path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/text/regex.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/text/regex.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/text/regex.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38f4155ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/text/regex.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["." meta]
+ [abstract
+ monad]
+ [control
+ ["." try]
+ ["<>" parser ("#\." monad)
+ ["<t>" text (#+ Parser)]
+ ["<c>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." maybe]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." fold monad)]]]
+ [macro (#+ with_gensyms)
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]
+ ["." code]]
+ [math
+ [number (#+ hex)
+ ["n" nat ("#\." decimal)]]]]]
+ ["." //
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]])
+(def: regex_char^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<t>.none_of "\.|&()[]{}"))
+(def: escaped_char^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [? (<>.parses? (<t>.this "\"))]
+ (if ?
+ <t>.any
+ regex_char^)))
+(def: (refine^ refinement^ base^)
+ (All [a] (-> (Parser a) (Parser Text) (Parser Text)))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [output base^
+ _ (<t>.local output refinement^)]
+ (wrap output)))
+(def: word^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<>.either <t>.alpha_num
+ (<t>.one_of "_")))
+(def: (copy reference)
+ (-> Text (Parser Text))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this reference) (<>\wrap reference)))
+(def: (join_text^ part^)
+ (-> (Parser (List Text)) (Parser Text))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [parts part^]
+ (wrap (//.join_with "" parts))))
+(def: name_char^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<t>.none_of (format "[]{}()s#.<>" //.double_quote)))
+(def: name_part^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [head (refine^ (<t>.not <t>.decimal)
+ name_char^)
+ tail (<t>.some name_char^)]
+ (wrap (format head tail))))
+(def: (name^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Name))
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (<>.and (<>\wrap current_module) (<>.after (<t>.this "..") name_part^))
+ (<>.and name_part^ (<>.after (<t>.this ".") name_part^))
+ (<>.and (<>\wrap .prelude_module) (<>.after (<t>.this ".") name_part^))
+ (<>.and (<>\wrap "") name_part^)))
+(def: (re_var^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [name (<t>.enclosed ["\@<" ">"] (name^ current_module))]
+ (wrap (` (: (Parser Text) (~ (code.identifier name)))))))
+(def: re_range^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do {! <>.monad}
+ [from (|> regex_char^ (\ ! map (|>> (//.nth 0) maybe.assume)))
+ _ (<t>.this "-")
+ to (|> regex_char^ (\ ! map (|>> (//.nth 0) maybe.assume)))]
+ (wrap (` (<t>.range (~ (code.nat from)) (~ (code.nat to)))))))
+(def: re_char^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [char escaped_char^]
+ (wrap (` ((~! ..copy) (~ (code.text char)))))))
+(def: re_options^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [options (<t>.many escaped_char^)]
+ (wrap (` (<t>.one_of (~ (code.text options)))))))
+(def: re_user_class^'
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [negate? (<>.maybe (<t>.this "^"))
+ parts (<>.many ($_ <>.either
+ re_range^
+ re_options^))]
+ (wrap (case negate?
+ (#.Some _) (` (<t>.not ($_ <>.either (~+ parts))))
+ #.None (` ($_ <>.either (~+ parts)))))))
+(def: re_user_class^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do <>.monad
+ [_ (wrap [])
+ init re_user_class^'
+ rest (<>.some (<>.after (<t>.this "&&") (<t>.enclosed ["[" "]"] re_user_class^')))]
+ (wrap (list\fold (function (_ refinement base)
+ (` ((~! refine^) (~ refinement) (~ base))))
+ init
+ rest))))
+(def: blank^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<t>.one_of (format " " //.tab)))
+(def: ascii^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<t>.range (hex "0") (hex "7F")))
+(def: control^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<>.either (<t>.range (hex "0") (hex "1F"))
+ (<t>.one_of (//.from_code (hex "7F")))))
+(def: punct^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<t>.one_of (format "!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"
+ //.double_quote)))
+(def: graph^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<>.either punct^ <t>.alpha_num))
+(def: print^
+ (Parser Text)
+ (<>.either graph^
+ (<t>.one_of (//.from_code (hex "20")))))
+(def: re_system_class^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (do <>.monad
+ []
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (<>.after (<t>.this ".") (wrap (` <t>.any)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\d") (wrap (` <t>.decimal)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\D") (wrap (` (<t>.not <t>.decimal))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\s") (wrap (` <t>.space)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\S") (wrap (` (<t>.not <t>.space))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\w") (wrap (` (~! word^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\W") (wrap (` (<t>.not (~! word^)))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Lower}") (wrap (` <t>.lower)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Upper}") (wrap (` <t>.upper)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Alpha}") (wrap (` <t>.alpha)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Digit}") (wrap (` <t>.decimal)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Alnum}") (wrap (` <t>.alpha_num)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Space}") (wrap (` <t>.space)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{HexDigit}") (wrap (` <t>.hexadecimal)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{OctDigit}") (wrap (` <t>.octal)))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Blank}") (wrap (` (~! blank^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{ASCII}") (wrap (` (~! ascii^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Contrl}") (wrap (` (~! control^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Punct}") (wrap (` (~! punct^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Graph}") (wrap (` (~! graph^))))
+ (<>.after (<t>.this "\p{Print}") (wrap (` (~! print^))))
+ )))
+(def: re_class^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (<>.either re_system_class^
+ (<t>.enclosed ["[" "]"] re_user_class^)))
+(def: number^
+ (Parser Nat)
+ (|> (<t>.many <t>.decimal)
+ (<>.codec n.decimal)))
+(def: re_back_reference^
+ (Parser Code)
+ (<>.either (do <>.monad
+ [_ (<t>.this "\")
+ id number^]
+ (wrap (` ((~! ..copy) (~ (code.identifier ["" (n\encode id)]))))))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [_ (<t>.this "\k<")
+ captured_name name_part^
+ _ (<t>.this ">")]
+ (wrap (` ((~! ..copy) (~ (code.identifier ["" captured_name]))))))))
+(def: (re_simple^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ ($_ <>.either
+ re_class^
+ (re_var^ current_module)
+ re_back_reference^
+ re_char^
+ ))
+(def: (re_simple_quantified^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [base (re_simple^ current_module)
+ quantifier (<t>.one_of "?*+")]
+ (case quantifier
+ "?"
