path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/common_lisp.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/source/library/lux/target/common_lisp.lux')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/common_lisp.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/common_lisp.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ec6746c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/target/common_lisp.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- Code int if cond or and comment let)
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]]
+ [data
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." monad fold monoid)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["f" frac]]]
+ [type
+ abstract]]])
+(def: as_form
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
+(abstract: #export (Code brand)
+ Text
+ (def: #export manual
+ (-> Text Code)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export code
+ (-> (Code Any) Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with_expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export (<brand> brand) Any))
+ (`` (type: #export (<type> brand)
+ (<super> (<brand> brand)))))]
+ [Expression Code]
+ [Computation Expression]
+ [Access Computation]
+ [Var Access]
+ [Input Code]
+ )
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with_expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export <brand> Any))
+ (`` (type: #export <type> (<super> <brand>))))]
+ [Label Code]
+ [Tag Expression]
+ [Literal Expression]
+ [Var/1 Var]
+ [Var/* Input]
+ )
+ (type: #export Lambda
+ {#input Var/*
+ #output (Expression Any)})
+ (def: #export nil
+ Literal
+ (:abstraction "()"))
+ (template [<prefix> <name>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ (|>> (format <prefix>) :abstraction))]
+ ["'" symbol]
+ [":" keyword])
+ (def: #export bool
+ (-> Bit Literal)
+ (|>> (case> #0 ..nil
+ #1 (..symbol "t"))))
+ (def: #export int
+ (-> Int Literal)
+ (|>> %.int :abstraction))
+ (def: #export float
+ (-> Frac Literal)
+ (|>> (cond> [(f.= f.positive_infinity)]
+ [(new> "(/ 1.0 0.0)" [])]
+ [(f.= f.negative_infinity)]
+ [(new> "(/ -1.0 0.0)" [])]
+ [f.not_a_number?]
+ [(new> "(/ 0.0 0.0)" [])]
+ ## else
+ [%.frac])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (double value)
+ (-> Frac Literal)
+ (:abstraction
+ (.cond (f.= f.positive_infinity value)
+ "(/ 1.0d0 0.0d0)"
+ (f.= f.negative_infinity value)
+ "(/ -1.0d0 0.0d0)"
+ (f.not_a_number? value)
+ "(/ 0.0d0 0.0d0)"
+ ## else
+ (.let [raw (%.frac value)]
+ (.if (text.contains? "E" raw)
+ (text.replace_once "E" "d" raw)
+ (format raw "d0"))))))
+ (def: sanitize
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (`` (|>> (~~ (template [<find> <replace>]
+ [(text.replace_all <find> <replace>)]
+ ["\" "\\"]
+ [text.tab "\t"]
+ [text.vertical_tab "\v"]
+ [text.null "\0"]
+ [text.back_space "\b"]
+ [text.form_feed "\f"]
+ [text.new_line "\n"]
+ [text.carriage_return "\r"]
+ [text.double_quote (format "\" text.double_quote)]
+ ))
+ )))
+ (def: #export string
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ (|>> ..sanitize
+ (text.enclose' text.double_quote)
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export var
+ (-> Text Var/1)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export args
+ (-> (List Var/1) Var/*)
+ (|>> (list\map ..code)
+ (text.join_with " ")
+ ..as_form
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (args& singles rest)
+ (-> (List Var/1) Var/1 Var/*)
+ (|> (case singles
+ #.Nil
+ ""
+ (#.Cons _)
+ (|> singles
+ (list\map ..code)
+ (text.join_with " ")
+ (text.suffix " ")))
+ (format "&rest " (:representation rest))
+ ..as_form
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: form
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) Expression)
+ (|>> (list\map ..code)
+ (text.join_with " ")
+ ..as_form
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (call/* func)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (-> (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any)))
+ (|>> (#.Cons func) ..form))
+ (template [<name> <function>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (..call/* (..var <function>)))]
+ [vector/* "vector"]
