<name> <tag> <lexer> <codec>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [chunk <lexer>]
+ (case (:: <codec> decode chunk)
+ (#;Left error)
+ (p;fail error)
+ (#;Right value)
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk)) where)
+ [where (<tag> value)]]))))]
+ [bool #;Bool
+ (p;either (marker^ "true") (marker^ "false"))
+ bool;Codec<Text,Bool>]
+ [int #;Int
+ (l;seq (p;default "" (l;one-of "-"))
+ rich-digits^)
+ number;Codec<Text,Int>]
+ [deg #;Deg
+ (l;seq (l;one-of ".")
+ rich-digits^)
+ number;Codec<Text,Deg>]
+ )
+(def: (nat-char where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this "#\"")
+ [where' char] (: (l;Lexer [Cursor Text])
+ ($_ p;either
+ ## Normal text characters.
+ (do @
+ [normal (l;none-of "\\\"\n")]
+ (wrap [(|> where
+ (update@ #;column n.inc))
+ normal]))
+ ## Must handle escaped
+ ## chars separately.
+ (do @
+ [[chars-consumed char] escaped-char^]
+ (wrap [(|> where
+ (update@ #;column (n.+ chars-consumed)))
+ char]))))
+ _ (l;this "\"")
+ #let [char (maybe;assume (text;nth +0 char))]]
+ (wrap [(|> where'
+ (update@ #;column n.inc))
+ [where (#;Nat char)]])))
+(def: (normal-nat where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [chunk (l;seq (l;one-of "+")
+ rich-digits^)]
+ (case (:: number;Codec<Text,Nat> decode chunk)
+ (#;Left error)
+ (p;fail error)
+ (#;Right value)
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk)) where)
+ [where (#;Nat value)]]))))
+(def: #export (nat where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (p;either (normal-nat where)
+ (nat-char where)))
+(def: (normal-frac where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [chunk ($_ l;seq
+ (p;default "" (l;one-of "-"))
+ rich-digits^
+ (l;one-of ".")
+ rich-digits^
+ (p;default ""
+ ($_ l;seq
+ (l;one-of "eE")
+ (p;default "" (l;one-of "+-"))
+ rich-digits^)))]
+ (case (:: number;Codec<Text,Frac> decode chunk)
+ (#;Left error)
+ (p;fail error)
+ (#;Right value)
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk)) where)
+ [where (#;Frac value)]]))))
+(def: frac-ratio-fragment
+ (l;Lexer Frac)
+ (<| (p;codec number;Codec<Text,Frac>)
+ (:: p;Monad<Parser> map (function [digits]
+ (format digits ".0")))
+ rich-digits^))
+(def: (ratio-frac where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [chunk ($_ l;seq
+ (p;default "" (l;one-of "-"))
+ rich-digits^
+ (l;one-of "/")
+ rich-digits^)
+ value (l;local chunk
+ (do @
+ [signed? (l;this? "-")
+ numerator frac-ratio-fragment
+ _ (l;this? "/")
+ denominator frac-ratio-fragment
+ _ (p;assert "Denominator cannot be 0."
+ (not (f.= 0.0 denominator)))]
+ (wrap (|> numerator
+ (f.* (if signed? -1.0 1.0))
+ (f./ denominator)))))]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size chunk)) where)
+ [where (#;Frac value)]])))
+(def: #export (frac where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (p;either (normal-frac where)
+ (ratio-frac where)))
+## This parser looks so complex because text in Lux can be multi-line
+## and there are rules regarding how this is handled.
+(def: #export (text where)
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [## Lux text "is delimited by double-quotes", as usual in most
+ ## programming languages.
+ _ (l;this "\"")
+ ## I must know what column the text body starts at (which is
+ ## always 1 column after the left-delimiting quote).
+ ## This is important because, when procesing subsequent lines,
+ ## they must all start at the same column, being left-padded with
+ ## as many spaces as necessary to be column-aligned.
+ ## This helps ensure that the formatting on the text in the
+ ## source-code matches the formatting of the Text value.
+ #let [offset-column (n.inc (get@ #;column where))]
+ [where' text-read] (: (l;Lexer [Cursor Text])
+ ## I must keep track of how much of the
+ ## text body has been read, how far the
+ ## cursor has progressed, and whether I'm
+ ## processing a subsequent line, or just
+ ## processing normal text body.
