path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/jvm/reflection.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/jvm/reflection.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/jvm/reflection.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2297f313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/jvm/reflection.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- type)
+ ["." ffi (#+ import:)]
+ ["." type]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ [parser
+ ["<t>" text]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text ("#\." equivalence)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." fold functor)]
+ ["." array]
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]]]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ [encoding
+ ["#." name (#+ External)]]
+ ["/" type
+ [category (#+ Void Value Return Method Primitive Object Class Array Parameter)]
+ ["#." lux (#+ Mapping)]
+ ["#." descriptor]
+ ["#." reflection]
+ ["#." parser]]])
+(import: java/lang/String)
+(import: java/lang/Object
+ ["#::."
+ (toString [] java/lang/String)
+ (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))])
+(import: java/lang/reflect/Type
+ ["#::."
+ (getTypeName [] java/lang/String)])
+(import: java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType
+ ["#::."
+ (getGenericComponentType [] java/lang/reflect/Type)])
+(import: java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType
+ ["#::."
+ (getRawType [] java/lang/reflect/Type)
+ (getActualTypeArguments [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])])
+(import: (java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable d)
+ ["#::."
+ (getName [] java/lang/String)
+ (getBounds [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])])
+(import: (java/lang/reflect/WildcardType d)
+ ["#::."
+ (getLowerBounds [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])
+ (getUpperBounds [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])])
+(import: java/lang/reflect/Modifier
+ ["#::."
+ (#static isStatic [int] boolean)
+ (#static isFinal [int] boolean)
+ (#static isInterface [int] boolean)
+ (#static isAbstract [int] boolean)])
+(import: java/lang/annotation/Annotation)
+(import: java/lang/Deprecated)
+(import: java/lang/reflect/Field
+ ["#::."
+ (getDeclaringClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ (getModifiers [] int)
+ (getGenericType [] java/lang/reflect/Type)
+ (getDeclaredAnnotations [] [java/lang/annotation/Annotation])])
+(import: java/lang/reflect/Method
+ ["#::."
+ (getName [] java/lang/String)
+ (getModifiers [] int)
+ (getDeclaringClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ (getTypeParameters [] [(java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable java/lang/reflect/Method)])
+ (getGenericParameterTypes [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])
+ (getGenericReturnType [] java/lang/reflect/Type)
+ (getGenericExceptionTypes [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])])
+(import: (java/lang/reflect/Constructor c)
+ ["#::."
+ (getModifiers [] int)
+ (getDeclaringClass [] (java/lang/Class c))
+ (getTypeParameters [] [(java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable (java/lang/reflect/Constructor c))])
+ (getGenericParameterTypes [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])
+ (getGenericExceptionTypes [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])])
+(import: (java/lang/Class c)
+ ["#::."
+ (#static forName [java/lang/String] #try (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ (getName [] java/lang/String)
+ (getModifiers [] int)
+ (isAssignableFrom [(java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)] boolean)
+ (getTypeParameters [] [(java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable (java/lang/Class c))])
+ (getGenericInterfaces [] [java/lang/reflect/Type])
+ (getGenericSuperclass [] #? java/lang/reflect/Type)
+ (getDeclaredField [java/lang/String] #try java/lang/reflect/Field)
+ (getConstructors [] [(java/lang/reflect/Constructor java/lang/Object)])
+ (getDeclaredMethods [] [java/lang/reflect/Method])])
+(exception: #export (unknown_class {class External})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Class" (%.text class)]))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {jvm_type java/lang/reflect/Type})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (java/lang/reflect/Type::getTypeName jvm_type)]
