path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/world
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/library/lux/world')
29 files changed, 5007 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/console.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/console.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41652fdd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/console.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [ffi (#+ import:)]
+ ["@" target]
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO io)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]
+ ["." atom]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ Char)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]]])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name>)
+ "")]
+ [cannot_open]
+ [cannot_close]
+ )
+(interface: #export (Console !)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Char)))
+ read)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Text)))
+ read_line)
+ (: (-> Text (! (Try Any)))
+ write)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Any)))
+ close))
+(def: #export (async console)
+ (-> (Console IO) (Console Promise))
+ (`` (implementation
+ (~~ (template [<capability>]
+ [(def: <capability>
+ (|>> (\ console <capability>) promise.future))]
+ [read]
+ [read_line]
+ [write]
+ [close])))))
+(with_expansions [<jvm> (as_is (import: java/lang/String)
+ (import: java/io/Console
+ ["#::."
+ (readLine [] #io #try java/lang/String)])
+ (import: java/io/InputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (read [] #io #try int)])
+ (import: java/io/PrintStream
+ ["#::."
+ (print [java/lang/String] #io #try void)])
+ (import: java/lang/System
+ ["#::."
+ (#static console [] #io #? java/io/Console)
+ (#static in java/io/InputStream)
+ (#static out java/io/PrintStream)])
+ (def: #export default
+ (IO (Try (Console IO)))
+ (do io.monad
+ [?jvm_console (java/lang/System::console)]
+ (case ?jvm_console
+ #.None
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_open []))
+ (#.Some jvm_console)
+ (let [jvm_input (java/lang/System::in)
+ jvm_output (java/lang/System::out)]
+ (<| wrap
+ exception.return
+ (: (Console IO)) ## TODO: Remove ASAP
+ (implementation
+ (def: (read _)
+ (|> jvm_input
+ java/io/InputStream::read
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map .nat)))
+ (def: (read_line _)
+ (java/io/Console::readLine jvm_console))
+ (def: (write message)
+ (java/io/PrintStream::print message jvm_output))
+ (def: close
+ (|>> (exception.throw ..cannot_close) wrap)))))))))]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <jvm>)}
+ (as_is)))
+(def: #export (write_line message console)
+ (All [!] (-> Text (Console !) (! (Try Any))))
+ (\ console write (format message text.new_line)))
+(interface: #export (Mock s)
+ (: (-> s (Try [s Char]))
+ on_read)
+ (: (-> s (Try [s Text]))
+ on_read_line)
+ (: (-> Text s (Try s))
+ on_write)
+ (: (-> s (Try s))
+ on_close))
+(def: #export (mock mock init)
+ (All [s] (-> (Mock s) s (Console IO)))
+ (let [state (atom.atom init)]
+ (`` (implementation
+ (~~ (template [<method> <mock>]
+ [(def: (<method> _)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock <mock> |state|)
+ (#try.Success [|state| output])
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success output)))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))]
+ [read on_read]
+ [read_line on_read_line]
+ ))
+ (def: (write input)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock on_write input |state|)
+ (#try.Success |state|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))
+ (def: (close _)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock on_close |state|)
+ (#try.Success |state|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))
+ ))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ef233daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and int)
+ [control
+ [functor (#+ Functor)]
+ [apply (#+ Apply)]
+ [monad (#+ Monad do)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["ex" exception]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise) ("#\." monad)]]
+ [security
+ ["!" capability (#+ capability:)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ [text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [world
+ [net (#+ URL)]]
+ [host (#+ import:)]]]
+ [//
+ ["." sql]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." input (#+ Input)]
+ ["#." output (#+ Output)]])
+(import: java/lang/String)
+(import: java/sql/ResultSet
+ (getRow [] #try int)
+ (next [] #try boolean)
+ (close [] #io #try void))
+(import: java/sql/Statement
+ (#static NO_GENERATED_KEYS int)
+ (getGeneratedKeys [] #try java/sql/ResultSet)
+ (close [] #io #try void))
+(import: java/sql/PreparedStatement
+ (executeUpdate [] #io #try int)
+ (executeQuery [] #io #try java/sql/ResultSet))
+(import: java/sql/Connection
+ (prepareStatement [java/lang/String int] #try java/sql/PreparedStatement)
+ (isValid [int] #try boolean)
+ (close [] #io #try void))
+(import: java/sql/DriverManager
+ (#static getConnection [java/lang/String java/lang/String java/lang/String] #io #try java/sql/Connection))
+(type: #export Credentials
+ {#url URL
+ #user Text
+ #password Text})
+(type: #export ID Int)
+(type: #export (Statement input)
+ {#sql sql.Statement
+ #input (Input input)
+ #value input})
+(template [<name> <forge> <output>]
+ [(capability: #export (<name> ! i)
+ (<forge> (Statement i) (! (Try <output>))))]
+ [Can-Execute can-execute Nat]
+ [Can-Insert can-insert (List ID)]
+ )
+(capability: #export (Can-Query ! i o)
+ (can-query [(Statement i) (Output o)] (! (Try (List o)))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Close !)
+ (can-close Any (! (Try Any))))
+(interface: #export (DB !)
+ (: (Can-Execute !)
+ execute)
+ (: (Can-Insert !)
+ insert)
+ (: (Can-Query !)
+ query)
+ (: (Can-Close !)
+ close))
+(def: (with-statement statement conn action)
+ (All [i a]
+ (-> (Statement i) java/sql/Connection
+ (-> java/sql/PreparedStatement (IO (Try a)))
+ (IO (Try a))))
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [prepared (io.io (java/sql/Connection::prepareStatement (sql.sql (get@ #sql statement))
+ (java/sql/Statement::RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
+ conn))
+ _ (io.io ((get@ #input statement) (get@ #value statement) [1 prepared]))
+ result (action prepared)
+ _ (java/sql/Statement::close prepared)]
+ (wrap result)))
+(def: #export (async db)
+ (-> (DB IO) (DB Promise))
+ (`` (implementation
+ (~~ (template [<name> <forge>]
+ [(def: <name> (<forge> (|>> (!.use (\ db <name>)) promise.future)))]
+ [execute can-execute]
+ [insert can-insert]
+ [close can-close]
+ [query can-query])))))
+(def: #export (connect creds)
+ (-> Credentials (IO (Try (DB IO))))
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [connection (java/sql/DriverManager::getConnection (get@ #url creds)
+ (get@ #user creds)
+ (get@ #password creds))]
+ (wrap (: (DB IO)
+ (implementation
+ (def: execute
+ (..can-execute
+ (function (execute statement)
+ (with-statement statement connection
+ (function (_ prepared)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [row-count (java/sql/PreparedStatement::executeUpdate prepared)]
+ (wrap (.nat row-count))))))))
+ (def: insert
+ (..can-insert
+ (function (insert statement)
+ (with-statement statement connection
+ (function (_ prepared)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [_ (java/sql/PreparedStatement::executeUpdate prepared)
+ result-set (io.io (java/sql/Statement::getGeneratedKeys prepared))]
+ (/output.rows /output.long result-set)))))))
+ (def: close
+ (..can-close
+ (function (close _)
+ (java/sql/Connection::close connection))))
+ (def: query
+ (..can-query
+ (function (query [statement output])
+ (with-statement statement connection
+ (function (_ prepared)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [result-set (java/sql/PreparedStatement::executeQuery prepared)]
+ (/output.rows output result-set)))))))
+ )))))
+(def: #export (with-db creds action)
+ (All [a]
+ (-> Credentials
+ (-> (DB IO) (IO (Try a)))
+ (IO (Try a))))
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [db (..connect creds)
+ result (action db)
+ _ (!.use (\ db close) [])]
+ (wrap result)))
+(def: #export (with-async-db creds action)
+ (All [a]
+ (-> Credentials
+ (-> (DB Promise) (Promise (Try a)))
+ (Promise (Try a))))
+ (do (try.with promise.monad)
+ [db (promise.future (..connect creds))
+ result (action (..async db))
+ _ (promise\wrap (io.run (!.use (\ db close) [])))]
+ (wrap result)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/input.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/input.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c3de1238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/input.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and int)
+ [ffi (#+ import:)]
+ [control
+ [functor (#+ Contravariant)]
+ [monad (#+ Monad do)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant)]]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [world
+ [binary (#+ Binary)]]]])
+(import: java/lang/String)
+(template [<class>]
+ [(import: <class>
+ (new [long]))]
+ [java/sql/Date] [java/sql/Time] [java/sql/Timestamp]
+ )
+(`` (import: java/sql/PreparedStatement
+ (~~ (template [<name> <type>]
+ [(<name> [int <type>] #try void)]
+ [setBoolean boolean]
+ [setByte byte]
+ [setShort short]
+ [setInt int]
+ [setLong long]
+ [setFloat float]
+ [setDouble double]
+ [setString java/lang/String]
+ [setBytes [byte]]
+ [setDate java/sql/Date]
+ [setTime java/sql/Time]
+ [setTimestamp java/sql/Timestamp]
+ ))))
+(type: #export (Input a)
+ (-> a [Nat java/sql/PreparedStatement]
+ (Try [Nat java/sql/PreparedStatement])))
+(implementation: #export contravariant (Contravariant Input)
+ (def: (map-1 f fb)
+ (function (fa value circumstance)
+ (fb (f value) circumstance))))
+(def: #export (and pre post)
+ (All [l r] (-> (Input l) (Input r) (Input [l r])))
+ (function (_ [left right] context)
+ (do try.monad
+ [context (pre left context)]
+ (post right context))))
+(def: #export (fail error)
+ (All [a] (-> Text (Input a)))
+ (function (_ value [idx context])
+ (#try.Failure error)))
+(def: #export empty
+ (Input Any)
+ (function (_ value context)
+ (#try.Success context)))
+(template [<function> <type> <setter>]
+ [(def: #export <function>
+ (Input <type>)
+ (function (_ value [idx statement])
+ (do try.monad
+ [_ (<setter> (.int idx) value statement)]
+ (wrap [(.inc idx) statement]))))]
+ [boolean Bit java/sql/PreparedStatement::setBoolean]
+ [byte Int java/sql/PreparedStatement::setByte]
+ [short Int java/sql/PreparedStatement::setShort]
+ [int Int java/sql/PreparedStatement::setInt]
+ [long Int java/sql/PreparedStatement::setLong]
+ [float Frac java/sql/PreparedStatement::setFloat]
+ [double Frac java/sql/PreparedStatement::setDouble]
+ [string Text java/sql/PreparedStatement::setString]
+ [bytes Binary java/sql/PreparedStatement::setBytes]
+ )
+(template [<function> <setter> <constructor>]
+ [(def: #export <function>
+ (Input Instant)
+ (function (_ value [idx statement])
+ (do try.monad
+ [_ (<setter> (.int idx)
+ (<constructor> (instant.to-millis value))
+ statement)]
+ (wrap [(.inc idx) statement]))))]
+ [date java/sql/PreparedStatement::setDate java/sql/Date::new]
+ [time java/sql/PreparedStatement::setTime java/sql/Time::new]
+ [time-stamp java/sql/PreparedStatement::setTimestamp java/sql/Timestamp::new]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/output.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/output.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b172a1ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/jdbc/output.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and int)
+ [ffi (#+ import:)]
+ [control
+ [functor (#+ Functor)]
+ [apply (#+ Apply)]
+ [monad (#+ Monad do)]
+ ["ex" exception]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant)]]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [world
+ [binary (#+ Binary)]]]])
+(import: java/lang/String)
+(import: java/util/Date
+ (getTime [] long))
+(import: java/sql/Date)
+(import: java/sql/Time)
+(import: java/sql/Timestamp)
+(`` (import: java/sql/ResultSet
+ (~~ (template [<method-name> <return-class>]
+ [(<method-name> [int] #try <return-class>)]
+ [getBoolean boolean]
+ [getByte byte]
+ [getShort short]
+ [getInt int]
+ [getLong long]
+ [getDouble double]
+ [getFloat float]
+ [getString java/lang/String]
+ [getBytes [byte]]
+ [getDate java/sql/Date]
+ [getTime java/sql/Time]
+ [getTimestamp java/sql/Timestamp]
+ ))
+ (next [] #try boolean)
+ (close [] #io #try void)))
+(type: #export (Output a)
+ (-> [Nat java/sql/ResultSet] (Try [Nat a])))
+(implementation: #export functor
+ (Functor Output)
+ (def: (map f fa)
+ (function (_ idx+rs)
+ (case (fa idx+rs)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Success [idx' value])
+ (#try.Success [idx' (f value)])))))
+(implementation: #export apply
+ (Apply Output)
+ (def: &functor ..functor)
+ (def: (apply ff fa)
+ (function (_ [idx rs])
+ (case (ff [idx rs])
+ (#try.Success [idx' f])
+ (case (fa [idx' rs])
+ (#try.Success [idx'' a])
+ (#try.Success [idx'' (f a)])
+ (#try.Failure msg)
+ (#try.Failure msg))
+ (#try.Failure msg)
+ (#try.Failure msg)))))
+(implementation: #export monad
+ (Monad Output)
+ (def: &functor ..functor)
+ (def: (wrap a)
+ (function (_ [idx rs])
+ (#.Some [idx a])))
+ (def: (join mma)
+ (function (_ [idx rs])
+ (case (mma [idx rs])
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Success [idx' ma])
+ (ma [idx' rs])))))
+(def: #export (fail error)
+ (All [a] (-> Text (Output a)))
+ (function (_ [idx result-set])
+ (#try.Failure error)))
+(def: #export (and left right)
+ (All [a b]
+ (-> (Output a) (Output b) (Output [a b])))
+ (do ..monad
+ [=left left
+ =right right]
+ (wrap [=left =right])))
+(template [<func-name> <method-name> <type>]
+ [(def: #export <func-name>
+ (Output <type>)
+ (function (_ [idx result-set])
+ (case (<method-name> [(.int idx)] result-set)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ (#try.Success [(inc idx) value]))))]
+ [boolean java/sql/ResultSet::getBoolean Bit]
+ [byte java/sql/ResultSet::getByte Int]
+ [short java/sql/ResultSet::getShort Int]
+ [int java/sql/ResultSet::getInt Int]
+ [long java/sql/ResultSet::getLong Int]
+ [float java/sql/ResultSet::getFloat Frac]
+ [double java/sql/ResultSet::getDouble Frac]
+ [string java/sql/ResultSet::getString Text]
+ [bytes java/sql/ResultSet::getBytes Binary]
+ )
+(template [<func-name> <method-name>]
+ [(def: #export <func-name>
+ (Output Instant)
+ (function (_ [idx result-set])
+ (case (<method-name> [(.int idx)] result-set)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ (#try.Success [(inc idx)
+ (instant.from-millis (java/util/Date::getTime value))]))))]
+ [date java/sql/ResultSet::getDate]
+ [time java/sql/ResultSet::getTime]
+ [time-stamp java/sql/ResultSet::getTimestamp]
+ )
+(def: #export (rows output results)
+ (All [a] (-> (Output a) java/sql/ResultSet (IO (Try (List a)))))
+ (case (java/sql/ResultSet::next results)
+ (#try.Success has-next?)
+ (if has-next?