+ (wrap (` (<>.default "" (~ base))))
+ "*"
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.some (~ base)))))
+ ## "+"
+ _
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.many (~ base)))))
+ )))
+(def: (re_counted_quantified^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ (do {! <>.monad}
+ [base (re_simple^ current_module)]
+ (<t>.enclosed ["{" "}"]
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (do !
+ [[from to] (<>.and number^ (<>.after (<t>.this ",") number^))]
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.between (~ (code.nat from))
+ (~ (code.nat to))
+ (~ base))))))
+ (do !
+ [limit (<>.after (<t>.this ",") number^)]
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.at_most (~ (code.nat limit)) (~ base))))))
+ (do !
+ [limit (<>.before (<t>.this ",") number^)]
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.at_least (~ (code.nat limit)) (~ base))))))
+ (do !
+ [limit number^]
+ (wrap (` ((~! join_text^) (<>.exactly (~ (code.nat limit)) (~ base))))))))))
+(def: (re_quantified^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ (<>.either (re_simple_quantified^ current_module)
+ (re_counted_quantified^ current_module)))
+(def: (re_complex^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (re_quantified^ current_module)
+ (re_simple^ current_module)))
+(type: Re_Group
+ #Non_Capturing
+ (#Capturing [(Maybe Text) Nat]))
+(def: (re_sequential^ capturing? re_scoped^ current_module)
+ (-> Bit
+ (-> Text (Parser [Re_Group Code]))
+ Text
+ (Parser [Nat Code]))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [parts (<>.many (<>.or (re_complex^ current_module)
+ (re_scoped^ current_module)))
+ #let [g!total (code.identifier ["" "0total"])
+ g!temp (code.identifier ["" "0temp"])
+ [_ names steps] (list\fold (: (-> (Either Code [Re_Group Code])
+ [Nat (List Code) (List (List Code))]
+ [Nat (List Code) (List (List Code))])
+ (function (_ part [idx names steps])
+ (case part
+ (^or (#.Left complex) (#.Right [#Non_Capturing complex]))
+ [idx
+ names
+ (list& (list g!temp complex
+ (' #let) (` [(~ g!total) (\ (~! //.monoid) (~' compose) (~ g!total) (~ g!temp))]))
+ steps)]
+ (#.Right [(#Capturing [?name num_captures]) scoped])
+ (let [[idx! name!] (case ?name
+ (#.Some _name)
+ [idx (code.identifier ["" _name])]
+ #.None
+ [(inc idx) (code.identifier ["" (n\encode idx)])])
+ access (if (n.> 0 num_captures)
+ (` ((~! product.left) (~ name!)))
+ name!)]
+ [idx!
+ (list& name! names)
+ (list& (list name! scoped
+ (' #let) (` [(~ g!total) (\ (~! //.monoid) (~' compose) (~ g!total) (~ access))]))
+ steps)])
+ )))
+ [0
+ (: (List Code) (list))
+ (: (List (List Code)) (list))]
+ parts)]]
+ (wrap [(if capturing?