+ (loop [text-read ""
+ where (|> where
+ (update@ #;column n.inc))
+ must-have-offset? false]
+ (p;either (if must-have-offset?
+ ## If I'm at the start of a
+ ## new line, I must ensure the
+ ## space-offset is at least
+ ## as great as the column of
+ ## the text's body's column,
+ ## to ensure they are aligned.
+ (do @
+ [offset (l;many (l;one-of " "))
+ #let [offset-size (text;size offset)]]
+ (if (n.>= offset-column offset-size)
+ ## Any extra offset
+ ## becomes part of the
+ ## text's body.
+ (recur (|> offset
+ (text;split offset-column)
+ (maybe;default (undefined))
+ product;right
+ (format text-read))
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;column (n.+ offset-size)))
+ false)
+ (p;fail (format "Each line of a multi-line text must have an appropriate offset!\n"
+ "Expected: " (%i (nat-to-int offset-column)) " columns.\n"
+ " Actual: " (%i (nat-to-int offset-size)) " columns.\n"))))
+ ($_ p;either
+ ## Normal text characters.
+ (do @
+ [normal (l;many (l;none-of "\\\"\n"))]
+ (recur (format text-read normal)
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;column (n.+ (text;size normal))))
+ false))
+ ## Must handle escaped
+ ## chars separately.
+ (do @
+ [[chars-consumed char] escaped-char^]
+ (recur (format text-read char)
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;column (n.+ chars-consumed)))
+ false))
+ ## The text ends when it
+ ## reaches the right-delimiter.
+ (do @
+ [_ (l;this "\"")]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column n.inc where)
+ text-read]))))
+ ## If a new-line is
+ ## encountered, it gets
+ ## appended to the value and
+ ## the loop is alerted that the
+ ## next line must have an offset.
+ (do @
+ [_ (l;this new-line)]
+ (recur (format text-read new-line)
+ (|> where
+ (update@ #;line n.inc)
+ (set@ #;column +0))
+ true)))))]
+ (wrap [where'
+ [where (#;Text text-read)]])))
+## Form and tuple syntax is mostly the same, differing only in the
+## delimiters involved.
+## They may have an arbitrary number of arbitrary Code nodes as elements.
+(do-template [<name> <tag> <open> <close>]
+ [(def: (<name> where ast)
+ (-> Cursor
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this <open>)
+ [where' elems] (loop [elems (: (Sequence Code)
+ sequence;empty)
+ where where]
+ (p;either (do @
+ [## Must update the cursor as I
+ ## go along, to keep things accurate.
+ [where' elem] (ast where)]
+ (recur (sequence;add elem elems)
+ where'))
+ (do @
+ [## Must take into account any
+ ## padding present before the
+ ## end-delimiter.
+ where' (left-padding^ where)
+ _ (l;this <close>)]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column n.inc where')
+ (sequence;to-list elems)]))))]
+ (wrap [where'
+ [where (<tag> elems)]])))]
+ [form #;Form "(" ")"]
+ [tuple #;Tuple "[" "]"]
+ )
+## Records are almost (syntactically) the same as forms and tuples,
+## with the exception that their elements must come in pairs (as in
+## key-value pairs).
+## Semantically, though, records and tuples are just 2 different
+## representations for the same thing (a tuple).
+## In normal Lux syntax, the key position in the pair will be a tag
+## Code node, however, record Code nodes allow any Code node to occupy
+## this position, since it may be useful when processing Code syntax in
+## macros.
+(def: (record where ast)
+ (-> Cursor
+ (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this "{")
+ [where' elems] (loop [elems (: (Sequence [Code Code])
+ sequence;empty)
+ where where]
+ (p;either (do @
+ [[where' key] (ast where)
+ [where' val] (ast where')]
+ (recur (sequence;add [key val] elems)
+ where'))
+ (do @
+ [where' (left-padding^ where)
+ _ (l;this "}")]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column n.inc where')
+ (sequence;to-list elems)]))))]
+ (wrap [where'
+ [where (#;Record elems)]])))
+## The parts of an identifier are separated by a single mark.
+## E.g. module;name.