+ (case (output [1 results])
+ (#.Some [_ head])
+ (do io.monad
+ [?tail (rows output results)]
+ (case ?tail
+ (#try.Success tail)
+ (wrap (ex.return (#.Cons head tail)))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (do io.monad
+ [temp (java/sql/ResultSet::close results)]
+ (wrap (do try.monad
+ [_ temp]
+ (try.fail error))))))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (do io.monad
+ [temp (java/sql/ResultSet::close results)]
+ (wrap (do try.monad
+ [_ temp]
+ (try.fail error)))))
+ (do io.monad
+ [temp (java/sql/ResultSet::close results)]
+ (wrap (do try.monad
+ [_ temp]
+ (wrap (list))))))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (do io.monad
+ [temp (java/sql/ResultSet::close results)]
+ (wrap (do try.monad
+ [_ temp]
+ (try.fail error))))
+ ))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/sql.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/sql.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99f3f027d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/db/sql.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- Source Definition function and or not type is? int)
+ [control
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["i" int]]
+ ["." text ("#\." equivalence)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor)]]]
+ [type
+ abstract]]])
+(def: parenthesize
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
+## Kind
+(template [<declaration>]
+ [(abstract: #export <declaration> Any)]
+ [Literal']
+ [Column']
+ [Placeholder']
+ [(Value' kind)]
+ [Function']
+ [Condition']
+ [Index']
+ [Table']
+ [View']
+ [Source']
+ [DB']
+ [No-Limit] [With-Limit]
+ [No-Offset] [With-Offset]
+ [Order']
+ [No-Order] [With-Order]
+ [No-Group] [With-Group]
+ [(Query' order group limit offset)]
+ [Command']
+ [No-Where] [With-Where] [Without-Where]
+ [No-Having] [With-Having] [Without-Having]
+ [(Action' where having kind)]
+ [(Schema' kind)]
+ [Definition']
+ [(Statement' kind)]
+ )
+(type: #export Alias Text)
+(def: #export no-alias Alias "")
+(abstract: #export (SQL kind)
+ Text
+ ## SQL
+ (template [<declaration> <kind>]
+ [(type: #export <declaration> (SQL <kind>))]
+ [Literal (Value' Literal')]
+ [Column (Value' Column')]
+ [Placeholder (Value' Placeholder')]
+ [Value (Value' Any)]
+ [Function Function']
+ [Condition Condition']
+ [Index Index']
+ [Table Table']
+ [View View']
+ [Source Source']
+ [DB DB']
+ [Order Order']
+ [(Schema kind) (Schema' kind)]
+ [(Query where having order group limit offset) (Statement' (Action' where having (Query' order group limit offset)))]
+ [(Command where having) (Statement' (Action' where having Command'))]
+ [(Action where having kind) (Statement' (Action' where having kind))]
+ [Definition (Statement' Definition')]
+ [Statement (Statement' Any)]
+ )
+ (def: Base-Query (.type (Query No-Where No-Having No-Order No-Group No-Limit No-Offset)))
+ (def: Any-Query (.type (Query Any Any Any Any Any Any)))
+ (def: #export read
+ {#.doc (doc "Only use this function for debugging purposes."
+ "Do not use this function to actually execute SQL code.")}
+ (-> (SQL Any) Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ (def: #export (sql action)
+ (-> Statement Text)
+ (format (:representation action) ";"))
+ (def: enumerate
+ (-> (List (SQL Any)) Text)
+ (|>> (list\map (|>> :representation))
+ (text.join-with ", ")))
+ ## Value
+ (def: #export ? Placeholder (:abstraction "?"))
+ (def: literal
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export null Literal (..literal "NULL"))
+ (def: #export (int value)
+ (-> Int Literal)
+ (..literal (if (i.< +0 value)
+ (%.int value)
+ (%.nat (.nat value)))))
+ (def: #export function
+ (-> Text Function)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (call function parameters)
+ (-> Function (List Value) Value)
+ (:abstraction (format (:representation function)
+ (..parenthesize (..enumerate parameters)))))
+ ## Condition
+ (template [<name> <sql-op>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> reference sample)
+ (-> Value Value Condition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (..parenthesize
+ (format (:representation sample)
+ " " <sql-op> " "
+ (:representation reference)))))]
+ [= "="]
+ [<> "<>"]
+ [is? "IS"]
+ [> ">"]
+ [>= ">="]
+ [< "<"]
+ [<= "<="]
+ [like? "LIKE"]
+ [ilike? "ILIKE"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (between from to sample)
+ (-> Value Value Value Condition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (..parenthesize
+ (format (:representation sample)
+ " BETWEEN " (:representation from)
+ " AND " (:representation to)))))
+ (def: #export (in options value)
+ (-> (List Value) Value Condition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation value)
+ " IN "
+ (..parenthesize (enumerate options)))))
+ (template [<func-name> <sql-op>]
+ [(def: #export (<func-name> left right)
+ (-> Condition Condition Condition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (..parenthesize (:representation left))
+ " " <sql-op> " "
+ (..parenthesize (:representation right)))))]
+ [and "AND"]
+ [or "OR"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <type> <sql>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> <type> Condition)
+ (|>> :representation ..parenthesize (format <sql> " ") :abstraction))]
+ [not Condition "NOT"]
+ [exists Any-Query "EXISTS"]
+ )
+ ## Query
+ (template [<name> <type> <decoration>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> <type> Source)
+ (|>> :representation <decoration> :abstraction))]
+ [from-table Table (<|)]
+ [from-view View (<|)]
+ [from-query Any-Query ..parenthesize]
+ )
+ (template [<func-name> <op>]
+ [(def: #export (<func-name> columns source)
+ (-> (List [Column Alias]) Source Base-Query)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format <op>
+ " "
+ (case columns
+ #.Nil
+ "*"
+ _
+ (|> columns
+ (list\map (.function (_ [column alias])
+ (if (text\= ..no-alias alias)
+ (:representation column)
+ (format (:representation column) " AS " alias))))
+ (text.join-with ", ")))
+ " FROM " (:representation source))))]
+ [select "SELECT"]
+ [select-distinct "SELECT DISTINCT"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <join-text>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> table condition prev)
+ (-> Table Condition Base-Query Base-Query)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation prev)
+ " " <join-text> " "
+ (:representation table)
+ " ON " (:representation condition))))]
+ [inner-join "INNER JOIN"]
+ [left-join "LEFT JOIN"]
+ [right-join "RIGHT JOIN"]
+ [full-outer-join "FULL OUTER JOIN"]
+ )
+ (template [<function> <sql-op>]
+ [(def: #export (<function> left right)
+ (-> Any-Query Any-Query (Query Without-Where Without-Having No-Order No-Group No-Limit No-Offset))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation left)
+ " " <sql-op> " "
+ (:representation right))))]
+ [union "UNION"]
+ [union-all "UNION ALL"]
+ [intersect "INTERSECT"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <sql> <variables> <input> <output>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> value query)
+ (All <variables>
+ (-> Nat <input> <output>))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation query)
+ " " <sql> " "
+ (%.nat value))))]
+ [limit "LIMIT" [where having order group offset]
+ (Query where having order group No-Limit offset)
+ (Query where having order group With-Limit offset)]
+ [offset "OFFSET" [where having order group limit]
+ (Query where having order group limit No-Offset)
+ (Query where having order group limit With-Offset)]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <sql>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Order
+ (:abstraction <sql>))]
+ [ascending "ASC"]
+ [descending "DESC"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (order-by pairs query)
+ (All [where having group limit offset]
+ (-> (List [Value Order])
+ (Query where having No-Order group limit offset)
+ (Query where having With-Order group limit offset)))
+ (case pairs
+ #.Nil
+ (|> query :representation :abstraction)
+ _
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation query)
+ " ORDER BY "
+ (|> pairs
+ (list\map (.function (_ [value order])
+ (format (:representation value) " " (:representation order))))
+ (text.join-with ", "))))))
+ (def: #export (group-by pairs query)
+ (All [where having order limit offset]
+ (-> (List Value)
+ (Query where having order No-Group limit offset)
+ (Query where having order With-Group limit offset)))
+ (case pairs
+ #.Nil
+ (|> query :representation :abstraction)
+ _
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation query)
+ " GROUP BY "
+ (..enumerate pairs)))))
+ ## Command
+ (def: #export (insert table columns rows)
+ (-> Table (List Column) (List (List Value)) (Command Without-Where Without-Having))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "INSERT INTO " (:representation table) " "
+ (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns))
+ " VALUES "
+ (|> rows
+ (list\map (|>> ..enumerate ..parenthesize))
+ (text.join-with ", "))
+ )))
+ (def: #export (update table pairs)
+ (-> Table (List [Column Value]) (Command No-Where No-Having))
+ (:abstraction (format "UPDATE " (:representation table)
+ (case pairs
+ #.Nil
+ ""
+ _
+ (format " SET " (|> pairs
+ (list\map (.function (_ [column value])
+ (format (:representation column) "=" (:representation value))))
+ (text.join-with ", ")))))))
+ (def: #export delete
+ (-> Table (Command No-Where No-Having))
+ (|>> :representation (format "DELETE FROM ") :abstraction))
+ ## Action
+ (def: #export (where condition prev)
+ (All [kind having]
+ (-> Condition (Action No-Where having kind) (Action With-Where having kind)))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation prev)
+ " WHERE "
+ (:representation condition))))
+ (def: #export (having condition prev)
+ (All [where kind]
+ (-> Condition (Action where No-Having kind) (Action where With-Having kind)))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation prev)
+ " HAVING "
+ (:representation condition))))
+ ## Schema
+ (def: #export type
+ (-> Text (Schema Value))
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (template [<name> <attr>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> attr)
+ (-> (Schema Value) (Schema Value))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation attr) " " <attr>)))]
+ [unique "UNIQUE"]
+ [not-null "NOT NULL"]
+ [stored "STORED"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (default value attr)
+ (-> Value (Schema Value) (Schema Value))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation attr) " DEFAULT " (:representation value))))
+ (def: #export (define-column name type)
+ (-> Column (Schema Value) (Schema Column))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation name) " " (:representation type))))
+ (def: #export (auto-increment offset column)
+ (-> Int (Schema Column) (Schema Column))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation column) " AUTO_INCREMENT=" (:representation (..int offset)))))
+ (def: #export (create-table or-replace? table columns)
+ (-> Bit Table (List (Schema Column)) Definition)
+ (let [command (if or-replace?
+ (:abstraction
+ (format command " " (:representation table)
+ (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns))))))
+ (def: #export (create-table-as table query)
+ (-> Table Any-Query Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "CREATE TABLE " (:representation table) " AS " (:representation query))))
+ (template [<name> <sql>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> table)
+ (-> Table Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format <sql> " TABLE " (:representation table))))]
+ [drop "DROP"]
+ [truncate "TRUNCATE"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (add-column table column)
+ (-> Table (Schema Column) Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "ALTER TABLE " (:representation table) " ADD " (:representation column))))
+ (def: #export (drop-column table column)
+ (-> Table Column Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "ALTER TABLE " (:representation table) " DROP COLUMN " (:representation column))))
+ (template [<name> <type>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> name)
+ (-> Text <type>)
+ (:abstraction name))]
+ [column Column]
+ [table Table]
+ [view View]
+ [index Index]
+ [db DB]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <type> <sql>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> <type> Definition)
+ (|>> :representation (format <sql> " ") :abstraction))]
+ [create-db DB "CREATE DATABASE"]
+ [drop-db DB "DROP DATABASE"]
+ [drop-view View "DROP VIEW"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <sql>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> view query)
+ (-> View Any-Query Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format <sql> " " (:representation view) " AS " (:representation query))))]
+ [create-view "CREATE VIEW"]
+ [create-or-replace-view "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (create-index index table unique? columns)
+ (-> Index Table Bit (List Column) Definition)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "CREATE " (if unique? "UNIQUE" "") " INDEX " (:representation index)
+ " ON " (:representation table) " " (..parenthesize (..enumerate columns)))))
+ (def: #export (with alias query body)
+ (All [where having order group limit offset]
+ (-> Table Any-Query
+ (Query where having order group limit offset)
+ (Query where having order group limit offset)))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "WITH " (:representation alias)
+ " AS " (..parenthesize (:representation query))
+ " " (:representation body))))
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f95b3282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,1303 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ ["." ffi]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ Monad do)]]
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case>)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try) ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO) ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." function]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]
+ ["." stm (#+ Var STM)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." bit ("#\." equivalence)]
+ ["." product]
+ ["." maybe ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." binary (#+ Binary)]
+ ["." text ("#\." equivalence)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]
+ ["." list ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["i" int]
+ ["f" frac]]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant)]
+ ["." duration]]]])
+(type: #export Path
+ Text)
+(`` (interface: #export (System !)
+ (: Text
+ separator)
+ (~~ (template [<name> <output>]
+ [(: (-> Path (! <output>))
+ <name>)]
+ [file? Bit]
+ [directory? Bit]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <output>]
+ [(: (-> Path (! (Try <output>)))
+ <name>)]
+ [make_directory Any]
+ [directory_files (List Path)]
+ [sub_directories (List Path)]
+ [file_size Nat]
+ [last_modified Instant]
+ [can_execute? Bit]
+ [read Binary]
+ [delete Any]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <input>]
+ [(: (-> <input> Path (! (Try Any)))
+ <name>)]
+ [modify Instant]
+ [write Binary]
+ [append Binary]
+ [move Path]
+ ))
+ ))
+(def: #export (un_nest fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (System !) Path (Maybe [Path Text])))
+ (let [/ (\ fs separator)]
+ (case (text.last_index_of / path)
+ #.None
+ #.None
+ (#.Some last_separator)
+ (do maybe.monad
+ [[parent temp] (text.split last_separator path)
+ [_ child] (text.split (text.size /) temp)]
+ (wrap [parent child])))))
+(def: #export (parent fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (System !) Path (Maybe Path)))
+ (|> (..un_nest fs path)
+ (maybe\map product.left)))
+(def: #export (name fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (System !) Path Text))
+ (|> (..un_nest fs path)
+ (maybe\map product.right)
+ (maybe.default path)))
+(def: #export (async fs)
+ (-> (System IO) (System Promise))
+ (`` (implementation
+ (def: separator
+ (\ fs separator))
+ (~~ (template [<name>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (|>> (\ fs <name>)
+ promise.future))]
+ [file?]
+ [directory?]
+ [make_directory]
+ [directory_files]
+ [sub_directories]
+ [file_size]
+ [last_modified]
+ [can_execute?]
+ [read]
+ [delete]))
+ (~~ (template [<name>]
+ [(def: (<name> input path)
+ (promise.future (\ fs <name> input path)))]
+ [modify]
+ [write]
+ [append]
+ [move]))
+ )))
+(def: #export (nest fs parent child)
+ (All [!] (-> (System !) Path Text Path))
+ (format parent (\ fs separator) child))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {file Path})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Path" file]))]
+ [cannot_make_file]
+ [cannot_find_file]
+ [cannot_delete]
+ [cannot_make_directory]
+ [cannot_find_directory]
+ [cannot_read_all_data]
+ )
+(with_expansions [<extra> (as_is (exception: #export (cannot_move {target Path} {source Path})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Source" source]
+ ["Target" target])))]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <extra>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <extra>)
+ @.lua (as_is <extra>)}
+ (as_is)))
+(with_expansions [<for_jvm> (as_is (exception: #export (cannot_modify_file {instant Instant} {file Path})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Instant" (%.instant instant)]
+ ["Path" file]))
+ (ffi.import: java/lang/String)
+ (`` (ffi.import: java/io/File
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/lang/String])
+ (~~ (template [<name>]
+ [(<name> [] #io #try boolean)]
+ [createNewFile] [mkdir]
+ [delete]
+ [isFile] [isDirectory]
+ [canRead] [canWrite] [canExecute]))
+ (length [] #io #try long)
+ (listFiles [] #io #try #? [java/io/File])
+ (getAbsolutePath [] #io #try java/lang/String)
+ (renameTo [java/io/File] #io #try boolean)
+ (lastModified [] #io #try long)
+ (setLastModified [long] #io #try boolean)
+ (#static separator java/lang/String)]))
+ (ffi.import: java/lang/AutoCloseable
+ ["#::."
+ (close [] #io #try void)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/OutputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (write [[byte]] #io #try void)
+ (flush [] #io #try void)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/FileOutputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/io/File boolean] #io #try)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/InputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (read [[byte]] #io #try int)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/FileInputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/io/File] #io #try)])
+ (`` (implementation: #export default
+ (System IO)
+ (def: separator
+ (java/io/File::separator))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (|>> java/io/File::new
+ <method>
+ (io\map (|>> (try.default false)))))]
+ [file? java/io/File::isFile]
+ [directory? java/io/File::isDirectory]
+ ))
+ (def: (make_directory path)
+ (|> path
+ java/io/File::new
+ java/io/File::mkdir))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> path)
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [?children (java/io/File::listFiles (java/io/File::new path))]
+ (case ?children
+ (#.Some children)
+ (|> children
+ array.to_list
+ (monad.filter ! (|>> <method>))
+ (\ ! map (monad.map ! (|>> java/io/File::getAbsolutePath)))
+ (\ ! join))
+ #.None
+ (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_directory [path])))))]
+ [directory_files java/io/File::isFile]
+ [sub_directories java/io/File::isDirectory]
+ ))
+ (def: file_size
+ (|>> java/io/File::new
+ java/io/File::length
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map .nat)))
+ (def: last_modified
+ (|>> java/io/File::new
+ (java/io/File::lastModified)
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map (|>> duration.from_millis instant.absolute))))
+ (def: can_execute?