+ ["Class" (|> jvm_type java/lang/Object::getClass java/lang/Object::toString)]))]
+ [not_a_class]
+ [cannot_convert_to_a_lux_type]
+ )
+(def: #export (load name)
+ (-> External (Try (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)))
+ (case (java/lang/Class::forName name)
+ (#try.Success class)
+ (#try.Success class)
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_class name)))
+(def: #export (sub? super sub)
+ (-> External External (Try Bit))
+ (do try.monad
+ [super (..load super)
+ sub (..load sub)]
+ (wrap (java/lang/Class::isAssignableFrom sub super))))
+(def: (class' parameter reflection)
+ (-> (-> java/lang/reflect/Type (Try (/.Type Parameter)))
+ java/lang/reflect/Type
+ (Try (/.Type Class)))
+ (<| (case (ffi.check java/lang/Class reflection)
+ (#.Some class)
+ (let [class_name (|> class
+ (:as (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ java/lang/Class::getName)]
+ (`` (if (or (~~ (template [<reflection>]
+ [(text\= (/reflection.reflection <reflection>)
+ class_name)]
+ [/reflection.boolean]
+ [/reflection.byte]
+ [/reflection.short]
+ [/reflection.int]
+ [/reflection.long]
+ [/reflection.float]
+ [/reflection.double]
+ [/reflection.char]))
+ (text.starts_with? /descriptor.array_prefix class_name))
+ (exception.throw ..not_a_class reflection)
+ (#try.Success (/.class class_name (list))))))
+ _)
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType reflection)
+ (#.Some reflection)
+ (let [raw (java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType::getRawType reflection)]
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/Class raw)
+ (#.Some raw)
+ (do {! try.monad}
+ [paramsT (|> reflection
+ java/lang/reflect/ParameterizedType::getActualTypeArguments
+ array.to_list
+ (monad.map ! parameter))]
+ (wrap (/.class (|> raw
+ (:as (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ java/lang/Class::getName)
+ paramsT)))
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..not_a_class raw)))
+ _)
+ ## else
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_convert_to_a_lux_type reflection)))
+(def: #export (parameter reflection)
+ (-> java/lang/reflect/Type (Try (/.Type Parameter)))
+ (<| (case (ffi.check java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable reflection)
+ (#.Some reflection)
+ (#try.Success (/.var (java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable::getName reflection)))
+ _)
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/reflect/WildcardType reflection)
+ (#.Some reflection)
+ ## TODO: Instead of having single lower/upper bounds, should
+ ## allow for multiple ones.
+ (case [(array.read 0 (java/lang/reflect/WildcardType::getLowerBounds reflection))
+ (array.read 0 (java/lang/reflect/WildcardType::getUpperBounds reflection))]
+ (^template [<pattern> <kind>]
+ [<pattern>
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType bound)
+ (#.Some _)
+ ## TODO: Array bounds should not be "erased" as they
+ ## are right now.
+ (#try.Success /.wildcard)
+ _
+ (\ try.monad map <kind> (..class' parameter bound)))])
+ ([[_ (#.Some bound)] /.upper]
+ [[(#.Some bound) _] /.lower])
+ _
+ (#try.Success /.wildcard))
+ _)
+ (..class' parameter reflection)))
+(def: #export class
+ (-> java/lang/reflect/Type
+ (Try (/.Type Class)))
+ (..class' ..parameter))
+(def: #export (type reflection)
+ (-> java/lang/reflect/Type (Try (/.Type Value)))
+ (<| (case (ffi.check java/lang/Class reflection)
+ (#.Some reflection)
+ (let [class_name (|> reflection
+ (:as (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ java/lang/Class::getName)]
+ (`` (cond (~~ (template [<reflection> <type>]
+ [(text\= (/reflection.reflection <reflection>)
+ class_name)
+ (#try.Success <type>)]
+ [/reflection.boolean /.boolean]
+ [/reflection.byte /.byte]
+ [/reflection.short /.short]
+ [/reflection.int /.int]
+ [/reflection.long /.long]
+ [/reflection.float /.float]
+ [/reflection.double /.double]
+ [/reflection.char /.char]))
+ (if (text.starts_with? /descriptor.array_prefix class_name)
+ (<t>.run /parser.value (|> class_name //name.internal //name.read))
+ (#try.Success (/.class class_name (list)))))))
+ _)
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType reflection)
+ (#.Some reflection)
+ (|> reflection
+ java/lang/reflect/GenericArrayType::getGenericComponentType
+ type
+ (\ try.monad map /.array))
+ _)
+ ## else
+ (..parameter reflection)))
+(def: #export (return reflection)