+## Only one such mark may be used in an identifier, since there
+## can only be 2 parts to an identifier (the module [before the
+## mark], and the name [after the mark]).
+## There are also some extra rules regarding identifier syntax,
+## encoded on the parser.
+(def: identifier-separator Text ";")
+## A Lux identifier is a pair of chunks of text, where the first-part
+## refers to the module that gives context to the identifier, and the
+## second part corresponds to the name of the identifier itself.
+## The module part may be absent (by being the empty text ""), but the
+## name part must always be present.
+## The rules for which characters you may use are specified in terms
+## of which characters you must avoid (to keep things as open-ended as
+## possible).
+## In particular, no white-space can be used, and neither can other
+## characters which are already used by Lux as delimiters for other
+## Code nodes (thereby reducing ambiguity while parsing).
+## Additionally, the first character in an identifier's part cannot be
+## a digit, to avoid confusion with regards to numbers.
+(def: ident-part^
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [#let [digits "0123456789"
+ delimiters (format "()[]{}#\"" identifier-separator)
+ space (format white-space new-line)
+ head-lexer (l;none-of (format digits delimiters space))
+ tail-lexer (l;some (l;none-of (format delimiters space)))]
+ head head-lexer
+ tail tail-lexer]
+ (wrap (format head tail))))
+(def: current-module-mark Text (format identifier-separator identifier-separator))
+(def: (ident^ current-module)
+ (-> Text (l;Lexer [Ident Nat]))
+ ($_ p;either
+ ## When an identifier starts with 2 marks, its module is
+ ## taken to be the current-module being compiled at the moment.
+ ## This can be useful when mentioning identifiers and tags
+ ## inside quoted/templated code in macros.
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this current-module-mark)
+ def-name ident-part^]
+ (wrap [[current-module def-name]
+ (n.+ +2 (text;size def-name))]))
+ ## If the identifier is prefixed by the mark, but no module
+ ## part, the module is assumed to be "lux" (otherwise known as
+ ## the 'prelude').
+ ## This makes it easy to refer to definitions in that module,
+ ## since it is the most fundamental module in the entire
+ ## standard library.
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [_ (l;this identifier-separator)
+ def-name ident-part^]
+ (wrap [["lux" def-name]
+ (n.inc (text;size def-name))]))
+ ## Not all identifiers must be specified with a module part.
+ ## If that part is not provided, the identifier will be created
+ ## with the empty "" text as the module.
+ ## During program analysis, such identifiers tend to be treated
+ ## as if their context is the current-module, but this only
+ ## applies to identifiers for tags and module definitions.
+ ## Function arguments and local-variables may not be referred-to
+ ## using identifiers with module parts, so being able to specify
+ ## identifiers with empty modules helps with those use-cases.
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [first-part ident-part^]
+ (p;either (do @
+ [_ (l;this identifier-separator)
+ second-part ident-part^]
+ (wrap [[first-part second-part]
+ ($_ n.+
+ (text;size first-part)
+ +1
+ (text;size second-part))]))
+ (wrap [["" first-part]
+ (text;size first-part)])))))
+## The only (syntactic) difference between a symbol and a tag (both
+## being identifiers), is that tags must be prefixed with a hash-sign
+## (i.e. #).
+## Semantically, though, they are very different, with symbols being
+## used to refer to module definitions and local variables, while tags
+## provide the compiler with information related to data-structure
+## construction and de-structuring (during pattern-matching).
+(do-template [<name> <tag> <lexer> <extra>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> current-module where)
+ (-> Text Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [[value length] <lexer>]
+ (wrap [(update@ #;column (|>. ($_ n.+ <extra> length)) where)
+ [where (<tag> value)]])))]
+ [symbol #;Symbol (ident^ current-module) +0]
+ [tag #;Tag (p;after (l;this "#") (ident^ current-module)) +1]
+ )
+(exception: #export End-Of-File)
+(exception: #export Unrecognized-Input)
+(def: (ast current-module)
+ (-> Text Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (: (-> Cursor (l;Lexer [Cursor Code]))
+ (function ast' [where]
+ (do p;Monad<Parser>
+ [where (left-padding^ where)]
+ ($_ p;either
+ (form where ast')
+ (tuple where ast')
+ (record where ast')
+ (bool where)
+ (nat where)
+ (frac where)
+ (int where)
+ (deg where)
+ (symbol current-module where)
+ (tag current-module where)
+ (text where)
+ (do @
+ [end? l;end?]