+ (|>> java/io/File::new
+ java/io/File::canExecute))
+ (def: (read path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [#let [file (java/io/File::new path)]
+ size (java/io/File::length file)
+ #let [data (binary.create (.nat size))]
+ stream (java/io/FileInputStream::new file)
+ bytes_read (java/io/InputStream::read data stream)
+ _ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close stream)]
+ (if (i.= size bytes_read)
+ (wrap data)
+ (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_read_all_data path)))))
+ (def: (delete path)
+ (|> path
+ java/io/File::new
+ java/io/File::delete))
+ (def: (modify time_stamp path)
+ (|> path
+ java/io/File::new
+ (java/io/File::setLastModified (|> time_stamp instant.relative duration.to_millis))))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <flag>]
+ [(def: (<name> data path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [stream (java/io/FileOutputStream::new (java/io/File::new path) <flag>)
+ _ (java/io/OutputStream::write data stream)
+ _ (java/io/OutputStream::flush stream)]
+ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close stream)))]
+ [write #0]
+ [append #1]
+ ))
+ (def: (move destination origin)
+ (|> origin
+ java/io/File::new
+ (java/io/File::renameTo (java/io/File::new destination))))
+ )))]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <for_jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <for_jvm>)
+ @.js
+ (as_is (ffi.import: Buffer
+ ["#::."
+ (#static from [Binary] ..Buffer)])
+ (ffi.import: FileDescriptor)
+ (ffi.import: Stats
+ ["#::."
+ (size ffi.Number)
+ (mtimeMs ffi.Number)
+ (isFile [] #io #try ffi.Boolean)
+ (isDirectory [] #io #try ffi.Boolean)])
+ (ffi.import: FsConstants
+ ["#::."
+ (F_OK ffi.Number)
+ (R_OK ffi.Number)
+ (W_OK ffi.Number)
+ (X_OK ffi.Number)])
+ (ffi.import: Fs
+ ["#::."
+ (constants FsConstants)
+ (readFileSync [ffi.String] #io #try Binary)
+ (appendFileSync [ffi.String Buffer] #io #try Any)
+ (writeFileSync [ffi.String Buffer] #io #try Any)
+ (statSync [ffi.String] #io #try Stats)
+ (accessSync [ffi.String ffi.Number] #io #try Any)
+ (renameSync [ffi.String ffi.String] #io #try Any)
+ (utimesSync [ffi.String ffi.Number ffi.Number] #io #try Any)
+ (unlink [ffi.String] #io #try Any)
+ (readdirSync [ffi.String] #io #try (Array ffi.String))
+ (mkdirSync [ffi.String] #io #try Any)
+ (rmdirSync [ffi.String] #io #try Any)])
+ (ffi.import: JsPath
+ ["#::."
+ (sep ffi.String)])
+ (template [<name> <path>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (-> [] (Maybe (-> ffi.String Any)))
+ (ffi.constant (-> ffi.String Any) <path>))]
+ [normal_require [require]]
+ [global_require [global require]]
+ [process_load [global process mainModule constructor _load]]
+ )
+ (def: (require _)
+ (-> [] (-> ffi.String Any))
+ (case [(normal_require []) (global_require []) (process_load [])]
+ (^or [(#.Some require) _ _]
+ [_ (#.Some require) _]
+ [_ _ (#.Some require)])
+ require
+ _
+ (undefined)))
+ (template [<name> <module> <type>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (-> [] <type>)
+ (:as <type> (..require [] <module>)))]
+ [node_fs "fs" ..Fs]
+ [node_path "path" ..JsPath]
+ )
+ (`` (implementation: #export default
+ (System IO)
+ (def: separator
+ (if ffi.on_node_js?
+ (JsPath::sep (..node_path []))
+ "/"))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> path)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [?stats (Fs::statSync [path] (..node_fs []))]
+ (case ?stats
+ (#try.Success stats)
+ (|> stats
+ (<method> [])
+ (\ ! map (|>> (try.default false))))
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (wrap false))))]
+ [file? Stats::isFile]
+ [directory? Stats::isDirectory]
+ ))
+ (def: (make_directory path)
+ (let [node_fs (..node_fs [])]
+ (do io.monad
+ [outcome (Fs::accessSync [path (|> node_fs Fs::constants FsConstants::F_OK)] node_fs)]
+ (case outcome
+ (#try.Success _)
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path]))
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (Fs::mkdirSync [path] node_fs)))))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> path)
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [#let [node_fs (..node_fs [])]
+ subs (Fs::readdirSync [path] node_fs)]
+ (|> subs
+ array.to_list
+ (monad.map ! (function (_ sub)
+ (do !
+ [stats (Fs::statSync [sub] node_fs)]
+ (\ ! map (|>> [sub]) (<method> [] stats)))))
+ (\ ! map (|>> (list.filter product.right)
+ (list\map product.left))))))]
+ [directory_files Stats::isFile]
+ [sub_directories Stats::isDirectory]
+ ))
+ (def: (file_size path)
+ (let [! (try.with io.monad)]
+ (|> (..node_fs [])
+ (Fs::statSync [path])
+ (\ ! map (|>> Stats::size
+ f.nat)))))
+ (def: (last_modified path)
+ (let [! (try.with io.monad)]
+ (|> (..node_fs [])
+ (Fs::statSync [path])
+ (\ ! map (|>> Stats::mtimeMs
+ f.int
+ duration.from_millis
+ instant.absolute)))))
+ (def: (can_execute? path)
+ (let [node_fs (..node_fs [])]
+ (|> node_fs
+ (Fs::accessSync [path (|> node_fs Fs::constants FsConstants::X_OK)])
+ (io\map (|>> (case> (#try.Success _)
+ true
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ false)
+ #try.Success)))))
+ (def: (read path)
+ (Fs::readFileSync [path] (..node_fs [])))
+ (def: (delete path)
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [#let [node_fs (..node_fs [])]
+ stats (Fs::statSync [path] node_fs)
+ verdict (Stats::isFile [] stats)]
+ (if verdict
+ (Fs::unlink [path] node_fs)
+ (Fs::rmdirSync [path] node_fs))))
+ (def: (modify time_stamp path)
+ (let [when (|> time_stamp instant.relative duration.to_millis i.frac)]
+ (Fs::utimesSync [path when when] (..node_fs []))))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> data path)
+ (<method> [path (Buffer::from data)] (..node_fs [])))]
+ [write Fs::writeFileSync]
+ [append Fs::appendFileSync]
+ ))
+ (def: (move destination origin)
+ (Fs::renameSync [origin destination] (..node_fs [])))
+ )))
+ @.python
+ (as_is (type: (Tuple/2 left right)
+ (primitive "python_tuple[2]" [left right]))
+ (ffi.import: PyFile
+ ["#::."
+ (read [] #io #try Binary)
+ (write [Binary] #io #try #? Any)
+ (close [] #io #try #? Any)])
+ (ffi.import: (open [ffi.String ffi.String] #io #try PyFile))
+ (ffi.import: (tuple [[ffi.Integer ffi.Integer]] (Tuple/2 ffi.Integer ffi.Integer)))
+ (ffi.import: os
+ ["#::."
+ (#static F_OK ffi.Integer)
+ (#static R_OK ffi.Integer)
+ (#static W_OK ffi.Integer)
+ (#static X_OK ffi.Integer)
+ (#static mkdir [ffi.String] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static access [ffi.String ffi.Integer] #io #try ffi.Boolean)
+ (#static remove [ffi.String] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static rmdir [ffi.String] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static rename [ffi.String ffi.String] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static utime [ffi.String (Tuple/2 ffi.Integer ffi.Integer)] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static listdir [ffi.String] #io #try (Array ffi.String))])
+ (ffi.import: os/path
+ ["#::."
+ (#static isfile [ffi.String] #io #try ffi.Boolean)
+ (#static isdir [ffi.String] #io #try ffi.Boolean)
+ (#static sep ffi.String)
+ (#static getsize [ffi.String] #io #try ffi.Integer)
+ (#static getmtime [ffi.String] #io #try ffi.Float)])
+ (`` (implementation: #export default
+ (System IO)
+ (def: separator
+ (os/path::sep))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (|>> <method>
+ (io\map (|>> (try.default false)))))]
+ [file? os/path::isfile]
+ [directory? os/path::isdir]
+ ))
+ (def: make_directory
+ os::mkdir)
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (let [! (try.with io.monad)]
+ (|>> os::listdir
+ (\ ! map (|>> array.to_list
+ (monad.map ! (function (_ sub)
+ (\ ! map (|>> [sub]) (<method> [sub]))))
+ (\ ! map (|>> (list.filter product.right)
+ (list\map product.left)))))
+ (\ ! join))))]
+ [directory_files os/path::isfile]
+ [sub_directories os/path::isdir]
+ ))
+ (def: file_size
+ (|>> os/path::getsize
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map .nat)))
+ (def: last_modified
+ (|>> os/path::getmtime
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map (|>> f.int
+ (i.* +1,000)
+ duration.from_millis
+ instant.absolute))))
+ (def: (can_execute? path)
+ (os::access [path (os::X_OK)]))
+ (def: (read path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [file (..open [path "rb"])
+ data (PyFile::read [] file)
+ _ (PyFile::close [] file)]
+ (wrap data)))
+ (def: (delete path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [? (os/path::isfile [path])]
+ (if ?
+ (os::remove [path])
+ (os::rmdir [path]))))
+ (def: (modify time_stamp path)
+ (let [when (|> time_stamp instant.relative duration.to_millis (i./ +1,000))]
+ (os::utime [path (..tuple [when when])])))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <mode>]
+ [(def: (<name> data path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [file (..open [path <mode>])
+ _ (PyFile::write [data] file)]
+ (PyFile::close [] file)))]
+ [write "w+b"]
+ [append "ab"]
+ ))
+ (def: (move destination origin)
+ (os::rename [origin destination]))
+ )))
+ @.ruby
+ (as_is (ffi.import: Time #as RubyTime
+ ["#::."
+ (#static at [Frac] RubyTime)
+ (to_f [] Frac)])
+ (ffi.import: Stat #as RubyStat
+ ["#::."
+ (executable? [] Bit)
+ (size Int)
+ (mtime [] RubyTime)])
+ (ffi.import: File #as RubyFile
+ ["#::."
+ (#static SEPARATOR ffi.String)
+ (#static open [Path ffi.String] #io #try RubyFile)
+ (#static stat [Path] #io #try RubyStat)
+ (#static delete [Path] #io #try Int)
+ (#static file? [Path] #io #try Bit)
+ (#static directory? [Path] #io #try Bit)
+ (#static utime [RubyTime RubyTime Path] #io #try Int)
+ (read [] #io #try Binary)
+ (write [Binary] #io #try Int)
+ (flush [] #io #try #? Any)
+ (close [] #io #try #? Any)])
+ (ffi.import: Dir #as RubyDir
+ ["#::."
+ (#static open [Path] #io #try RubyDir)
+ (children [] #io #try (Array Path))
+ (close [] #io #try #? Any)])
+ (ffi.import: "fileutils" FileUtils #as RubyFileUtils
+ ["#::."
+ (#static move [Path Path] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static rmdir [Path] #io #try #? Any)
+ (#static mkdir [Path] #io #try #? Any)])
+ (def: ruby_separator
+ Text
+ (..RubyFile::SEPARATOR))
+ (`` (implementation: #export default
+ (System IO)
+ (def: separator
+ ..ruby_separator)
+ (~~ (template [<name> <test>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (|>> <test>
+ (io\map (|>> (try.default false)))))]
+ [file? RubyFile::file?]
+ [directory? RubyFile::directory?]
+ ))
+ (def: make_directory
+ RubyFileUtils::mkdir)
+ (~~ (template [<name> <test>]
+ [(def: (<name> path)
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [self (RubyDir::open [path])
+ children (RubyDir::children [] self)
+ output (loop [input (|> children
+ array.to_list
+ (list\map (|>> (format path ..ruby_separator))))
+ output (: (List ..Path)
+ (list))]
+ (case input
+ #.Nil
+ (wrap output)
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (do !
+ [verdict (<test> head)]
+ (recur tail (if verdict
+ (#.Cons head output)
+ output)))))
+ _ (RubyDir::close [] self)]
+ (wrap output)))]
+ [directory_files RubyFile::file?]
+ [sub_directories RubyFile::directory?]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <pipeline>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (let [! (try.with io.monad)]
+ (|>> RubyFile::stat
+ (\ ! map (`` (|>> (~~ (template.splice <pipeline>))))))))]
+ [file_size [RubyStat::size .nat]]
+ [last_modified [(RubyStat::mtime [])
+ (RubyTime::to_f [])
+ (f.* +1,000.0)
+ f.int
+ duration.from_millis
+ instant.absolute]]
+ [can_execute? [(RubyStat::executable? [])]]
+ ))
+ (def: (read path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [file (RubyFile::open [path "rb"])
+ data (RubyFile::read [] file)
+ _ (RubyFile::close [] file)]
+ (wrap data)))
+ (def: (delete path)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [? (RubyFile::file? path)]
+ (if ?
+ (RubyFile::delete [path])
+ (RubyFileUtils::rmdir [path]))))
+ (def: (modify moment path)
+ (let [moment (|> moment
+ instant.relative
+ duration.to_millis
+ i.frac
+ (f./ +1,000.0)
+ RubyTime::at)]
+ (RubyFile::utime [moment moment path])))
+ (~~ (template [<mode> <name>]
+ [(def: (<name> data path)
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [file (RubyFile::open [path <mode>])
+ data (RubyFile::write [data] file)
+ _ (RubyFile::flush [] file)
+ _ (RubyFile::close [] file)]
+ (wrap [])))]
+ ["wb" write]
+ ["ab" append]
+ ))
+ (def: (move destination origin)
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [_ (RubyFileUtils::move [origin destination])]
+ (wrap [])))
+ )))
+ ## @.php
+ ## (as_is (ffi.import: (FILE_APPEND Int))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/dir.constants.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ffi.String))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.pack.php
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.unpack.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (unpack [ffi.String ffi.String] Binary))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.php
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (file_get_contents [Path] #io #try ffi.String))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (file_put_contents [Path ffi.String Int] #io #try ffi.Integer))
+ ## (ffi.import: (filemtime [Path] #io #try ffi.Integer))
+ ## (ffi.import: (filesize [Path] #io #try ffi.Integer))
+ ## (ffi.import: (is_executable [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## (ffi.import: (touch [Path ffi.Integer] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## (ffi.import: (rename [Path Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## (ffi.import: (unlink [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (rmdir [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (scandir [Path] #io #try (Array Path)))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-file.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (is_file [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-dir.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (is_dir [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mkdir.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (mkdir [Path] #io #try ffi.Boolean))
+ ## (def: byte_array_format "C*")
+ ## (def: default_separator (..DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))
+ ## (template [<name>]
+ ## [(exception: #export (<name> {file Path})
+ ## (exception.report
+ ## ["Path" file]))]
+ ## [cannot_write_to_file]
+ ## )
+ ## (`` (implementation: (file path)
+ ## (-> Path (File IO))
+ ## (~~ (template [<name> <mode>]
+ ## [(def: (<name> data)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [outcome (..file_put_contents [path ("php pack" ..byte_array_format data) <mode>])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit outcome))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_write_to_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap []))))]
+ ## [over_write +0]
+ ## [append (..FILE_APPEND)]
+ ## ))
+ ## (def: (content _)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [data (..file_get_contents [path])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit data))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap (..unpack [..byte_array_format data])))))
+ ## (def: path
+ ## path)
+ ## (~~ (template [<name> <ffi> <pipeline>]
+ ## [(def: (<name> _)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [value (<ffi> [path])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit value))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap (`` (|> value (~~ (template.splice <pipeline>))))))))]
+ ## [size ..filesize [.nat]]
+ ## [last_modified ..filemtime [(i.* +1,000) duration.from_millis instant.absolute]]
+ ## ))
+ ## (def: (can_execute? _)
+ ## (..is_executable [path]))
+ ## (def: (modify moment)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [verdict (..touch [path (|> moment instant.relative duration.to_millis (i./ +1,000))])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit verdict))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap []))))
+ ## (def: (move destination)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [verdict (..rename [path destination])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit verdict))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap (file destination)))))
+ ## (def: (delete _)
+ ## (do (try.with io.monad)
+ ## [verdict (..unlink [path])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit verdict))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ ## (wrap []))))
+ ## ))
+ ## (`` (implementation: (directory path)
+ ## (-> Path (Directory IO))
+ ## (def: scope
+ ## path)
+ ## (~~ (template [<name> <test> <constructor> <capability>]
+ ## [(def: (<name> _)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [children (..scandir [path])]
+ ## (loop [input (|> children
+ ## array.to_list
+ ## (list.filter (function (_ child)
+ ## (not (or (text\= "." child)
+ ## (text\= ".." child))))))
+ ## output (: (List (<capability> IO))
+ ## (list))]
+ ## (case input
+ ## #.Nil
+ ## (wrap output)
+ ## (#.Cons head tail)
+ ## (do !