+ [list/* "list"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (labels definitions body)
+ (-> (List [Var/1 Lambda]) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "labels")
+ (..form (list\map (function (_ [def_name [def_args def_body]])
+ (..form (list def_name (:transmutation def_args) def_body)))
+ definitions))
+ body)))
+ (def: #export (destructuring-bind [bindings expression] body)
+ (-> [Var/* (Expression Any)] (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list& (..var "destructuring-bind")
+ (:transmutation bindings) expression
+ body)))
+ (template [<call> <input_var>+ <input_type>+ <function>+]
+ [(`` (def: #export (<call> [(~~ (template.splice <input_var>+))] function)
+ (-> [(~~ (template.splice <input_type>+))] (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..call/* function (list (~~ (template.splice <input_var>+))))))
+ (`` (template [<lux_name> <host_name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux_name> args)
+ (-> [(~~ (template.splice <input_type>+))] (Computation Any))
+ (<call> args (..var <host_name>)))]
+ (~~ (template.splice <function>+))))]
+ [call/0 [] []
+ [[get-universal-time/0 "get-universal-time"]
+ [make-hash-table/0 "make-hash-table"]]]
+ [call/1 [in0] [(Expression Any)]
+ [[length/1 "length"]
+ [function/1 "function"]
+ [copy-seq/1 "copy-seq"]
+ [null/1 "null"]
+ [error/1 "error"]
+ [not/1 "not"]
+ [floor/1 "floor"]
+ [type-of/1 "type-of"]
+ [write-to-string/1 "write-to-string"]
+ [read-from-string/1 "read-from-string"]
+ [print/1 "print"]
+ [reverse/1 "reverse"]
+ [sxhash/1 "sxhash"]
+ [string-upcase/1 "string-upcase"]
+ [string-downcase/1 "string-downcase"]
+ [char-int/1 "char-int"]
+ [text/1 "text"]
+ [hash-table-size/1 "hash-table-size"]
+ [hash-table-rehash-size/1 "hash-table-rehash-size"]
+ [code-char/1 "code-char"]
+ [char-code/1 "char-code"]
+ [string/1 "string"]
+ [write-line/1 "write-line"]
+ [pprint/1 "pprint"]
+ [identity/1 "identity"]]]
+ [call/2 [in0 in1] [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)]
+ [[apply/2 "apply"]
+ [append/2 "append"]
+ [cons/2 "cons"]
+ [char/2 "char"]
+ [nth/2 "nth"]
+ [nthcdr/2 "nthcdr"]
+ [coerce/2 "coerce"]
+ [eq/2 "eq"]
+ [equal/2 "equal"]
+ [string=/2 "string="]
+ [=/2 "="]
+ [+/2 "+"]
+ [*/2 "*"]]]
+ [call/3 [in0 in1 in2] [(Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any)]
+ [[subseq/3 "subseq"]
+ [map/3 "map"]
+ [concatenate/3 "concatenate"]
+ [format/3 "format"]]]
+ )
+ (template [<call> <input_type>+ <function>+]
+ [(`` (template [<lux_name> <host_name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux_name> args)
+ (-> [(~~ (template.splice <input_type>+))] (Access Any))
+ (:transmutation (<call> args (..var <host_name>))))]
+ (~~ (template.splice <function>+))))]
+ [call/1 [(Expression Any)]
+ [[car/1 "car"]
+ [cdr/1 "cdr"]
+ [cadr/1 "cadr"]
+ [cddr/1 "cddr"]]]
+ [call/2 [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)]
+ [[svref/2 "svref"]
+ [elt/2 "elt"]
+ [gethash/2 "gethash"]]]
+ )
+ (def: #export (make-hash-table/with_size size)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..call/* (..var "make-hash-table")
+ (list (..keyword "size")
+ size)))
+ (def: #export (funcall/+ [func args])
+ (-> [(Expression Any) (List (Expression Any))] (Computation Any))
+ (..call/* (..var "funcall") (list& func args)))
+ (def: #export (search/3 [reference space start])
+ (-> [(Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any)] (Computation Any))
+ (..call/* (..var "search")
+ (list reference
+ space
+ (..keyword "start2") start)))
+ (def: #export (concatenate/2|string [left right])
+ (-> [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)] (Computation Any))
+ (concatenate/3 [(..symbol "string") left right]))
+ (template [<lux_name> <host_name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux_name> left right)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var <host_name>) left right)))]
+ [or "or"]
+ [and "and"]
+ )
+ (template [<lux_name> <host_name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux_name> [param subject])
+ (-> [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)] (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var <host_name>) subject param)))]
+ [</2 "<"]