+ (if end?
+ (p;fail (End-Of-File current-module))
+ (p;fail (Unrecognized-Input current-module))))
+ )))))
+(def: #export (parse current-module [where offset source])
+ (-> Text Source (e;Error [Source Code]))
+ (case (p;run [offset source] (ast current-module where))
+ (#e;Error error)
+ (#e;Error error)
+ (#e;Success [[offset' remaining] [where' output]])
+ (#e;Success [[where' offset' remaining] output])))
diff --git a/stdlib/test/test/lux/lang/syntax.lux b/stdlib/test/test/lux/lang/syntax.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4db181cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/test/test/lux/lang/syntax.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ lux
+ (lux [io]
+ (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data [number]
+ ["e" error]
+ [text]
+ (text format
+ ["l" lexer])
+ (coll [list]))
+ ["r" math/random "r/" Monad<Random>]
+ (meta [code])
+ (lang ["&" syntax])
+ test))
+(def: default-cursor
+ Cursor
+ {#;module ""
+ #;line +0
+ #;column +0})
+(def: ident-part^
+ (r;Random Text)
+ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [#let [digits "0123456789"
+ delimiters "()[]{}#;\""
+ space "\t\v \n\r\f"
+ invalid-range (format digits delimiters space)
+ char-gen (|> r;nat
+ (r;filter (function [sample]
+ (not (text;contains? (text;from-code sample)
+ invalid-range)))))]
+ size (|> r;nat (:: @ map (|>. (n.% +20) (n.max +1))))]
+ (r;text' char-gen size)))
+(def: ident^
+ (r;Random Ident)
+ (r;seq ident-part^ ident-part^))
+(def: code^
+ (r;Random Code)
+ (let [numeric^ (: (r;Random Code)
+ ($_ r;either
+ (|> r;bool (r/map (|>. #;Bool [default-cursor])))
+ (|> r;nat (r/map (|>. #;Nat [default-cursor])))
+ (|> r;int (r/map (|>. #;Int [default-cursor])))
+ (|> r;deg (r/map (|>. #;Deg [default-cursor])))
+ (|> r;frac (r/map (|>. #;Frac [default-cursor])))))
+ textual^ (: (r;Random Code)
+ ($_ r;either
+ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [size (|> r;nat (r/map (n.% +20)))]
+ (|> (r;text size) (r/map (|>. #;Text [default-cursor]))))
+ (|> ident^ (r/map (|>. #;Symbol [default-cursor])))
+ (|> ident^ (r/map (|>. #;Tag [default-cursor])))))
+ simple^ (: (r;Random Code)
+ ($_ r;either
+ numeric^
+ textual^))]
+ (r;rec
+ (function [code^]
+ (let [multi^ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [size (|> r;nat (r/map (n.% +3)))]
+ (r;list size code^))
+ composite^ (: (r;Random Code)
+ ($_ r;either
+ (|> multi^ (r/map (|>. #;Form [default-cursor])))
+ (|> multi^ (r/map (|>. #;Tuple [default-cursor])))
+ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [size (|> r;nat (r/map (n.% +3)))]
+ (|> (r;list size (r;seq code^ code^))
+ (r/map (|>. #;Record [default-cursor]))))))]
+ (r;either simple^
+ composite^))))))
+(context: "Lux code syntax."
+ (<| (times +100)
+ (do @
+ [sample code^
+ other code^]
+ ($_ seq
+ (test "Can parse Lux code."
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0 (code;to-text sample)])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ false
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ (:: code;Eq<Code> = parsed sample)))
+ (test "Can parse Lux multiple code nodes."
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0 (format (code;to-text sample) " "
+ (code;to-text other))])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ false
+ (#e;Success [remaining =sample])
+ (case (&;parse "" remaining)
+ (#e;Error error)
+ false
+ (#e;Success [_ =other])
+ (and (:: code;Eq<Code> = sample =sample)
+ (:: code;Eq<Code> = other =other)))))
+ ))))
+(def: nat-to-frac
+ (-> Nat Frac)
+ (|>. nat-to-int int-to-frac))
+(context: "Frac special syntax."