+ ## [verdict (<test> head)]
+ ## (if verdict
+ ## (recur tail (#.Cons (<constructor> head) output))
+ ## (recur tail output)))))))]
+ ## [files ..is_file ..file File]
+ ## [directories ..is_dir directory Directory]
+ ## ))
+ ## (def: (discard _)
+ ## (do (try.with io.monad)
+ ## [verdict (..rmdir [path])]
+ ## (if (bit\= false (:as Bit verdict))
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_find_directory [path]))
+ ## (wrap []))))
+ ## ))
+ ## (`` (implementation: #export default
+ ## (System IO)
+ ## (~~ (template [<name> <test> <constructor> <exception>]
+ ## [(def: (<name> path)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [verdict (<test> path)]
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap
+ ## (if verdict
+ ## (#try.Success (<constructor> path))
+ ## (exception.throw <exception> [path])))))]
+ ## [file ..is_file ..file ..cannot_find_file]
+ ## [directory ..is_dir ..directory ..cannot_find_directory]
+ ## ))
+ ## (def: (make_file path)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [verdict (..touch [path (|> instant.now io.run instant.relative duration.to_millis (i./ +1,000))])]
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap
+ ## (if verdict
+ ## (#try.Success (..file path))
+ ## (exception.throw ..cannot_make_file [path])))))
+ ## (def: (make_directory path)
+ ## (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ ## [verdict (..mkdir path)]
+ ## (\ io.monad wrap
+ ## (if verdict
+ ## (#try.Success (..directory path))
+ ## (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path])))))
+ ## (def: separator
+ ## ..default_separator)
+ ## ))
+ ## )
+ }
+ (as_is)))
+(def: #export (exists? monad fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (Monad !) (System !) Path (! Bit)))
+ (do monad
+ [verdict (\ fs file? path)]
+ (if verdict
+ (wrap verdict)
+ (\ fs directory? path))))
+(type: Mock_File
+ {#mock_last_modified Instant
+ #mock_can_execute Bit
+ #mock_content Binary})
+(type: #rec Mock
+ (Dictionary Text (Either Mock_File Mock)))
+(def: empty_mock
+ Mock
+ (dictionary.new text.hash))
+(def: (retrieve_mock_file! separator path mock)
+ (-> Text Path Mock (Try [Text Mock_File]))
+ (loop [directory mock
+ trail (text.split_all_with separator path)]
+ (case trail
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case (dictionary.get head directory)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path])
+ (#.Some node)
+ (case [node tail]
+ [(#.Left file) #.Nil]
+ (#try.Success [head file])
+ [(#.Right sub_directory) (#.Cons _)]
+ (recur sub_directory tail)
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path])))
+ #.Nil
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))))
+(def: (update_mock_file! / path now content mock)
+ (-> Text Path Instant Binary Mock (Try Mock))
+ (loop [directory mock
+ trail (text.split_all_with / path)]
+ (case trail
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case (dictionary.get head directory)
+ #.None
+ (case tail
+ #.Nil
+ (#try.Success (dictionary.put head
+ (#.Left {#mock_last_modified now
+ #mock_can_execute false
+ #mock_content content})
+ directory))
+ (#.Cons _)
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))
+ (#.Some node)
+ (case [node tail]
+ [(#.Left file) #.Nil]
+ (#try.Success (dictionary.put head
+ (#.Left (|> file
+ (set@ #mock_last_modified now)
+ (set@ #mock_content content)))
+ directory))
+ [(#.Right sub_directory) (#.Cons _)]
+ (do try.monad
+ [sub_directory (recur sub_directory tail)]
+ (wrap (dictionary.put head (#.Right sub_directory) directory)))
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path])))
+ #.Nil
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_file [path]))))
+(def: (mock_delete! / path mock)
+ (-> Text Path Mock (Try Mock))
+ (loop [directory mock
+ trail (text.split_all_with / path)]
+ (case trail
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case (dictionary.get head directory)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_delete [path])
+ (#.Some node)
+ (case tail
+ #.Nil
+ (case node
+ (#.Left file)
+ (#try.Success (dictionary.remove head directory))
+ (#.Right sub_directory)
+ (if (dictionary.empty? sub_directory)
+ (#try.Success (dictionary.remove head directory))
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_delete [path])))
+ (#.Cons _)
+ (case node
+ (#.Left file)
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_delete [path])
+ (#.Right sub_directory)
+ (do try.monad
+ [sub_directory' (recur sub_directory tail)]
+ (wrap (dictionary.put head (#.Right sub_directory') directory))))))
+ #.Nil
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_delete [path]))))
+(def: (try_update! transform var)
+ (All [a] (-> (-> a (Try a)) (Var a) (STM (Try Any))))
+ (do {! stm.monad}
+ [|var| (stm.read var)]
+ (case (transform |var|)
+ (#try.Success |var|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.write |var| var)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))
+(def: (make_mock_directory! / path mock)
+ (-> Text Path Mock (Try Mock))
+ (loop [directory mock
+ trail (text.split_all_with / path)]
+ (case trail
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case (dictionary.get head directory)
+ #.None
+ (case tail
+ #.Nil
+ (#try.Success (dictionary.put head (#.Right ..empty_mock) directory))
+ (#.Cons _)
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path]))
+ (#.Some node)
+ (case [node tail]
+ [(#.Right sub_directory) (#.Cons _)]
+ (do try.monad
+ [sub_directory (recur sub_directory tail)]
+ (wrap (dictionary.put head (#.Right sub_directory) directory)))
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path])))
+ #.Nil
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path]))))
+(def: (retrieve_mock_directory! / path mock)
+ (-> Text Path Mock (Try Mock))
+ (loop [directory mock
+ trail (text.split_all_with / path)]
+ (case trail
+ #.Nil
+ (#try.Success directory)
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case (dictionary.get head directory)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_directory [path])
+ (#.Some node)
+ (case node
+ (#.Left _)
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_find_directory [path])
+ (#.Right sub_directory)
+ (case tail
+ #.Nil
+ (#try.Success sub_directory)
+ (#.Cons _)
+ (recur sub_directory tail)))))))
+(def: #export (mock separator)
+ (-> Text (System Promise))
+ (let [store (stm.var ..empty_mock)]
+ (`` (implementation
+ (def: separator
+ separator)
+ (~~ (template [<method> <retrieve>]
+ [(def: (<method> path)
+ (|> store
+ stm.read
+ (\ stm.monad map
+ (|>> (<retrieve> separator path)
+ (try\map (function.constant true))
+ (try.default false)))
+ stm.commit))]
+ [file? ..retrieve_mock_file!]
+ [directory? ..retrieve_mock_directory!]))
+ (def: (make_directory path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do {! stm.monad}
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (case (..make_mock_directory! separator path |store|)
+ (#try.Success |store|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.write |store| store)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error))))))
+ (~~ (template [<method> <tag>]
+ [(def: (<method> path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (wrap (do try.monad
+ [directory (..retrieve_mock_directory! separator path |store|)]
+ (wrap (|> directory
+ dictionary.entries
+ (list.all (function (_ [node_name node])
+ (case node
+ (<tag> _)
+ (#.Some (format path separator node_name))
+ _
+ #.None))))))))))]
+ [directory_files #.Left]
+ [sub_directories #.Right]
+ ))
+ (def: (file_size path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (wrap (|> |store|
+ (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path)
+ (try\map (|>> product.right
+ (get@ #mock_content)
+ binary.size)))))))
+ (def: (last_modified path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (wrap (|> |store|
+ (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path)
+ (try\map (|>> product.right
+ (get@ #mock_last_modified))))))))
+ (def: (can_execute? path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (wrap (|> |store|
+ (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path)
+ (try\map (|>> product.right
+ (get@ #mock_can_execute))))))))
+ (def: (read path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (wrap (|> |store|
+ (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path)
+ (try\map (|>> product.right
+ (get@ #mock_content))))))))
+ (def: (delete path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (..try_update! (..mock_delete! separator path) store)))
+ (def: (modify now path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (..try_update! (function (_ |store|)
+ (do try.monad
+ [[name file] (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path |store|)]
+ (..update_mock_file! separator path now (get@ #mock_content file) |store|)))
+ store)))
+ (def: (write content path)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [now (promise.future instant.now)]
+ (stm.commit
+ (..try_update! (..update_mock_file! separator path now content) store))))
+ (def: (append content path)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [now (promise.future instant.now)]
+ (stm.commit
+ (..try_update! (function (_ |store|)
+ (do try.monad
+ [[name file] (..retrieve_mock_file! separator path |store|)]
+ (..update_mock_file! separator path now
+ (\ binary.monoid compose
+ (get@ #mock_content file)
+ content)
+ |store|)))
+ store))))
+ (def: (move destination origin)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do {! stm.monad}
+ [|store| (stm.read store)]
+ (case (do try.monad
+ [[name file] (..retrieve_mock_file! separator origin |store|)
+ |store| (..mock_delete! separator origin |store|)]
+ (..update_mock_file! separator destination (get@ #mock_last_modified file) (get@ #mock_content file) |store|))
+ (#try.Success |store|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.write |store| store)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error))))))
+ ))))
+(def: (check_or_make_directory monad fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (Monad !) (System !) Path (! (Try Any))))
+ (do monad
+ [? (\ fs directory? path)]
+ (if ?
+ (wrap (#try.Success []))
+ (\ fs make_directory path))))
+(def: #export (make_directories monad fs path)
+ (All [!] (-> (Monad !) (System !) Path (! (Try Any))))
+ (let [rooted? (text.starts_with? (\ fs separator) path)
+ segments (text.split_all_with (\ fs separator) path)]
+ (case (if rooted?
+ (list.drop 1 segments)
+ segments)
+ #.Nil
+ (\ monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path]))
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (case head
+ "" (\ monad wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_make_directory [path]))
+ _ (loop [current (if rooted?
+ (format (\ fs separator) head)
+ head)
+ next tail]
+ (do monad
+ [? (..check_or_make_directory monad fs current)]
+ (case ?
+ (#try.Success _)
+ (case next
+ #.Nil
+ (wrap (#try.Success []))
+ (#.Cons head tail)
+ (recur (format current (\ fs separator) head)
+ tail))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))))))
+(def: #export (make_file monad fs content path)
+ (All [!] (-> (Monad !) (System !) Binary Path (! (Try Any))))
+ (do monad
+ [? (\ fs file? path)]
+ (if ?
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_make_file [path]))
+ (\ fs write content path))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file/watch.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file/watch.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df655ed9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/file/watch.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ ["." ffi (#+ import:)]
+ [abstract
+ [predicate (#+ Predicate)]
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]
+ ["." stm (#+ STM Var)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]
+ ["." list ("#\." functor monoid fold)]
+ ["." set]
+ ["." array]]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant) ("#\." equivalence)]]
+ [type
+ [abstract (#+ abstract: :representation :abstraction)]]]]
+ ["." //])
+(abstract: #export Concern
+ {#create Bit
+ #modify Bit
+ #delete Bit}
+ (def: none
+ Concern
+ (:abstraction
+ {#create false
+ #modify false
+ #delete false}))
+ (template [<concern> <predicate> <event> <create> <modify> <delete>]
+ [(def: #export <concern>
+ Concern
+ (:abstraction
+ {#create <create>
+ #modify <modify>
+ #delete <delete>}))
+ (def: #export <predicate>
+ (Predicate Concern)
+ (|>> :representation (get@ <event>)))]
+ [creation creation? #create
+ true false false]
+ [modification modification? #modify
+ false true false]
+ [deletion deletion? #delete
+ false false true]
+ )
+ (def: #export (also left right)
+ (-> Concern Concern Concern)
+ (:abstraction
+ {#create (or (..creation? left) (..creation? right))
+ #modify (or (..modification? left) (..modification? right))
+ #delete (or (..deletion? left) (..deletion? right))}))
+ (def: #export all
+ Concern
+ ($_ ..also
+ ..creation
+ ..modification
+ ..deletion
+ ))
+ )
+(interface: #export (Watcher !)
+ (: (-> Concern //.Path (! (Try Any)))
+ start)
+ (: (-> //.Path (! (Try Concern)))
+ concern)
+ (: (-> //.Path (! (Try Concern)))
+ stop)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try (List [Concern //.Path]))))
+ poll))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {path //.Path})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Path" (%.text path)]))]
+ [not_being_watched]
+ [cannot_poll_a_non_existent_directory]
+ )
+(type: File_Tracker
+ (Dictionary //.Path Instant))
+(type: Directory_Tracker
+ (Dictionary //.Path [Concern File_Tracker]))
+(def: (update_watch! new_concern path tracker)
+ (-> Concern //.Path (Var Directory_Tracker) (STM Bit))
+ (do {! stm.monad}
+ [@tracker (stm.read tracker)]
+ (case (dictionary.get path @tracker)
+ (#.Some [old_concern last_modified])
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.update (dictionary.put path [new_concern last_modified]) tracker)]
+ (wrap true))
+ #.None
+ (wrap false))))
+(def: (file_tracker fs directory)
+ (-> (//.System Promise) //.Path (Promise (Try File_Tracker)))
+ (do {! (try.with promise.monad)}
+ [files (\ fs directory_files directory)]
+ (monad.fold !
+ (function (_ file tracker)
+ (do !
+ [last_modified (\ fs last_modified file)]
+ (wrap (dictionary.put file last_modified tracker))))
+ (: File_Tracker
+ (dictionary.new text.hash))
+ files)))
+(def: (poll_files fs directory)
+ (-> (//.System Promise) //.Path (Promise (Try (List [//.Path Instant]))))
+ (do {! (try.with promise.monad)}
+ [files (\ fs directory_files directory)]
+ (monad.map ! (function (_ file)
+ (|> file
+ (\ fs last_modified)
+ (\ ! map (|>> [file]))))
+ files)))
+(def: (poll_directory_changes fs [directory [concern file_tracker]])
+ (-> (//.System Promise) [//.Path [Concern File_Tracker]]
+ (Promise (Try [[//.Path [Concern File_Tracker]]
+ [(List [//.Path Instant])
+ (List [//.Path Instant Instant])
+ (List //.Path)]])))
+ (do {! (try.with promise.monad)}
+ [current_files (..poll_files fs directory)
+ #let [creations (if (..creation? concern)
+ (list.filter (|>> product.left (dictionary.key? file_tracker) not)
+ current_files)
+ (list))
+ available (|> current_files
+ (list\map product.left)
+ (set.from_list text.hash))
+ deletions (if (..deletion? concern)
+ (|> (dictionary.entries file_tracker)
+ (list\map product.left)
+ (list.filter (|>> (set.member? available) not)))
+ (list))
+ modifications (list.all (function (_ [path current_modification])
+ (do maybe.monad
+ [previous_modification (dictionary.get path file_tracker)]
+ (wrap [path previous_modification current_modification])))
+ current_files)]]
+ (wrap [[directory
+ [concern
+ (let [with_deletions (list\fold dictionary.remove file_tracker deletions)
+ with_creations (list\fold (function (_ [path last_modified] tracker)
+ (dictionary.put path last_modified tracker))
+ with_deletions
+ creations)
+ with_modifications (list\fold (function (_ [path previous_modification current_modification] tracker)
+ (dictionary.put path current_modification tracker))
+ with_creations
+ modifications)]
+ with_modifications)]]
+ [creations
+ modifications
+ deletions]])))
+(def: #export (polling fs)
+ (-> (//.System Promise) (Watcher Promise))
+ (let [tracker (: (Var Directory_Tracker)
+ (stm.var (dictionary.new text.hash)))]
+ (implementation
+ (def: (start new_concern path)
+ (do {! promise.monad}
+ [exists? (\ fs directory? path)]
+ (if exists?