+ [<=/2 "<="]
+ [>/2 ">"]
+ [>=/2 ">="]
+ [string</2 "string<"]
+ [-/2 "-"]
+ [//2 "/"]
+ [rem/2 "rem"]
+ [floor/2 "floor"]
+ [mod/2 "mod"]
+ [ash/2 "ash"]
+ [logand/2 "logand"]
+ [logior/2 "logior"]
+ [logxor/2 "logxor"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (if test then else)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "if") test then else)))
+ (def: #export (when test then)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "when") test then)))
+ (def: #export (lambda input body)
+ (-> Var/* (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (..form (list (..var "lambda") (:transmutation input) body)))
+ (template [<lux_name> <host_name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux_name> bindings body)
+ (-> (List [Var/1 (Expression Any)]) (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list& (..var <host_name>)
+ (|> bindings
+ (list\map (function (_ [name value])
+ (..form (list name value))))
+ ..form)
+ body)))]
+ [let "let"]
+ [let* "let*"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (defparameter name body)
+ (-> Var/1 (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "defparameter") name body)))
+ (def: #export (defun name inputs body)
+ (-> Var/1 Var/* (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "defun") name (:transmutation inputs) body)))
+ (template [<name> <symbol>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (|>> (list& (..var <symbol>)) ..form))]
+ [progn "progn"]
+ [tagbody "tagbody"]
+ [values/* "values"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (setq name value)
+ (-> Var/1 (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "setq") name value)))
+ (def: #export (setf access value)
+ (-> (Access Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "setf") access value)))
+ (type: #export Handler
+ {#condition_type (Expression Any)
+ #condition Var/1
+ #body (Expression Any)})
+ (def: #export (handler-case handlers body)
+ (-> (List Handler) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list& (..var "handler-case")
+ body
+ (list\map (function (_ [type condition handler])
+ (..form (list type
+ (:transmutation (..args (list condition)))
+ handler)))
+ handlers))))
+ (template [<name> <prefix>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> conditions expression)
+ (-> (List Text) (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (case conditions
+ #.Nil
+ expression
+ (#.Cons single #.Nil)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format <prefix> single " " (:representation expression)))
+ _
+ (:abstraction
+ (format <prefix> (|> conditions (list\map ..symbol)
+ (list& (..symbol "or")) ..form
+ :representation)
+ " " (:representation expression)))))]
+ [conditional+ "#+"]
+ [conditional- "#-"])
+ (def: #export label
+ (-> Text Label)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (block name body)
+ (-> Label (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list& (..var "block") (:transmutation name) body)))
+ (def: #export (return-from target value)
+ (-> Label (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "return-from") (:transmutation target) value)))
+ (def: #export (return value)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "return") value)))
+ (def: #export (cond clauses else)
+ (-> (List [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)]) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list& (..var "cond")
+ (list\compose (list\map (function (_ [test then])
+ (..form (list test then)))
+ clauses)
+ (list (..form (list (..bool true) else)))))))
+ (def: #export tag
+ (-> Text Tag)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export go
+ (-> Tag (Expression Any))
+ (|>> (list (..var "go"))
+ ..form))
+ (def: #export values-list/1
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (|>> (list (..var "values-list"))
+ ..form))
+ (def: #export (multiple-value-setq bindings values)
+ (-> Var/* (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "multiple-value-setq")
+ (:transmutation bindings)
+ values)))
+ )
+(def: #export (while condition body)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..form (list (..var "loop") (..var "while") condition
+ (..var "do") body)))