+ (<| (times +100)
+ (do @
+ [numerator (|> r;nat (:: @ map (|>. (n.% +100) nat-to-frac)))
+ denominator (|> r;nat (:: @ map (|>. (n.% +100) (n.max +1) nat-to-frac)))
+ signed? r;bool
+ #let [expected (|> numerator (f./ denominator) (f.* (if signed? -1.0 1.0)))]]
+ (test "Can parse frac ratio syntax."
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format (if signed? "-" "")
+ (%i (frac-to-int numerator))
+ "/"
+ (%i (frac-to-int denominator)))])
+ (#e;Success [_ [_ (#;Frac actual)]])
+ (f.= expected actual)
+ _
+ false)
+ ))))
+(context: "Nat special syntax."
+ (<| (times +100)
+ (do @
+ [expected (|> r;nat (:: @ map (n.% +1_000)))]
+ (test "Can parse nat char syntax."
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format "#" (%t (text;from-code expected)) "")])
+ (#e;Success [_ [_ (#;Nat actual)]])
+ (n.= expected actual)
+ _
+ false)
+ ))))
+(def: comment-text^
+ (r;Random Text)
+ (let [char-gen (|> r;nat (r;filter (function [value]
+ (not (or (text;space? value)
+ (n.= (char "#") value)
+ (n.= (char "(") value)
+ (n.= (char ")") value))))))]
+ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [size (|> r;nat (r/map (n.% +20)))]
+ (r;text' char-gen size))))
+(def: comment^
+ (r;Random Text)
+ (r;either (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [comment comment-text^]
+ (wrap (format "## " comment "\n")))
+ (r;rec (function [nested^]
+ (do r;Monad<Random>
+ [comment (r;either comment-text^
+ nested^)]
+ (wrap (format "#( " comment " )#")))))))
+(context: "Multi-line text & comments."
+ (<| (times +100)
+ (do @
+ [#let [char-gen (|> r;nat (r;filter (function [value]
+ (not (or (text;space? value)
+ (n.= (char "\"") value))))))]
+ x char-gen
+ y char-gen
+ z char-gen
+ offset-size (|> r;nat (r/map (|>. (n.% +10) (n.max +1))))
+ #let [offset (text;join-with "" (list;repeat offset-size " "))]
+ sample code^
+ comment comment^
+ unbalanced-comment comment-text^]
+ ($_ seq
+ (test "Will reject invalid multi-line text."
+ (let [bad-match (format (text;from-code x) "\n"
+ (text;from-code y) "\n"
+ (text;from-code z))]
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format "\"" bad-match "\"")])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ true
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ false)))
+ (test "Will accept valid multi-line text"
+ (let [good-input (format (text;from-code x) "\n"
+ offset (text;from-code y) "\n"
+ offset (text;from-code z))
+ good-output (format (text;from-code x) "\n"
+ (text;from-code y) "\n"
+ (text;from-code z))]
+ (case (&;parse "" [(|> default-cursor (update@ #;column (n.+ (n.dec offset-size))))
+ +0
+ (format "\"" good-input "\"")])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ false
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ (:: code;Eq<Code> =
+ parsed
+ (code;text good-output)))))
+ (test "Can handle comments."
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format comment (code;to-text sample))])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ false
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ (:: code;Eq<Code> = parsed sample)))
+ (test "Will reject unbalanced multi-line comments."
+ (and (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format "#(" "#(" unbalanced-comment ")#"
+ (code;to-text sample))])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ true
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ false)
+ (case (&;parse "" [default-cursor +0
+ (format "#(" unbalanced-comment ")#" ")#"
+ (code;to-text sample))])
+ (#e;Error error)
+ true
+ (#e;Success [_ parsed])
+ false)))
+ ))))
diff --git a/stdlib/test/tests.lux b/stdlib/test/tests.lux
index aa816c4d3..ea0aa72f7 100644
--- a/stdlib/test/tests.lux
+++ b/stdlib/test/tests.lux
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
(type ["_;" check]
["_;" auto]
["_;" object]))
+ (lang ["lang_;" syntax])
(world ["_;" blob]
["_;" file]
(net ["_;" tcp]