+ (do !
+ [updated? (stm.commit (..update_watch! new_concern path tracker))]
+ (if updated?
+ (wrap (#try.Success []))
+ (do (try.with !)
+ [file_tracker (..file_tracker fs path)]
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.commit (stm.update (dictionary.put path [new_concern file_tracker]) tracker))]
+ (wrap (#try.Success []))))))
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..cannot_poll_a_non_existent_directory [path])))))
+ (def: (concern path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do stm.monad
+ [@tracker (stm.read tracker)]
+ (wrap (case (dictionary.get path @tracker)
+ (#.Some [concern file_tracker])
+ (#try.Success concern)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..not_being_watched [path]))))))
+ (def: (stop path)
+ (stm.commit
+ (do {! stm.monad}
+ [@tracker (stm.read tracker)]
+ (case (dictionary.get path @tracker)
+ (#.Some [concern file_tracker])
+ (do !
+ [_ (stm.update (dictionary.remove path) tracker)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success concern)))
+ #.None
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..not_being_watched [path]))))))
+ (def: (poll _)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [@tracker (stm.commit (stm.read tracker))]
+ (do {! (try.with promise.monad)}
+ [changes (|> @tracker
+ dictionary.entries
+ (monad.map ! (..poll_directory_changes fs)))
+ _ (do promise.monad
+ [_ (stm.commit (stm.write (|> changes
+ (list\map product.left)
+ (dictionary.from_list text.hash))
+ tracker))]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ #let [[creations modifications deletions]
+ (list\fold (function (_ [_ [creations modifications deletions]]
+ [all_creations all_modifications all_deletions])
+ [(list\compose creations all_creations)
+ (list\compose modifications all_modifications)
+ (list\compose deletions all_deletions)])
+ [(list) (list) (list)]
+ changes)]]
+ (wrap ($_ list\compose
+ (list\map (|>> product.left [..creation]) creations)
+ (|> modifications
+ (list.filter (function (_ [path previous_modification current_modification])
+ (not (instant\= previous_modification current_modification))))
+ (list\map (|>> product.left [..modification])))
+ (list\map (|>> [..deletion]) deletions)
+ )))))
+ )))
+(def: #export (mock separator)
+ (-> Text [(//.System Promise) (Watcher Promise)])
+ (let [fs (//.mock separator)]
+ [fs
+ (..polling fs)]))
+(with_expansions [<jvm> (as_is (import: java/lang/Object)
+ (import: java/lang/String)
+ (import: (java/util/List a)
+ ["#::."
+ (size [] int)
+ (get [int] a)])
+ (def: (default_list list)
+ (All [a] (-> (java/util/List a) (List a)))
+ (let [size (.nat (java/util/List::size list))]
+ (loop [idx 0
+ output #.Nil]
+ (if (n.< size idx)
+ (recur (inc idx)
+ (#.Cons (java/util/List::get (.int idx) list)
+ output))
+ output))))
+ (import: (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind a))
+ (import: (java/nio/file/WatchEvent a)
+ ["#::."
+ (kind [] (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind a))])
+ (import: java/nio/file/Watchable)
+ (import: java/nio/file/Path
+ ["#::."
+ (register [java/nio/file/WatchService [(java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind [? < java/lang/Object])]] #io #try java/nio/file/WatchKey)
+ (toString [] java/lang/String)])
+ (import: java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds
+ ["#::."
+ (#static ENTRY_CREATE (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/nio/file/Path))
+ (#static ENTRY_MODIFY (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/nio/file/Path))
+ (#static ENTRY_DELETE (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/nio/file/Path))])
+ (def: (default_event_concern event)
+ (All [a]
+ (-> (java/nio/file/WatchEvent a) Concern))
+ (let [kind (:as (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/nio/file/Path)
+ (java/nio/file/WatchEvent::kind event))]
+ (cond (is? (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_CREATE)
+ kind)
+ ..creation
+ (is? (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_MODIFY)
+ kind)
+ ..modification
+ (is? (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_DELETE)
+ kind)
+ ..deletion
+ ## else
+ ..none
+ )))
+ (import: java/nio/file/WatchKey
+ ["#::."
+ (reset [] #io boolean)
+ (cancel [] #io void)
+ (watchable [] java/nio/file/Watchable)
+ (pollEvents [] #io (java/util/List (java/nio/file/WatchEvent ?)))])
+ (def: default_key_concern
+ (-> java/nio/file/WatchKey (IO Concern))
+ (|>> java/nio/file/WatchKey::pollEvents
+ (\ io.monad map (|>> ..default_list
+ (list\map default_event_concern)
+ (list\fold ..also ..none)))))
+ (import: java/nio/file/WatchService
+ ["#::."
+ (poll [] #io #try #? java/nio/file/WatchKey)])
+ (import: java/nio/file/FileSystem
+ ["#::."
+ (newWatchService [] #io #try java/nio/file/WatchService)])
+ (import: java/nio/file/FileSystems
+ ["#::."
+ (#static getDefault [] java/nio/file/FileSystem)])
+ (import: java/io/File
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/lang/String])
+ (toPath [] java/nio/file/Path)])
+ (type: Watch_Event
+ (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/lang/Object))
+ (def: (default_start watch_events watcher path)
+ (-> (List Watch_Event) java/nio/file/WatchService //.Path (Promise (Try java/nio/file/WatchKey)))
+ (let [watch_events' (list\fold (function (_ [index watch_event] watch_events')
+ (ffi.array_write index watch_event watch_events'))
+ (ffi.array (java/nio/file/WatchEvent$Kind java/lang/Object)
+ (list.size watch_events))
+ (list.enumeration watch_events))]
+ (promise.future
+ (java/nio/file/Path::register watcher
+ watch_events'
+ (|> path java/io/File::new java/io/File::toPath)))))
+ (def: (default_poll watcher)
+ (-> java/nio/file/WatchService (IO (Try (List [Concern //.Path]))))
+ (loop [output (: (List [Concern //.Path])
+ (list))]
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [?key (java/nio/file/WatchService::poll watcher)]
+ (case ?key
+ (#.Some key)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [valid? (java/nio/file/WatchKey::reset key)]
+ (if valid?
+ (do !
+ [#let [path (|> key
+ java/nio/file/WatchKey::watchable
+ (:as java/nio/file/Path)
+ java/nio/file/Path::toString
+ (:as //.Path))]
+ concern (..default_key_concern key)]
+ (recur (#.Cons [concern path]
+ output)))
+ (recur output)))
+ #.None
+ (wrap output)))))
+ (def: (watch_events concern)
+ (-> Concern (List Watch_Event))
+ ($_ list\compose
+ (if (..creation? concern)
+ (list (:as Watch_Event (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_CREATE)))
+ (list))
+ (if (..modification? concern)
+ (list (:as Watch_Event (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_MODIFY)))
+ (list))
+ (if (..deletion? concern)
+ (list (:as Watch_Event (java/nio/file/StandardWatchEventKinds::ENTRY_DELETE)))
+ (list))
+ ))
+ (def: #export default
+ (IO (Try (Watcher Promise)))
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [watcher (java/nio/file/FileSystem::newWatchService
+ (java/nio/file/FileSystems::getDefault))
+ #let [tracker (stm.var (: (Dictionary //.Path [Concern java/nio/file/WatchKey])
+ (dictionary.new text.hash)))
+ stop (: (-> //.Path (Promise (Try Concern)))
+ (function (_ path)
+ (do {! promise.monad}
+ [@tracker (stm.commit (stm.read tracker))]
+ (case (dictionary.get path @tracker)
+ (#.Some [concern key])
+ (do !
+ [_ (promise.future
+ (java/nio/file/WatchKey::cancel key))
+ _ (stm.commit (stm.update (dictionary.remove path) tracker))]
+ (wrap (#try.Success concern)))
+ #.None
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..not_being_watched [path]))))))]]
+ (wrap (: (Watcher Promise)
+ (implementation
+ (def: (start concern path)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [?concern (stop path)]
+ (do (try.with promise.monad)
+ [key (..default_start (..watch_events (..also (try.default ..none ?concern)
+ concern))
+ watcher
+ path)]
+ (do promise.monad
+ [_ (stm.commit (stm.update (dictionary.put path [concern key]) tracker))]
+ (wrap (#try.Success []))))))
+ (def: (concern path)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [@tracker (stm.commit (stm.read tracker))]
+ (case (dictionary.get path @tracker)
+ (#.Some [concern key])
+ (wrap (#try.Success concern))
+ #.None
+ (wrap (exception.throw ..not_being_watched [path])))))
+ (def: stop stop)
+ (def: (poll _)
+ (promise.future (..default_poll watcher)))
+ )))))
+ )]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <jvm>)}
+ (as_is)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c65fe493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*]])
+(type: #export Key
+ Nat)
+(template [<code> <name>]
+ [(def: #export <name> Key <code>)]
+ [00008 back_space]
+ [00010 enter]
+ [00016 shift]
+ [00017 control]
+ [00018 alt]
+ [00020 caps_lock]
+ [00027 escape]
+ [00032 space]
+ [00033 page_up]
+ [00034 page_down]
+ [00035 end]
+ [00036 home]
+ [00037 left]
+ [00038 up]
+ [00039 right]
+ [00040 down]
+ [00065 a]
+ [00066 b]
+ [00067 c]
+ [00068 d]
+ [00069 e]
+ [00070 f]
+ [00071 g]
+ [00072 h]
+ [00073 i]
+ [00074 j]
+ [00075 k]
+ [00076 l]
+ [00077 m]
+ [00078 n]
+ [00079 o]
+ [00080 p]
+ [00081 q]
+ [00082 r]
+ [00083 s]
+ [00084 t]
+ [00085 u]
+ [00086 v]
+ [00087 w]
+ [00088 x]
+ [00089 y]
+ [00090 z]
+ [00096 num_pad_0]
+ [00097 num_pad_1]
+ [00098 num_pad_2]
+ [00099 num_pad_3]
+ [00100 num_pad_4]
+ [00101 num_pad_5]
+ [00102 num_pad_6]
+ [00103 num_pad_7]
+ [00104 num_pad_8]
+ [00105 num_pad_9]
+ [00127 delete]
+ [00144 num_lock]
+ [00145 scroll_lock]
+ [00154 print_screen]
+ [00155 insert]
+ [00524 windows]
+ [00112 f1]
+ [00113 f2]
+ [00114 f3]
+ [00115 f4]
+ [00116 f5]
+ [00117 f6]
+ [00118 f7]
+ [00119 f8]
+ [00120 f9]
+ [00121 f10]
+ [00122 f11]
+ [00123 f12]
+ [61440 f13]
+ [61441 f14]
+ [61442 f15]
+ [61443 f16]
+ [61444 f17]
+ [61445 f18]
+ [61446 f19]
+ [61447 f20]
+ [61448 f21]
+ [61449 f22]
+ [61450 f23]
+ [61451 f24]
+ )
+(type: #export Press
+ {#pressed? Bit
+ #input Key})
+(template [<bit> <name>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> key)
+ (-> Key Press)
+ {#pressed? <bit>
+ #input key})]
+ [#0 release]
+ [#1 press]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cea1b4a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- Location)]])
+(type: #export Address Text)
+(type: #export Port Nat)
+(type: #export URL Text)
+(type: #export Location
+ {#address Address
+ #port Port})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e205e2a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [try (#+ Try)]
+ [concurrency
+ [promise (#+ Promise)]
+ [frp (#+ Channel)]]
+ [parser
+ ["." environment (#+ Environment)]]]
+ [data
+ [binary (#+ Binary)]]]]
+ [// (#+ URL)
+ [uri (#+ URI)]])
+(type: #export Version
+ Text)
+(type: #export Method
+ #Post
+ #Get
+ #Put
+ #Patch
+ #Delete
+ #Head
+ #Connect
+ #Options
+ #Trace)
+(type: #export Port
+ Nat)
+(type: #export Status
+ Nat)
+(type: #export Headers
+ Environment)
+(def: #export empty
+ Headers
+ environment.empty)
+(type: #export Header
+ (-> Headers Headers))
+(type: #export (Body !)
+ (-> (Maybe Nat) (! (Try [Nat Binary]))))
+(type: #export Scheme
+(type: #export Address
+ {#port Port
+ #host Text})
+(type: #export Identification
+ {#local Address
+ #remote Address})
+(type: #export Protocol
+ {#version Version
+ #scheme Scheme})
+(type: #export Resource
+ {#method Method
+ #uri URI})
+(type: #export (Message !)
+ {#headers Headers
+ #body (Body !)})
+(type: #export (Request !)
+ [Identification Protocol Resource (Message !)])
+(type: #export (Response !)
+ [Status (Message !)])
+(type: #export (Server !)
+ (-> (Request !) (! (Response !))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/client.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/client.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a7a93e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/client.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ ["." ffi]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case>)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." binary (#+ Binary)]
+ ["." maybe ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." text]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]
+ ["i" int]]]]]
+ ["." //
+ [// (#+ URL)]])
+(interface: #export (Client !)
+ (: (-> //.Method URL //.Headers (Maybe Binary)
+ (! (Try (//.Response !))))
+ request))
+(template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> url headers data client)
+ (All [!]
+ (-> URL //.Headers (Maybe Binary) (Client !)
+ (! (Try (//.Response !)))))
+ (\ client request <method> url headers data))]
+ [post #//.Post]
+ [get #//.Get]
+ [put #//.Put]
+ [patch #//.Patch]
+ [delete #//.Delete]
+ [head #//.Head]
+ [connect #//.Connect]
+ [options #//.Options]
+ [trace #//.Trace]
+ )
+(def: default_buffer_size
+ (n.* 1,024 1,024))
+(def: empty_body
+ [Nat Binary]
+ [0 (binary.create 0)])
+(def: (body_of data)
+ (-> Binary [Nat Binary])
+ [(binary.size data) data])
+(with_expansions [<jvm> (as_is (ffi.import: java/lang/String)
+ (ffi.import: java/lang/AutoCloseable
+ ["#::."
+ (close [] #io #try void)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/InputStream)
+ (ffi.import: java/io/OutputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (flush [] #io #try void)
+ (write [[byte]] #io #try void)])
+ (ffi.import: java/net/URLConnection
+ ["#::."
+ (setDoOutput [boolean] #io #try void)
+ (setRequestProperty [java/lang/String java/lang/String] #io #try void)
+ (getInputStream [] #io #try java/io/InputStream)
+ (getOutputStream [] #io #try java/io/OutputStream)
+ (getHeaderFieldKey [int] #io #try #? java/lang/String)
+ (getHeaderField [int] #io #try #? java/lang/String)])
+ (ffi.import: java/net/HttpURLConnection
+ ["#::."
+ (setRequestMethod [java/lang/String] #io #try void)
+ (getResponseCode [] #io #try int)])
+ (ffi.import: java/net/URL
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/lang/String])
+ (openConnection [] #io #try java/net/URLConnection)])
+ (ffi.import: java/io/BufferedInputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/io/InputStream])
+ (read [[byte] int int] #io #try int)])
+ (def: jvm_method
+ (-> //.Method Text)
+ (|>> (case> #//.Post "POST"
+ #//.Get "GET"
+ #//.Put "PUT"
+ #//.Patch "PATCH"
+ #//.Delete "DELETE"
+ #//.Head "HEAD"
+ #//.Connect "CONNECT"
+ #//.Options "OPTIONS"
+ #//.Trace "TRACE")))
+ (def: (default_body input)
+ (-> java/io/BufferedInputStream (//.Body IO))
+ (|>> (maybe\map (|>> [true]))
+ (maybe.default [false ..default_buffer_size])
+ (case> [_ 0]
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [_ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close input)]
+ (wrap ..empty_body))
+ [partial? buffer_size]
+ (let [buffer (binary.create buffer_size)]
+ (if partial?
+ (loop [so_far +0]
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [#let [remaining (i.- so_far (.int buffer_size))]
+ bytes_read (java/io/BufferedInputStream::read buffer so_far remaining input)]
+ (case bytes_read
+ -1 (do !
+ [_ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close input)]
+ (wrap [(.nat so_far) buffer]))
+ +0 (recur so_far)
+ _ (if (i.= remaining bytes_read)
+ (wrap [buffer_size buffer])
+ (recur (i.+ bytes_read so_far))))))
+ (loop [so_far +0
+ output (\ binary.monoid identity)]
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [#let [remaining (i.- so_far (.int buffer_size))]
+ bytes_read (java/io/BufferedInputStream::read buffer so_far remaining input)]
+ (case bytes_read
+ -1 (do !