+ (-> java/lang/reflect/Type (Try (/.Type Return)))
+ (with_expansions [<else> (as_is (..type reflection))]
+ (case (ffi.check java/lang/Class reflection)
+ (#.Some class)
+ (let [class_name (|> reflection
+ (:as (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
+ java/lang/Class::getName)]
+ (if (text\= (/reflection.reflection /reflection.void)
+ class_name)
+ (#try.Success /.void)
+ <else>))
+ #.None
+ <else>)))
+(exception: #export (cannot_correspond {class (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)}
+ {type Type})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString class)]
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]))
+(exception: #export (type_parameter_mismatch {expected Nat}
+ {actual Nat}
+ {class (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)}
+ {type Type})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Expected" (%.nat expected)]
+ ["Actual" (%.nat actual)]
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString class)]
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]))
+(exception: #export (non_jvm_type {type Type})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Type" (%.type type)]))
+(def: #export (correspond class type)
+ (-> (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object) Type (Try Mapping))
+ (case type
+ (#.Primitive name params)
+ (let [class_name (java/lang/Class::getName class)
+ class_params (array.to_list (java/lang/Class::getTypeParameters class))
+ num_class_params (list.size class_params)
+ num_type_params (list.size params)]
+ (if (text\= class_name name)
+ (if (n.= num_class_params num_type_params)
+ (|> params
+ (list.zip/2 (list\map (|>> java/lang/reflect/TypeVariable::getName)
+ class_params))
+ (list\fold (function (_ [name paramT] mapping)
+ (dictionary.put name paramT mapping))
+ /lux.fresh)
+ #try.Success)
+ (exception.throw ..type_parameter_mismatch [num_class_params num_type_params class type]))
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_correspond [class type])))
+ (#.Named name anonymousT)
+ (correspond class anonymousT)
+ (#.Apply inputT abstractionT)
+ (case (type.apply (list inputT) abstractionT)
+ (#.Some outputT)
+ (correspond class outputT)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..non_jvm_type [type]))
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..non_jvm_type [type])))
+(exception: #export (mistaken_field_owner {field java/lang/reflect/Field}
+ {owner (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)}
+ {target (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Field" (java/lang/Object::toString field)]
+ ["Owner" (java/lang/Object::toString owner)]
+ ["Target" (java/lang/Object::toString target)]))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {field Text}
+ {class (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Field" (%.text field)]
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString class)]))]
+ [unknown_field]
+ [not_a_static_field]
+ [not_a_virtual_field]
+ )
+(def: #export (field field target)
+ (-> Text (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object) (Try java/lang/reflect/Field))
+ (case (java/lang/Class::getDeclaredField field target)
+ (#try.Success field)
+ (let [owner (java/lang/reflect/Field::getDeclaringClass field)]
+ (if (is? owner target)
+ (#try.Success field)
+ (exception.throw ..mistaken_field_owner [field owner target])))
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_field [field target])))
+(def: #export deprecated?
+ (-> (array.Array java/lang/annotation/Annotation) Bit)
+ (|>> array.to_list
+ (list.all (|>> (ffi.check java/lang/Deprecated)))
+ list.empty?
+ not))
+(template [<name> <exception> <then?> <else?>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> field class)
+ (-> Text (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object) (Try [Bit Bit (/.Type Value)]))
+ (do {! try.monad}
+ [fieldJ (..field field class)
+ #let [modifiers (java/lang/reflect/Field::getModifiers fieldJ)]]
+ (case (java/lang/reflect/Modifier::isStatic modifiers)
+ <then?> (|> fieldJ
+ java/lang/reflect/Field::getGenericType
+ ..type
+ (\ ! map (|>> [(java/lang/reflect/Modifier::isFinal modifiers)
+ (..deprecated? (java/lang/reflect/Field::getDeclaredAnnotations fieldJ))])))
+ <else?> (exception.throw <exception> [field class]))))]
+ [static_field ..not_a_static_field #1 #0]
+ [virtual_field ..not_a_virtual_field #0 #1]
+ )