+ (list.size names)
+ 0)
+ (` (do <>.monad
+ [(~ (' #let)) [(~ g!total) ""]
+ (~+ (|> steps list.reverse list\join))]
+ ((~ (' wrap)) [(~ g!total) (~+ (list.reverse names))])))])
+ ))
+(def: (unflatten^ lexer)
+ (-> (Parser Text) (Parser [Text Any]))
+ (<>.and lexer (\ <>.monad wrap [])))
+(def: (|||^ left right)
+ (All [l r] (-> (Parser [Text l]) (Parser [Text r]) (Parser [Text (| l r)])))
+ (function (_ input)
+ (case (left input)
+ (#try.Success [input' [lt lv]])
+ (#try.Success [input' [lt (0 #0 lv)]])
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (case (right input)
+ (#try.Success [input' [rt rv]])
+ (#try.Success [input' [rt (0 #1 rv)]])
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)))))
+(def: (|||_^ left right)
+ (All [l r] (-> (Parser [Text l]) (Parser [Text r]) (Parser Text)))
+ (function (_ input)
+ (case (left input)
+ (#try.Success [input' [lt lv]])
+ (#try.Success [input' lt])
+ (#try.Failure _)
+ (case (right input)
+ (#try.Success [input' [rt rv]])
+ (#try.Success [input' rt])
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (#try.Failure error)))))
+(def: (prep_alternative [num_captures alt])
+ (-> [Nat Code] Code)
+ (if (n.> 0 num_captures)
+ alt
+ (` ((~! unflatten^) (~ alt)))))
+(def: (re_alternative^ capturing? re_scoped^ current_module)
+ (-> Bit
+ (-> Text (Parser [Re_Group Code]))
+ Text
+ (Parser [Nat Code]))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [#let [sub^ (re_sequential^ capturing? re_scoped^ current_module)]
+ head sub^
+ tail (<>.some (<>.after (<t>.this "|") sub^))]
+ (if (list.empty? tail)
+ (wrap head)
+ (wrap [(list\fold n.max (product.left head) (list\map product.left tail))
+ (` ($_ ((~ (if capturing?
+ (` (~! |||^))
+ (` (~! |||_^)))))
+ (~ (prep_alternative head))
+ (~+ (list\map prep_alternative tail))))]))))
+(def: (re_scoped^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser [Re_Group Code]))
+ ($_ <>.either
+ (do <>.monad
+ [_ (<t>.this "(?:")
+ [_ scoped] (re_alternative^ #0 re_scoped^ current_module)
+ _ (<t>.this ")")]
+ (wrap [#Non_Capturing scoped]))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [complex (re_complex^ current_module)]
+ (wrap [#Non_Capturing complex]))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [_ (<t>.this "(?<")
+ captured_name name_part^
+ _ (<t>.this ">")
+ [num_captures pattern] (re_alternative^ #1 re_scoped^ current_module)
+ _ (<t>.this ")")]
+ (wrap [(#Capturing [(#.Some captured_name) num_captures]) pattern]))
+ (do <>.monad
+ [_ (<t>.this "(")
+ [num_captures pattern] (re_alternative^ #1 re_scoped^ current_module)
+ _ (<t>.this ")")]
+ (wrap [(#Capturing [#.None num_captures]) pattern]))))
+(def: (regex^ current_module)
+ (-> Text (Parser Code))
+ (\ <>.monad map product.right (re_alternative^ #1 re_scoped^ current_module)))
+(syntax: #export (regex {pattern <c>.text})
+ {#.doc (doc "Create lexers using regular-expression syntax."
+ "For example:"
+ "Literals"
+ (regex "a")
+ "Wildcards"
+ (regex ".")
+ "Escaping"
+ (regex "\.")
+ "Character classes"
+ (regex "\d")
+ (regex "\p{Lower}")
+ (regex "[abc]")
+ (regex "[a-z]")
+ (regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+ (regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+ "Negation"
+ (regex "[^abc]")
+ (regex "[^a-z]")
+ (regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+ (regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+ (regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+ "Combinations"
+ (regex "aa")
+ (regex "a?")
+ (regex "a*")
+ (regex "a+")
+ "Specific amounts"
+ (regex "a{2}")
+ "At least"
+ (regex "a{1,}")
+ "At most"
+ (regex "a{,1}")
+ "Between"
+ (regex "a{1,2}")
+ "Groups"
+ (regex "a(.)c")
+ (regex "a(b+)c")
+ (regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+ (regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+ (regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+ (regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+ (regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+ "Alternation"
+ (regex "a|b")
+ (regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+ )}
+ (do meta.monad
+ [current_module meta.current_module_name]
+ (case (<t>.run (regex^ current_module)
+ pattern)
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (meta.fail (format "Error while parsing regular-expression:" //.new_line
+ error))
+ (#try.Success regex)
+ (wrap (list regex))
+ )))
+(syntax: #export (^regex {[pattern bindings] (<c>.form (<>.and <c>.text (<>.maybe <c>.any)))}
+ body
+ {branches (<>.many <c>.any)})
+ {#.doc (doc "Allows you to test text against regular expressions."
+ (case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else))}
+ (with_gensyms [g!temp]
+ (wrap (list& (` (^multi (~ g!temp)
+ [((~! <t>.run) (..regex (~ (code.text pattern))) (~ g!temp))
+ (#try.Success (~ (maybe.default g!temp bindings)))]))
+ body
+ branches))))