+ [_ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close input)]
+ (case so_far
+ +0 (wrap (..body_of output))
+ _ (|> buffer
+ (binary.slice 0 (.nat so_far))
+ (\ try.functor map
+ (|>> (\ binary.monoid compose output)
+ ..body_of))
+ (\ io.monad wrap))))
+ +0 (recur so_far output)
+ _ (if (i.= remaining bytes_read)
+ (recur +0
+ (\ binary.monoid compose output buffer))
+ (recur (i.+ bytes_read so_far)
+ output))))))))))
+ (def: (default_headers connection)
+ (-> java/net/HttpURLConnection (IO (Try //.Headers)))
+ (loop [index +0
+ headers //.empty]
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [?name (java/net/URLConnection::getHeaderFieldKey index connection)]
+ (case ?name
+ (#.Some name)
+ (do !
+ [?value (java/net/URLConnection::getHeaderField index connection)]
+ (recur (inc index)
+ (dictionary.put name (maybe.default "" ?value) headers)))
+ #.None
+ (wrap headers)))))
+ (implementation: #export default
+ (Client IO)
+ (def: (request method url headers data)
+ (: (IO (Try (//.Response IO)))
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [connection (|> url java/net/URL::new java/net/URL::openConnection)
+ #let [connection (:as java/net/HttpURLConnection connection)]
+ _ (java/net/HttpURLConnection::setRequestMethod (..jvm_method method) connection)
+ _ (monad.map ! (function (_ [name value])
+ (java/net/URLConnection::setRequestProperty name value connection))
+ (dictionary.entries headers))
+ _ (case data
+ (#.Some data)
+ (do !
+ [_ (java/net/URLConnection::setDoOutput true connection)
+ stream (java/net/URLConnection::getOutputStream connection)
+ _ (java/io/OutputStream::write data stream)
+ _ (java/io/OutputStream::flush stream)
+ _ (java/lang/AutoCloseable::close stream)]
+ (wrap []))
+ #.None
+ (wrap []))
+ status (java/net/HttpURLConnection::getResponseCode connection)
+ headers (..default_headers connection)
+ input (|> connection
+ java/net/URLConnection::getInputStream
+ (\ ! map (|>> java/io/BufferedInputStream::new)))]
+ (wrap [(.nat status)
+ {#//.headers headers
+ #//.body (..default_body input)}]))))))]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <jvm>)}
+ (as_is)))
+(implementation: #export (async client)
+ (-> (Client IO) (Client Promise))
+ (def: (request method url headers data)
+ (|> (\ client request method url headers data)
+ promise.future
+ (\ promise.monad map
+ (|>> (case> (#try.Success [status message])
+ (#try.Success [status (update@ #//.body (: (-> (//.Body IO) (//.Body Promise))
+ (function (_ body)
+ (|>> body promise.future)))
+ message)])
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)))))))
+(def: #export headers
+ (-> (List [Text Text]) //.Headers)
+ (dictionary.from_list text.hash))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/cookie.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/cookie.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08a75fecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/cookie.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [monad (#+ do)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["p" parser ("#\." monad)
+ ["l" text (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["i" int]]
+ [text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [format
+ ["." context (#+ Context)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [time
+ ["." duration (#+ Duration)]]]]
+ ["." // (#+ Header)
+ ["." header]])
+(type: #export Directive (-> Text Text))
+(def: (directive extension)
+ (-> Text Directive)
+ (function (_ so-far)
+ (format so-far "; " extension)))
+(def: #export (set name value)
+ (-> Text Text Header)
+ (header.add "Set-Cookie" (format name "=" value)))
+(def: #export (max-age duration)
+ (-> Duration Directive)
+ (let [seconds (duration.query duration.second duration)]
+ (..directive (format "Max-Age=" (if (i.< +0 seconds)
+ (%.int seconds)
+ (%.nat (.nat seconds)))))))
+(template [<name> <prefix>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> value)
+ (-> Text Directive)
+ (..directive (format <prefix> "=" value)))]
+ [domain "Domain"]
+ [path "Path"]
+ )
+(template [<name> <tag>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Directive
+ (..directive <tag>))]
+ [secure "Secure"]
+ [http-only "HttpOnly"]
+ )
+(type: #export CSRF-Policy
+ #Strict
+ #Lax)
+(def: #export (same-site policy)
+ (-> CSRF-Policy Directive)
+ (..directive (format "SameSite=" (case policy
+ #Strict "Strict"
+ #Lax "Lax"))))
+(def: (cookie context)
+ (-> Context (Parser Context))
+ (do p.monad
+ [key (l.slice (l.many! (l.none-of! "=")))
+ _ (l.this "=")
+ value (l.slice (l.many! (l.none-of! ";")))]
+ (wrap (dictionary.put key value context))))
+(def: (cookies context)
+ (-> Context (Parser Context))
+ ($_ p.either
+ (do p.monad
+ [context' (..cookie context)
+ _ (l.this "; ")]
+ (cookies context'))
+ (p\wrap context)))
+(def: #export (get header)
+ (-> Text (Try Context))
+ (l.run header (..cookies context.empty)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/header.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/header.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5b1882ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/header.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case>)]]
+ [data
+ [text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]]]]]
+ [// (#+ Header)
+ ["." mime (#+ MIME)]
+ [// (#+ URL)]])
+(def: #export (add name value)
+ (-> Text Text Header)
+ (dictionary.upsert name ""
+ (|>> (case>
+ ""
+ value
+ previous
+ (format previous "," value)))))
+(def: #export content-length
+ (-> Nat Header)
+ (|>> %.nat (..add "Content-Length")))
+(def: #export content-type
+ (-> MIME Header)
+ (|>> mime.name (..add "Content-Type")))
+(def: #export location
+ (-> URL Header)
+ (..add "Location"))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/mime.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/mime.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..859b0840e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/mime.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [data
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]
+ ["." encoding (#+ Encoding)]]]
+ [type
+ abstract]]])
+(abstract: #export MIME
+ Text
+ {#doc "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions"}
+ (def: #export mime
+ (-> Text MIME)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export name
+ (-> MIME Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ )
+## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Complete_list_of_MIME_types
+(template [<name> <type>]
+ [(def: #export <name> MIME (..mime <type>))]
+ [aac-audio "audio/aac"]
+ [abiword "application/x-abiword"]
+ [avi "video/x-msvideo"]
+ [amazon-kindle-ebook "application/vnd.amazon.ebook"]
+ [binary "application/octet-stream"]
+ [bitmap "image/bmp"]
+ [bzip "application/x-bzip"]
+ [bzip2 "application/x-bzip2"]
+ [c-shell "application/x-csh"]
+ [css "text/css"]
+ [csv "text/csv"]
+ [microsoft-word "application/msword"]
+ [microsoft-word-openxml "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"]
+ [ms-embedded-opentype-fonts "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"]
+ [epub "application/epub+zip"]
+ [ecmascript "application/ecmascript"]
+ [gif "image/gif"]
+ [html "text/html"]
+ [icon "image/x-icon"]
+ [icalendar "text/calendar"]
+ [jar "application/java-archive"]
+ [jpeg "image/jpeg"]
+ [javascript "application/javascript"]
+ [json "application/json"]
+ [midi "audio/midi"]
+ [mpeg "video/mpeg"]
+ [apple-installer-package "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml"]
+ [opendocument-presentation "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"]
+ [opendocument-spreadsheet "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"]
+ [opendocument-text "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"]
+ [ogg-audio "audio/ogg"]
+ [ogg-video "video/ogg"]
+ [ogg "application/ogg"]
+ [opentype-font "font/otf"]
+ [png "image/png"]
+ [pdf "application/pdf"]
+ [microsoft-powerpoint "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"]
+ [microsoft-powerpoint-openxml "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"]
+ [rar "application/x-rar-compressed"]
+ [rtf "application/rtf"]
+ [bourne-shell "application/x-sh"]
+ [svg "image/svg+xml"]
+ [flash "application/x-shockwave-flash"]
+ [tar "application/x-tar"]
+ [tiff "image/tiff"]
+ [typescript "application/typescript"]
+ [truetype-font "font/ttf"]
+ [microsoft-visio "application/vnd.visio"]
+ [wav "audio/wav"]
+ [webm-audio "audio/webm"]
+ [webm-video "video/webm"]
+ [webp "image/webp"]
+ [woff "font/woff"]
+ [woff2 "font/woff2"]
+ [xhtml "application/xhtml+xml"]
+ [microsoft-excel "application/vnd.ms-excel"]
+ [microsoft-excel-openxml "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"]
+ [xml "application/xml"]
+ [xul "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"]
+ [zip "application/zip"]
+ [!3gpp-audio "audio/3gpp"]
+ [!3gpp "video/3gpp"]
+ [!3gpp2-audio "audio/3gpp2"]
+ [!3gpp2 "video/3gpp2"]
+ [!7z "application/x-7z-compressed"]
+ )
+(def: #export (text encoding)
+ (-> Encoding MIME)
+ (..mime (format "text/plain; charset=" text.double-quote (encoding.name encoding) text.double-quote)))
+(def: #export utf-8 MIME (..text encoding.utf-8))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/query.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/query.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6b8936b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/query.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ pipe
+ [monad (#+ do)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["p" parser
+ ["l" text (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["." nat]]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [format
+ ["." context (#+ Context)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]]])
+(def: component
+ (Parser Text)
+ (p.rec
+ (function (_ component)
+ (do {! p.monad}
+ [head (l.some (l.none-of "+%&;"))]
+ ($_ p.either
+ (p.after (p.either l.end
+ (l.this "&"))
+ (wrap head))
+ (do !
+ [_ (l.this "+")
+ tail component]
+ (wrap (format head " " tail)))
+ (do !
+ [_ (l.this "%")
+ code (|> (l.exactly 2 l.hexadecimal)
+ (p.codec nat.hex)
+ (\ ! map text.from-code))
+ tail component]
+ (wrap (format head code tail))))))))
+(def: (form context)
+ (-> Context (Parser Context))
+ ($_ p.either
+ (do p.monad
+ [_ l.end]
+ (wrap context))
+ (do {! p.monad}
+ [key (l.some (l.none-of "=&;"))
+ key (l.local key ..component)]
+ (p.either (do !
+ [_ (l.this "=")
+ value ..component]
+ (form (dictionary.put key value context)))
+ (do !
+ [_ ($_ p.or
+ (l.one-of "&;")
+ l.end)]
+ (form (dictionary.put key "" context)))))
+ ## if invalid form data, just stop parsing...
+ (\ p.monad wrap context)))
+(def: #export (parameters raw)
+ (-> Text (Try Context))
+ (l.run raw (..form context.empty)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/request.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/request.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a6911798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/request.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ pipe
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]
+ ["." frp]]
+ [parser
+ ["<.>" json]]]
+ [data
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." number
+ ["n" nat]]
+ ["." text
+ ["." encoding]]
+ [format
+ ["." json (#+ JSON)]
+ ["." context (#+ Context Property)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [world
+ ["." binary (#+ Binary)]]]]
+ ["." // (#+ Body Response Server)
+ ["#." response]
+ ["#." query]
+ ["#." cookie]])
+(def: (merge inputs)
+ (-> (List Binary) Binary)
+ (let [[_ output] (try.assume
+ (monad.fold try.monad
+ (function (_ input [offset output])
+ (let [amount (binary.size input)]
+ (\ try.functor map (|>> [(n.+ amount offset)])
+ (binary.copy amount 0 input offset output))))
+ [0 (|> inputs
+ (list\map binary.size)
+ (list\fold n.+ 0)
+ binary.create)]
+ inputs))]
+ output))
+(def: (read-text-body body)
+ (-> Body (Promise (Try Text)))
+ (do promise.monad
+ [blobs (frp.consume body)]
+ (wrap (\ encoding.utf8 decode (merge blobs)))))
+(def: failure (//response.bad-request ""))
+(def: #export (json reader server)
+ (All [a] (-> (<json>.Reader a) (-> a Server) Server))
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (do promise.monad
+ [?raw (read-text-body (get@ #//.body message))]
+ (case (do try.monad
+ [raw ?raw
+ content (\ json.codec decode raw)]
+ (json.run content reader))
+ (#try.Success input)
+ (server input request)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (promise.resolved ..failure)))))
+(def: #export (text server)
+ (-> (-> Text Server) Server)
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (do promise.monad
+ [?raw (read-text-body (get@ #//.body message))]
+ (case ?raw
+ (#try.Success content)
+ (server content request)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (promise.resolved ..failure)))))
+(def: #export (query property server)
+ (All [a] (-> (Property a) (-> a Server) Server))
+ (function (_ [identification protocol resource message])
+ (let [full (get@ #//.uri resource)
+ [uri query] (|> full
+ (text.split-with "?")
+ (maybe.default [full ""]))]
+ (case (do try.monad
+ [query (//query.parameters query)
+ input (context.run query property)]
+ (wrap [[identification protocol (set@ #//.uri uri resource) message]
+ input]))
+ (#try.Success [request input])
+ (server input request)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (promise.resolved ..failure)))))
+(def: #export (form property server)
+ (All [a] (-> (Property a) (-> a Server) Server))
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (do promise.monad
+ [?body (read-text-body (get@ #//.body message))]
+ (case (do try.monad
+ [body ?body
+ form (//query.parameters body)]
+ (context.run form property))
+ (#try.Success input)
+ (server input request)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (promise.resolved ..failure)))))
+(def: #export (cookies property server)
+ (All [a] (-> (Property a) (-> a Server) Server))
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (case (do try.monad
+ [cookies (|> (get@ #//.headers message)
+ (dictionary.get "Cookie")
+ (maybe.default "")
+ //cookie.get)]
+ (context.run cookies property))
+ (#try.Success input)
+ (server input request)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (promise.resolved ..failure))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/response.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/response.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ca825a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/response.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- static)
+ [control
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise]
+ ["." frp ("#\." monad)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text
+ ["." encoding]]
+ [format
+ ["." html]
+ ["." css (#+ CSS)]
+ ["." context]
+ ["." json (#+ JSON) ("#\." codec)]]]
+ ["." io]
+ [world
+ ["." binary (#+ Binary)]]]]
+ ["." // (#+ Status Body Response Server)
+ ["." status]
+ ["." mime (#+ MIME)]
+ ["." header]
+ [// (#+ URL)]])
+(def: #export (static response)
+ (-> Response Server)
+ (function (_ request)
+ (promise.resolved response)))
+(def: #export empty
+ (-> Status Response)
+ (let [body (frp\wrap (\ encoding.utf8 encode ""))]
+ (function (_ status)
+ [status
+ {#//.headers (|> context.empty
+ (header.content-length 0)
+ (header.content-type mime.utf-8))
+ #//.body body}])))
+(def: #export (temporary-redirect to)
+ (-> URL Response)
+ (let [[status message] (..empty status.temporary-redirect)]
+ [status (update@ #//.headers (header.location to) message)]))
+(def: #export not-found
+ Response
+ (..empty status.not-found))
+(def: #export (content status type data)
+ (-> Status MIME Binary Response)
+ [status
+ {#//.headers (|> context.empty
+ (header.content-length (binary.size data))
+ (header.content-type type))
+ #//.body (frp\wrap data)}])
+(def: #export bad-request
+ (-> Text Response)
+ (|>> (\ encoding.utf8 encode) (content status.bad-request mime.utf-8)))
+(def: #export ok
+ (-> MIME Binary Response)
+ (content status.ok))
+(template [<name> <type> <mime> <pre>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> <type> Response)
+ (|>> <pre> (\ encoding.utf8 encode) (..ok <mime>)))]
+ [text Text mime.utf-8 (<|)]
+ [html html.Document mime.html html.html]
+ [css CSS mime.css css.css]
+ [json JSON mime.json json\encode]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/route.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/route.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..456ed9e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/route.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- or)
+ [control
+ [monad (#+ do)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." promise]]]
+ [data
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." text]
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]]]]]
+ ["." // (#+ URI Server)
+ ["#." status]
+ ["#." response]])
+(template [<scheme> <name>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> server)
+ (-> Server Server)
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (case (get@ #//.scheme protocol)
+ <scheme>
+ (server request)
+ _
+ (promise.resolved //response.not-found))))]
+ [#//.HTTP http]
+ [#//.HTTPS https]
+ )
+(template [<method> <name>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> server)
+ (-> Server Server)
+ (function (_ (^@ request [identification protocol resource message]))
+ (case (get@ #//.method resource)
+ <method>
+ (server request)
+ _
+ (promise.resolved //response.not-found))))]
+ [#//.Get get]
+ [#//.Post post]
+ [#//.Put put]
+ [#//.Patch patch]
+ [#//.Delete delete]
+ [#//.Head head]
+ [#//.Connect connect]
+ [#//.Options options]
+ [#//.Trace trace]
+ )
+(def: #export (uri path server)
+ (-> URI Server Server)
+ (function (_ [identification protocol resource message])
+ (if (text.starts-with? path (get@ #//.uri resource))
+ (server [identification
+ protocol
+ (update@ #//.uri
+ (|>> (text.clip' (text.size path)) maybe.assume)
+ resource)
+ message])
+ (promise.resolved //response.not-found))))
+(def: #export (or primary alternative)
+ (-> Server Server Server)
+ (function (_ request)
+ (do promise.monad
+ [response (primary request)
+ #let [[status message] response]]
+ (if (n.= //status.not-found status)
+ (alternative request)
+ (wrap response)))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/status.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/status.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe3f7d90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/status.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*]]
+ [// (#+ Status)])
+## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
+(template [<status> <name>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Status
+ <status>)]
+ ## 1xx Informational response
+ [100 continue]
+ [101 switching_protocols]
+ [102 processing]
+ [103 early_hints]
+ ## 2xx Success
+ [200 ok]
+ [201 created]
+ [202 accepted]
+ [203 non_authoritative_information]
+ [204 no_content]
+ [205 reset_content]
+ [206 partial_content]
+ [207 multi_status]
+ [208 already_reported]
+ [226 im_used]
+ ## 3xx Redirection
+ [300 multiple_choices]
+ [301 moved_permanently]
+ [302 found]
+ [303 see_other]
+ [304 not_modified]
+ [305 use_proxy]
+ [306 switch_proxy]
+ [307 temporary_redirect]
+ [308 permanent_redirect]
+ ## 4xx Client errors
+ [400 bad_request]
+ [401 unauthorized]
+ [402 payment_required]
+ [403 forbidden]
+ [404 not_found]
+ [405 method_not_allowed]
+ [406 not_acceptable]
+ [407 proxy_authentication_required]
+ [408 request_timeout]
+ [409 conflict]
+ [410 gone]
+ [411 length_required]
+ [412 precondition_failed]
+ [413 payload_too_large]
+ [414 uri_too_long]
+ [415 unsupported_media_type]
+ [416 range_not_satisfiable]
+ [417 expectation_failed]
+ [418 im_a_teapot]
+ [421 misdirected_request]
+ [422 unprocessable_entity]
+ [423 locked]
+ [424 failed_dependency]
+ [426 upgrade_required]
+ [428 precondition_required]
+ [429 too_many_requests]
+ [431 request_header_fields_too_large]
+ [451 unavailable_for_legal_reasons]
+ ## 5xx Server errors
+ [500 internal_server_error]
+ [501 not_implemented]
+ [502 bad_gateway]
+ [503 service_unavailable]
+ [504 gateway_timeout]
+ [505 http_version_not_supported]
+ [506 variant_also_negotiates]
+ [507 insufficient_storage]
+ [508 loop_detected]
+ [510 not_extended]
+ [511 network_authentication_required]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/version.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/version.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2443fda12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/http/version.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*]]
+ [// (#+ Version)])
+(template [<name> <version>]
+ [(def: #export <name> Version <version>)]
+ [v0_9 "0.9"]
+ [v1_0 "1.0"]
+ [v1_1 "1.1"]
+ [v2_0 "2.0"]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/uri.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/uri.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c43cbbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/net/uri.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*]])
+(type: #export URI
+ Text)
+(def: #export separator
+ "/")
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24f48182c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ [equivalence (#+ Equivalence)]
+ [hash (#+ Hash)]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["." nat]]]]])
+(type: #export Resolution
+ {#width Nat
+ #height Nat})
+(def: #export hash
+ (Hash Resolution)
+ (product.hash nat.hash nat.hash))
+(def: #export equivalence
+ (Equivalence Resolution)
+ (\ ..hash &equivalence))
+## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution#Common_display_resolutions
+(template [<name> <width> <height>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Resolution
+ {#width <width>
+ #height <height>})]
+ [svga 800 600]
+ [wsvga 1024 600]
+ [xga 1024 768]
+ [xga+ 1152 864]
+ [wxga/16:9 1280 720]
+ [wxga/5:3 1280 768]
+ [wxga/16:10 1280 800]
+ [sxga 1280 1024]
+ [wxga+ 1440 900]
+ [hd+ 1600 900]
+ [wsxga+ 1680 1050]
+ [fhd 1920 1080]
+ [wuxga 1920 1200]
+ [wqhd 2560 1440]
+ [uhd-4k 3840 2160]
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/program.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/program.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c8a0ac05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/program.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ ["." ffi (#+ import:)]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ Monad do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." atom]
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]]
+ [parser
+ ["." environment (#+ Environment)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." bit ("#\." equivalence)]
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]
+ ["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]
+ ["." list ("#\." functor)]]]
+ ["." macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["i" int]]]
+ [type
+ abstract]]]
+ [//
+ [file (#+ Path)]
+ [shell (#+ Exit)]])
+(exception: #export (unknown_environment_variable {name Text})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Name" (%.text name)]))
+(interface: #export (Program !)
+ (: (-> Any (! (List Text)))
+ available_variables)
+ (: (-> Text (! (Try Text)))
+ variable)
+ (: Path
+ home)
+ (: Path
+ directory)
+ (: (-> Exit (! Nothing))
+ exit))
+(def: #export (environment monad program)
+ (All [!] (-> (Monad !) (Program !) (! Environment)))
+ (do {! monad}
+ [variables (\ program available_variables [])
+ entries (monad.map ! (function (_ name)
+ (\ ! map (|>> [name]) (\ program variable name)))
+ variables)]
+ (wrap (|> entries
+ (list.all (function (_ [name value])
+ (case value
+ (#try.Success value)
+ (#.Some [name value])
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ #.None)))
+ (dictionary.from_list text.hash)))))
+(`` (implementation: #export (async program)
+ (-> (Program IO) (Program Promise))
+ (~~ (template [<method>]
+ [(def: <method>
+ (\ program <method>))]
+ [home]
+ [directory]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<method>]
+ [(def: <method>
+ (|>> (\ program <method>) promise.future))]
+ [available_variables]
+ [variable]
+ [exit]
+ ))))
+(def: #export (mock environment home directory)
+ (-> Environment Path Path (Program IO))
+ (let [@dead? (atom.atom false)]
+ (implementation
+ (def: available_variables
+ (function.constant (io.io (dictionary.keys environment))))
+ (def: (variable name)
+ (io.io (case (dictionary.get name environment)
+ (#.Some value)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_environment_variable [name]))))
+ (def: home
+ home)
+ (def: directory
+ directory)
+ (def: (exit code)
+ (io.io (error! (%.int code)))))))
+## Do not trust the values of environment variables
+## https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/java/ENV02-J.+Do+not+trust+the+values+of+environment+variables
+(with_expansions [<jvm> (as_is (import: java/lang/String)
+ (import: (java/util/Iterator a)
+ ["#::."
+ (hasNext [] boolean)
+ (next [] a)])
+ (import: (java/util/Set a)
+ ["#::."
+ (iterator [] (java/util/Iterator a))])
+ (import: (java/util/Map k v)
+ ["#::."
+ (keySet [] (java/util/Set k))])
+ (import: java/lang/System
+ ["#::."
+ (#static getenv [] (java/util/Map java/lang/String java/lang/String))
+ (#static getenv #as resolveEnv [java/lang/String] #io #? java/lang/String)
+ (#static getProperty [java/lang/String] #? java/lang/String)
+ (#static exit [int] #io void)])
+ (def: (jvm\\consume iterator)
+ (All [a] (-> (java/util/Iterator a) (List a)))
+ (if (java/util/Iterator::hasNext iterator)
+ (#.Cons (java/util/Iterator::next iterator)
+ (jvm\\consume iterator))
+ #.Nil))
+ )]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.js (as_is (def: default_exit!
+ (-> Exit (IO Nothing))
+ (|>> %.int error! io.io))
+ (import: NodeJs_Process
+ ["#::."
+ (exit [ffi.Number] #io Nothing)
+ (cwd [] #io Path)])
+ (def: (exit_node_js! code)
+ (-> Exit (IO Nothing))
+ (case (ffi.constant ..NodeJs_Process [process])
+ (#.Some process)
+ (NodeJs_Process::exit (i.frac code) process)
+ #.None
+ (..default_exit! code)))
+ (import: Browser_Window
+ ["#::."
+ (close [] Nothing)])
+ (import: Browser_Location
+ ["#::."
+ (reload [] Nothing)])
+ (def: (exit_browser! code)
+ (-> Exit (IO Nothing))
+ (case [(ffi.constant ..Browser_Window [window])
+ (ffi.constant ..Browser_Location [location])]
+ [(#.Some window) (#.Some location)]
+ (exec
+ (Browser_Window::close [] window)
+ (Browser_Location::reload [] location)
+ (..default_exit! code))
+ [(#.Some window) #.None]
+ (exec
+ (Browser_Window::close [] window)
+ (..default_exit! code))
+ [#.None (#.Some location)]
+ (exec
+ (Browser_Location::reload [] location)
+ (..default_exit! code))
+ [#.None #.None]
+ (..default_exit! code)))
+ (import: Object
+ ["#::."
+ (#static entries [Object] (Array (Array ffi.String)))])
+ (import: NodeJs_OS
+ ["#::."
+ (homedir [] #io Path)])
+ (template [<name> <path>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (-> [] (Maybe (-> ffi.String Any)))
+ (ffi.constant (-> ffi.String Any) <path>))]
+ [normal_require [require]]
+ [global_require [global require]]
+ [process_load [global process mainModule constructor _load]]
+ )
+ (def: (require _)
+ (-> [] (-> ffi.String Any))
+ (case [(normal_require []) (global_require []) (process_load [])]
+ (^or [(#.Some require) _ _]
+ [_ (#.Some require) _]
+ [_ _ (#.Some require)])
+ require
+ _
+ (undefined))))
+ @.python (as_is (import: os
+ ["#::."
+ (#static getcwd [] #io ffi.String)
+ (#static _exit [ffi.Integer] #io Nothing)])
+ (import: os/path
+ ["#::."
+ (#static expanduser [ffi.String] #io ffi.String)])
+ (import: os/environ
+ ["#::."
+ (#static keys [] #io (Array ffi.String))
+ (#static get [ffi.String] #io #? ffi.String)]))
+ @.lua (as_is (ffi.import: LuaFile
+ ["#::."
+ (read [ffi.String] #io #? ffi.String)
+ (close [] #io ffi.Boolean)])
+ (ffi.import: (io/popen [ffi.String] #io #try #? LuaFile))
+ (ffi.import: (os/getenv [ffi.String] #io #? ffi.String))
+ (ffi.import: (os/exit [ffi.Integer] #io Nothing))
+ (def: (run_command default command)
+ (-> Text Text (IO Text))
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [outcome (io/popen [command])]
+ (case outcome
+ (#try.Success outcome)
+ (case outcome
+ (#.Some file)
+ (do !
+ [?output (LuaFile::read ["*l"] file)
+ _ (LuaFile::close [] file)]
+ (wrap (maybe.default default ?output)))
+ #.None
+ (wrap default))
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (wrap default)))))
+ @.ruby (as_is (ffi.import: Env #as RubyEnv
+ ["#::."
+ (#static keys [] (Array Text))
+ (#static fetch [Text] #io #? Text)])
+ (ffi.import: "fileutils" FileUtils #as RubyFileUtils
+ ["#::."
+ (#static pwd Path)])
+ (ffi.import: Dir #as RubyDir
+ ["#::."
+ (#static home Path)])
+ (ffi.import: Kernel #as RubyKernel
+ ["#::."
+ (#static exit [Int] #io Nothing)]))
+ ## @.php
+ ## (as_is (ffi.import: (exit [Int] #io Nothing))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.exit.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (getcwd [] #io ffi.String))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getcwd.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (getenv #as getenv/1 [ffi.String] #io ffi.String))
+ ## (ffi.import: (getenv #as getenv/0 [] #io (Array ffi.String)))
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getenv.php
+ ## ## https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-keys.php
+ ## (ffi.import: (array_keys [(Array ffi.String)] (Array ffi.String)))
+ ## )
+ ## @.scheme
+ ## (as_is (ffi.import: (exit [Int] #io Nothing))
+ ## ## https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-98/srfi-98.html
+ ## (abstract: Pair Any)
+ ## (abstract: PList Any)
+ ## (ffi.import: (get-environment-variables [] #io PList))
+ ## (ffi.import: (car [Pair] Text))
+ ## (ffi.import: (cdr [Pair] Text))
+ ## (ffi.import: (car #as head [PList] Pair))
+ ## (ffi.import: (cdr #as tail [PList] PList)))
+ }
+ (as_is)))
+(implementation: #export default
+ (Program IO)
+ (def: (available_variables _)
+ (with_expansions [<jvm> (io.io (|> (java/lang/System::getenv)
+ java/util/Map::keySet
+ java/util/Set::iterator
+ ..jvm\\consume))]
+ (for {@.old <jvm>
+ @.jvm <jvm>
+ @.js (io.io (if ffi.on_node_js?
+ (case (ffi.constant Object [process env])
+ (#.Some process/env)
+ (|> (Object::entries [process/env])
+ array.to_list
+ (list\map (|>> (array.read 0) maybe.assume)))
+ #.None
+ (list))
+ (list)))
+ @.python (\ io.monad map array.to_list (os/environ::keys []))
+ ## Lua offers no way to get all the environment variables available.
+ @.lua (io.io (list))
+ @.ruby (|> (RubyEnv::keys [])
+ array.to_list
+ io.io)
+ ## @.php (do io.monad
+ ## [environment (..getenv/0 [])]
+ ## (wrap (|> environment
+ ## ..array_keys
+ ## array.to_list
+ ## (list\map (function (_ variable)
+ ## [variable ("php array read" (:as Nat variable) environment)]))
+ ## (dictionary.from_list text.hash))))
+ ## @.scheme (do io.monad
+ ## [input (..get-environment-variables [])]
+ ## (loop [input input
+ ## output environment.empty]
+ ## (if ("scheme object nil?" input)
+ ## (wrap output)
+ ## (let [entry (..head input)]
+ ## (recur (..tail input)
+ ## (dictionary.put (..car entry) (..cdr entry) output))))))
+ })))
+ (def: (variable name)
+ (template.let [(!fetch <method>)
+ [(do io.monad
+ [value (<method> name)]
+ (wrap (case value
+ (#.Some value)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_environment_variable [name]))))]]
+ (with_expansions [<jvm> (!fetch java/lang/System::resolveEnv)]
+ (for {@.old <jvm>
+ @.jvm <jvm>
+ @.js (io.io (if ffi.on_node_js?
+ (case (do maybe.monad
+ [process/env (ffi.constant Object [process env])]
+ (array.read (:as Nat name)
+ (:as (Array Text) process/env)))
+ (#.Some value)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_environment_variable [name]))
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_environment_variable [name])))
+ @.python (!fetch os/environ::get)
+ @.lua (!fetch os/getenv)
+ @.ruby (!fetch RubyEnv::fetch)
+ }))))
+ (def: home
+ (io.run
+ (with_expansions [<default> (io.io "~")
+ <jvm> (io.io (maybe.default "" (java/lang/System::getProperty "user.home")))]
+ (for {@.old <jvm>
+ @.jvm <jvm>
+ @.js (if ffi.on_node_js?
+ (|> (..require [] "os")
+ (:as NodeJs_OS)
+ (NodeJs_OS::homedir []))
+ <default>)
+ @.python (os/path::expanduser ["~"])
+ @.lua (..run_command "~" "echo ~")
+ @.ruby (io.io (RubyDir::home))
+ ## @.php (do io.monad
+ ## [output (..getenv/1 ["HOME"])]
+ ## (wrap (if (bit\= false (:as Bit output))
+ ## "~"
+ ## output)))
+ }
+ ## TODO: Replace dummy implementation.
+ <default>))))
+ (def: directory
+ (io.run
+ (with_expansions [<default> "."
+ <jvm> (io.io (maybe.default "" (java/lang/System::getProperty "user.dir")))]
+ (for {@.old <jvm>
+ @.jvm <jvm>
+ @.js (if ffi.on_node_js?
+ (case (ffi.constant ..NodeJs_Process [process])
+ (#.Some process)
+ (NodeJs_Process::cwd [] process)
+ #.None
+ (io.io <default>))
+ (io.io <default>))
+ @.python (os::getcwd [])
+ @.lua (do io.monad
+ [#let [default <default>]
+ on_windows (..run_command default "cd")]
+ (if (is? default on_windows)
+ (..run_command default "pwd")
+ (wrap on_windows)))
+ @.ruby (io.io (RubyFileUtils::pwd))
+ ## @.php (do io.monad
+ ## [output (..getcwd [])]
+ ## (wrap (if (bit\= false (:as Bit output))
+ ## "."
+ ## output)))
+ }
+ ## TODO: Replace dummy implementation.
+ (io.io <default>)))))
+ (def: (exit code)
+ (with_expansions [<jvm> (do io.monad
+ [_ (java/lang/System::exit code)]
+ (wrap (undefined)))]
+ (for {@.old <jvm>
+ @.jvm <jvm>
+ @.js (cond ffi.on_node_js?
+ (..exit_node_js! code)
+ ffi.on_browser?
+ (..exit_browser! code)
+ ## else
+ (..default_exit! code))
+ @.python (os::_exit [code])
+ @.lua (os/exit [code])
+ @.ruby (RubyKernel::exit [code])
+ ## @.php (..exit [code])
+ ## @.scheme (..exit [code])
+ }))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/authentication.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/authentication.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c66ddc1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/authentication.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [try (#+ Try)]
+ [security
+ [capability (#+ Capability)]]]]])
+(type: #export (Can-Register ! account secret value)
+ (Capability [account secret value] (! (Try Any))))
+(type: #export (Can-Authenticate ! account secret value)
+ (Capability [account secret] (! (Try value))))
+(type: #export (Can-Reset ! account secret)
+ (Capability [account secret] (! (Try Any))))
+(type: #export (Can-Forget ! account)
+ (Capability [account] (! (Try Any))))
+(type: #export (Service ! account secret value)
+ {#can-register (Can-Register ! account secret value)
+ #can-authenticate (Can-Authenticate ! account secret value)
+ #can-reset (Can-Reset ! account secret)
+ #can-forget (Can-Forget ! account)})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/crud.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/crud.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd47744f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/crud.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ [security
+ ["!" capability (#+ capability:)]]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant)]]]])
+(type: #export ID Nat)
+(type: #export Time
+ {#created Instant
+ #updated Instant})
+(capability: #export (Can-Create ! entity)
+ (can-create [Instant entity] (! (Try ID))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Retrieve ! entity)
+ (can-retrieve ID (! (Try [Time entity]))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Update ! entity)
+ (can-update [ID Instant entity] (! (Try Any))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Delete ! entity)
+ (can-delete ID (! (Try Any))))
+(type: #export (CRUD ! entity)
+ {#can-create (Can-Create ! entity)
+ #can-retrieve (Can-Retrieve ! entity)
+ #can-update (Can-Update ! entity)
+ #can-delete (Can-Delete ! entity)})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/inventory.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/inventory.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6f023075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/inventory.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [try (#+ Try)]
+ [security
+ ["!" capability (#+ capability:)]]]]])
+(type: #export ID Nat)
+(type: #export Ownership
+ {#owner ID
+ #property ID})
+(capability: #export (Can-Own !)
+ (can-own Ownership (! (Try Any))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Disown !)
+ (can-disown Ownership (! (Try Any))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Check !)
+ (can-check Ownership (! (Try Bit))))
+(capability: #export (Can-List-Property !)
+ (can-list-property ID (! (Try (List ID)))))
+(type: #export (Inventory !)
+ {#can-own (Can-Own !)
+ #can-disown (Can-Disown !)
+ #can-check (Can-Check !)
+ #can-list-property (Can-List-Property !)})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/journal.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/journal.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba42af209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/journal.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [equivalence (#+ Equivalence)]
+ [interval (#+ Interval)]
+ [try (#+ Try)]
+ [security
+ ["!" capability (#+ capability:)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text ("#\." equivalence)]]
+ [time
+ ["." instant (#+ Instant) ("#\." equivalence)]]]])
+(type: #export (Entry a)
+ {#what a
+ #why Text
+ #how Text
+ #who Text
+ #where Text
+ #when Instant})
+(type: #export Range
+ (Interval Instant))
+(def: #export (range start end)
+ (-> Instant Instant Range)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &enum instant.enum)
+ (def: bottom start)
+ (def: top end)))
+(implementation: #export (equivalence (^open "_\."))
+ (All [a] (-> (Equivalence a) (Equivalence (Entry a))))
+ (def: (= reference sample)
+ (and (_\= (get@ #what reference) (get@ #what sample))
+ (text\= (get@ #why reference) (get@ #why sample))
+ (text\= (get@ #how reference) (get@ #how sample))
+ (text\= (get@ #who reference) (get@ #who sample))
+ (text\= (get@ #where reference) (get@ #where sample))
+ (instant\= (get@ #when reference) (get@ #when sample)))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Write ! a)
+ (can-write (Entry a) (! (Try Any))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Read ! a)
+ (can-read Range (! (Try (List (Entry a))))))
+(type: #export (Journal ! a)
+ {#can-write (Can-Write ! a)
+ #can-read (Can-Read ! a)})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/mail.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/mail.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b2cc9dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/service/mail.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ [try (#+ Try)]
+ [concurrency
+ [frp (#+ Channel)]]
+ [security
+ ["!" capability (#+ capability:)]]]]])
+(capability: #export (Can-Send ! address message)
+ (can-send [address message] (! (Try Any))))
+(capability: #export (Can-Subscribe ! address message)
+ (can-subscribe [address] (! (Try (Channel message)))))
+(type: #export (Service ! address message)
+ {#can-send (Can-Send ! address message)
+ #can-subscribe (Can-Subscribe ! address message)})
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/shell.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/shell.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52cd3efd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/world/shell.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ ["jvm" ffi (#+ import:)]
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [security
+ ["?" policy (#+ Context Safety Safe)]]
+ [concurrency
+ ["." atom (#+ Atom)]
+ ["." promise (#+ Promise)]]
+ [parser
+ [environment (#+ Environment)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
+ [collection
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]
+ ["." list ("#\." fold functor)]
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [math
+ [number (#+ hex)
+ ["n" nat]]]]]
+ [//
+ [file (#+ Path)]])
+(type: #export Exit
+ Int)
+(template [<code> <name>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Exit
+ <code>)]
+ [+0 normal]
+ [+1 error]
+ )
+(interface: #export (Process !)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Text)))
+ read)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Text)))
+ error)
+ (: (-> Text (! (Try Any)))
+ write)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Any)))
+ destroy)
+ (: (-> [] (! (Try Exit)))
+ await))
+(def: (async_process process)
+ (-> (Process IO) (Process Promise))
+ (`` (implementation
+ (~~ (template [<method>]
+ [(def: <method>
+ (|>> (\ process <method>)
+ promise.future))]
+ [read]
+ [error]
+ [write]
+ [destroy]
+ [await]
+ )))))
+(type: #export Command
+ Text)
+(type: #export Argument
+ Text)
+(interface: #export (Shell !)
+ (: (-> [Environment Path Command (List Argument)] (! (Try (Process !))))
+ execute))
+(def: #export (async shell)
+ (-> (Shell IO) (Shell Promise))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (execute input)
+ (promise.future
+ (do (try.with io.monad)
+ [process (\ shell execute input)]
+ (wrap (..async_process process)))))))
+## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection#Shell_injection
+(interface: (Policy ?)
+ (: (-> Command (Safe Command ?))
+ command)
+ (: (-> Argument (Safe Argument ?))
+ argument)
+ (: (All [a] (-> (Safe a ?) a))
+ value))
+(type: (Sanitizer a)
+ (-> a a))
+(type: Replacer
+ (-> Text Text))
+(def: (replace bad replacer)
+ (-> Text Replacer (-> Text Text))
+ (text.replace_all bad (replacer bad)))
+(def: sanitize_common_command
+ (-> Replacer (Sanitizer Command))
+ (let [x0A (text.from_code (hex "0A"))
+ xFF (text.from_code (hex "FF"))]
+ (function (_ replacer)
+ (|>> (..replace x0A replacer)
+ (..replace xFF replacer)
+ (..replace "\" replacer)
+ (..replace "&" replacer)
+ (..replace "#" replacer)
+ (..replace ";" replacer)
+ (..replace "`" replacer)
+ (..replace "|" replacer)
+ (..replace "*" replacer)
+ (..replace "?" replacer)
+ (..replace "~" replacer)
+ (..replace "^" replacer)
+ (..replace "$" replacer)
+ (..replace "<" replacer) (..replace ">" replacer)
+ (..replace "(" replacer) (..replace ")" replacer)
+ (..replace "[" replacer) (..replace "]" replacer)
+ (..replace "{" replacer) (..replace "}" replacer)))))
+(def: (policy sanitize_command sanitize_argument)
+ (Ex [?] (-> (Sanitizer Command) (Sanitizer Argument) (Policy ?)))
+ (?.with_policy
+ (: (Context Safety Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "?\."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: command (|>> sanitize_command ?\can_upgrade))
+ (def: argument (|>> sanitize_argument ?\can_upgrade))
+ (def: value ?\can_downgrade))))))
+(def: unix_policy
+ (let [replacer (: Replacer
+ (|>> (format "\")))
+ sanitize_command (: (Sanitizer Command)
+ (..sanitize_common_command replacer))
+ sanitize_argument (: (Sanitizer Argument)
+ (|>> (..replace "'" replacer)
+ (text.enclose' "'")))]
+ (..policy sanitize_command sanitize_argument)))
+(def: windows_policy
+ (let [replacer (: Replacer
+ (function.constant " "))
+ sanitize_command (: (Sanitizer Command)
+ (|>> (..sanitize_common_command replacer)
+ (..replace "%" replacer)
+ (..replace "!" replacer)))
+ sanitize_argument (: (Sanitizer Argument)
+ (|>> (..replace "%" replacer)
+ (..replace "!" replacer)
+ (..replace text.double_quote replacer)
+ (text.enclose' text.double_quote)))]
+ (..policy sanitize_command sanitize_argument)))
+(with_expansions [<jvm> (as_is (import: java/lang/String
+ ["#::."
+ (toLowerCase [] java/lang/String)])
+ (def: (jvm::arguments_array arguments)
+ (-> (List Argument) (Array java/lang/String))
+ (product.right
+ (list\fold (function (_ argument [idx output])
+ [(inc idx) (jvm.array_write idx
+ (:as java/lang/String argument)
+ output)])
+ [0 (jvm.array java/lang/String (list.size arguments))]
+ arguments)))
+ (import: (java/util/Map k v)
+ ["#::."
+ (put [k v] v)])
+ (def: (jvm::load_environment input target)
+ (-> Environment
+ (java/util/Map java/lang/String java/lang/String)
+ (java/util/Map java/lang/String java/lang/String))
+ (list\fold (function (_ [key value] target')
+ (exec (java/util/Map::put (:as java/lang/String key)
+ (:as java/lang/String value)
+ target')
+ target'))
+ target
+ (dictionary.entries input)))
+ (import: java/io/Reader
+ ["#::."
+ (read [] #io #try int)])
+ (import: java/io/BufferedReader
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/io/Reader])
+ (readLine [] #io #try #? java/lang/String)])
+ (import: java/io/InputStream)
+ (import: java/io/InputStreamReader
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/io/InputStream])])
+ (import: java/io/OutputStream
+ ["#::."
+ (write [[byte]] #io #try void)])
+ (import: java/lang/Process
+ ["#::."
+ (getInputStream [] #io #try java/io/InputStream)
+ (getErrorStream [] #io #try java/io/InputStream)
+ (getOutputStream [] #io #try java/io/OutputStream)
+ (destroy [] #io #try void)
+ (waitFor [] #io #try int)])
+ (exception: #export no_more_output)
+ (def: (default_process process)
+ (-> java/lang/Process (IO (Try (Process IO))))
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [jvm_input (java/lang/Process::getInputStream process)
+ jvm_error (java/lang/Process::getErrorStream process)
+ jvm_output (java/lang/Process::getOutputStream process)
+ #let [jvm_input (|> jvm_input
+ java/io/InputStreamReader::new
+ java/io/BufferedReader::new)
+ jvm_error (|> jvm_error
+ java/io/InputStreamReader::new
+ java/io/BufferedReader::new)]]
+ (wrap (: (Process IO)
+ (`` (implementation
+ (~~ (template [<name> <stream>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (do !
+ [output (java/io/BufferedReader::readLine <stream>)]
+ (case output
+ (#.Some output)
+ (wrap output)
+ #.None
+ (\ io.monad wrap (exception.throw ..no_more_output [])))))]
+ [read jvm_input]
+ [error jvm_error]
+ ))
+ (def: (write message)
+ (java/io/OutputStream::write (\ utf8.codec encode message) jvm_output))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (<method> process))]
+ [destroy java/lang/Process::destroy]
+ [await java/lang/Process::waitFor]
+ ))))))))
+ (import: java/io/File
+ ["#::."
+ (new [java/lang/String])])
+ (import: java/lang/ProcessBuilder
+ ["#::."
+ (new [[java/lang/String]])
+ (environment [] #try (java/util/Map java/lang/String java/lang/String))
+ (directory [java/io/File] java/lang/ProcessBuilder)
+ (start [] #io #try java/lang/Process)])
+ (import: java/lang/System
+ ["#::."
+ (#static getProperty [java/lang/String] #io #try java/lang/String)])
+ ## https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection#Shell_injection
+ (def: windows?
+ (IO (Try Bit))
+ (\ (try.with io.monad) map
+ (|>> java/lang/String::toLowerCase (text.starts_with? "windows"))
+ (java/lang/System::getProperty "os.name")))
+ (implementation: #export default
+ (Shell IO)
+ (def: (execute [environment working_directory command arguments])
+ (do {! (try.with io.monad)}
+ [#let [builder (|> (list& command arguments)
+ ..jvm::arguments_array
+ java/lang/ProcessBuilder::new
+ (java/lang/ProcessBuilder::directory (java/io/File::new working_directory)))]
+ _ (|> builder
+ java/lang/ProcessBuilder::environment
+ (\ try.functor map (..jvm::load_environment environment))
+ (\ io.monad wrap))
+ process (java/lang/ProcessBuilder::start builder)]
+ (..default_process process))))
+ )]
+ (for {@.old (as_is <jvm>)
+ @.jvm (as_is <jvm>)}
+ (as_is)))
+(interface: #export (Mock s)
+ (: (-> s (Try [s Text]))
+ on_read)
+ (: (-> s (Try [s Text]))
+ on_error)
+ (: (-> Text s (Try s))
+ on_write)
+ (: (-> s (Try s))
+ on_destroy)
+ (: (-> s (Try [s Exit]))
+ on_await))
+(`` (implementation: (mock_process mock state)
+ (All [s] (-> (Mock s) (Atom s) (Process IO)))
+ (~~ (template [<name> <mock>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock <mock> |state|)
+ (#try.Success [|state| output])
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success output)))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))]
+ [read on_read]
+ [error on_error]
+ [await on_await]
+ ))
+ (def: (write message)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock on_write message |state|)
+ (#try.Success |state|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))
+ (def: (destroy _)
+ (do {! io.monad}
+ [|state| (atom.read state)]
+ (case (\ mock on_destroy |state|)
+ (#try.Success |state|)
+ (do !
+ [_ (atom.write |state| state)]
+ (wrap (#try.Success [])))
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (wrap (#try.Failure error)))))))
+(implementation: #export (mock mock init)
+ (All [s]
+ (-> (-> [Environment Path Command (List Argument)]
+ (Try (Mock s)))
+ s
+ (Shell IO)))
+ (def: (execute input)
+ (io.io (do try.monad
+ [mock (mock input)]
+ (wrap (..mock_process mock (atom.atom init)))))))